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1、2021/3/2712021/3/272Introduction of the Author:比尔比尔布福德布福德(Bill Buford)是美国是美国纽约客纽约客(New Yorker)杂志的特约撰稿人杂志的特约撰稿人,1994至至2001年任杂志的小年任杂志的小说编辑。布福德创办了说编辑。布福德创办了Granta杂志杂志,并任编辑。并任编辑。Among the Thugs 和和 Heat 是其广受好评的两本著是其广受好评的两本著作作,前者是对英国足球流氓的真实记录前者是对英国足球流氓的真实记录,后者是一部有后者是一部有关餐饮的书。课文关餐饮的书。课文“狮子、老虎和熊狮子、老虎和熊”是布福德

2、的一篇是布福德的一篇游游记记,最初于最初于1999年刊登在年刊登在纽约客纽约客上上,文章入选文章入选2000年度美国最佳游记年度美国最佳游记(The Best American Travel Writing 2000).2021/3/273bolt: vi. a) to run away quickly 猛冲猛冲,逃跑逃跑 b) to move; to break away 迅速移动迅速移动 vt. c) to fasten with strong rods and bar 拴住拴住,使使和在一块和在一块 d) to swallow food or drink hurriedly 匆匆吞下匆匆

3、吞下,咽下咽下 n. 门闩,插销blot:n.污渍污渍, 污点污点v.弄污弄污cf.2021/3/274Examples: a) He bolted out of his house. b) Eyes bolted towards the stranger. c) He bolted the door on the inside. d) He bolted down a hurried breakfast. a bolt from (out of) the blue 晴天霹雳晴天霹雳,意外的事意外的事 bolt upright 笔直笔直 make a bolt (for it) 赶快逃走赶快逃

4、走 2021/3/275drizzle: v. to rain in fine dropsExamples:It drizzled throughout the night.The insecticide drizzled over the plants.The dew on the branches drizzled our hair. Word formation a. drizzly2021/3/276embolden: v. to give courage or confidence to sb.Examples: He smiled and this emboldened her t

5、o ask him for help.Emboldened by drink, he walked over to speak to her.2021/3/277on the/a rampage: 横冲直撞横冲直撞;暴跳如雷暴跳如雷Examples:The escaped elephant was on the rampage for two days.The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.2021/3/278scurry: v. / n. to run with short quick stepsExamples:It

6、 began to rain and we scurried home.We heard mice scurrying about in the kitchen.Dark clouds were being scurried across a grey sky by the wind.a scurry of footsteps in the passage 急促脚步声急促脚步声Huge snow scurries.急赶急赶,急转急转,疾走疾走Translation2021/3/279secluded adj. not visited or seen by many people; away f

7、rom the company of othersExamples:This is the quietest and most secluded area of the city.secluded life /monk /valley 隐居的隐居的,与世隔绝的与世隔绝的; 僻静的僻静的v. seclude (from)n. seclusionadj. seclusiveTranslation2021/3/2710Background InformationBackground Information2021/3/2711America2021/3/2712New York State2021/

8、3/27132021/3/2714 曼哈顿是一个荷兰人(亨利曼哈顿是一个荷兰人(亨利哈德逊)从印第安土哈德逊)从印第安土著手里买的。它是当今世界上最繁华的岛之一。曼哈著手里买的。它是当今世界上最繁华的岛之一。曼哈顿是纽约市中心部位的岛。介于哈得孙河和东河之间顿是纽约市中心部位的岛。介于哈得孙河和东河之间,为纽约市五个区中最小的曼哈顿区。长为纽约市五个区中最小的曼哈顿区。长20公里公里,宽宽4公公里里,面积面积57.7平方公里。前寒武纪古老坚硬的片岩出露平方公里。前寒武纪古老坚硬的片岩出露地表地表,为高层建筑提供了基础。为高层建筑提供了基础。 纽约是金融、商业中心地。南端的华尔街是许多纽约是金融

