1、真空吸尘器電子元件非正常运行测试修订日期修订单号修订容摘要页次版次修订审核批准2011/03/30/系统文件新制定2A/0/批准:审核:编制:1.0 Purpose / 目的To evaluate if the sample operated with the electronic components short-circuited or/and open can conform to the relevant safety requirements in UL1017.評估样機電子元件在短路和/或断路非正常运行状况下是否符合UL1017安 全標準2.0 Definition/ 概念:Non
2、e 無3.0 Reference Documents/ 參考文獻:ILL.1017CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.243-01, dated 12-07-2001,CI Equipment/ 設備:4.1 Frequency c on verier.(变频電源).4.2 Stop watch (秒表)4.3 UL finger (UL 手指)4.4 3 ampere non-time delay type fuse ( 3A 快速保險,插頭型)4.5 Withstanding voltage tester.( 耐壓測試儀)4.6 White tissue paper (白
3、紙).4.7 Cheesecloth.(纱布)4.8 Softwood board (软木板)4.9 Digital multimeter (万用表)5.0 General Instructions/ 說:明5.1 Tests may be con ducted at any ambie nt temperature with in a range of 10-40°C (50-100T ).測試可在10-40 C (50-100 T)之內的環境溫度下進行.5.2 Un less otherwise no ted, all tests are to be con ducted wit
4、h applia nee conn ected to a 120VAC, 60Hz power source.除非另外標注,否則所有样機都将连接在120V/60HZ電源下进行測試5.3 All equipment used must be calibrated on an annual basis. Calibration stickers withlast calibration and calibration due date must be affixed to each instrument.使用的所有設備都必須以一年為 周期進行調校.載有最後調校日期和調校周期的調校粘紙必須粘固在每一
5、個儀表上5.4 A single malfunction (short or open) of any circuit component, such as a resistor, capacitor, solid-state device, and the like, may be applied one at a time. For a discrete, multiple (more than two) terminal devices, such as a transistor, SCR, triac, of an integrated circuit device, any comb
6、ination of terminals taken two at a time shall be open- or short- circuited.短路或断路样機中的电子元件诸如电阻,电容,固态元件等,一次只能 测试一个元件;对于诸如晶体管,可控硅,三极管和IC等有多种端子间短路或断路组合的多端子元件,一次 只测试两个端子的组合5.5 Choose the devices whose malfunction may cause most unfavorable results through examination of the sample and its circuit diagram
7、 .分析样機电路,选取功能失效后可能造成火灾,电击或人身伤害危险等的电子 元件进行开路或断路测试5.6 This test may be conducted under draught free condition. The air ejector fanmustn ' t be turned on until 2 minutes elapse after the test is over.測試將在无風环境條件下進行,待測試完成2分鐘後才可開啟排氣扇6.0 Procedure/ 步驟:6.1 Obtain a representative sample of the appliance
8、 to be tested.準備一台有代表性的樣機用於測試.6.2 Obtain Test Results Form TTR1011 and completely fill in the information describing the sample and the equipment used prior to running the test.用TTR1011的測試結果的表格;在测试前完整地填入樣板和使用的設備的情況6.3 Short-circuit or open an electronic component.短路或断路一个电子元件.6.4 Exposed noncurrent-c
9、arrying metal parts are connected to ground through the 3 ampere non-time delay type fuse.引一条线通过一个3A快速保險絲将马达壳接地.6.5 Place the sample on the softwood board covered with white tissue paper, then drape a single layer of cheesecloth on it making sure the inlet is not covered.將樣機放在鋪有一层白紙的軟木板上,再用一層纱布覆 蓋在樣
10、機上,確保進排氣口不被蓋住6.6 Make sure the control switch of the sample in off position before plug it into the testsocket protected with a 30 A time-delay (marked nDH) fuse, then turn on the sample operate it until the final results are obtained.确保樣機電源開關處在關的位置,将其插入带30A延迟保险的电源插座接着启动样機,观察现象最终 现象出现结束测试6.7 Recover
11、 the function of the tested comp on ent before test n ext one; repeat 6.3 66如有多个元件需测试,再测试下一个元件前先恢复上个元件;重复6.3- Apply Dielectric voltage withstand test on the sample directly per the method described in TAREGW1007. 按照TAREGW1007直接对样板進行耐壓測試6.9 As a result of this test, the 3 A fuse shall remai n
12、in tact. There shall be no ignition of the supporti ng surface, tissue paper, cheesecloth or any thermoplastic parts of the sample.There shall be no indication of a dielectric breakdown. There shall be no openings formed in the enclosure that permitted access to live parts or internal wiring. There
13、shall be no condition created that would in crease the risk of injury to persons due to improper operation of the product外殼材料,衛生紙,蚊帳布等不能著火,樣機內的帶電體和內部電線不能暴露在外,整機須通过耐壓測試且無電气擊穿的跡象,3A快速保險絲和30A延迟保险不得開路.也不得由于不当操作导致人身危险7.0 Results/ 結果:7.1 Use the corresponding Test Results Form TTR1011 to report all numeri
14、cal results as the information describedbelow 使用TTR1011測試結果的表格,除報告所有數字結果外,還有下列描述的資料.7.2 Clearly and completely describe all parts that are part of thisevaluati on. In elude allmodel numbers, manufactoring date codes, materials, plastic part revision letters, and modification status. 清楚并完整地描述本評估的所有零件,包括所有型號名稱,材料和塑膠零
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