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1、Lesson 5 Fuel Oil System第5 课 燃油系统1. Marine engines must operate successfully on heavy residual fuel oils which may vary in quality and analysis depending upon the source of their crude and the refinery processes. 1.船用发动机必须能良好地燃用重油运转,这些重油根据原油来源和炼油过程在质量和成分上是不同的。2. Accurate and complete analysis are di

2、fficult to obtain but specifications should confirm that certain parameters are not exceeded. Samples of the oil delivered should be kept for reference.2.准确和完整的分析难以获取,但应确认规格中某些参数不超出限定。所供油的油样应保留,以供参考。3. Density of the oil must be given (usually measured at 15), since the consignment will be measured

3、by weight. It will also be necessary to know this to adjust centrifuges to give efficient purification.3.由于交货(油)时是用重量来度量的,因此必须给出油的密度(通常为15下测得的)。知道油的密度对于调整分油机以便给予高效的净化也是必要的。4. Viscosity is required, to calculate temperatures at which the fuel is treated and injected into the engine.4.要求明确豁度,用以计算燃料在处理

4、和喷人发动机时的温度。5. Flash point for the fuel must not be below 60 although the actual value need not be stated. This minimum is for safety reasons. 5.虽然不必说明实际值,但燃油的闪点绝不能低于60。这个最低值的要求是出于安全原因。 6. Other factors should also be considered when selecting a fuel oil. Among those which affect combustion are the f

5、uel oils viscosity, cetane number and calorific value; the sulphur in it and its carbon residues and ash are factors that decide the formation of combustion products; and the engines maintenance has a lot to do with its flash and setting points, specific gravity, viscosity, water content and the mec

6、hanical impurities in it.6.在选择燃油时,也应考虑其他因素。其中影响燃烧的因素有燃油豁度、十六烷值和发热值;硫分、残炭值以及灰分是决定燃烧产物形成的因素;而发动机的保养与燃油的闪点、凝点、比重、勃度、含水量和机械杂质含量有很大关系。7. The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two partsthe fuel supply and the fuel injection systems. Fuel supply deals with the provision of the fuel o

7、il suitable for use by the injection system.7.柴油机的燃油系统(见图5-1)可认为由两部分组成燃油供给系统和燃油喷射系统。燃油供给系统用于为燃油喷射系统提供适合其使用的燃油。Fuel Oil Supply燃油供给8. Fuel to be used is first transferred from storage tanks to a settling tank in which it is heated to allow some water and sludge to settle out by gravity and be drained

8、off. The fuel is then passed through the purification system and discharged to a daily tank. Settling and service tanks are lagged to conserve heat.8.要用的燃油首先从储油柜驳运到沉淀柜,燃油在沉淀柜中被加热,使一些水和油渣借助重力沉淀出来并被泄放掉。然后,燃油经过净化系统被排人日用柜。沉淀柜及日用柜通过外包隔热层来保存热量。9. From the service tanks the treated oil is pumped through a

9、pressurized fuel system to the engine. With the oil temperatures necessary for high viscosity fuel, and the possibility that a trace of water may still be present, it is necessary to maintain the engine pump suctions and circulating connections under pressure to inhibit boiling, gasification and cav

10、itation. 9.经过处理的油从日用柜泵出,经过加压的燃油系统进人发动机。高勃度燃油需要一定的油温,而且有可能含有极少量的水分,因此发动机的油泵吸头和循环接口需要保持在一定的压力下,以防止沸腾、气化和气蚀。 10. The oil first passes to the supply pump which raises its pressure to about 4 bar; this pressure is maintained in the circulating returns. The circulating or booster pump draws oil from the p

11、rimary discharge, raising its pressure to 1012 bar and delivering it through the heater, viscosity regulator and fine filter to the main engine fuel pumps. The viscosity regulator controls the fuel oil temperature in order to provide oil at the correct viscosity for combustion.10.燃油首先进人供油泵,油泵将油压提高到约

