1、广州经营部现状及销售策略Current status and sales strategy for GZ sales office提纲:outline第一部分:经营部基本情况part one: basic condition of sales office一、 人员及组织架构personnel and organization structure二、 网络结构network structure 三、1-4月份销售状况分析 sales performance analysis since January to April四 执行团队整改的主要内容 main contents of team re
2、structure第二部分:存在问题part two: problems一、 市场问题 market issue二、 经销商问题 distributor issue第三部分:销售策略part three: sales strategy一、 销售思路 sales diagram二、 网络建设 network construction三、 销售管理 sales management四、 直供商场 direct sales hypermarket广州经营部是公司TG行动基层改革的试点单位,从去年11月26日至今年3月16日,销售改进团队进行了为期三个月时间对广州经营部进行整改。然而,销售业绩一直不佳
3、,究竟是什么原因,目前存在什么问题,用什么办法进行解决,在此,特向公司汇报。Since November 26 of last year till March 16 this year, there is a Three-month innovation implemented on SIT in GZ sales office which is the trial point in the field, but we always keep working on identifying root causes and real problems for poor performance in
4、 sales and try to figure out the solution for solving it. And the report as follows第一部分:经营部基本情况Part one: basic condition of sales office一、 人员组织架构personnel organization structure二、广州经营部目前有37人,其中客户经理10人、客户经理助理6人、市场策划(导购管理)1人、业务代表7人、主办会计1人、助理会计1人、出纳1人、内勤1人、司机3人、搬运工3人、仓管2人、经理1人,同时PCC(个人护理顾问37人)there are
5、 total 37 members in GZ sales office, includes 10 account manager,6 assistant account manager, 1 market planning(PCC management), 7 sales rep, 2 sales rep,1 accountant, 1 assistant accountant, 1 casher, 1 logistic, 3 driver, 3 porter, 2 warehouse keeper, 1 manager, and 37 PCC.其组织架构图如下;organization s
6、tructure map as follows:Sales managerRegional account managerAccount manager for direct sales hypermarketMarket planning specialistclerkaccountantWarehouse keeperlogisticPCCBrand specialistassistantassistantPCCcasherSales repassistantporterdriver三、 销售网络结构sales network广州经营部目前已签订合同经销商9个,其中,广州市区2个、佛山市2
7、个、番禺1个、顺德1个、新塘1个、花都1个、从化1个,同时直供商场合同10个,门店近70家。其构图如下:there are total 9 distributors with which GZ sales office signed contract, and 2 distributors in GZ city, 2 distributors in FeShan city, each one for PanYu city, ShunDe city, XinTang city, HuaDu city and ChongHua city. And there are also 10 direct
8、sales hypermarket with which GZ sales office signed contract and 70 stores, the structure map as follows:GZ sales office9 regional distributor10 hypermarket70 stores for Trust-mart and DaoNeiJia etc2 distributors in GZ city2 distributors in FeShan cityeach one for PanYu,ShunDe, XinTang,HuaDu and Cho
9、nghua四、 年1-四月销售状况及同期对比情况sales compare with same period of last year on sales performance (Jan to Apr)1、 今年1-4月及同期销售对比:sales comparecompanymonthListed companyTissueSumTotal expenseratio2002 (Jan to Apr)15438378.23002852.318441230.51543164.778.42001(Jan to Apr)18752066.712660658.1821412724.82096417.78
10、10compare-18+13-14-1.62、 上市公司各品牌对比分析:compare and analysis by category for listed company brandmonthAnleAnle wingAnerlePanty linerAnerle2002(Jan to Apr)3669519.12242095.366919323.71054820.223585569.12001(Jan to Apr)5721444.67360938.377753224.21065329.283666159.07compare-35.8-32.9-10.8-0.9-2五、 执行团队整改管
11、理措施内容measures and contents for team management innovation1、 对销售人员实施销售跟踪报告手册。Fulfill sales tracking manual for sales force2、 对所有人员执行团队制定的岗位描述及市场考评细则。Implement job description and evaluation terms on all members3、 执行新的薪资待遇。implement new compensation program4、 对经销商执行销售与分销合作合约书管理。Fulfill sales&distr
