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1、外研社(一起点)六年级下册外研社(一起点)六年级下册Modulel-ModulelO 课前知识预习六年级下册 Module 1 知识汇总一、词汇hot dog 热狗cashier 收车艮员cola 可乐;一杯可乐soup 汤dollar 美元cent 美分enjoy 享用,享受meal 餐二、句子1. I want a hamburger.我想要一个汉堡。2. What do you want?你想要什么?I want a hot dog.我想要一个热狗。3. Can I have some soup?我可以要一些粥吗?4. How much is it?多少钱?课前知识预习一共是13美元,2

2、5美分 It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.5. Here 's your food.这是你的食物。6. What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?- I want to eat some meat.我想吃些肉。7. Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?8. What do you want to drink?你想喝什么?Milk, please.请来一杯牛奶。三、句型结构1. I want + a/ an/ some. + 名词.表示某人想要某物。eg: I want some eggs.我想要一些

3、鸡蛋。2. What do you want to eat/ drink?询问对方想吃 / 喝什么。eg: What do you want to drink?你想喝点什么? A cup of coffee, please.请来杯咖啡。3. How much is .? 询问某物多少钱。It s .eg: How much is the coat? 这个外套多少钱? It's one hundred yuan. 一百元。六年级下册 Module 2 知识汇总一、词汇later 后来,以后to go 剩余dark黑色的;黑暗的cloud 云Oh dear! 哎呀!天哪!dry 干的sta

4、y保持,维持cloudy 多云的二、句子1. When are we going to eat, Mum?我们什么时候吃东西,妈妈? At half past twelve.十二点半。2. It 's only half past eleven. One hour to go.现在才 H一 电半,还有一个小时。3. There are some dark clouds in the sky.天上有些乌云。4. It 's going to rain soon. 马上要下雨了。5. I don 't think so.我不这样认为。6. Here are your san

5、dwiches and drinks.这是你的三明治和饮品。7. What are they doing?它们在干嘛? They are eating our sandwiches.它们在吃我们的三明治。8. It looks like you're going to stay hungry, Simon!看起来你要挨饿了,西蒙。9. It will be sunny in Harbin.哈尔滨将会是晴天。10. It will be cloudy in Tianjin.天津将会是多云。11. It will snow in Beijing.北京将会下雪。12. What will t

6、he weather be like in Beijing?北京的天气将会怎么样?It will be sunny.将会是晴天13. What are we going to do today?今天我们要干嘛? We are going to the park.我们要去公园。14. 一 Will it be hot? 天会热吗?Yes, it will. 是的。会很热。三、句型结构1. When are we going to + 动词原形 +其他?询问我们什么时候将会做某 事。eg: When are we going to see a movie?我们什么时候去看电影? On Friday

7、 afternoon.周五下午。2. What will the weather be like in +城市? 询问某个城市的天气将会怎么样。eg: What will the weather be like in Shanghai?上海的天气将是什么样的?It will rain.将会下雨。3. 一 Will it + 动词原形(be +形容天气的形容词)?询问天气是否会 Yes, it will./ No, it won't.eg: Will it be rainy?会是雨天吗?No, it won't.不,不会的。六年级下册 Module 3知识汇总一、词汇close

8、合上,关闭quickly 快地,快速地left (leave的过去式)丢下shine (太阳)发光,照耀cry喊,叫二、句子1. Last Sunday, I cleaned my room.上周日,我打扫了房间。2. I had a very funny day on Saturday.周六我度过了 有趣的一天。3. There was a big lake in the park and there were lots of ducks.那儿有个很大的湖,而且有很多鸭子。4. I took some photos.我照了一些照片。5. Then it started to rain.然后天

9、开始下雨。6. We didn't want to get wet.我们不想被淋湿。7. Then the rain stopped and we went home.然后雨停了,我们回家了。8. We were hungry, and we were angry with the ducks.我们好饿,而且很生鸭子的气。9. Look at the little dog. It's crying.看这只小狗,它在叫。10. In this photo, the sun is shining.在这张照片上,阳光灿烂。11. It 's starting to rain

10、and the birds are flying away.天开始下雨,鸟也在飞走。12. What 's the weather like in Photo 1?第一张照片上的天气如何? The sun is shining. 阳光灿烂。13. In this photo, we're having a picnic.在这张照片上,我们在野餐。三、句型结构1 .主语 + be动词 (am, is, are ) +动词-ing (+其他).表示某人/物正在做某事。eg: I m making a cake. 我在做蛋糕。The stars are twinkling.星星在闪烁

11、。2 .主语+动词过去式+其他.表达某人过去做了什么。eg: I lost my keys yesterday.我昨天把钥匙丢了。六年级下册 Module 4 知识汇总一、词汇thing 东西,事物need 需要grab 抓住;抓取balloon 气球fly away 飞走stairs(常复)楼梯二、句子1. She 's buying things for your birthday party.她在为你的生日聚会买东西。2. Am I going to have an American birthday this year?我即将拥有场美式生日聚会了吗? Yes, you are.