12、4 bar;燃油在循环回路中保持这一压力。循环泵或增压泵从供油管吸取油,将油的压力升至10一12 bar,通过加热器、豁度调节器和细滤器将燃油提供给主机燃油泵。#燃油勃度调节器控制燃油温度,提供合适豁度的燃油以供燃烧。11. In large two-stroke engines the fuel injection will circulate fuel during the periods they are not actually injecting it to the cylinder. This ensures that the system remains fully primed

13、 and at uniform temperature. The circulated oil is returned to a buffer or venting tank from which it passes either back to the low pressure part of the system before the circulating pump suction, or into the service tank.11.在大型二冲程柴油机上,喷油器在不喷射燃油期间会循环燃油。这就确保了在输送系统内保持注满燃油,温度一致。被循环的燃油回到缓冲柜或放气柜,再从这里回到循环

14、泵吸人口之前的系统低压部分,或者回到日用柜12. Various safety devices must be included in the system with alarms to detect loss in oil pressure, low tank level, etc. Quick closing valves which can be operated from outside the machinery space must be fitted to all tanks and to the main inlet to the engine. Fuel pumps must

15、 have remote switches by which they can be stopped in an emergency.12.系统内还包括各种安全装置,带有警报器,可以探测到油压损失、低油位等故障。所有的油柜和柴油机的主进油口都必须装配能在机舱外操纵的速闭阀。燃油泵必须有遥控开关,可以在紧急情况下停泵。Fuel Injection燃油喷射系统13. The function of the fuel injection system is to provide the amount of fuel at the right moment and in a suitable cond

16、ition for the combustion process. That means, the fuel injection system for diesel engines must be able to supply a metered amount of fuel to each cylinder for each power stroke according to the load on the engine, and must include a timing mechanism to ensure that delivery of this fuel commences at

17、 the correct moment, and must have a means to atomize the fuel.喷油系统的功用是在适当的时刻, 以适当的状态, 为燃烧过程提供一定量的燃油。这就意味着, 柴油机的喷射系统必须能根据柴油机的负载为每一件功行程向各缸提供适量的燃油, 还必须包括一个定时机构以确保在适当的时刻开始供油, 而且还必须采取措施使燃油雾化。14. The type of injection system most commonly used in modern diesel engines is the jerk pump system. In the syst

18、em, a separate injection pump is provided for each cylinder which operates once every cycle. The barrel and plunger, together with the cam, are dimensioned to displace fuel at the rate it is required in the combustion chamber. Ports in the barrel in combination with slots in the plunger determine th

19、e amount of fuel delivered and the timing of its entry to the cylinder. Each pump is connected to the injector, or injectors, serving one cylinder. These injectors have spring-loaded needle valves which are set to ensure that the fuel is raised to a sufficiently high pressure to cause atomization wh

20、en they automatically open to admit it to the cylinder.现代柴油机广泛使用的是独立喷射系统。在该系统中, 各缸有一个喷射泵, 每循环喷油一次。柱塞和套筒连同凸轮一起设计加工成按燃烧室需要的供油速率提供燃油。套筒上的油口和柱塞上的槽及独立的机械操纵的溢油阀配合, 决定供油量及喷入气缸的时刻。每个喷油泵连一个或多个为一缸所用的喷油器。这些喷油器带弹簧加力的差动针阀, 针阀调整到燃油升压至足够高时自动开启以确保其喷入气缸时雾化。15. The engine is also provided with a governor which is des

21、igned to regulate the engines speed by adjusting the quantity of oil injected. When the engine runs at a speed higher or lower than is set, the governor will act automatically and reduce or increase the fuel oil supply so that the engine speed can be adjusted. The flyweight type governor with an adj

22、ustable spring is one of those most commonly used for large marine engines. The regulating movements of the flyweights are transmitted to the fuel pump regulating rods by means of a built-in servomotor. The oil pressure necessary for operating this governor is delivered by a gear-type oil pump built