12、ibution agreement on distributors第二部分:存在的问题Part two: problems一、 市场问题market issue1、 冲货问题突出,严重影响广州销售及市场价格。目前,佛山宜发每月从中山,肇庆调货约25万左右;广州市区穗丰每月从中山开平兴文经销商调货约15-25万左右;广州市区新南丰从中山调货5-10万左右,冲货的主要品种是AL1116、A8、A9及抗菌系列。There is a serious trans-regional sales problem which greatly affects sales performance and pric
13、e in GZ market. Currently , monthly values for products delivered from ZhongShan and ZhaoQing is around 250,000 RMB; the values for products delivered by one distributor in ZhongShan named KaiXingWen to other distributor in GZ city named HuiFeng is around 150,000 to 250,000 RMB . values for products
14、 delivered by one distributor in ZhongShan city to other distributor in GZ city named XinNanFeng is around 50,000 to 100,000, main categories for trans-regional sales are AL1116, A8,A9 as well as anti-bacteria series 2、 跨区供货商场,影响广州销售。信和连锁超市共有19家门店,其中16家门店在番禺、佛山、南海,每月由中山经营部供货约10万元。深圳经营部供货的跨区商场有:广州市区百
15、佳二个大型商场门店、新塘镇的三和商场、嘉荣商场、增城市区的人人乐商场,每月供货约8万元。这些跨区供货商场同样影响广州销售。 Trans-regional hypermarket also affects sales performance in GZ. For example, there are total 19 stores belongs to XinHe chain supermarket, includes 16 stores locates in PanYu, FeShan, NanHai city, all those stores are supplied by ZhongSh
16、an sales office and total product value is around 100,000 RMB. Those trans-regional hypermarkets to be supplied by SZ sales office are: 2 big stores belongs to Pekarn ,ShanHe department store in XinTang town, RenRenLe hypermarket in ZhengCheng city, the monthly value for products to be delivered is
17、80,000RMB. 3、 通路提价,批发流失严重。广州虽然商场超市较多,但传统通路销售仍占经销商的50以上。3月份广州经营部执行公司的新价格体系后,通路批发商反映强烈,批发商对公司实行批发、士多同等价格,因没有利润差价,很多批发商拒售恒安产品。3月下旬,由于外片区冲货,还是按原厂价销售,促销产品直接让利,导致广州片区许多批发商直接到佛山宜发、广州穗丰、新南丰等几个冲货户进货。因此,通路提价几乎失败,广州市区经销商严守通路价格体系已没有意义,严重影响销售。There is a sharp reduce in wholesalers quantity because of price incre
18、ase in channels although there are many department stores and supermarkets. But traditional sales contributed more than 50% for all distributors. There is a tense response comes from channel distributors after we issued new price program in March this year. Because of the same supplying price for wh
19、olesalers and kiosks , that is no profit gap, therefore there are many wholesalers refuse to sell HengAn products.In second half of March, because of trans-regional sales and promotion activities comes from outer market, which leads to a lots of wholesalers in GZ region gave orders to those distribu
20、tors which involved in trans-regional sales .such as YiFa in FeShan city HuiFeng and XinNanFeng in GZ city. So there is almost a failure with price adaptation in modern channel, in this case, It is non-sense for distributors try to maintain price program anymore. And trans-regional sales greatly aff
21、ected normal sales performance.4、 7天回款,经销商减少库存,影响供货。广州片区经销商多年来都是月底结帐,个别经销商还有铺底资金。3月份经营部按今年新合同规定执行7天回款,经销商意见较大,大部份经销商由向公司报货改为向经营部仓库报货,减少库存。珠江客户特别明显,提出要求向公司和经营部仓库报货要有政策差别。针对这个问题,广州经营部3月24日召开客户座谈会时,每个客户都书面提交意见,交给了参加座谈会的蔡一雷经理,要求解答。当时蔡一雷经理承诺一个月后给予答复,但至今没有答复。With implementation of 7 day payment period, wh
22、ich caused a reduce in distributors inventory and influence on product supply. For many years, the monthly payment was fulfilled on those distributors in GZ region, even for some distributors we will deliver products to them without payment.With the fulfillment of new payment period, on one hand, mo
23、st of distributors transferred their business from headquarters to local sales office, on the other hand , they tried to reduce inventory. And ZhuJiang put forward the requirement on different treatment for product delivery made by headquarters and local sales office. On March 24,there is a account
