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1、445Vol.44No.520085540546ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA May 2008 pp.5405465:5411M 23C 6M CM 6C.Haynes, national Inc., USA, Waspaloy,TiWaspaloyWaspaloy(HaynesInter-1(. , ,. , Mo:13mm(2.,10mm.0.2mmMTP110%5060V,:50µm,13mm .+1010, 2h . 1149,:1149,+788, 8h ,; 1010+65%50mA,2520. 200kV JEM2000FX+25%,.,(2,2.1

2、; 788.,1ThermoCalc17, 8,ThermoCalc1. 2. 1, +M 23C 6+M C +M 6C; 23, M 23C 6+M C +M 6C, ,; M 23C 6+M C +M 6C , 4, M 23C 6; 5,ThermoTech. 1, , , M C, M 6C M 23C 6,µ. 1354,12951354. ,1002,; µ800, ; M 23C 6916,1.16%;817. M C M 6C 108012908001200M C,M 23C 6+M C +M 6C,0.2%2.15%.1WaspaloyTable 1Ch

3、emical compositions of Waspaloy alloy and the tested alloy(massfraction, %Alloy Waspaloy Tested alloyCr 19.019.5Co 13.510.0Mo 4.38.5Al 1.51.5Ti 3.02.1C 0.080.06Fe <2.0<1.5Mn <0.1<0.3Si <0.15<0.15B 0.0060.005Zr 0.05Ni Bal. Bal.2Table 2Solutions and conditions for phase extraction an

4、d separationSolution No.12345H 2SO 4Solution and condition 0.5%HNO3+2%C6H 8O 7+H 2O t =510t =105t =105Reserved phase +M 23C 6+M C +M 6C M 23C 6+M C +M 6C M 23C 6+M C +M 6CM 23C 6M C, J =0.03A/cm23.6%ZnCl2+5%HCl+1%C6H 8O 7+CH 3OH, J =0.050.08A/cm2, J =0.050.08A/cm25%HCl+5%C3H 5(OH3+1%C6H 8O 7+CH 3OH2

5、0%H2O 2+5%H2SO 4+H 2O Heat preservation in boiling water for 1.5hH 2O=11(volumeratio, boiling until it smoke54244 1Fig.1Thermodynamically calculated curves of the amountof precipitates in the tested alloy vs temperature, M 23C 6, M 6C, M Cµ.2.2X,2., M 23C 6, M CM 6C. , M C ,0.163%;M 23C 61,0.66

6、8%;2, .u . a , y t i s ne t n I 204060801002d eg.u . a , y t i s ne t n I 20406080100 2d eg2XRDFig.2XRD analysis results of phases in the tested alloy(aspectrum of phase(bspectra of M 23C 6, M 6C and M C54%, 3y t i l i b ab o r 2P 101224364860Grain size, nm3Fig.3Distribution of grain size of phase16

7、.897%,Waspaloy(22.446%. , M 6C,0.0526%.,µ.,.X3., 60nm . , 1836nm 81.5%,1018nm 14.7%,510nm 3.4%,15nm 3660nm 0.2%.25nm, Waspaloy , .2.34.4a, ,80µm,.4b, EDS,Cr(4d, Cr ; (4b Ti Mo (4e,Ti Mo.5a Cr TEM ,5c, d (,Cr ., Cr .5b5cg 020. , Cr M 23C 6,Cr 23C 6. TiMoTEM6a ,6c, d, 6c g ¯2006b .5.7.7

8、c3,Cr 23C 6:543 4Fig.4Microstructures of the tested alloy under standard heat treatment condition(alow magniedmicrostructure (bhigh magniedmicrostructure (cEDS of the matrix (dEDS of the intergranular precipitates(eEDS of the precipitate shown by arrow in Fig.4b,Ti Mo M C,01111¯1Cr 23C 611¯

9、;1(Ti,MoC,1149,+1010, 2h,.,Cr 23C 6,. 788, 8h,25nm, ,.,Waspaloy,7b, c Ti(Waspaloy. M 6CCr 23C 67b, Mo 3001,. Mo (0.2725nm Ni 011. 7b, c(0.24867nm Al (0.28361,9,10nm, , Mo ,. ,:11. Mo Waspaloy 001Cr 23C 60012, Mo Waspaloy011Cr 23C 6011, , Waspaloy00101154444 5CrTEMFig.5TEM images of Cr rich precipita

10、te M 23C 6and its SAED patterns (thespots with highintensity are from matrix (abright eldimage (bdark eldimage formed with (020reectionshown in Fig.5c (cSAED of 001zone (dSAED of 011zone,6,1%705Waspaloy 650927Waspaloy. ,3Waspaloy6,.+Ti Waspaloy ;,Waspaloy ,Waspaloy ,Waspaloy ,;Waspaloy (AlTable 3Roo

11、m temperature properties 6of the tested alloyand Waspaloy alloy in solid solutionAlloy Tested alloy Waspaloy0. 2, MPa402490b , MPa 835930, %5646,.,.:3. Waspaloy3, ., ,Waspaloy12.(590980, , ,.Waspaloy ,Waspaloy ,Al Ti.Mo,.5 Ö : §Û¿Ö ´¡ ÏÝ 545   6 

12、1; Ti ½ Mo   « TEM ÃÑ²Ý °¾ Fig.6 TEM images of Ti and Mo rich precipitate M C and its SAED patterns (a bright eld image (b dark eld image formed with (¯ 200 reection shown in Fig.6c (c SAED of 013 zone (d SAED of 112 zone 7 À   « Ã

13、;Ñ²Ý °¾ Fig.7 Image of dispersed precipitate and composite SAED patterns (a image of dispersed precipitates (b composite SAED of matrix 001, Cr23 C6 001 and 001 (c composite SAED of matrix 011, Cr23 C6 011 and 011  546 3 Õ   ´ Æ ½ 

14、5; Ì 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 44 ¦ ÄË (1 §´ ·É È Ð² Æ, § · Ø ¯ Ñ, ·Ê , M C , M C, M C ¾ µ (2 § · ØÈÈ ª Ý ¶ , ª Ý ² Ã Ø 80 µm, &#

15、221; ²Î Ê Ý Á Ñ. Ø ¯ Ñ, ÝÓ¾Ý Î ß± ² Cr23 C6 ¾ º (Ti, MoC ¬ × ¬ Á ß± Î ¬. 23 6 6 ¯, Ò ª Ã Ø 25 nm, ­º ß Ø 16.9%, É&#

16、200;в ©. (3 Í Õ È ­× Ä Mo · º, ÏË¥Ê © × Ì Ä Al Ti · º, ¥Ê·»Ï ©Ý Ø. ¥ Haynes Ì Á (Haynes International Inc., USA ¶ ´¾. È

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18、nternational Technical Report, No.91204, Kokomo, IN: Haynes International Inc., 2006 R Haynes International Inc., USA. Haynes 282TM Alloy. No.H3172, Kokomo, IN: Haynes International Inc., 2005 Pike L M. Haynes International Technical Report No.28267, Kokomo, IN: Haynes International Inc., 2007 Sundman B, Jansson B, Anderson J O. CALPHAD, 1985; 9: 153 Schaernak B C, Cerjak H H. CALPHAD, 2001; 25: 241 Zhao J C, Ravikumar B, Beltran A M. Metall Mater Trans, 2001; 32A: 1271 Penkalla H J, Wosik J, Czyrs


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