



1、1/ 14教学资料参考参考范本2019-2020 学年度八下口头表达专练 Unit10l vehadthisbikeforthreeyearsSectionBI 试题及参考答案_ 年_月_日_部n2/ 14This informationcomes from Yang Xuehui at Shili middle现在数以百万计的中国人离开农村到城市找工作钟伟,一个46岁的丈夫和父亲,就是其中的一员school in Xihe, Gan su.我城市挺可爱的那里有 什么特 别的地方吗哦有个音乐会厅它至少有20年了o?o家乡有些人仍然住然而,另一些人一情怀在他们的家 乡。年只回家乡一两次。3/ 1

2、4他过去的13年都在温州居住 他在蜡笔厂工作得非常辛苦,所以抽不出很多时间看看家乡“我以前一年至少回家乡一次,但是近三年没有回过了 真是令人惭愧,但我就是没有时间”他说很多人都像钟伟一样对家乡的变化很感兴趣 也许大医院和新公路都已经出现了在很多地方,政府已经建立了新学校,并派了城里的老师到农村去支教。“我留意到在我家乡这些改变确实在发生,”钟伟补充说,“自从20世纪中期,孩子们都是在我以前的小学学习读书和数数。但是现在这些建筑真的很旧了。我听说他们打算在那里建立一所新学校。”4/ 14钟伟认为这些发展很好,他也知道他家乡不能总是一成不变。然而,据钟伟说,有一些东西永远不会改变“在我家乡,学校对

3、面有一棵古老的大树。树仍然在那里,并成 为当地的一个标志了。在我小的时候,大部分孩子喜欢在大树下一起玩耍,特别是在暑 假。那 是 多 么 快 乐 的 童 年在我心中,家乡 留下了许多温柔甜美的记忆如今很多中国人离开家乡在城里找工作, 他们 通 常一年 回 家 乡一两 次。寻找2对面2返回2地区认为2依某人看2变化225/ 14钟伟接近三年了还没有回过家乡, 他在过去的13年都在温州一家蜡笔厂一直工作着。人们都像钟伟一样对家乡的变化很感兴趣。在政府的援助下建立了许许多多新大楼。钟伟认为这些发展很好因为有些东西为了更好需要变化, 但是他还认为有些东西永远不要变,他家乡仍然有使他回想起他所有童年往事

4、的地方。我童 年 最 喜 欢 的 是玩 具 虎0自从我三岁生日时就已经拥有了玩具虎,奶奶在我生日时送我的。我非常喜爱它因为它用我最喜欢的颜色被打扮得很漂亮, 它对我很特别因为6/ 14奶奶为我制作的。7/ 14我认为我要永远留着它,一旦看见它使我想起我的奶奶 这个玩具虎已带给我很多回忆记得小时候我怕黑,一到晚上就不停地啼哭 自 从我孩提时就没去过博物馆我已经有10多年没写过信了自从一年前找到工作我再也没骑过自行车自从我上 了高中就没看过电影自从我20 xx年离开城市再也没玩过电脑游戏你好,埃里克。到目前为止你在北京过得愉快吗? 挺 愉 快 的, 人 们 如此 友 好。8/ 14如今你在 中 国

5、 多 长时 间 了 ? 哦, 在 这 儿 已 经 两 年 了。 哇,那说明你两年来还未 回过美国呢?不,自从搬到中国我已经回过美国两回了。李娟,你以、八 刖去过美国吗?去过,在我10岁时去了 一回 。但从那时以来再也没有回去过 。Mycityislovely.What aresome ofthespecialplacesthere?Well,theresacon certhallthere.9/ 14Ithasbee naroundforatleast20years.10/ 14Nowadays, millionsofChi nese leavethecoun trysidetosearch

6、for work in the cities.Among theseis ZhongWei, a46-year-oldhusband andfather.He has livedinWenzhou forthelast13 years.With a hardjob ina crayonfactory,he doesnt findmuch time to visit his hometow n.“I used toreturnhome at least once ayear,buthave nt bee n back for almost three years now.Its a shame,

7、 but I just don t have the time,”he says.Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great in terest howtheir hometow ns have cha nged.Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared.In many places, the gover nment has also built new schools andSomepeoplestillliveintheirhometown.However,othersmay onl

8、ysee itonceor twicea year.HometownFeelings11/ 14primary school since the mid-20th cen tury.I hear theyre going to buildHe thinks such developments are good, and he also knows that hishometow n cannot always stay the same.According to Zhong Wei, however, some things will never cha nge.“In my hometow

9、n, there was a big old tree opposite the school.It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place.Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree,especially during the summer holidays. Itwassuchahappychildhood.sentteachersfrom the citiesto help.I no ticedthats t

10、rue of my hometown,”adds Zhong Wei.“Childrenhave learnedto read and count atmy oldBut now the buildi ngsare reallyold.a new school there.12/ 14Our hometow n has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.look for()con sider()across from()inones opinion()go back()changes()area()13/ 14My favorite

11、thing from childhoodis my toy tiger.Many Chin ese people these days leave their hometow ns to work inthe cities.They usually retur n to their hometow ns one or two times ayear.Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years.He has been working in a crayon factory in Wenzhou for the past13years.Peo

12、ple like him are in terested in how their hometow ns are cha nging.New buildi ngsareofte nbuilt by thegover nment.Zhong Wei thinks these changes are good because things n eed to change in order to become better. But he also thi nkssomethingswilln evercha nge,and his hometown is still the place that

13、holds all his childhoodmemories.14/ 14Ive had it since I was 3 years old,mygrannygaveittome onmy birthday.I likethe toytiger somuch because its dressed in myfavoritecolor.Its specialto mebecause my grannymade it for me.I thi nk I will keep it forever, once see ing it can remi nd meofmygranny.It is t

14、he toy tiger that has given me many memories.I remember when I was young and Im afraid of dark at night becauseI didn t stop crying in the dark.I havent been to a museum sinceI was a child.15/ 14I havent writtena letter for more than 10 years.16/ 14I haven t ridden a bike since I found my job a year

15、 ago.I havent seen a movie since I went into a senior high school.I havent played computer games since I left the city in 20 xx.Hey, Eric. Have you ever enjoyed your time in Beijing sofar?Yes, it has bee n great!Every one is so frien dly.HowlonghaveyoubeeninChi nanow?Oh, Ihave bee n hereforabouttwo yearsnow.Wow, t


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