24、meeting was held by GZ sales office for addressing this issue, at the meeting, each account submitted their opinion to Mr CaiYiLei. He promised that he will give them the answer in one month but he didnt.5、 缺乏提高销售的策略方案。团队在广州虽然三个月时间,但没有对广州市场的现状及发展提出提高销售的策略方案。We lacks of strategy and work plan for imp
25、roving sales performance, even if GZ special team stayed in GZ for 3 months but the strategy and work plan is still not available.二、 经销商问题1、 团队取消5个经销商,直接影响销售。根据团队的决定,经营部1-2月份分别取消同广州兴公、广州芳村永业隆、广州鸿业、广州江高东风、佛山大沥永兴的经销商合作,这五个经销商去年平均每月80万的销售。取消容易,可这80万元销售那里补回来,没有措施。特别是广州鸿业公司去年平均每月30万元销售,因为评估它没有资金实力被取消,但该经
26、销商是专做恒安卫生巾产品,配合也好,所做的30多家货仓超市陈列、出样都较好,被取消十分可惜。Because we cut off 5 distributors so it caused a direct affect on sales. According to team decision, we stopped cooperation with those distributors they are XingGong, YongXingLong, HongYe, GaoDongFeng in GZ city, and YongXing in FeShan city. Average mont
27、hly sales revenue for each distributor is 800,000 in last year. The gap cant be covered. Especially for HongYe, the average monthly sales revenue is 300,000 ARMBBut HongYe which only run business with HengAn was canceled for lacking of capital without consideration of good POP display and SKU percen
28、tage in more than 30 hypermarkets.2、 珠江客户问题,珠江经销恒安产品有二个目的:一是利用恒安品牌;二是要求独家经销权,向公司提条件,否则扰乱市场后放弃。中顺洁柔纸就是一个现实例子。几年来,珠江一直用自己的霸气作风,同经营部较难配合,只有对珠江有利就好,要不然处处为难,对广州经营部的几任负责人都认为是不配合珠江才做不好广州市场。今年团队整改,广州市区只剩珠江和宝兴二个经销商后,珠江认为提出独家经销的时机已到。总之,珠江客户经营恒安产品对广州市场发展十分不利,以它控制的网络销量来要胁经营部,使广州经营部较难开展工作。For ZhuJIang issue, the
29、re are two purposes comes from ZhuJIang , one is they want to make use of our brand. The other is they want to be exclusive agent for HengAn productAnd put forward cooperative conditions to HengAn group, otherwise they will make trouble in the GZ market then give up. The tissue named JieRou is a exa
30、mple.In the past several years, because their masterful style, it is always difficult for us to have a good cooperation with them. They always try to make control on GZ sales office. After team restructure , we only kept ZhuJiang and BaoXing as our distributor, in this case it is a good opportunity
31、for ZhuJiang to pose their requirement to be the exclusive agent. In general, if we keep ZhuJiang as our distributor it will be greatly disadvantageous for further development in GZ market. Because ZhuJiang always threaten us with their advantage in sales network.第三部分:销售策略Part three: sales strategy一
32、、 销售思路sales diagram1、 突出主打品项25个:there will be 25 key categories to be used for establishing brand imageA、 通路品项:AL1116、AL1316、A8110+2、A8210+2、A9110+2、A9210+2、S730、M724、L720category for modern channelB、 商场品项:E910+5、E920+5、L8110、L8210、K8510、L8610、A8020、A9020、A8720、C110、C910、W112、DT200、BT610、K120(5+1)、3
33、A8105+A8210+B8020、AL7220category for hypermarket2、 突出主推品项20个:there will be 20 categories to be used for improving sales volumeA、 通路品项:AL1116-Y8、ALS1410+5、ALS2410+5、AL5220category for modern channelB、 商场品项:A9310、A9410、A9510、A9610、E9310、E9410、A9040、A8040、B6020、C120(5+1)、NT1320、S730N、M724N、L720N、C510、A
34、9810category for hypermarket3、 抓好重点商场的样板店。市区直供商场选择10家门店,外围市场每个片区选择1-3家门店,进行终端活动做全年排期。根据各个门店特点,采取措施造势,吸引消费群。We will try to build up sample stores for key hypermarkets, ten stores will be selected from direct sales hypermarkets to be sample store, and 1 to 3 stores will be selected from outer market t