9、、商业中心地。南端的华尔街是许多大银行、大交易所和大垄断组织聚集中心。联合国总大银行、大交易所和大垄断组织聚集中心。联合国总部设于东河西岸。百老汇、华尔街、帝国大厦、格林部设于东河西岸。百老汇、华尔街、帝国大厦、格林威治村、威治村、中央公园中央公园、联合国总部、大都会艺术博物馆、联合国总部、大都会艺术博物馆、大都会歌剧院等名胜都集中在曼哈顿岛。大都会歌剧院等名胜都集中在曼哈顿岛。 2021/3/2715Central Park Location on Manhattan Map New Yorks green rectangle Central Park 2021/3/2716 中央公园坐落在

10、摩天大楼耸立的曼哈顿正中中央公园坐落在摩天大楼耸立的曼哈顿正中,南起南起59街街,北抵北抵110街街,东西两侧被著名的第五大道和中央东西两侧被著名的第五大道和中央公园西大道所围合。占地公园西大道所围合。占地843英亩(约英亩(约5000多亩)多亩),是是整个纽约最大的都市公园整个纽约最大的都市公园,也是纽约第一个完全以园林也是纽约第一个完全以园林学为设计准则建立的公园。学为设计准则建立的公园。 号称纽约号称纽约“后花园后花园”的中的中央央公园公园,不只是纽约市民的休闲地不只是纽约市民的休闲地,更是界各地旅游者喜更是界各地旅游者喜爱的旅游胜地。爱的旅游胜地。 1850年新闻记者威廉年新闻记者威廉

11、布莱恩特在布莱恩特在纽约邮报纽约邮报上上进行公园建设运动之后进行公园建设运动之后,1856年年Frederick Law Olmsted和和Calbert Vaux两位风景园林设计师建成了此两位风景园林设计师建成了此公园。公园。 它与自由女神、帝国大厦等同为纽约乃至美国的它与自由女神、帝国大厦等同为纽约乃至美国的象象征征,许多好莱坞影片都以中央公园为背景。许多好莱坞影片都以中央公园为背景。2021/3/2717中央公园的著名景点包括中央公园的著名景点包括:中央公园动物园中央公园动物园 (Central Park Zoo)、戴拉寇特剧院戴拉寇特剧院 (Delacorte Theatre)、毕士达

12、喷泉毕士达喷泉 (Bethesda Fountain)、绵羊草原绵羊草原 (Sheep Meadow)、草莓园草莓园 (Strawberry Fields)、保护水城保护水城 (Conservatory Water)、眺望台城堡眺望台城堡 (Belvedere Castle)等等。等等。2021/3/27182021/3/27192021/3/2720the urban wonders of the world, a green oasis in the great concrete, high-rise landscape ofNew York CityCentral Park 2021/3

13、/2721For most New Yorkers, Central Park is our constant definition of open space, room to run and the romance of reading under a tree. Free and open to the public, Central Park is our citywide campus and our common backyard. “a garden for all as private Eden”Central Park 2021/3/2722In Central Park,

14、Roller skating has always been a popular recreational pastime. 2021/3/2723Tigress and CubsInside the Central Park Wildlife Conservation Center,64th Street and Fifth Avenue2021/3/2724Groups of Bears: near Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street2021/3/2725 The Park was pressed for primarily by wealthy merchants a

15、nd landowners. In the first decade after its completion, it was clearly the playground of the wealthy. It was located too far uptown to be within walking distance for the citys working class population. Central Park History2021/3/2726 Until the late 19th century, workers comprised but a fraction of

16、the visitors to the Park when they launched a successful campaign to have concerts held on Sundays. Saturday afternoon concerts were for middle-class audiences, for the six-day working week precluded (prevent from ) attendance by the working class. 2021/3/2727 Indeed the concept of creating the park

17、 was originally conceived by wealthy New Yorkers who admired the public grounds of London and Paris. However, with the maturing of the nation and the rise of its power, the pride of Americanism gradually took the upper hand. The author therefore describes the Park proudly as efficient, purposeful an

