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1、绝密启用前新初一分班考试专题复习现在进行时试卷第7页,总11页试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明、选择题1. Look! The birdon his hand.A. dance B. is dancing C.da ncesLook可知,表达此刻正在 变ing时,要去掉不发音字【答案】Bbe+动词 ing 。 dance 考查现在进行时结构。【解析】句意是看!这只鸟在他的手上跳舞呢。根据关键词 发生的动作;应使用现在进行时结构 母e再加

2、ing形式。故选B。【点评】2. Mr Li isEnglish now.(A. lear nB. lear ntC. lear ning【答案】C【解析】略3. She isher glasse s. But she canA. look ing for; findB. findin g, look for【答案】A【解析】略4. -What are you doi ng. Mum?-I ' mvegetableA. cook ing B.cook 【答案】A【解析】略C. runthem.tC. look ing at, find? They.C. dothe high jump.

3、5. What are they doingA. doing B. are doing 【答案】B【解析】略6. Look! The dragonflyA. fly higherB. is flying higher【答案】B【解析】句意:蜻蜓飞的比蜜蜂高。than the bee.C. flies high比较级7. Tom is talking his parentsA. about; to B. to; about【答案】B【解析】句意:他正在和父母谈关于课程的事。8. We are lookingsome ducks.A. in B. to C. at【答案】Chis less ons

4、.C. to; withD. with; toTalk to 和 讲话。about关于.【解析】我们正在看一些鸭子。look at看9. The children areTV.C. watch ingA. watchB. readi ng【答案】C【解析】现在进行时态be doing,"看电视” watch TV。_ soon, I'm afraid.C.will rain10. Look at those clouds. ItB. is rai ning CA. rai ns【答案】【解析】soon “不久以后”,用于一般将来时态。11. The ducks in the

5、water.B. are swimi ngC. are swimmi ngA. is swimmi ng【答案】C【解析】鸭子正在水里游泳。此句是现在进行时态,be+v-i ng构成,主语是复数,所以动词用are, swim 的现在分词是 swimming,应选C。12 . She' sher homework.A. do B. didC. doi ng【答案】C【解析】她正在写作业。现在进行时态,13 . -What are they doi ng?-They areTV.A. watches B. watch C. watch ing【答案】C【解析】根据问句可判断用现在进行时态:

6、14. He sbe+v-ing 构成,应选 C。be+do ingan e -mail.C. writte nA. writi ngB. write【答案】A【解析】根据is可以判断该句是现在进行时态。15. -What are they doing? -They area book.A. reads B. read C. reading【答案】C【解析】根据问句可判断用现在进行时态:be+do ing.16. The bus isA. comeB. comes【答案】C【解析】略C. coming题答内线订装在要不请探17. Look, they arethe in sects caref

7、ully.A. watchB. watch ingC. watched【答案】B【解析】略18. She' stheA. watch ingB. watchs【答案】A【解析】略pan da.C. to watch19. Look. The childre nA. dance B. is dancing【答案】C【解析】略in the hall.C. are dancingin the tree.C. singing.所以用"singing”。20. The birds areA. singB. sings【答案】C【解析】句意是小鸟正在唱歌21 . I am notA.ki

8、d【答案】【解析】C. kiddi ng22.( by【答案】【解析】B. kiddi ngB题干意思是我不是在开玩笑,选择)Li Lei ' s fatherjsB.takeAB,玩笑的正确拼法是kiddi ngbus.C.tak ing23. Amy is listening to music.B.*A.【答案】A【解析】句意:Amy正在听音乐。选项 A听音乐,选项 B看书, 【点评】本题在理解句子的基础上,主要考查动词短语listen 的记忆,需要平时掌握。故选Aoto music 和read a book24. I am a party with my friends now.