35、o be sample store and we will figure out annual promotion plan. different measures will be taken in each store for realizing consumer pull.4、 抓好渠道销售,不能忽视二批商的作用,加强人员走访推销,研究特点,适当开展有针对性的促销活动,调动二批商的销售积极性。We should take action for improving channel sales, that is we cant ignore the importance of Sub-whol
36、esaler, we should make more sales calls on those wholesalers and try to make good use of those wholesalers by means of having well-organized promotion activities.5、 坚持抓好价格体系。严格按照公司的价格体系执行,通路保持68点利润空间、商场超市810点利润空间。对冲货低价销售的经销商在疏通思想工作的前提下,按有关规定处罚。对于片区冲货,加强人员跟踪、抓住冲货来源、稳住本区域重点二批。破坏冲货户的批发网络,直接由当地经销商送货到位。W
37、e will try to maintain pricing program issued by headquarters. In modern channel, the profit space should be from 6% up to 8%. And for hypermarket, it should be from 8% up to 10%. On one hand , we will talk with those distributors which involved in trans-regional sales . and on other hand punishment
38、 will be fulfilled on some distributors.For solving trans-regional sales, we will enforce tracking on this issue in order to find real resource so that we can make control on those key sub-wholesalers. products will be delivered by local distributors for solving trans-regional problems.6、 灵活运用促销手法,激
39、活市场,提升品牌的竞争力。在终端坚持抓出样、陈列升级,重点商场;坚持开展有影响号召力的终端活动,通过堆头、特价、快讯、卖赠、捆绑等各种形式吸引消费者。在通路必须勤走访、多宣传、巩固网络,针对竞争对手有效开展各种形式的促销活动。For realizing consumer pull and improving brand image, flexible promotion activities will be implemented in the market. We will focus on display update and SKU percentage in outlets. In k
40、ey hypermarkets, effective promotion activities such as TG,DG, gift promotion package ,special offer those measures will be taken for realizing consumer pull. We will try to build up good customer relationship with modern channel accounts by means of daily sales calls and various promotion activitie
41、s.7、 市场的启动工作。重点围绕院校、医院、团体购买,进行新品宣传。在每个重点大、中专院校发展1-3名学生兼职做品牌传播员,派发赠品、宣传品。8、 销售团队目标任务分配(含心相印共710万元)sales quota target for each sales team (includes tissue the total target is 7.1 million) 9、 销售预测sales forecasting10、 品牌销售策略Sales strategy by brand 安乐:以通路为主。点提升AL1116-Y8、AL1316、ALS1410+5、ALS2410+5的单品销售。An
42、le: the key market is modern channel. We will focus on AL1116-Y8, AL1316, ALS1410+5, ALS2410+5 those SKUs 安尔乐:以销售商场为主。普通产品的促销以组合装为主:A8105+A8210+B8020、3A9105+A9205,重点提升:A9510、A9610、L8510、L8610、A9310、A9410的单品销售。Anerle: the key market is hypermarket. We will focus on A9510,A9610, L8510,L8610,A9310,A941
43、0 those SKUs 安儿乐:小型货仓超市批发通路以S730、M724、L720透明装为主,S730N、M724N、L720N主要是中大型商场。Anerle: for small warehouse supermarket and wholesale channel, we will focus on S730,M724,L720, with transparent package, for middle and large hypermarket, we will focus on S730N,M724N,L720N. 心相印:重点提高经销商终端商场的品项出样率,在通路批发重点提升:K1
44、20(5+1)、A120(5+1)、C910、W112、NT1320的销售。Tissue: we will try to improve SKU percentage in those distributors outlet hypermarkets. For wholesale channel, we will focus on K120(5+1),A120(5+1), C910, W112, NT1320.三、 网络建设Network construction1、 发展直销队伍,建立直销网点。在广州市区设商务(劳保)代表2人、业务代表5人、直销网三个,由经营部仓库直接供货。外围片区每个经销
45、商点设1-2名业务代表。We will develop direct sales force and build up direct sales network. There will be 2 business representatives, 5 sales representatives and 3 direct sales network, which will be supplied by GZ sales office directly. For outer market , we will send 1 to 2 sales representative for each dis
46、tributor.2、 对长期到外片区调货的重点二批商实行特殊政策,堵住他们从外片区调货。特别是佛山宜发、广州穗丰。经营部准用签协议的方式,设法让他们到本片区客户调货。The special policy will be fulfilled on key sub-wholesalers which involved in trans-regional for a long time in the past, in order to stop them. Especially for YiFa in FeShan city and HuiFeng in GuangZhou city, the a
