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1、run 下载纠错下载离线词库以备不时之需 英 rn 美 rnvi. 经营;奔跑;运转vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程n. (Run)人名;(塞)鲁恩广告扫地机器人,预约超2万台朗文词典 柯林斯词典 21世纪词典run 1 /rn,rn/ v. S1 W1英 rn pt: ran   pp: run   pres part: runnin

2、g MEANINGS 义项1.MOVE QUICKLY USING YOUR LEGS 奔跑I to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk 跑,奔跑The children came running out of the house. 孩子们从屋里跑出来。Women ran screaming , with children in their arms. 妇女们抱着孩子,一边跑一边尖叫。Jane struggle

3、d free and ran for her life (= ran in order to avoid being killed ) . 简挣脱出来,赶紧逃命。Hurry! Run for it (= run as quickly as possible in order to escape ) ! 快! 快逃!He picked up the child and ran like hell . (= ran very quickly, especially in

4、 order to escape ) 他抱起孩子,拼命奔逃。  + down/up/to/towards etcI ran down the stairs as fast as I could. 我尽可能快地跑下楼梯。He was running towards the door. 他正朝着门口跑去。She turned and ran away. 她转身跑掉了。The boys ran off into the crowd. 男孩们跑进了人群。run to do sth Several people ran to help her when she f

5、ell. 她摔倒了,好几个人跑去扶她。T to run a particular distance 跑某段距离Firefighters are to run 500km to raise money for a childrens charity. 消防人员将跑500公里,为一个儿童慈善机构筹款。He ran the length of the corridor. 他从走廊的这头跑到另一头。2.RACE 赛跑I,T to run in a race 参加(赛跑)Id never run a marathon before. 我以前从未参加过马拉

6、松比赛。  + inMurray has said she will consider running in the 3,000 metres. 默里说她将考虑参加3,000米赛跑。T usually passive if a race is run at a particular time or in a particular place, it happens at that time or in that place 举行比赛The Derby will be run at 3 oclock. 德比马赛将于3点钟举行。3.ORGANIZE/BE I

7、N CHARGE OF 组织/掌管T to organize or be in charge of an activity, business, organization, or country组织;掌管;管理;经营THESAURUS CONTROLFor a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston. 有一段时间她在波士顿开餐馆。Many people dont care who runs the country. 很多人不在乎由谁统治国家。Courses are currently being run in London an

8、d Edinburgh. 目前伦敦和爱丁堡两地都开设了这些课程。Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers. 许多人参加了由雇主管理的养老金计划。a state-run (= controlled by the government ) television station 国营电视台well/badly runThe hotel is well-run and extremely popular. 这家酒店经营得很好,十分受欢迎。显示更多THESAURUS 词语辨析

9、n 跑to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walkMy five-year-old son runs everywhere. 我五岁大的儿子到处跑。I go running twice a week. 我一星期跑步两次。2.jog 慢跑to run quite slowly for exercise over a long distanceA few people were jogging in the park. 一些人在公园里慢跑。3.race/dash 飞奔

10、to run somewhere as quickly as you can, especially because you have to do something urgentlyHe dashed across the road to the police station. 他飞快地穿过马路奔向警察局。We raced to the bus stop and got there just in time. 我们奔到公共汽车站,好赶上。4.sprint 短距离冲刺to run as fast as you can for a short distanceI saw the run

11、ners sprinting past. 我看到选手们冲了过去。He sprinted up the stairs. 他飞奔上楼。5.tear 狂奔to run very quickly and without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurryHe tore down the street and around the corner. 他在街上飞奔,然后转过街角。6.charge 猛冲to run quickly and with a lot of energy, so that y

12、ou might knock down anyone or anything that gets in your wayThey all charged out of the school gates at 4 oclock. 一到4点,他们全都冲出校门。7.take to your heels 逃跑to start running away very quickly, especially to escape or because you are afraidThe men took to their heels as soon as they saw the police. 那些

13、男子一看到警察就逃。收起ANIMALS RUNNING 动物跑1.trot 尤指马和狗小跑to run fairly slowly, taking short steps used especially about horses and dogsA little dog was trotting behind her. 一只小狗跟在她身后跑。2.gallop 马飞跑if a horse gallops, it runs very quicklyThe horse galloped off across the field. 那匹马飞奔穿过田野。running at

14、 见cut cut and runat 见cut38 at 见counter be/run/go counter to sthat 见counter at 见deep run deepat 见deep4 at 见dry run dryat 见dry4 at 见low run lowat 见low4 at 见ragged run sb raggedat 见ragged5 at 见ring run rings around sbat 见ring8 at 见ri