9、A. haveB. havi ngC. has【答案】B【解析】句意:现在我正跟朋友们开晚会。这是现在进行时的句子,其构成是be+doing ,Bo因此需要having , A是动词原形,C是have的第三人称单数形式,故答案为:【点评】本题主要考查现在进行时,系动词要与主语相对应。25. Tom is in the library.A. talkB. talki ngC. talks【答案】B【解析】句意:汤姆正在图书馆说话。B.动词原形;C.动词第三人称单数形式。根据现在进行时结构 be+doing判断,选项B符合题意,故答案为:【点评】本题主要考查句意及单词辨别。Bo26. It'

10、;s 7 o' clock. He isbreakfast.()A. drinking B. hasC. eati ng【答案】C【解析】A、drinking正在喝;B、has有;C、eating 正在吃。 吃早餐是eat breakfast正在吃早餐是 eati ng breakfast 。【点评】考查动词词义。27. Oliverwith his father now.A. p layi ngB. p laysC. is p lay ing【答案】C【解析】略_ to start new less ons. C. goB. goi ng B略28. We are also A. g

11、oes【答案】【解析】29. The little girl is very happy. She is. A. shouti ng【答案】【解析】30. I 'B. smili ngC.cry ingA. send【答案】【解析】an email to my father.B. sent C. sendingC略31 . Look! Peter and Alice a model shipB. is mak ing C. makingA. are making【答案】A【解析】句意:看!彼得和爱丽丝.模型船。本句是现在进行时,构成be+doing ,本句主语是复数,be用are ,

12、make-making,故选A.【点评】本题考查了现在进行时,注意牢记现在进行时构成和用法。32 . What are they doing?They'rean art class.A. havi ng B. have C. has 【答案】A【解析】略A. Look ing【答案】B【解析】略! Your sister is singing a song.B. Look C. Have look34.A. Are; doing【答案】A【解析】略youkung fu?B. Can; doing C. Are; do35. The old man isthe road , a car

13、comes.A. cross ; and B. crossing ; but C.cross ; but 【答案】B【解析】略36. His friends are all.B. laughC. laugh ingA. to laugh【答案】C【解析】考查了现在进行时,系动词37. The Spring Festival is.A.come B.comes C.comi ng【答案】【解析】are后面应该用动词的ing形式。题答内线订装在要不请探38.?C. Is ; runningyour friends like A. Do; running B. Does; running【答案】【解

14、析】39. The twins are about their plans the win ter holiday.B. talk, aboutC. talki ng, forA. tak ing, to【答案】【解析】40. Ms White isher pup ils.试卷第9页,总11页C. talk withA. talki ng with B. talks【答案】A【解析】41 . My uncle ' s hobby isstamps.A. collect B. collect ingC. collects【答案】B【解析】42 . What are you? I '

15、; mthe flowers.A.do in g,wateri ngB.do in g,waterC.do,water【答案】【解析】43. We area cake for you. A.make B.makei ngC.maki ng【答案】【解析】44. I'mA. throwB. throw ing【答案】B【解析】略the basketball.C. throws45 . Lin Tao isan ice cream.A. buy B. buys C. buying【答案】C【解析】略46. I amyou some photos .A. send B. sending C.

16、 am sending 【答案】B【解析】根据am后面应该用动词-ing形式,所以选择sending。47. The ducksin the water .A. are swimmi ngB. are swimi ng【答案】【解析】C.is swimmi ng48. HeA. doing【答案】【解析】AThe ducks是复数所以系动词应该选择 are , swim的现在分词为swimming。his homework .B. did C. doAis后面应该用 ving ,49. What are you doing, Tom ?A. clea ningB. look ing【答案】A【

17、解析】am后面用ving形式,所以选择doing。I ' m the window .C.clea n再根据 window词,所以选择 cleaning 。50. They areA. talk ingB. say ing【答案】A【解析】“谈论”英语表达为about En glish food.C. hav ingtalk about 。51 . Why are youA. laughi ng B. laugh 【答案】A【解析】略C. to laugh52 . It's very cold today.It试卷第17页,总11页B. is snowC. snowyA. is

18、 snowing【答案】A【解析】略53 . Look! The bees( 蜜蜂们)A. dance B. dancing C. are dancing 【答案】C【解析】略in the flowers.54 . -Why are youa dress?-A. wear B. wearsC. weari ng【答案】C【解析】略I ' m going to dance.55. The boys and girls are A. lookingB. watch ing【答案】B【解析】略56 . They areA. make ing【答案】D【解析】略_ the running ra