12、 是的,你将会。3. Who can help me? 谁能帮帮我?4. I can carry all these things.我搬不动所有的东西。5. I can help you. I can carry the box.我能帮你。我能搬这个盒子。6. I'm on the phone.我正在打电话。7. We need your help.我们需要你的帮助。8. They 're flying away.它们正要飞走。9. Everything is falling.所有的东西都掉了。10. And the apples are falling down the st

13、airs!而且苹果也从楼梯上滚下去了。11. What a mess !好乱啊!12. He 's sitting down.他正坐下来。13. He 's walking to the blackboard.他正走向黑板。三、句型结构1. Who can help + 某人(人称代词要用宾格)?询问谁能帮助某人。eg: Who can help him?谁能帮帮他?2. 主语+ can/ can't + 动词原形+其他.表达某人能(会)/不能(不会)做某事。eg: I can 't swim.我不会游泳。She can speak French.她会说法语。3

14、. Be动词(am, is, are) + 主语+ going to + 动词原形 +其他 ?询问某人是否将要做某事。 Yes,主语 + be 动词(am, is, are)./ No, 主语 + be 动词(am, is, are) + not.eg: Are you going to travel to Paris?你要去巴黎旅行吗?Yes, I am. 是的,我要去。六年级下册 Module5 知识汇总一、词汇telephone 电话ring 响bell门铃bark (狗)吠,叫arrive 到达hardly 几乎不raincoat 雨衣tunnel 隧道二、句子1. Daming is

15、 having a birthday party.大明在举办一场生日聚会。2. He is playing the suona, but the telephone rings.他在吹喷呐, 但是电话他停了下来,大家都等着铃响了。3. He stops and everyone waits.外研社(一起点)六年级下册4. Daming starts again.大明又开始了。5. Now the dog is barking and dancing with the suona。 狗在边叫边跟着喷呐曲跳舞。6. Everyone says the dog is very clever.大家者

16、B 说这只狗很聪明。7. I am on a train.我在火车上。8. Some pigs are sleeping under a tree.一些猪正在一棵树下睡觉。9. People are carrying umbrellas.人们者 B 带着伞。10. The train goes into a tunnel.火车进了 隧道。11. Now the train arrives at the station.现在火车到站了。12. We come out of the tunnel.我们出了 隧道。13. Some children are jumping in the water.

17、一些孩子在水里跳来跳去。三、句型结构14. 语 + be 动词(am, is, are) + 动词-ing +地点介词短语 .表达某人/物正在某处做某事。eg: Mum was cooking in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房做饭。Dad is reading a newspaper on the sofa.爸爸在沙发上读报纸。六年级下册 Module 6 知识汇总一、词汇home 回家earth 地球space 太空travel 旅行interested感兴趣的be interested in 对感兴趣spaceship宇宙飞船surprised惊奇的;惊讶的made ( make的

18、过去式)做,制作model模型;模范;榜样taikonaut (中国的)太空人,宇航员national 国家的flag 旗seed 种子二、句子1. Welcome home!欢迎回家!2. What did you buy on the earth?你在地球上买了 什么?I bought a lot of things.我买了 很多东西。3. This T-shirt is for you. 这件T恤衫是给你的。4. It was Daming's birthday yesterday.昨天是大明的生日。5. He got many presents from his family

19、and friends.他攵至 U 了 来自家人和朋西蒙的妈妈给他买了这本书友的许多礼物。6. Simon 's mum bought him a book.7. Daming is very interested in space travel.大明对太空旅行很感兴趣。8. Daming showed Simon the book.大明给西蒙看了那本书。9. Daming asked Simon to read the book with him.大明让西蒙和他一起读这本书。10. Simon was surprised to see spaceships from China.西蒙

20、看至 U 中国的宇宙飞船感到很惊讶。11. It was a book about space travel.这是一本关于太空旅行的书。12. I made a special toy for you.我给你做了一个特别的玩具。13. The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.这个宇宙飞船的名字叫神舟V。14. In 2003, it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time. 2003年,它载着一位中国宇航员首次进入太空。三、句型结构1.主语+ buy/ buys/ bought + 某

