2、,还包含保证该车辆正常、合法上路行驶的全部手续与相关价值。不同于普通汽车出租业务的是,在租赁期间,承租人自行担当驾驶职责。汽车租赁业的核心思想是资源分享,服务社会。今日小编将与大家共享:标准汽车租赁合同(英文版),以下内容仅供参考阅读,希翼能对大家有所协助,来看看吧!车辆租赁合同 lease agreement甲方: party a: 乙方: party b:本合同由 (以下简称甲方)同 (以下简称乙方)本着互惠互利、平等自愿的原则,共同商议签署。the party a and party b hereby mutually agree, party a rents the van of bu
3、ick gl8 ( )which is owned by party b. the lease term commence from the 1st of may 9th 20xx to may 8th 20xx. the monthly rental of rmb13, 000 shall be paid by party a with the official tax invoice offered by party b.经甲乙双方同意,甲方租用乙方和其全部权的buick gl8 轿车(其次辆,车号0220)。租用期自20xx年5月9日起,至20xx年5月8日止。租用期间甲方将在收到乙方提
4、供的正式税务发票之后按每月人民币壹万叁仟元的租金支付给乙方。during the lease term, both parties are pursuant to the terms and conditions of this agreement, as follows:合同期内,甲乙双方仔细履行此合同所规定只责任,如下:1. party a shall pay the rental before or on the 31st day of each month to party b;甲方于每月31日前支付租车费用给乙方;2. part b’driver is worki
5、ng from each monday to friday: 8:00 am to 17:00 pm.with a hour’s break at noon; party a shall notify party b in advance if party a needs to use the van on saturday or sunday and pay ot payment at 30 rmb per hour; holiday ot can be 40 rmb per hour. the overtime payment of the driver will be
6、 made upon party a’s confirmation with the tax invoice issued by party b in 30 days.乙方的司机在合同期内的工作时光为每周一至周五,早八点至晚五点中午午休一小时;周六、周日用车提前与司机联系。甲方按照甲方人员确认的签字以月为单位支付给司机30元/小时的加班费,法定节假日加班费为40元/小时.乙方按照甲方确认好的加班明细向甲方开具正式发票,甲方在收到发票后30天内付款;3. party b shall keep the interior and exterior of the van are t
7、horoughly cleaned andensure that it is in good working condition;乙方要保持车辆内外整洁、干净,保持车辆的正常用法;4. all the maintenance related to the van and the insurance fee and other tax shall beborne by party b ;乙方自行负担有关车辆的修理保养及全部的保险费、养路费、税等; 5. the gasoline costs shall be borne by party a upon production of receipts
8、;甲方按照实际发生的燃油费用,依据发票向乙方付费;6. the toll fee and parking fee shall be borne by party a ;过路费及停车费由甲方担当;7. the van will be kept at the renter house in the off hours;所租赁车辆可以在业余时光停放在租赁者家中;8. party b shall be responsible for the personal medical insurance;乙方有关的个人医疗及人身损害费用,甲方不予担当;9. in case party b’s
9、 driver take sick leave or could not ensure the safety of driving,party b shall find a substitute till party a satisfied and will bear all related costs; 乙方司机如遇身体不适或其他不能平安驾驶车辆时,乙方应负责找到甲方惬意的司机代替,所发生的费用由乙方担当;10. party a shall provide the convenience to party b if the van is requested to beproperly fix
10、ed, maintained and regular checked;乙方车辆如有须要维修、保养、年检,甲方应提供便利;11. if any early termination occurs, one month prior written notice is requested;合同双方的随意一方提前解除此合同,必需提前一个月书面通知另一方; 12. this agreement will be extended upon the expiry date and the confirmation 本合同届满时,如双方无争议本合同自动顺延;13. party b shall
11、get and keep the insurance of personal injury and possession toensure that party a is not responsible for any issues which are caused by this van and is not responsible for any compensation caused by the van;乙方须取得和维持充分的人身损害险,第三者责任险,财产保险,从而充分保证甲方免受与车辆及相关事务引起的损失或伤害。甲方不担当车辆造成的一切伤害赔偿。14. if party b could not obey the statement and obligation in this agreement, andfail to do the rectification upon party a’s notification, party a shall be e
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