15、ot run riotat 见riot2 at 见short be running shortat 见short2 at 见earth run sb/sth to earthat 见earth14 at 见fat run to fatat 见fat6 at 见ground run sb/sth to groundat 见ground19 at 见seed run to seedat 见seed4 at 见wild run wildat 见wild1 at

16、见up be up and runningat 见up12PHRVB 短语动词run across sb/sthphr meet someone or find something by chance与不期而遇,偶然碰见;偶然发现I ran across him at a conference in Milan. 我在米兰的一次大会上碰到过他。I ran across some old love letters while I was clearing out a cupboard. 我在清理柜子时找到一些旧情书。run after sb/sthphr

17、 chase someone or something追逐,追赶He ran after her, calling her name. 他叫着她的名字在后面追她。 try to start a sexual relationship with someone追求某人Hes always running after younger women. 他老是追求年轻女子。 do a lot of things for someone else as though you were their servant像仆人般伺候,服侍I cant keep running after

18、 you all day! 我不可能整天跟在你后面伺候你!run alongphr v1.used to tell a child to leave, or to tell someone that you must leave走开用于命令小孩;离开用于告诉别人你得走了Run along now! Ive got work to finish. 赶紧走开!我有工作要完成。Oh, its late. Id better be running along. 噢,时候不早了,我得走了。run aroundphr run in an area while you are playing到处

19、跑The children were running around in the garden. 孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。 be very busy doing many small jobs忙于琐事Maria was running around trying to get the house tidy. 玛丽亚在忙着收拾房子。We were all running around like headless chickens (= trying to do a lot of things, in an anxious or disorganized wa

20、y ) . 我们都跟无头苍蝇似的在瞎忙。run around after sbphr do a lot of things for someone else as though you were their servant像仆人般侍候Ive spent all day running around after the kids. 我整天都在侍候孩子们。run around with sbphr spend a lot of time with someone, especially someone that other people dis

21、approve of常和厮混He started running around with a gang of teenagers. 他开始和一帮小混混厮混。run awayphr leave a place, especially secretly, in order to escape from someone or something尤指秘密地逃跑,出逃Toby ran away from home at the age of 14.托比14岁时离家出走。 try to avoid dealing with a problem or difficult s

22、ituation逃避,回避问题或困局You cant just run away from your responsibilities.你不能逃避责任。 secretly go away with someone in order to marry them or live with them与私奔They ran away together to get married. 他们一起私奔去结婚。run away with sb/sthphr secretly go away with someone in order to marry them or live w

23、ith them usually used to show disapproval和私奔一般含贬义His wife has run away with another man. 他的妻子跟别的男人走了。 away with you if your feelings, ideas etc run away with you, they start to control how you behave感情、思想等控制某人,使按捺不住Dont let your imagination run away with you! 不要想入非非!3.your tongue runs away

24、 with you if your tongue runs away with you, you say something that you did not intend to say说了不想说的话,说漏嘴 away with the idea/impression (that) to think that something is true when it is not有的错误想法/印象,误以为Dont run away with the impression that he doesnt care. 不要以为他不在乎。 win a competiti

25、on or sports game very easily轻松取胜The Reds ran away with the championship. 红人队轻松夺冠。run sth by/past sbphr tell someone something so that they can give you their opinion为征询意见把某事告诉某人Let me run some figures by you. 我给你说几个数据吧。I just wanted to run it past you and see what you thought.

26、我只是想说给你听听,看看你有什么想法。 that by me again used to ask someone to repeat what they have just said because you did not completely understand it再说一遍用于因没有完全听懂而要求某人重复run downphr sb/sthdown to drive into a person or animal and kill or injure them开车撞死,撞伤Their daughter was run down by a car

27、. 他们的女儿被车撞了。 sb/sthdown to criticize someone or something in a way that is unfair贬低;诋 毁;说的坏话Theres a lot of good things about homeopathic treatment. Im certainly not running it down. 顺势疗法有很多优点,我当然不是在贬低它。3.if a clock, machine, battery etc runs down, it has no more power and stops

28、working钟、机器等因缺乏动力停止;电池耗尽 make a company, organization etc gradually reduce in size, especially in order to close it in the future, or to gradually reduce in size(使)公司、组织等的规模逐渐缩减尤为了日后停办The business had been running down for a long time. 该企业缩减规模已经有很长时间了。run sth downMany smaller local hospitals are

