



1、职称英语考试卫生 C 级备考阅读判断练习 (2)2021职称英语考试卫生 C级备考阅读判断练习Yeast Infection酵母菌感染Most of us suffer from fungal infections at some time or another during our life.Many of these infections occur in the superficial part of our body or in the skin.Fungal infections are transferable and some can be very dangerous and

2、in extreme cases can even lead to death.Sometimes,you may be infected with a fungal infection and not even realize it.One of the more common fungal infections is the yeast infection or in medical terms,candidiasis.Yeast infection is the infection of the mucous membranes caused by the fungus Candida,

3、specifically Candida albicans.Yeast infection also has another name,known as moniliaris,derived from the name form of a fungal genius,and thrush,a term usually reserved for infection of the mucous membrane of the mouth.The fungus is a normal inhabitant of the mouth and vagina.Some certain bacteria t

4、hat also inhibit the areas where the fungus is located usually follow the growth.The most common and popular type of candidiasis is the vaginal yeast infection an uncomfortable infection that almost two thirds of all women will experience at some time in their life.If you have yeast infection,daub a

5、pple cider vinegar in the areas prone to infection regularly.You can add some garlic that will help stop the itchy feeling and water to dilute the vinegar concentration.Curds and yogurt are foods identified to be the most effective home remedy for yeast infection.It is advisable to soak a tampon 棉球

6、into curds and place it in the infected areas for at least an hour.The healthy required bacteria from the curds will replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria.This could be done twice or thrice a day.Drinking at least two glasses of buttermilk a day is advisable whether you are infected or not.Curds shou

7、ld be part of the daily diet becausethis reduces the probability of yeast infection.1.Fungal infections are contagious,but they are not dangerous at allA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 正确答案: B 解析 :该题说的是: 真菌感染是能传染的, 但是它们并不危险。 第一段提到真菌感 染可以传染,一些可能会很危险,严重者甚至会致人死亡。20.Candida albicans is the specific fungu

8、s Candida that causes the infection of the mucous membranesA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 正确答案: A 解析:该题说的是: 白色念珠菌是引起粘膜感染的念珠菌。 第二段提到酵母菌感染 是有念珠菌引起的粘膜感染,具体说就是白色念珠菌。3. Normally,the fungus doesn' t exist in the mouth or vaginaA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 正确答案: B 解析:该题说的是: 真菌通常不存在于口腔和阴道内。 第四段提到真菌常

9、住于口腔 和阴道中。 inhabitant 意思是住民。与题干矛盾。4. Most women will experience the vaginal yeast infection sometime in their lifeA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned正确答案: A解析:该题说的是: 多数的女人在某个时期都会患阴道酵母菌感染。 第五段提到三 分之二的女人在生命的某个时期都会患阴道酵母菌感染。5. Garlic will make the apple cider vinegar therapy uselessA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 正确答案: B解析:该题说的是: 大蒜会使苹果醋疗法失效。 文中提到使用苹果醋的时候参加大 蒜可以止痒。6.It is advisable to place the tampon with curds in the infected area for no more than an hourA.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 正确答案: B解析:该题说的是: 建议使用沾了炼乳的棉球敷患处不超过1小时。倒数第二段提到“at least an hou,就是至少1小时。因此题干错误。7.Don ' t drink buttermilk


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