18、d distinctiveneither romantic nor classical, and neither English nor French, but distinctively American.2021/3/2728Architecture of Central ParkEnglish Romanticism is characterized by the picturesque ideal to blend with the natural environment. Another style is Classicism characterized by formal symm

19、etry and the use of straight lines, evident in the south end of the Park. 2021/3/2729Central Park 2021/3/2730 By traveling the Central Park at night, the authors ambivalence (the mixed feeling) makes clear New Yorkers attitude to the Park. On one hand, there is love and pride New Yorkers have for th

20、e cultural richness and the beauty the Park offers; on the other hand, the crime and fear they have associated with the Park. 2021/3/2731Plot: Travel descriptions combined with everything he has heard, read, observed and experienced in connection with the place: his movements in Central Park, the ev

21、ents and famous people associated with its history, the beauty of New York at night, the crime of fear its inspired.Setting: Central Park in New York 2021/3/2732 Part 1 (Paras. 1) : The author decided to camp in the Central Park .Part 2 (Paras. 26 ) :The first or two hours and his feeling and the fe

22、ar Central Park inspired.Structure of the Text2021/3/2733Structure of the Text Part 3 (Paras. 712) : Central Park history and another scare.Part 4 (Paras. 1325) :My sleep over in the wood. 2021/3/2734 Part 1 (Paras. 1) : The author decided to camp in the Central Park .2021/3/2735Id curled up under a

23、 tree and drop off to a peaceful, outdoorsy sleep. (para. 1)drop off: to begin to sleep 入睡入睡,睡着睡着Eg. He dropped off in front of the fire.2021/3/2736Anybody who knows anything about New York knows the citys essential platitudethat you dont wander around Central Park at nightand in that, needless to s

24、ay, was the appeal: it was the thing you dont do. (Para.1)essential platitude:This is known to all and has been said over and over. 第二个分句是一个倒装句第二个分句是一个倒装句(inverted sentence), 正常的语序应正常的语序应该是该是:needless to say, the appeal: it was the thing you dont do, was in thatneedless to say作插入语作插入语parenthesis tha

25、t代指代指platitude2021/3/2737Anybody who knows anything about New York knows the citys essential platitudethat you dont wander around Central Park at nightand in that, needless to say, was the appeal: it was the thing you dont do.(Para.1)Understanding:Understanding: Everybody who knows New York knows th

26、at you should not wander in Central Park at night because it is too dangerous. However, precisely because of the risk there are always people lured to visit Central Park at night. They just wish to do what people normally dont do.2021/3/2738Ogden Nash (para.1)an American poet well known for his ligh

27、t versebest-known producer of humorous poetry 2021/3/2739Part 2 (Paras. 26 ) :The first or two hours and his feeling and the fear Central Park inspired.2021/3/2740The Delacorte Theatre (para.3) The Delacorte Theater is the summer home of the New York Shakespeare Festival (莎士比亚戏剧节莎士比亚戏剧节). Its a plac

28、e to host classical plays and musicals. The open-air theater in Central Park that serves as home to free summertime performances which, during the months of June, July and August, include at least one Shakespeare production. The summertime performance is one of the New York Citys most beloved cultur

29、al events.2021/3/2741The Delacorte theatre2021/3/27422021/3/27432021/3/27442021/3/27452021/3/2746William Shakespear(1564-1616 ) (Para.3) was an English poet and playwright.2021/3/2747The Taming of the Shrew (Para.3) In Shakespeares The Taming of the ShrewPetruchio and Kate engage in a battle of wits

30、 as hetries to tame his bold and stubborn wife and bringher into line with societys expectations. This romantic and funny play, full of disguises and role playing, deals with themes such asmarriage and duty, reality and illusion, and compromise. The Taming of the Shrew is one of William Shakespeares

