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1、题型组合练(二)(对应学生用书第171页).阅读理解A(社会生活)If you are interested in the news,it means you care about what is happening in your community and the world.But sometimes news can be upsetting.If you find out about sad news and it makes you feel worried or upset,what should you do? Dr.Harold Koplewicz,President of

2、the Child Mind Institute,has some suggestions.Sometimes,the news you watch on TV is not completely accurate.The news on TV is fast­paced.When bad news affects our nation,all of us need time to understand and process it.Your parents and your teachers can be your first sources to get information.

3、Even someone who is as strong and powerful as President Barack Obama weeps when he's very sad.It's part of being a human that sad events make us feel sad.That doesn't mean that we need to fall_apartIt means that we just have to admit that we're sad and move forward.People respond in

4、different ways when facing sad news.There are certain kids who are very private and don't want anyone to see how they feel.But if you feel worried,talk to your parents and teachers,which can help you feel more comfortable.If you still feel very nervous,another way to feel better is to take part

5、in activities that are helpful to others.Go with your parents to the children's welfare institutions,or think of ways that you or your class can help others.On the other hand,remember to go to sleep at the right time,play with your friends or go to the movies.It is okay to feel sad,but it's

6、not good to stop doing the things you usually do.【语篇解读】新闻对孩子会产生影响。对于孩子接触到负面新闻而变得情绪低落、忧虑这一问题,本文给出了相关建议。1The passage is written for_Anews reportersBschool kidsCteachersDparentsB推理判断题。根据第一段中Dr.Harold Koplewicz的身份是 President of the Child Mind Institute以及第二段中的“Your parents and your teachers can be your f

7、irst sources to get information.”可知,本文的阅读对象应该是孩子。2What does the underlined phrase “fall apart” mean in Paragraph 3?ACheer up.BAsk for help.CStop being nervous.DHave a mental breakdown.D词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“It means that we just have to admit that we're sad and move forward.”并结合上下文语境可推断出,fall apart是指“精神

8、崩溃”的意思。3What can be inferred from the passage?A. More sleep is helpful for sad people.BTo admit we are sad will leave us nervous.CDon't let sadness disturb your normal life.DChildren should not watch too much news.C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It is okay to feel sad,but it's not good to stop doing the thin

9、gs you usually do.”可知,即便是悲伤的时候,也不要打乱自己的生活规律。B(生态环保)【导学号:25874087】(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷二)More people live close to sea coast than earlier estimated,assess researchers in a new study.These people are the most sensitive to the rise of sea level as well as to the increased number of floods and intensified(加

10、剧的)storms.By using recent increased resolution datasets, Aalto University researchers estimate that 1.9 billion inhabitants,or about 26% of the world's total population,live closer than 100km from the coast in areas less than 100 meters above present sea level.By 2050 the amount of people in tha

11、t zone is predicted to increase to 2.4 billion,while population living lower than 5 meters will reach 500 million.Many of these people need to adapt their livelihood to changing climate,says Assistant Professor Matti Kummu from Aalto University.The study found that while population and wealth concen

12、trate by the sea,crops must be grown further and further away from where people live.So highlands and mountain areas are increasingly important from this point of view.Over the past century there has been a clear tendency that cropland and pasture(牧场)areas have grown mostly in areas outside the popu

13、lation hotspots and decreased in coastal areas.This will most probably only continue in the future,adds Professor Olli Varis from Aalto University.Even though people and wealth continue to accumulate in coastal areas,their growth is even faster in inland and mountainous areas,the study reveals.This

14、contradicts the existing studies.In the future,the world will be less diverse in terms of urbanization and economic output,when assessing it from a geospatial(地理空间)point of view.For the analysis,researchers used several global gridded(网格化的)datasets.They first created geographical zoning in relation

15、to the elevation and proximity to coast.This was then used to study the factors included in the study,which were grouped into five clusters: climate,population,agriculture,economy,and impact on the environment.For the factors with temporal extent,the researchers also assessed their development over

16、a time period of 1900­2050.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了未来海平面上升给人类带来的潜在威胁。4What can be known about those living close to sea coast?AThey will survive sea level rise.BThey have been accustomed to sea level rise.CThey suffer more floods than storms.DThey are most easily affected by sea level rise.D细节理解题。根

17、据第一段中的“These people are the most sensitive to the rise of sea level as well as to the increased number of floods and intensified(加剧的)storms”可知,这些人最容易受到海平面上升所带来的影响。5Why will highlands and mountain areas become more important?AThey will provide food for coastal areas.BThe population there will increas

