



1、A.一般现在时、时间标志词有 :alwaysusually >often >sometimes >never every day/week/month/year、一般现在时G构成肯定句否定句疑问句主语+be动词+其他I am fine.I am not fine.Are you fine?Yes, I am. / No, I am not.主语+实义动 词I read well.Shereadswell.I do not readwell.She doesn't read well.Do you read well?Yes,I do./ No,I don't.

2、Does sheread well?Yes,she does/No,she doesn't.主语/+情态动 词 can,may, must,could, should,would, shall +其他I can readI can not read.Can you read?Yes, I can. / No, I can't.注意 当句子是一般现在时时,一定要注意观察主语是第几人称! !注意动词单三变化!三、*动词变第三人称单数G变化规则1. 一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks2. 以 s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,力口 -es,女口

3、: wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes3. 以辅音字母(元音字母aeiou除外)+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-es,如:study-studies辅助练习:写出下列动词G第三人称单数read-do-catch-teach-watch-make-wash-play-say-cry-try-cook-see-go-二:用所给动词G适当形式填空I(be) ill today. I don t(go) to school.My mother(take) me to the hospital.The doctor(ask) me to have a rest.So I

4、must(stay) in bed.B.现在进行时、时间标志词有 :now, Listen! Look!二、现在进行时构成:主语+am/is/are+动词-ing肯定句She is running .否定句She is not running.疑问句Is_sherunning?Yesshe is.No,sheisn't.特殊疑问句What is she doing?汪当句子是也在进行时时,一定要注意观察主语是第几人称! !注意be动词内变化!且不要忘记在动词ing前力be动词! !三、*动词加ing G变化规则1. 一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking2. 以一个不发

5、音G e结尾,去 e力口 ing, 如: make-making,take-taking3. 末尾是“辅元辅”结构G重读闭音节,先双写末尾G辅音字母,再加 ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping ,swim-swimming, get-getting,begin-beginning辅助练习一:写出下列动词G现在分词read-do-make-teach-see-play-shop-cry-do-sit-、用所给词G正确形式填空It's 5 o'clock now. Look at the boys!They are( play) football on

6、the playground now. But Tom and Jerry(clean) the room.Liste!n Some girls( sing)in the classroom .Some teachers are(read) books. Guess,what is Mr Gao(do) ?C. 一般将来时一、时间标志词有:tomorrow,tomorrow morning(evening,afternoon) ,next day(week, month, year,Monday),in+一段时间,this morning (afternoon , evening,) 等。一、

7、一般将来时基本 结构: 主语+be going to +地点名词/动词原型主语+will+动词原形打JE句疑问旬否定句Sheis going to visither friends tomorrow.Is she going to visit her friends tomorrow?Yesshe is. /No,sheisn't.She is not going to visit her friends tomorrow.She will visit herfriends tomorrow.Will shevisit her friends tomorrow?Yesshe will.

8、/ No.she won't.She will not visit her friends tomorrow.辅助练习用所给词G正确形式填空。I am going to(wash) my clothes this Saturday.%(visit) my grandparents this Sunday morning. But my parents are going to(go) shopping.What you going to(do) this weekend?重点句型:Where are you going?What is he going to do?When will

9、they visit Beijing?How are you going there?How long will she stay in Shanghai? What place is he going to visit?D.一般过去时一、时间标志词有:yesterday , yesterday morning(afternoon,evening),last weekend (month ,year,Sunday ),.ago.般过去式基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他肯定句否定句疑问句主语+be 动词+其他I was at home.I was not at home.Wereyou at h

10、ome?Yes, I was. / No,I was not主语+实 义动词+其She read booksShe didn't read booksDid she read books yesterday?他yesterday.yesterday.Yes she did. / No, she didn't.注意 当句子是一般过去时时,be动词和实义动词只能用一个! ! ! 例如:She was went home.(X) /a She went home.三、动词过去式变化规则:1 . 一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:cook-cooked2 .结尾是 e 力Dd,如:live-

11、lived3 .末尾是“辅元辅” G重读闭音节,应双写末尾G辅音字母,再力口-ed,如:stop-stopped4 .以 辅音字母(除元音字母aeiou外)+y”结尾G,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied5 .不规则动词变化:辅助练习请用动词G正确形式填空。Last Saturday morning,she(stay) at home.In the afternoon ,she(do) some cleaning. In the evening,she(watch) TV and(read)an interesting book.She(have) a good day.一而

12、选择练习题()1. Where Uncle Sun yesterday?A. was B. were C. did D. does()2. They going to see Mr. Sun tomorrow.A. is B. areC. am D. be()3. Some are in the river and some are games.A. swiming, playingB. swimming, playingC. swim playing D. swim, play()4. I think she right now.A. reading B. reads C. is readi

13、ng D. read()5. - Where are the children? - They a good time in the garden.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had()6.He always interesting stories.A. tellB. tellingC. toldD. tells()7. Heto do this lessons at eight every evening.A. Will begin B. is beginning C. begin D. begins( )8.The childrena swim

14、 this afternoon.A. are going to has B. is going to haveC. are havingD. are going to have( )9.Theresome orange juice and apples .A. is B. are C. was D. were()10.The childrenat school now.A. is B. are C. was D. were()11.He to his city one month ago.A.live B. move C. moved D. lived()12.My brother alway

15、sto the park on Sunday morning.A. go B. goes C. went D. is going()13.Look, the studentsto the teacher carefully.A. is listening B. are listening C. listen D. listened( )14.Theremany flowers and trees around the building.A. have B. has C. are D. is( )15.Mary is seven years old. Sheeight next year.A.

16、is B. will C. was D. will be()16.Are you making cakes? B:.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I did . D. Yes, I will.( )17.Whathe sometimeson Sundays?A. does; do B. is; doing C. will; do D. did;do( )18.Tina and Lisa in Class Five,Grade Six.A.be B.am C .isD.are( )19.They a great film last Sunday.A.seeB.seesC.are seeingD.saw()20.Did your fatherhimself during the winter holidays?A.enjoyed B.enjoy C.enjoys D.enjoied()21.I can kites and I make one for my l


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