23、 into the governor. 15.柴油机还配有调速器,调速器的设计是通过调节喷油量来调节柴油机的转速。当柴油机转速高于或低于设定值时,调速器会自动作用,减少或增加供油量以调节柴油机转速。带有可调弹簧的飞重式调速器是大型船用柴油机最常用的调速器之一。飞重的调节运动通过内装的伺服马达传递到燃油泵调节杆。操作调速器所需的油压由一台内装在调速器上的齿轮型油泵提供。Combustion of Fuel燃油的燃烧16. The general indications of good combustion are similar in any operating diesel engine: a

24、 clear exhaust, power produced and exhaust temperatures normal for the throttle setting. There should be no uneven running, knocking from cylinders or the fuel system.16.良好燃烧的一般迹象对任何运转中的柴油机都是相似的:排气透明,对应一定的节流调定所产生的功率和排气温度正常。不应有不匀转动,气缸或燃油系统不应有敲击声。17. Viscosity, or resistance to flow, in a fuel oil is

25、important when considering combustion. It must be low enough to ensure correct atomization at the fuel injector. Since viscosity reduces as temperature is increased, it will be necessary to heat heavy fuel oil to reduce its viscosity to about 15 cSt at 50 °C before atomization for combustion.17

26、.在考虑燃烧时,燃油的豁度或流动阻力很重要。豁度必须足够低才能确保燃油在喷油器的良好雾化。由于豁度随油温升高而降低,因此在燃烧雾化前有必要加热重油降低豁度, 达到50下约15 cStos18. Atomization is the splitting up of the fuel into very small droplets by the fuel injector forcing fuel at high pressure through small atomizer holes.18.雾化是由喷油器迫使燃油在高压下通过雾化器的小孔,而将燃油分裂成很小的油滴。19. Penetratio

27、n refers to the distance the oil droplets travel into the combustion space before mixing with the air and igniting. This will depend upon droplet size (atomization), velocity leaving the injector and the conditions within the combustion chamber.19.穿透距离指油滴进人燃烧室在与空气混合并发火之前所经过的距离。这取决于油滴的大小(雾化)、离开喷油器的速度

28、以及燃烧室内的状况。20. Turbulence is the movement of compressed air and fuel within the combustion space before combustion occurs. Turbulence will improve the mixing of fuel and air for effective and rapid combustion.20.扰动是燃烧发生前压缩空气和燃油在燃烧室内的运动。扰动会促进燃油和空气的混合,以产生迅速有效的燃烧。B.Multiple Choice B.选择题Questions 1-4 are

29、 based on paragraphs 1-7. 根据课文第1 -7段回答问题1-41.Which factor of the following affects not only the fuels combustion but also the engines maintenance? 以下哪个因素既影响燃油的燃烧又影响发动机的保养?答案.CA. The cetane number. 十六烷值 B. The flash point. 闪点C.The viscosity. 黏度 D. The setting point. 凝点2.The fuel oil system for a dies

30、el engine can be considered in two parts he fuel supply and the systems.柴油机的燃油系统包括燃油供给系统和_系统两部分。答案.DA. fuel purification燃油净化B. fuel combustion燃油燃烧C.fuel treatment燃油处理D. fuel injection燃油喷射3.Which factor of the following affects the fuels combustion? 下列哪个因素影响燃油的燃烧?答案;CA.The setting point凝点.B. The flas

31、h point. 闪点C.The cetane number. 十六烷值D. The mechanical impurities. 机械杂质4.Which factor of the following affects the engines maintenance? 下列哪个因素影响发动机的保养?答案.DA. The calorific value. 发热值B. The sulphur. .硫分C.The cetane number十六烷值.D. The setting point. .凝点Questions 5-9 are based on paragraphs 8-15. 根据课文第8-