29、 being run down.很多较小的地方医院都在逐渐缩减规模。5.if a supply of something runs down, or if you run it down, there gradually becomes less of it(使)供应逐渐减少Crude oil reserves are running down. 原油储备在逐渐缩减。run sth downElectricity generating companies are running down stocks and cutting purchases.发电公司正在缩减备用物资,减少采购。

30、down sth to read a list of people or things读名单Let me just run down the list of people whove been invited. 让我来读一下受邀者名单。 sb/sth down to find someone or something after searching for a long time经过长时间寻找而找到某人/某物I finally ran him down at his new office in Glendale. 最后我在格伦代尔他的新办公室找到了他。run

31、60;sb/sth  inphr drive a new car slowly and carefully for a period of time so you do not damage its engine小心磨合驾驶新车,让发动机进入状态2.if the police run a criminal in, they catch him or her抓捕,逮捕罪犯run into sb/sthphr start to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation遇到困难或不利局势He ran

32、 into criticism after remarks he made in a television interview. 他因为在一个电视访谈节目中的言论而受到批评。run into trouble/problems/difficultiesThe business ran into financial difficulties almost immediately.公司几乎立刻就陷入了财务困境。 into hundreds/thousands etc to reach an amount of several hundred, several thousand e

33、tc累计达到数百/数千等The cost of repairing the damage could run into millions. 修理损坏之处的费用可能要好几百万。The list ran into hundreds of pages. 名单有几百页。 hit someone or something with a vehicle开车撞上,撞到He ran into the back of another car. 他撞到了另一辆车的尾部。 meet someone by chance偶然遇见Guess who I ran into in town today! 猜猜

34、今天我在城里碰见了谁!run offphr leave a place or person in a way that people disapprove of跑掉,离弃Amys husband had run off and left her with two children to bring up. 埃米的丈夫遗弃了她,还把两个孩子丢给她抚养。 sthoff to quickly print several copies of something快速印出Ill run off a few more copies before the meeting. 开会

35、前我赶紧再印几份。 sb off sth to force someone to leave a place逼迫某人离开某地,把某人赶出某地Someone tried to run me off the road. 有人想把我逼出公路。Smith had run them off his property with a rifle. 史密斯用来复枪把他们赶出了他的房子。 sthoff to write a speech, poem, piece of music etc quickly and easily迅速地写出演讲稿、诗、乐曲等He could r

36、un off a five-page essay in an hour. 他一个小时内就可以写出一篇五页的文章。 off at the mouth to talk too much喋喋不休 sthoff to get rid of weight by running通过跑步减轻体重Im trying to run off some of my excess fat! 我正在努力跑步减肥!run off with sb/sthphr secretly go away with someone in order to marry the

37、m or live with them used to show disapproval与私奔含贬义Liz shocked us all by running off with a married man. 利兹和一个已婚男人私奔,让我们都很震惊。 steal something and go away偷走a con-man who makes a habit of running off with peoples savings 总是骗走人们积蓄的一个骗子run onphr continue happening for longer than expected or pl

38、anned持续超出预定的时间These things always run on longer than people imagine. 这些事情持续的时间总是比人们想象的要长。run outphr use all of something and not have any more left用完,耗尽某物Ive got money you can borrow if you run out.if something is running out, there will soon be none left某物即将用完We must act now because time is r

39、unning out.,My patience was running out.,His luck had run out (= there was none left ) .2.if an agreement, official document etc runs out, the period for which it is legal or has an effect ends协议、正式文件等期满,到期My contract runs out in September. 我的合同9月份期满。 out of steam to have no more

40、 energy or no longer be interested in what you are doing筋疲力尽;对失去热情The team seemed to have run out of gas. 球队似乎已经筋疲力尽了。 sb out of town to force someone to leave a place, because they have done something wrong因某人做错事而把某人赶走,把某人驱逐出去 sbout to end a players innings in the game

41、 of cricket by hitting the stump s with the ball while they are running板球比赛中以球触三门柱使正在跑的击球手出局run out on sbphr leave someone when they are in a difficult situation used to show disapproval抛弃身处困境的人,含贬义He ran out on her when she became pregnant. 她怀孕后,他就抛弃了她。run overph

42、r sb/sthover to hit someone or something with a vehicle, and drive over them开车撞倒并碾过某人/某物He was run over and killed by a bus. 他被一辆公共汽车轧死了。She got run over outside the school. 她在学校外被车碾过。 over sth to think about something思考某事Marks mind raced, running over all the possibi