21、人(人称代词要用宾格)+某物+其他.表达主语为某人买了某物。同义句型为:主语 + buy/ buys/ bought + 某物 + for + 某人(人称代词宾格) +其他. eg: He bought me a skirt yesterday.=He bought a skirt for me yesterday.六年级下册 Module 7 知识汇总、词汇flew (fly的过去式)飞,飞行spent (spend 的过去式)度过video 录像someday有朝一日born 出生,诞生illness 病,疾病round 在各处all over the world 全世界二、句子1. My

22、 father, Yang Liwei, is a taikonaut, and he is very famous.我的爸爸,杨利伟,是一位著名的宇航员。2. In October 2003, my father flew into space in Shenzhou V. 2003年十月,我的爸爸乘坐神舟V号宇宙飞船进入太空。3. He spent about twenty-one hours in space.他在太空度过了二 H一小时。4. He did a lot of work there.他在那儿做了很多工作。5. My mother and I went to the airp

23、ort to meet my father.妈妈和我起去机场见爸爸。6. He still tells me about his space travel now.他现在仍然会给我讲他的太空之旅。7. Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880.海伦凯勒于 1880 年出生于美国。8. She had an 川ness at nineteen months old. After that she couldn't see orhear.她在19个月大的时候得了一场病。那之后她就失聪失明了。9. But she learnt to read, writ

24、e and speak.但是她学习阅读,写作和讲话。10. Helen travelled round the world and told her story.海伦环游世界,给世人讲述她自己的故事。11. She was famous all over the world.她举世闻名。12. I could see lots of animals.我能看到许多动物。13. Did you go to the zoo?你去动物园了吗?14. Where did I go?我去哪里了 ?三、句型结构1.主语+ could/ couldn't + 动词原形 +其他.表达某人过去能够/不能够

25、做某事。更多内容请关注微信公众号:xscyy100eg: A baby couldn't speak when he was only five months old.一个五个月大的婴儿不会说话。My brother could play the piano when he was six years old.我弟弟六岁的时候就能弹钢琴。六年级下册 Module 8 知识汇总一、词汇cup 杯子classmate同班同学baseball 棒球brought ( bring 的过去式)带来more 更强烈地mistake 错误make mistakes牙已错误word 单词,字二、句子1

26、. Sam came into the classroom and saw some classmates there.西蒙走进教室看到一些同学在那里。2. Why do you have cups on your heads?你们为什么把杯子放在头上?3. Why are laughing?你们为什么在笑?4. They planned to play a baseball game.5. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game. But Lingling brought some cups.6. It 's easy t

27、o make mistakes with English words.7. Why are you here?你为什么在这儿? We are playing hide-and-seek.8. I Why are you wearing a raincoat?你为什么穿着雨衣? Because it 's going to rain.因为天要下雨了。9. Why did the girl go into space?为什么那个女孩要去太空? Because she wanted to be a star.因为她想成为一颗星星。10. Why did the dog sit under t

28、he tree?那只狗为什么要坐在树下? Because it didn't want to be a hot dog.因为它不想成为一只热狗。三、句型结构1. 一 Why did + 主语 +动词原形 +其他?询问某人做某事的原因。Because .eg: Why did you bring an umbrella? Because it 's going to rain.六年级下册 Module 9 知识汇总一、词汇wish 愿望,希望;祝,祝愿best wishes最美好的祝愿luck 运气primary初级的,初等的;小学的primary school 小学keep 保

29、留forever 永远joy 乐趣future 未来,将来taught (teach的过去式)教,讲授wonderful极好的,了不起的happiness 幸福,快乐二、句子1. We 're going to say goodbye to our primary school soon.我们彳艮快就要跟小学说再见了。2. Please write a message in this book.请在这个册子上写上留言。3. Good luck for the future.祝你好运。4. I will miss you.我会想你的。5. I 'll never forget o

30、ur time together.我永远不会忘记我们在一起的时光。6. Best wishes to you.最美好的祝愿送给你。7. You brought us lots of joy.你给我们带来了太多的欢乐。8. You 're my best friend.你是我最好的朋友。9. I m writing an email to my friends from the earth.我在给地球上的朋友写电子邮件。10. What are you writing in your letters?你在信里写什么?三、句型结构1. What are you doing?询问某人正在做某事。eg: What are you doing, Leo?你在干嘛,禾奥?I'm reading my cartoon books.我在读漫画书。六年级下册 Module 10知识汇总课前知识预习外


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