18、e quickly.CThey will be less affected by sea level rise.DThey offer people a greener lifestyle.A细节理解题。根据第二段“The study found that while population and wealth concentrate by the sea,crops must be grown further and further away from where people live.So highlands and mountain areas are increasingly imp

19、ortant from this point of view”可知,尽管人口和财富在海边聚集,但种植作物的地方必须离人们居住的地方越来越远,而正是基于该原因,高地和山区才变得越来越重要,故选A。6What is the writing purpose of the passage?ATo analyze factors contributing to climate change.BTo tell people potential effects of sea level rise.CTo call on people to take measures to stop sea level ri

20、se.DTo increase people's awareness of environmental protection.B写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文旨在让人们知道海平面的上升给全球带来的潜在影响。故选B。.任务型阅读(2017·南通、泰州高三一模)What have we become?A society in which someone can have hundreds of online friends and yet go for days without human contact.We scan;we click;we text people in th

21、e next room instead of speaking to them;we even check our library books out by ourselves when once we might have chatted to a friendly person with an ink pad and a date stamp.Loneliness can be dangerous.Recent research suggests that it may shorten people's lives and make them more vulnerable to

22、serious illness.It can distort(扭曲)senses of reality and even become an element that drives a few desperate young men to open fire on a cinema audience or a classroom full of children.Electronic voices on various devices can be the only ones some people hear.And what those voices say is not always tr

23、ue.No man is an island,we are frequently reminded.There are those who choose to lead solitary(孤独的)lives,and live them well,but on the whole we are sociable beings and we suffer if we are on our own too much.Human contact makes us happier,although virtual relationships can be very positive.So what co

24、uld lonely people do to make real friends?An answer,among many,is to read more books.Reading begins alone but becomes a shared activity when a reader,for example,joins a book group,attends a literary festival or signs up for a continuing education course on an aspect of literature that interests the

25、m.There's no shame in turning up to any of these alone,and fellowship is guaranteed.Fellow readers may well turn out to be like­minded;it's a basis for new friendships and sustained relationships.Sharing an understanding of a book is a good way of sharing feelings safely.Literary charac

26、ters can be useful as person as.But there is another important reason why everyone should read more books,and in particular fiction.The responsibility to fight loneliness lies with those who do not suffer from it.Lonely people often feel that there is no one who understands them or can share their p

27、oint of view.They need to know that actually there are.That requires everybody else to make the imaginative leap of feeling that connection,and reading fiction helps.It makes people more empathic(移情)sympathy for fictitious(虚构的)characters can translate into compassion(同情)in real life.The stories of s

28、trangers reach us through many means: news bulletins,interviews,biography and memoirs(回忆录),but also drama and fiction.Walking a mile in their shoes might help turn some of those strangers into real friends.Passage outlineSupporting detailsA phenomenon worth nothingPeople today are becoming increasin

29、gly lonely,which is evidenced by the fact that face­to­face contact has been 7._with the convenience of the Internet.Harm of lonelinessPeople are more likely to suffer from serious illness and even an 8._death.People can 9._reality with the virtual world and a few desperate people even tak

30、e extreme actions against innocent people.People can only have access to information on the electronic devices,which makes them uncertain about the 10._.Significance of human contactHuman contact can bring us more 11._while virtual relationships can only bring us temporary comfort.A 12._cure for lon

31、elinessBeing actively 13._in various reading activities provides opportunities for lonely people to make contact with others.Exchanging with other readers who share 14._interests with them lays the foundations for friendships.Reading fiction helps those who do not suffer from loneliness to 15._and h

32、ave sympathy for lonely people.Exposing ourselves to a variety of forms of works and putting ourselves in others' 16._can help develop real friendships.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。本文旨在呼吁人们放下手中的电子设备,积极参与各种各样的阅读活动。7decreasing/reduced/decreased/replaced信息归纳题。根据第一段中的“someone can have hundreds of online friends a

33、nd yet go for days without human contact”可知,随着便利的网络的盛行,人们现在面对面的交流减少(或被取代)了。8early信息转换题。根据第二段中的“it may shorten people's lives and make them more vulnerable to serious illness”可知,孤独感有非常大的危害,会导致疾病甚至早亡。9confuse信息转换题。根据第二段中的“It can distort(扭曲)senses of reality and even become an element that drives a few desperate young men to .”可知,孤


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