31、 most clever and sophisticated comedies.2021/3/2748The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记驯悍记片中描写泼妇凯特因为性格暴躁、脾气倔片中描写泼妇凯特因为性格暴躁、脾气倔强强,找不到任何一个敢娶她的男人找不到任何一个敢娶她的男人,在心不甘情不愿的在心不甘情不愿的情况下情况下,她嫁给了高大结实的大胡子男人皮图丘。皮她嫁给了高大结实的大胡子男人皮图丘。皮图丘一心要把悍妇凯特训练成百依百顺的好妻子图丘一心要把悍妇凯特训练成百依百顺的好妻子,所所以他采取了以他采取了“以暴制暴以暴制暴”的方式的方式,最后终于驯服了凯最后终于驯服了凯特的一身

32、傲骨。特的一身傲骨。 2021/3/2749So far , so normal, and this could have been an outdoor summer-stock Shakespeare production anywhere in America, except in one respect: a police car was now parked conspicuously in view, its roof light slowly rotating. (Para.3)Shakespeare在句中指代的是莎士比亚的作品。通过相近的联在句中指代的是莎士比亚的作品。通过相近

33、的联想想,用一种事物代替另一种事物的修辞手法叫用一种事物代替另一种事物的修辞手法叫转喻转喻 (metonymy)。Examples:He is fond of the bottle. (wine)It will cost you a pretty penny. (money)Sheraton is a hotel noted for its good table. (food)summer-stock 夏季轮演剧目夏季轮演剧目:固定在某一剧场的专业剧团在夏季演出的剧目固定在某一剧场的专业剧团在夏季演出的剧目2021/3/2750So far , so normal, and this coul

34、d have been an outdoor summer-stock Shakespeare production anywhere in America, except in one respect: a police car was now parked conspicuously in view, its roof light slowly rotating. (Para.3)第二个分句是个含蓄条件句第二个分句是个含蓄条件句,句中并没有出现条件从句句中并没有出现条件从句,非真实的非真实的条件暗含在介词短语条件暗含在介词短语except中。中。含蓄条件句含蓄条件句:在这种句型中在这种句型

35、中,条件都暗含在上下文中。条件都暗含在上下文中。Examples:I wouldnt have been there except for him. But for your help we wouldnt have succeeded in the experiment.This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster.Alone, he would have been terrified.2021/3/2751Belvedere Castle 眺望台城堡眺望台城堡 (para4)Belvedere is Ital

36、ian for “beautiful view”.2021/3/2752Belvedere Castle To the south of Delacorte Theater perched on Visa Rock. As its name suggests, the castle offers visitors a wonderful panoramic (a view of wide area) viewpoint. It is now home to the Henry Luce Nature Observatory (亨亨利利卢斯自然气象台卢斯自然气象台), where simple

37、displays show how naturalists observe the world.2021/3/27532021/3/27542021/3/2755Shakespeare Garden (莎士比亚花园莎士比亚花园) (para4)Nestled between the Delacorte Theater, Belvedere Castle, and the Swedish Cottage, it is a garden dedicated to Shakespeare in 1916, the 300th anniversary of his death.2021/3/2756S

38、hakespeare Garden (para4) Following a Victorian tradition, only flowers mentioned in Shakespeares plays and poetry were planted in the garden. Scattered throughout the garden are bronze plaques with Shakespearean quotations that inspired the planting.2021/3/2757 (para. 4) I was feeling a certain exh

39、ilaration, climbing the steps of Belvedere Castle all alone, peeking through the windows of the Henry Luce Nature Observatory, identifying the herbs in the Shakespeare Garden, when, after turning this way and that, I was on a winding trail in impenetrable foliage, and, within minutes, I was lost. 20

40、21/3/2758The Ramble (漫步园漫步园) (para.5)The Ramble is a sanctuary(避难所避难所) for as many as 250 species of birds, with the interlaced paths and hills, countless trees, shrubs, meadows, rocky cliffs and a winding stream. The Ramble was intended as a woodland walk through highly varied topography(地形学地形学), a

