1、仅供参考The PeopleRepublic of ChinaReal Property Ownership CertificateIn accordanee with the Real Right Law of the Peoples Republic of China, This HousingOwnership Certificate shall be the evidenee for the holders ownership of a realty.Registration Authority: Beijing Bureau of Land and ResourcesDate:Min
2、i stry of land and resources of Peoples Republic of ChinaNO.Jin g(2017)Chao Real Property Right No.XXXXXObligeState of mutual own ershipHouse joi nt own ershipLocatio n Jr/”1Unit No. of the real propertyRight typeT、X八State-ow ned con structi on land useright/house own ershipRight propertyTran sfer/h
3、ous in g-reform houseUsageReside neeAreaDomain area is XXXX square meters intotal/buildi ng area is XXX square metersin totalService lifeOther rights statusBuilding structure: Mixture仅供参考Total floor:X,curre nt floor:XHolder: XXXXXRemarksCo-ow nersNumber of buildi ng own ership Com mon share certific
4、ateXXXXXXJin g(2017)Real Property Right in Com mon share Chaoya ngDistrict No.xxxxxxXXXXXXJin g(2017)Real Property Right in Com mon share Chaoya ngDistrict No.xxxx仅供参考Beiji ng Real Estate Reconn aissa nee Mapp ing OfficeLocati onMapp ing No.1-2-1-16(3)OwnerLand No.Classificati onPrivatepropertyUsage
5、Reside neeArea ofCartilageTotal Area ofFoun datio nsShareCon struct ion Area of bungalowCon struct ion Area ofBuildi ngr1Total AreaBuildingNo.LocationConstructionTotalFloorBuilding YearBuilding AreaTotal AreaUse Area& RoomfloorConstructionIncludingNo.Area iiSet(s)House withICertificateBalconyconstructionareashare building1 r1Shares:U.7 Page SubtotalTotal1Attached : OtherCon struct ion Aream*m that is not con clud ing in the above total con structi on areaNotesCoefficientBEIJING HOUSE REGISTER FORM (BUILDING)Un it:m*mPage 1 of
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