



1、七年级英语下册第十单元测试题班级 _姓名 _I. 单项选择( 15 分)( ) 1. Would you like green tea _ juice ?I don t like greentea _ juice.A. and , and B. or , or C. and , or D. or , and( ) 2.Would you like _ tea with ice in it ? - Yes , I _ .A. any , would B. some, would C. any , will D. some , will( ) 3. The noodles with orange

2、juice _ only $ 1.5.A. is B. are C. for D. with( ) 4. -How many _ would you like ?- Two , please .A. cup of tea B. cups of tea C. cup of tea D. cups of teas( ) 5. Some chicken _ in the bowl . And some _ are in the garden.A. is , chicken B. are , chicken C. is , chickens D. are, chickens( ) 6. He d li

3、ke some _ noodles .A. onions and mutton B. onions and muttons C. onion and muttons D. onionand mutton( ) 7. -Would you like some ice cream , Vera?_ . It s myfavorite .A. No, I m not thirsty . B. No, thanks . C. Yes , I do . D. Yes , please .( ) 8. I d like _ some rice and fish for supper.A. eat B. e

4、ats C. eating D. to eat( ) 9. There s some _ on the table .A. milk B. onion C. tomato D. potato( ) 10. - What size of shoes would you like ? - I d like _ ones .A. black B. blue C. a medium D. large( ) 11. - What s your aunt s _ ? -It s No. 18 Fifth Avenue.A. number B. address C. name D. age( ) 12. _

5、 ?I d like to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter .A. Excuse me . B. I m hungry . C. Can I help you D. Can you help me?( ) 13. _ meat would your brother want ?A. How B. How many C. How much D. What( ) 14. My brother likes potatoes . He _ likes hamburgers .A. too B. also C. other D. others( ) 15. Wha

6、t _ food would you like , Mary ?A. kind B. kind of C. kind for D. of kindII. 完形填空( 10 分)A.In many En glish homes , people eat four meals a day: breakfast , l unch , after noon tea and dinner .People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. Theyeat porridge , eggs or bread. Engli

7、sh people drink tea or coffee at breakfastLunch comes at one o clock . After noon tea is from four to five in the after noon and dinner isabout half past seve n . First they have soup. Thenthey have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things like bananas ,apples , or oran ge

8、s .But not all En glish people eat like that. Some of them have their dinnerin the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast , dinner , tea and supperand all these meals are very simple.()1. Many En glish people have_meals a day.A. two B. three C. four D. three or four()2. People may have their b

9、reakfast_ .A. before seve n B. at any time C. after seve n D. at any time from seve n to nine()3. Tea comes_ .A. at one B. after supper C. before supper D. at any time()4. English people don t have_ for dinner.A. porridge B. meat or fish C. bananas or apples D. soup or meat()5._ of En glish people h

10、ave their meals in the middle of the day.A. Few B. Some C. Most D. LotsB.House of NoodlesWe have three size bowl of no odles , small , medium and large . A small bowl ofmutt on and carrots no odles is RMB 5. A medium bowl of beef and potatoes no odles isLunch SpecialPeople in differe nt 1 like to ea

11、t d ifferent food . 2 kind of_food do people in the UK 3 to eat ? Fish and fried 4 chips( _ 条)areat home , but they usually them8 the restaura nt park.verygo toor 95 ina fastthemthe UK. Sometimes people 6 themfood 7 to buy them. They can haveaway home. Sometimes , they 10 liketo eat them in a()1. A.

12、 country B. coun tries C. city()3. A. would like B. like C. likesC. potatoes()5. A. cheap B. large C. popularcooks()2. A. Who B. When C. What()4. A. potato B. potatoes()6. A. cooki ng B. cook C.()()III.7. A. restaura ntB. library9. A. get B. bring C.阅读理解(30 分)C. supermarket ( )8. A. in B.take ( )10.

13、 A. and B.on C.also C.undertooWe have some great specials . The cabbage tomatoesand rice lunch special is RMB3. The beef , carrots andrice lunch special is RMB 5. The dumpli ngs and soup lunch special is RMB 8.Time : 11: 00 a.m.2:00 p.m.Dessert HouseWhat kind of dessert would you like ? Wehave 2 gre

14、atnew specials: 1. Apple, strawberry and ice cream.2. Banana, orange and ice cream.And what size of dessert would you like ?Small,medium and large? And we also have juice and tea.()6. If you want to buy a small bowl of mutt on and carrots no odles and two large bowls of chicken and cabbage no odles

15、, you can pay(花费)_.A. RMB 24 B. RMB 13 C. RMB 21 D. RMB 18()7. If you go to the house of noodles , you can buy a medium bowl of_no odles.A. beef and carrots B. beef and potatoes C. chicke n and eggs D. mutt on and cabbage()8. If you have only RMB 3, you can buy_ at lunch time.A. rice, cabbage and to

16、matoes B. beef ,carrots and riceB.dumpli ngs and soup D. dumpli ngs and tomatoes ()9. If you want to have some dessert , youcanA. go to the house of no odles B. get a lunch special C. go to the dessert house D. go from thedessert house ()10. In the dessert house , you can also buy.A. juice and milk

17、B. juice and tea C. dumplings D. noodlesC.Every country has its favorite food. Italia ns like to eat pizza. In dia ns like to eat hot food . Japanese like to eat fish. Often theydontcook it .In En gla nd , the most popular kinds of food are fish and chips. But the worlds most popularfood may be Amer

18、ican fast food. In New York , Moscow, Paris and even in some big cities inChina , you can find people eating hamburgers and chips .Chinese food is also very popular in the world . Why? It has differenttastesand is usually very delicious . Dumpli ngs are the best .根据短文,完成表格。Favorite foodEati ng place

19、1.In New YorkDumpli ngs2.Un cooked fish( 鱼牛)3.4.In In dia5.In En gla ndIV. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(10 分)1. He_ like to sit here. ( would)2. How many_of bread do you have ? ( piece)3. She sometimes_coffee at home. ( drink )4.1 would like you_ to my house . ( come )5. They have differe nt_of tea. ( kind )6. We want to buy some_ . ( tomato )7. We have some great_. (special )8. How about_ some beef ? ( have )9. I d like a glas


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