41、 wild garden away from carriage drives and bridle paths.2021/3/2759Raccoons can be seen scurrying (run with short quick steps) in the underbrush. The Ramble (para.5) Raccoon2021/3/2760Bird-watching The Ramble is one of the major centers of bird-watching in Central Park: 250 species of birds have bee

42、n spotted over the years. The Ramble as a gay icon Since at least the early 20th century, the seclusion of the Ramble has been used for private homosexual encounters.2021/3/2761Background New York Skyline (para.5)2021/3/2762New York Skyline at Night (para.5)Buildings soar upward.2021/3/2763The lake

43、is the largest body of water(excluding the Reservoir) in CentralPark. It was created out of a largeSwamp(沼泽沼泽) in the south of the Park and was intended for boating in thesummer and ice-skating in the winter. Many visitors are content, however, to circle the lake on foot, following the pathways that

44、 wind along its shoreline, watching the Parks tree-line shifting in its reflection.The Lake (para.5)2021/3/2764rowing boat on the lake in theCentral Park The Lake (para.5) 2021/3/2765 There was a light ahead, and as I rounded the corner I came upon five men, all wearing white T-shirts, huddled aroun

45、d a bench. (para. 5)2021/3/2766 I walked past, avoiding eye contact, and turned down a path, a narrow one, black dark, going down a hill, getting darker, very dark. (para. 5)2021/3/2767Im in the Park less than an hour and alreadyIm lost, on an unlighted path, facing an unknown thing shaking threaten

46、ingly in the bushes, and I thought, shit! (para.5) 2021/3/2768And I bolted, not running, exactly, but no longer strolling - and certainly not looking back - turning left, turning right, all sense of direction obliterated, the crashing continuing behind me, louder even, left, another man in a T- shir

47、t, right, another man, when finally I realized where I was - in the Ramble. (para. 5)2021/3/2769 (para. 6) 约翰约翰温斯顿温斯顿列侬是一名英国摇滚音乐家、创作歌手、列侬是一名英国摇滚音乐家、创作歌手、作家与积极的和平运动家作家与积极的和平运动家, ,以身为披头士乐队创团团员扬名全以身为披头士乐队创团团员扬名全球。列侬与保罗球。列侬与保罗麦卡特尼的合作是麦卡特尼的合作是2020世纪最成功也是最具世纪最成功也是最具影响力的创作组合之一影响力的创作组合之一, ,并并“创作了摇滚史上最受欢迎的歌创

48、作了摇滚史上最受欢迎的歌曲曲”,”,他在单曲榜史最有成就的作曲家中名列第二他在单曲榜史最有成就的作曲家中名列第二, ,仅次于麦仅次于麦卡特尼。卡特尼。 列侬在他的音乐、电影、书作中列侬在他的音乐、电影、书作中, ,甚至在记者会与专访时甚至在记者会与专访时, ,总是显露出一种桀骜不驯、反抗权威的性格与尖刻而讽刺的总是显露出一种桀骜不驯、反抗权威的性格与尖刻而讽刺的才思。与他的妻子小野洋子同为激进和平主义者与视觉艺术才思。与他的妻子小野洋子同为激进和平主义者与视觉艺术家家, ,所以其作品亦是极具争议性。所以其作品亦是极具争议性。 2021/3/2770纽约中央公园New York Central

49、Park草莓园 (Strawberry Fields)约翰列侬遗孀约翰列侬遗孀 - - 小野小野洋子为了纪念其夫于洋子为了纪念其夫于 1980 1980 年遇刺年遇刺, ,在住处(也是蓝侬在住处(也是蓝侬遇害的地点)达科塔大厦遇害的地点)达科塔大厦前前, ,出资修缮这个泪滴状区出资修缮这个泪滴状区域域, ,并称之为并称之为“草莓园草莓园” ” (Strawberry Fields) (Strawberry Fields) 。每年每年 12 12 月月 8 8 日(蓝侬遇日(蓝侬遇害日)害日), ,全世界的披头士歌全世界的披头士歌迷会聚集在此一同纪念他迷会聚集在此一同纪念他, ,并遥望达科塔旧居

