1、精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼Section CSection C needs 12 periods. Section C 需用 12 课时。The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3a.本课重点活动是 1a, 2 和 3a。I. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Lear n some new words and phrases:en ter, take off, wet, point to, touch, fin ger, lucky mon ey, paper, pass, duri ng, May Day, s
2、tay2. Learn should, shouldn ”.3. Lear n differe nt customs in differe nt coun tries.In Japa n, when you en ter some one ouhohoielcytake off your shoes.In Brazil, people n ever go out with their hair wet.In Indonesia, you mustn tpoint to anything with your foot.Don teat with your left hand in Islam.D
3、on touch a child on the head in Thailand.n. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/挂图川.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟)通过课堂活动复习相关国家名称,引出其相应风俗习惯,活跃课堂气氛。1. (老师提问,学生回答,引出下面的活动。)T: Boys and girls, do you have many friends in your life?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Where are they from?S1: My friend is fro
4、m Shan ghai.S2: My friend is from Sichuan.S3: My friend is from Chan gsha.T:I see. Your friends are all from Chi na. Do you want to make friends with foreig ners?Ss: Yes, we do.2. (课堂活动。课前找几个学生分别打扮成来自不同国家的人。教师可以用纸制作几幅不同的国旗图案,像日本、巴西、印度尼西亚、泰国、伊朗、伊拉克、巴基斯坦等国的国旗,让 学生戴在胸前,分别代表来自不同国家的人。)T: Today, some fore
5、igners come to our class. Lets make friends with them. Can you guess whichcoun tries they come from?(学生争相猜测。)Ss:Japa n,(教师帮助学生识别。)T:OK, Stop here. Now, we know they come from Japa n, Ira n, Iraq, Pakista n (教师领读国家名词。)T:Ira n, Iraq, Pakista n are Islam.(板书)II精诚凝聚7=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼Islam3. (将课本
6、89 页 1b 中的图制成挂图。)T: We know, different countries have different customs. Now let look at the pictures. Whichpicture can show its custom?Ss: Picture A.T: Very good! In Islam you shouldn teat with your left hands.(向学生做出这个动作。)T: Do you want to know anything more about other coun tries?Ss:Yes.(自然过渡到下一个环
7、节。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8 分钟)向学生展示其他图片,让学生带着兴趣去了解其他国家的风俗习惯。1. (呈现 1b 图片,讲解生词。)T: Now S1, whats the man in Picture D doing?S1: He is 摸 a boyhead.T: Yes, touch. He touch ing the boy head. Well, let look at Picture B. The young woma n isentering a house. She doesnttake off her shoes and feels
8、sorry. Now look at Picture C. Whatabout the woma n hair, S2?S2:湿的。T: You re right. It wet. Does the man in Picture E perform a good manner?Ss: No.T: What is he doi ng?S3: He is poin ti ng to the TV with his foot. I thi nk he should n do it like that.T: Good! Differe nt coun tries have differe nt cus
9、toms. Now let come to 1a.(教师边说边按识图顺序板书。)touch, en ter, take off, wet, point to2. (呈现 1a,让学生阅读 1a 短文,并回答问题。)T: Please read the passage in 1a, and try to an swer the questi ons.(教师准备好写有问题的纸条,请一名学生抽出一张纸条,朗读纸条上的问题,再请另一 名学生根据短文内容回答纸条上的问题。)(1)Are the customs the same in differe nt coun tries?(2)Should you
10、 take off your shoes whe n you en ter some one home in Japa n?(3)Can people go out with their hair wet in Brazil?(4)Can you point to anything with your foot in Indon esia?(5)Do people in Islam eat with left hands or right han ds?(6)In Thaila nd, can people touch a child on the head?3. (播放 1a 录音,让学生跟
11、读。)T: Please listen to 1a and follow it.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟)精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼巩固 1a,完成 1b。1.(让学生根据关键词复述短文。)T: Please complete the following table and then retell the passage according to the key words on theblackboard.(板书)CountryCustomJapa nshouldBrazilshould n Indon e
12、siaIslamThaila ndSs: Different coun tries have differe nt customs. You should take off your shoes whe n you en tersome ones home in Japa n 2.(让学生完成 1b 的活动。)T: Let match the countries with the right pictures and fill in the blanks in 1b.3. (Talk and guess 教师安排一些学生代表来自不同国家的人,并谈论自己国家的风俗,让其他学生猜他们来自哪些国家。
13、)T: Here are some people from differe nt coun tries. They are talki ng about their customs. Can youguess where they are from? Start!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:13 分钟)练习并完成 1c,2, 3a 及 3b。1. (小组活动。将全班分为几个小组,让学生用 You should/shouldnt介绍他们家乡的风俗,完 成1c。)T: We have our own customs. For example, we should eat t
14、wo red eggs on our birthdays. We shouldn tpo int to the moon on Mid-autu mn ni ght. Please tell us some other customs with Youshould/shouldn ”S1: You should S2:You shouldn 2. (让学生阅读 2 中图表,并找出生词,教师叫几个学生将生词写到黑板上,并领读学习,然后学生根据图表列出的不同国家的不同习俗写短文。)T: Please read the form in 2, guess the meaning of the new
15、words, the n find out the differe ntcustoms in those coun tries and write a passage.(板书)Italy, fin ger, lucky mon ey, paper, pass(几分钟后,让学生朗读自己的短文。)T: Please read your passage aloud.S3:3. (教师举例说明不同地区的人除了风俗不同,饮食也不同。)T: Different areas have different customs. And people in different areas eat different
16、 food. Fuzhoupeople like sweet food. Sichua n people like hot food. Please tell us someth ing more about differeII精诚凝聚7=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼nt foods.S4:We like rice in Shan ghai.S5:People in Beiji ng like no odles.4.(让学生听 3a 的录音,初步感知3a 内容,然后阅读并回答问题。)T: Now please liste n to 3a, and the n an swer
17、the questi ons:(板书)(1) When did Maria go to Sichuan with her family?(2) How was Maria trip?(3) Were the people there friendly?(4) How did Maria travel there?(5) How long was Maria there?(6) Where did Maria and her family visit?(7) What does Maria thi nk of the food there?(8)_ls it very differe nt fr
18、om hers?5. (让学生跟读对话并学习新单词。)T: Please listen to the tape and follow it.(板书生词。)duri ng. May Day, stay6. (让学生根据黑板上的 8 个问题两人一组复述对话。)T: Retell the dialog in 3a in pairs accord ing to the eight questi ons on the blackboard.7. (让学生和同伴谈谈自己的一次旅行,完成 3bo)T: Some students in our class had a trip during the May
19、Day holiday. Let talk about his/her trip inpairs. You can ask him/her some questions.Example:S6:I went to Beijing with my family during the May Day holiday. We were there for three days.We visited the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. We all had agood time.S7: How did you t
20、ravel there?S6:By trai n.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:9 分钟)加强实践活动,体验各国民俗风情。1. (小组活动。让学生说出不同国家的不同习俗,同组同学可以修改、补充,看哪组学生能 说得最全面最流利。)T: We learned different countries have different customs. Please tell us some.Ss: In JapanIn Brazil 2. (讲一些场景片断,让学生判断这些人的行为对不对。)T: I describe some seenes. Please tell me who is right or who is wrong, and why? Now, listen to me精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼carefully.Kumiko came back from school. She en tered her home with her shoes. Mr. Gree n is eati nglunch with chopsticks at home in En gla nd. Mr. Lee likes childre n. He to
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