47、greement will be signed between GZ sales office and YiFa in FeShan city ,HuiFeng in GZ city. , they can transfer to local distributors3、 抓好广州东旺、南泰、广佛、落溪桥、新塘、佛山墩厚、大沥等7个重点批发市场的通路销售。With the purpose of improving channel sales, we will focus our attention on those 7 wholesale market , that is DongWang,
48、NanTai, GuangFe, LuoXiQiao, XinTang, which locates in GZ city. And DunHou, DaLi , which locates in FeShan city . 4、 抓好终端网络的有效出样率,清理滞销品种,突出主达品项。We will try to improve SKU percentage in outlet network, clear up unmarketable category, validate key categories5、 根据市场的需要,重点扶持一批有实力、有网络、懂经营的二批为销售网络培养对象。Acco
49、rding to market needs, we will try to build up a sales network consists of those sub-wholesalers with strength , network, capability.6、 经销商网络构成,详见附表1。( distributor network structure), details see attached form 17、 经销商合作分析,详见附表2。( analysis of distributor cooperation), details see attached form 2.四、 销
50、售管理sales management1、 销售人员配置 sales force assignmentnumberteamDominated regionAccount managerassistantSales representative1Direct sales hypermarket teamGZ city42 (we lack of one person)2Business(labor insurance)GuangZhou, FeShan2(absent)33 direct sales network outlets in GZ cityGZ city5(absent)4Guang
51、Zhou sales teamGuangZhou city112(absent)5Baoxing sales teamGuangZhou city11人1(absent)6FeShan sales teamFeShan, NanHaiSanSui, and GaoMing city12人(one is absent)2人7PanYu SunDe sales teamPanYu district, SunDe city11人28CongHua XinTang sales teamCongHua city and ZhengCheng city11人2人(absent)9HuaDu sales t
52、eamHuaDu district12人(one is absent)10Market planning2人(one is for PCC management, one is absent)Total128(only 6) 18(only 3 is available)2、 销售例会安排 time schedule of routine sales meeting catalogcontentattendeehostcontenttimeMonthly recap meetingStaff of GZ sales officeMr.Tangrecap sales performance of
53、 this month, make work deployment for next month30 of each month to first day of next monthPCC monthly recap meetingPCCMr.Bao Miss HeRecap and feed back hypermarket information of each month, provide training on product knowledge , sales skills15 of each monthHypermarket salesAccount managerMr.BaoRe
54、cap sales performance and market status of this week, develop effective strategy and work deployment for next weekSaturday afternoon of each weekRegional salesAccount managerMr.TangMake analysis on sales performance and market status, develop effective strategy16 afternoon of each monthSITmeetingmem
55、berMr,TangMake coordination on current problems with GZ sales office, make discussion on overall policy and strategyTuseday afternoon for each weekMarketing communicationsBrand specialistMr.Bao Miss Herecap feedbacks comes from market and consumer for each brand, try to figure out solution and sched
56、ule next step work planThe second Saturday afternoon of each monthLogistic meetingFinancial, driver, logistic people, warehouse keeper, porterMr. HeRongJinCoordination and arrangement on logistics issueAt the end of each month7、销售报表管理Management of report forms numberName of report formsobjectpurposeCollection time1滚动每周AIP管理图表Account manager for hypermarket an d distributorImprovement of work performanceMonday morning of each week2Daily report of sales callAccount manager for distributor and hypermarketEnforce management on key accountsEvery Mon
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