



1、.制度名业务会议记录电子文件编码GLWA262页码4-1Present:Charles Bainbridge Head of the Manufacturing Division ChairmanPeter Fung Production Supervisor SecretaryErnest Hong Sales RepresentativeJames Mak Marketing ManagerPhilip Kwai Production ManagerApologies:Clara Chan1.Minutes from the last meetingThe minutes of the l

2、ast meeting of the DomesticSales Team on 15 April 200× were read and approved by Mr Bainbridge.2.Matters arisingMr Kwai reported back on his investigation into the production problems t he company had been experiencing at the time of the last meeting. He reported th at these had now been comple

3、tely overcome, and stated that production was now ba ck at its expected level. He would be producing a report shortly. 签发人责任人签名制度名业务会议记录电子文件编码GLWA262页码4-23Report on Market Survey by Mr HongMr Hong started the discussion by briefly stating the purpose of his repo rt, which was to investigate the pote

4、ntial for using APC material in the product ion of sports shoes in Hong Kong. He also commented on the methodology he had us ed to obtain the data for his report.Mr Hong reported that he had found that synthetic materials were used in 90% of all sports shoes produced in Hong Kong. He explained that

5、some 50% of all sports shoes were manufactured from PVC, and that PVC was cheaper and easier to screen print and colour.Although only 8% of sports shoes were made from APC at present, ma ny manu facturers would be quite willing to pay a higher price for a better quality product. He also felt that, i

6、n the current economic climate, many manufacturers migh t be willing to stock higher quality goods in order to break out of the vicious circle of low-quality, low - profit margin sales.At this point, Mr Mak asked whether manufacturers' remarks were reliable. He expressed the fear that many manuf

7、acturers might be unwilling to transfer to using a more expensive raw material when they had to make a decision.Mr Kwai pointed out, however that switching to production based on APC wo uld not require additional expense on the part of manufacturers, other than the increased cost of raw material,whi

8、ch could be passed on to the consumer. Mr Bainbridge recognised Mr Mak's concern about the reliability of Mr Hon g's findings,and suggested that a further study be carried out with a larger sam ple of manufacturers. Mr Mak offered to undertake this study. 4.Any Other BusinessNo other busines

9、s was discussed , and the meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm. 签发人责任人签名制度名业务会议记录电子文件编码GLWA262页码4-3与会者:查尔斯·班布里奇 消费部主管会议主席彼得·冯 消费总监会议秘书欧内斯特·洪 销售代表詹姆士·麦 市场经理菲利浦·季 消费经理缺席者:克拉拉·陈1上次会议的会议记录本地销售小组于200×年4月15日举行了会议。本次会议上,班布里奇先生宣读并通过了该次 的会议记录。2续议事项上次会议提出了公司在消费方面遇到的问题,季先生对此作了调查。并在会议

10、上汇报了调查 结果。他说如今这些问题都已得到妥善解决,消费已恢复正常,不久他将撰写一份报告。3洪先生的市场调查报告洪先生在会上首先简要阐述了此次调查的目的研究香港运动鞋消费中采用APC材料的潜 在可能性,并介绍了他搜集资料的方法。洪先生在汇报中指出,在香港,合成材料运动鞋占运动鞋总产量的90%,而用PVC材料消费的 运动鞋就占50%左右。他还解释说,PVC材料价格廉价,易于加网印花和着色。虽然目前采用APC材料消费的运动鞋仅占8%,但许多消费厂家 都很愿意付更高价钱,改进产品质量。洪先生还认为,在目前的经济气候下,为了摆脱销售 时质劣利薄的恶性循环,厂家愿意储藏高品质的货品也是不无可能的。关于这一点,麦先生问,厂家的这些话是否可信。他担忧,许多 签发人责任人签名制度名业务会议记录电子文件编码GLWA262页码4-4厂家在最后决策时其实不一 定愿意改变原来的做法,而采用价格更高的原材料。对


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