32、15段回答问题5 -9 5.Fuel to be used is first transferred from storage tanks to a in which it is heated to allow some water and sludge to settle out by gravity and be drained off.要用的燃油首先从储油柜驳运到_,在这里燃油被加热,使一些水和油渣借助重力沉淀出来并被泄放掉。答案:BA.service tank 日用油柜 B. settling tank沉淀柜 C. buffer tank 缓冲柜 D.slop tank污油水柜6.Se

33、ttling and service tanks are to conserve heat.沉淀柜及日用柜来保存热量。答案.CA.tagged 加标签于B.labeled贴标签于 C. lagged给加上外套(本题中译为“外包隔热层”) D.tapped轻敲7The viscosity regulator controls the in order to provide oil at the correct viscosity for combustion. .黏度调节器控制_提供合适豁度的燃油以供燃烧。答案':CA. engines speed 发动机速度 B.engines loa

34、d 发动机负载C. fuel oil temperature燃油温度 D.fuel oil flow.油流8.Quick closing valves which can be operated from must be fitted to all tanks and to the main inlet to the engine. 所有的油柜和柴油机的主进油口都必须装配能在操纵的速闭阀。答案.AA. outside the machinery space机舱外B. only within the machinery space只有在机舱内C.only w i thin the main co

35、ntrol room只有在主控制室内D. none of the above.以上都不是9.The engine is also provided with which is designed to regulate the engines speed by adjusting the quantity of oil injected. 柴油机还配有_,其设计是通过调节喷油量来调节主机转速。答案.AA. a governor调速器B. a servomotor伺服马达C.a pump泵D. an injector喷油器10.The general indications of good com

36、bustion are similar in any operating diesel engine: a (an) exhaust, power produced and exhaust temperatures normal for the throttle setting. 良好燃烧的一般迹象对任何运转中的柴油机都是相似的:排气是_,对应一定的节流调定所产生的功率和排气温度正常。答案.DA. smoky.多烟的B. grey灰色的C.light blue淡蓝色D. clear透明的11. is the splitting up of the fuel into very small dr

37、oplets by the fuel injector forcing fuel at high pressure through small atomizer holes. 是由喷油器迫使燃油在高压下通过雾化器的小孔,而将燃油分裂成很小的油滴。答案:BA.Turbulence 扰动 B.Atomization 雾化C.Penetration 穿透距离 D.Performance运转情况12. , or resistance to flow, in a fuel oil is important when considering combustion. 在考虑到燃烧时,油的_或流动阻力很重要。

38、答案AA.Viscosity 勃度 B.Density密度C.Cetene number十六烷值 D.Calorific value发热值13. is the movement of compressed air and fuel within the combustion space the mixing of fuel and air for effective and before combustion occurs. It will improve rapid combustion. 是燃烧发生前压缩空气和燃油在燃烧室内的运动。它会促进燃油与空气的混合,以产生迅速有效的燃烧。答案.AA

39、.Turbulence雾化 B.Atomization扰动C.Penetration 穿透距离 D.Performance运转情况14. refers to the distance the oil droplets travel into the combustion space before mixing with the air and igniting. 指油滴进人燃烧室在与空气混合并发火之前所经过的距离。答案:CA. Turbulence.雾化B. Atomization扰动.C.Penetration透距离D. Performance运转情况Task 2 Vocabulary an

40、d Structure任务2词汇与结构A. Technical TermsA.专业术语。Translate the following into Chinese. 将下列词组译成汉语1.燃油喷射系统 2.储油柜 3.沉淀柜 4.戮度调节器5.针闷 6.定时机构 7.速闭阀 8.增压泵1.fuel injection system 2.storage tank 3.settling tank 4.viscosity regulator 5.needle valve 6.timing mechanism 7.quick closing valve 8.booster pump B.Active WordsB.常用词。Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the words in the table. Change the form of the words if necessary. 从框中选词完成句子,如有必要改变词的形式dimension throttlelagsplitcalcul


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