50、并遥望达科塔旧居, ,平时也平时也有歌迷会在马赛克图形上有歌迷会在马赛克图形上点一根蜡烛、放一束鲜花点一根蜡烛、放一束鲜花来凭吊他。来凭吊他。2021/3/27712021/3/2772eg: Its hard to get ones bearings in a thick rain forest. (1) lose ones bearings 迷失方向迷失方向;惶惑惶惑(2) bring sb to his bearings 使清醒使清醒(para. 6) get / find ones bearings: 辨明方向辨明方向,确定位置确定位置 2021/3/2773 Part 3 (Para

51、s. 712) : Central Park history and another scare.2021/3/2774One of the first events in the Park took place 140 years ago almost to the day: a band concert. The concert, pointedly, was held on a Saturday, still a working day, because the concert, like much of the Park then, was designed to keep the c

52、itys rougher elements out. (Para. 7)to the day: 恰好恰好,刚好刚好,一天不差一天不差Examples:three years ago to the day 40 years ago to the daycf.to this day 直到现在直到现在,迄今迄今of the day 当代的当代的,当时的当时的一天不差恰好三年前一天不差恰好三年前四十年前的今天四十年前的今天2021/3/2775One of the first events in the Park took place 140 years ago almost to the day:

53、a band concert. The concert, pointedly, was held on a Saturday, still a working day, because the concert, like much of the Park then, was designed to keep the citys rougher elements out. (Para. 7)句子中的句子中的rougher elements指的是纽约的工人阶级指的是纽约的工人阶级(working class population).中央公园当初主要是应商人和富有阶层的中央公园当初主要是应商人和富有

54、阶层的要求兴建的要求兴建的,因此因此,在公园开放的前十年在公园开放的前十年,它主要是富裕阶层的娱它主要是富裕阶层的娱乐场所。音乐会特别安排在周六下午乐场所。音乐会特别安排在周六下午,因为当时仍实行六天工因为当时仍实行六天工作制作制,工人们周六无法去听音乐会工人们周六无法去听音乐会,这样就确保了音乐会只有富这样就确保了音乐会只有富人才能去参加。人才能去参加。2021/3/2776One of the first events in the Park took place 140 years ago almost to the day: a band concert. The concert, p

55、ointedly, was held on a Saturday, still a working day, because the concert, like much of the Park then, was designed to keep the citys rougher elements out. (Para. 7) Understanding:Understanding: One of the first events in the Park took place almost exactly on this day 140 years ago: a band concert.

56、 The concert was deliberately held on a Saturday when ordinary people were all working so as to keep them out.2021/3/2777Another Aesthetic Experience (para.7)2021/3/2778but everyone, as he put it, felt the need to “keep patting the Park on the back ” (para. 10)pat sb. on the back: to praise sb. for

57、doing sth. well 赞扬某人赞扬某人Eg. You should pat him on the back for the progress he has made.2021/3/2779The park might have been at its most popular (para. 10) at its most popular: when it was most popular 当当最受欢迎的时候最受欢迎的时候eg. Yoga is at its most popular now.Another expression: at ones best: meaning in on

58、es best conditioneg. He acted both tragic and comic parts, but he was at his best in comedy. 2021/3/27802nd stage in Central Parks history (19001934 ) (Para. 10) Robert Moses (18881981) was a New York state and municipal official whose ambitious public works projects of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s tr

59、ansformed the urban landscape of New York City. He expanded the States park system and built numerous parkways and hundreds of new playgrounds and parks and important highways, bridges and tunnels linking the boroughs of New York City. 2021/3/2781 Moses preferred recreational facilities to the rural

60、 scenery stressed by the English Romanticists, and an ordered and symmetrical design in French Renaissance style, evident in the southern Central Park. Therefore, under Moses, Central Park gained 19 playgrounds, 12 ball-fields, handball courts, and the Woll-man Rink (沃尔人溜冰场沃尔人溜冰场 ). 2021/3/2782He pu


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