43、lities. 马克的脑子飞快地转着,把各种可能一一作了考虑。 over sth to explain or practise something quickly快速地解释练习某事物Ill just run over the main points again. 我就把几个要点再很快讲一下。 over (sth) to continue happening for longer than planned超过预定时间The meeting ran over. 会议超时了。The talks have run over the 15 November dea

44、dline. 会谈超过了11月15日的最后期限。5.if a container runs over, there is so much liquid inside that some flows out容器满溢run sth past sbphr run something by someone为征询意见把某事告诉某人run roundphr run around到处跑;忙于琐事run throughphr through sth to repeat some

45、thing in order to practise it or make sure it is correct复习,反复练习;排练Lets run through the first scene again. 我们把第一场再排练一下吧。 through sth to read, look at, or explain something quickly很快地读看,解释某事物Briefly, she ran through details of the mornings events. 她简单地介绍了上午活动的细节。 through sth if a q

46、uality, feature etc runs through something, it is present in all of that thing贯穿于某事物之中This theme runs through the whole book. 这个主题贯穿于整本书。 sb through to push a sword completely through someone用剑把某人刺穿run to sb/sthphr reach a particular amount达到一定数量The cost of repairing the damage

47、could run to 1 million. 修理损坏之处的费用可能达到100万美元。The treaty ran to 248 pages. 条约长达248页。 be or have enough money to pay for something钱足够做某事;有足够的钱Our budget wont run to replacing all the computers. 我们的预算不够更换所有的电脑。 ask someone to help or protect you请求某人帮助 保护You cant keep running to your parents ever

48、y time you have a problem. 你不能一有问题就跑去找你的父母帮忙。 taste runs to sth if someones taste runs to something, that is what they like某人喜欢某事物His taste ran to action movies and thrillers. 他喜欢动作片和惊悚片。run up sthphr up a debt/bill etc to use so much of something, or borrow so much money,

49、 that you owe a lot of money积欠大量债务/账单等She ran up an enormous phone bill. 她积欠了一大笔电话费。 achieve a particular score or position in a game or competition在比赛或竞争中获得分数或名次He quickly ran up a big lead in the polls. 他不久就在民意调查中遥遥领先。 sthup to make something, especially clothes, very quickly赶制某物尤指衣服

50、She can run up a dress in an evening. 她一个晚上就能赶制出一条连衣裙。 sthup to raise a flag on a pole升旗run up against sth/sbphr have to deal with unexpected problems or a difficult opponent遭到,遭遇,碰到突如其来的问题或难应付的对手The museum has run up against opposition to its proposals. 博物馆的建议遭到了反对。run with

51、0;sthphr be covered with a liquid that is flowing down流满,到处流淌着液体His face was running with blood. 他血流满面。收起run 2 n.英 MEANINGS 义项1.ON FOOT 徒步C a period of time spent running, or a distance that you run跑的时间;跑的距离RELTD JOG SPRINTa five-mile run 五英里跑She usually 

52、;goes for a run before breakfast. 她通常在早餐前去跑步。He was still following me, and in a panic I broke into a run . 他仍然在尾随我,我吓得跑了起来。at a runSarah left the house at a run. 萨拉跑着离开了房子。 the long runlater in the future, not immediately从长远来看RELTD LONG-TERMMoving to Spain will be

53、better for you in the long run. 从长远来看,搬到西班牙对你更合适。 the short runin the near future从短期来看RELTD SHORT-TERMSufficient supply, in the short run, will be a problem. 短期内能否有充足供应将会是个问题。4.the usual/normal/general run of sththe usual type of something一般/正常/普遍类型的某事物The place was very different from the

54、normal run of street cafés. 这地方和一般的街头咖啡馆大不相同。5.SERIES 一系列C usually singular,一般用单数 a series of successes or failures一连串,一系列成功或失败RELTD STRING STREAKan unbeaten run of 19 games 连续19场不败run of good/bad luckLosing my job was the start of a run of bad luck that year. 失业是我那年一连串噩运的开始

55、。a run of defeats/victories etcHis extraordinary run of successes has been stopped. 他那种无往不利的成功势头已经结束。6.AMOUNT PRODUCED 产出量C an amount of a product produced at one time产量a limited run of 200 copies 200册的限量 on the runto be trying to escape or hide, especially from the police 在逃跑,在躲藏尤指为逃避警察  + fromwanted criminals on the run from police 逃避警方追捕的通缉犯if an army or opponent is on the run, they will soon be defeated 军队或对手行将失败to be very busy and continuously rushing about 奔忙Ty


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