19、ce in the p laygro und.C.seei ngtheir clothes.C. put away D. putting onB. pu tti ng57. Is sheA. eat【答案】【解析】someth ing?B. eati ngB略C. eatt ingD. eats58. I hope you areA. have B. has【答案】C【解析】略a better time .C. havi ng59 . Look! The twins A. are wan ti ngC. are hel ping【答案】C【解析】略their mother do the hou

20、sework.B. helpD. are look ing60. Is the woman A. in【答案】【解析】B. pu tti ng onA略yellow your teacher?C. weari ngD. hav ing题答内线订装在要不请探61 . I am look ingA. out of B. out C. of 【答案】A【解析】略the wi ndow.62 . Listen ! The boys _ A. is B. am C. are【答案】C【解析】略singing.63 .我在照看孩子.A. I am look ing after the baby.C. I

21、look am afteri ng the baby. 【答案】AB. I'm look afteri ng the baby.D. I look ing after the baby.【解析】略64. The ducks arein the water.A. swimB. swimi ngC. swimmi ng【答案】C【解析】略65. Jack isa book in the library.A. look ingB. watch ingC.readi ng【答案】C【解析】look和watch都表示看,look强调"看”这个动作, watch主要表示观看电 影、比赛等

22、,但是这两个词都不表示读书,读书的固定搭配是read a book/books 。66. Wu Yifa n is so tired. He isun der the tree.A. slee psB. slee pingC. slee p【答案】B【解析】现在进行时结构,表示正在进行的动作,用现67. Is your sister Yes, she is.A. draw B. draws【答案】C【解析】略68. What are you A. say【答案】【解析】69. Ipi ctures now?C. draw ing?B. says C. say ing C略a picture.A

23、. draw ingB. am draw ing【答案】B【解析】略70. Amy can youfast?A. running B. runs C. run【答案】【解析】71 . Look, the mon ster did nA. eat B. ate【答案】【解析】72 . My motherA. reads【答案】C【解析】C. am drawchildre n.C. eatedD.eat ing=在分词的形式。anB. readi ngEn glish book now.C. is readi ngfollow MrIA. tryi ng to B. tryi ng C. try

24、to【答案】A【解析】74. My motheran English book now.A. reads B. readi ngC. is readi ng D. read【答案】【解析】75. Are you73. The students areMa s orders.medic ine?A. tak ing some【答案】C【解析】76 . Miss Li isA. talk to, D.talk to, about【答案】B【解析】77 . The stude ntsB. take any C. tak ing any his stude nts withB. taikingp ub

25、lic signs toaboutC. talking about , withA . look ing【答案】B【解析】and teachers are.watchi ngCthe running race in the playground .see ing78. Look, A . look for【答案】B【解析】79. Look,A . flew B【答案】D【解析】80 . Ben is A.buying【答案】【解析】81 . I like _TomBhis shoes .is look ing for CWang Bing is.fly C . flies Da kite.lo

26、oking for.flyi ngthe can dles on the cake . It's time for some cake.C.blowi ng outB.blow outamA.cooking, cook,cook 【答案】B【解析】82 . WhatcanB. cook ing, cook, cook ing C.cook, cook ing, cook ingin the kitche n.I doin g?guess!p lay ing football.A.am, are B. are, are C. am, / 【答案】A【解析】83 . My little s

27、ister isA. sin gi ng ; walk【答案】【解析】84 . Su Ya ngA. sing, sings【答案】【解析】85 . WhatYoucanandin the park .B. si ngi ng ;walk ingC. si ng ;walk ing.Shean English song now.B. singin g, is singing C. sin g, is singingdoing?Making puppets.B. are they; They are C. they are; They areA. are there; There are【答案】

28、【解析】86 . Su Hai and Su Yang at home . Look, they their studyA. are, are clea ningB. is ,clea n C. are, are swee ping【答案】题答内线订装在要不请探we (宾格)I (宾格)sit (现在分词)_ can n ot(缩写形式) family (复数)on (反义词)write (现在分词) have (现在分词)_ run (现在分词)A. writ ingB. draw ing【答案】B【解析】90. The tele phone isA. ringB. ringing【答案】【解析】91 . The studentsa picture in the study.C. looki ngHele n how to make a card.B. teacher C. teach【解析】87 .按要求写单词。5%(1)(2)(3)(4


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