



1、“预学,导学,悟学”高效课堂模式Unit4 Finding your way Integrated skills预学案 初一英语组 主备人:朱松林 组员:吴冬梅 张芳Learning aims :1. 知识目标:(1) 词汇:turning, path, field, towards, ground, market.(2)理解并识记下列短语:cross the bridge, turn right/left, walk straight on. take the second turning on the right, cross the road at the traffic lights,

2、(3) 重点句型:Would you like to come? Yes, Id love to come. How do I get there?2. 技能目标:能识别有关方向的表达方法,能听指令 并画出线路图。3. 情感目标:能运用所学的语言知识为他人指路和做指示说明。Activity 1、Pre-read预习生词并且完成以下练习。(检查学生的预习效果:小组讨论,老师点拨。)1. turning_ take the second turning_2. path_ walk along the path_3. past_ walk past the house_4. corner _ at

3、the corner of the street_5. 宝藏_ . 红绿灯_6在左边_ 向右拐_7. 过桥_ 一直向前走_Activity 2、Finishing PartA1呈现49页图片,学生快速浏览,播放录音,让学生找出文字表述的情景和哪幅图相配,小组核对答案,学生展示答案。Activity 3、Finishing PartA21、浏览课本49页A2部分的6个句子,确保理解每个句子。2、Listen to the tape twice , Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes .3、再听录音,完成A3的寻宝路线。4、小组核对答案,学生展示答案。Activi

4、ty 4、Speak up1、听Speak up对话,跟读对话。画出行走路线的简图。2、朗读对话,和同桌操练Speak up的对话,表演对话。3、根据实际情况表演对话,准备下节课上台展示。Activity 5、The language points:1Walk past the house 经过房屋past 介词 意思为“经过”。如:He walked past me without saying a word.他从我身边经过,一言不发。2How do I get there ? 我去那儿的路怎么走?常用的问路表达法:Excuse me , where is -? Can you tell m

5、e the way to -? Which is the way to -? Can you tell me how to get to -?6、课堂达标检测一、选择正确的答案。1. Its easy _(to find/ finding) the big tree.2. You can take the _(second/ two)turning on your right.3. Walk _(across/ cross) the bridge and you will see Hill Building.4. Would you like _(to tell/tell) us the st

6、ory?5. Mum walks _(past/ pass) the park to her school every day.二按要求完成句子。 1. Turn left at the second crossroads.(同义句) _ the second _ _ your left.2.The man with a hat in his hand is Mr Wu.(画线提问) _ _ _ Mr Wu? 2. My father goes to work by car every day. (画线提问) _ _ your father _ to work every day?4. Please tell me how I can get to the post office. (同义句) Please tell me _ _ _ _ the post office.5. We often go to the Summer Palace (用tomorrow改写)We _三、根据中文提示完成下列句子中的单词。1. Walk _(经过)the tall building.2. _(穿过)the bridge carefully.3. The _(宝藏) is near the riv


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