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1、实验一 1. 输出文本对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1caption输出文本标题width3000窗体宽度Height1500窗体高度maxbuttonfalse无最大化按钮Minbuttonfalse无最小化按钮Font宋体、粗体、四号字体、字号、字形Private sub form_click()Form1.print “程序设计基础教程”End subPrivate sub form_dblclick()Form1.clsEnd sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption乘法运算标题标签Label1Caption被乘数标题Label2caption乘数标题文

2、本框Text1Text文本内容Text2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1Caption乘积标题Private Sub Command1_click()Dim a as single,b as single,c as singlea=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=a*btext3.text=str(c)end sub3.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption数值运算标题标签Label1Caption请输入整数n标题文本框Text1TextText2Text命令按钮Command1Caption立方根标题Private Sub

3、 Command1_click()Dim n as integer,a as singlen=val(text1.text)a= n(1/3)text2.text=str(a)end sub4.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本显示标题文本框Text1Text命令按钮Command1Caption显示标题Command2Caption清空标题Private Sub Command1_click()Text1.text=“visual basic 程序设计”end subPrivate Sub Command2_click()Text1.text=“”end sub5.对

4、象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption字符串运算标题文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1Caption左子串标题Command2Caption长度标题Private Sub Command1_click()Text2.text=left(text1.text,5)end subPrivate Sub Command2_click()Text3.text=len(text1.text)end sub6.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1captionwidthHeightcontrolboxtrue无控制菜单栏命令按钮Comma

5、nd1CaptionCommand2CaptionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Form1.Move 0, 0End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Form1.Height = Form1.Height * 1.2Form1.Width = Form1.Width * 1.2End Sub7.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2captionLabel3caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1Caption通用声明Con

6、st pi as single=3.14159Command1_click()Dim a as single,b as single,c as single,s as singlea=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=val(text3.text)s=a*b*sin(c*pi)/180)/2text4.text=round(s ,2)end sub实验二 顺序1.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption圆球体积标题标签Label1Caption圆球半径标题Label2captionborderstyle1- fixedsingle有边框命令按钮C

7、ommand1Caption体积标题文本框Text1Text通用声明Const pi as single=3.14159Private Sub Command1_click()Dim r as single,v as singler=val(text1.text)v=4/3 *pi*r3label1.caption=format(v, “0.00”)end sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption平均成绩标题标签Label1Caption语文成绩标题Label2Caption数学成绩标题Label3Caption英语成绩标题命令按钮Command1Caption平均分标

8、题文本框Text1TextText2TextText3TextText4Textlockedtrue内容不可编辑Private Sub Command1_click()Dim a as single,b as single,c as single,d as singlea=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=val(text3.text)d=(a+b+c)/3text4.text=format(d, “0.00”)end sub3.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本编辑标题文本框Text1TextScrollbars2- vertical

9、具有垂直滚条MultilineTrue多行显示lockedTrue命令按钮Command1Caption编辑&EAlt+e或单击Command2Caption保存&SAlt+s或单击EnabledFalse按钮不可用Private Sub Command1_click()Text1.locked=falseEnd subPrivate Sub Text1_changeCommand2.enable=trueEnd subPrivate Sub Command_click()Text1.locked=trueCommand2.enable=falseEnd sub4.对象对象名称

10、属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption登录界面标题文本框Text1TextFont粗体、四号Tabindex0文本框获得焦点Alignment2-center内容居中命令按钮Command1Caption登录标题DefaultTrueEnder键Command2Caption退出标题CancelTrueEscCommand1_click()Text1.text=“欢迎光临”End subCommand2_click()Text1.text=“谢谢再见”End sub5.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本复制标题文本框Text1TextScrollbars2-vert

11、ical垂直滑块MultilineTrue自动换行命令按钮Command1Caption选择标题Command2Caption复制标题标签Label1Captionborderstyle1-Fixed single 有边框Command1_click()Text1.selstart=8Text1.sellength=9 End subCommand2_click()Label2.caption=text1.seltextEnd sub6.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextTex

12、t3TextText4Text命令按钮Command1CaptionnameCmd1按钮名称Command2Captionname通用声明Const pi as single=3.14159Dim r as single,h as singlePrivate Sub Command click()Dim s as singler=text1.texth=text2.texts=2*pi*r2+2*pi*r*htext3.text=format(s, “0.000”)end subPrivate Sub command2 click()dim v as singlev=pi*r2*htext4.

13、text=format(v, “0.000”)end sub7.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text1TextText2Text标签Label1Captionborderstylename命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption通用声明Dim a as string,b as stringPrivate Sub Command1_click()a=text1.textb=text2.texttext3.text=“a” & “b”end subPrivate Sub command2_click()dim t as strin

14、ga=text1.textb=text2.textt=aa=bb=ttext1.text=atext2.text=b label1.caption=“交换成功”end sub实验三 选择1.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Captionborderstyle命令按钮Command1Caption文本框Text1TextCommand1_clickDim n as integerIf (n mod 3=0 )and (n mod 7=0 ) thenLabel2.caption=“Yes”ElseLabel2.caption=“No

15、”End ifEnd sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1CaptionDim x as single,y as singlex=text1.texty=text2.textif x>0 and y>0 thentext3.text=“第一象限”elseif x<0 and y>0 thentext3.text=“第二象限”elseif x<0 and y<0 thentext3.text=“

16、第三象限”else x>0 and y<0 thentext3.text=“第四象限”end ifend sub3.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1Caption命令按钮Command1Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3TextText4TextCommand1_clickDim a as single,b as single,c as single,d as singlea=text1.textb=text2.textc=text3.textd=a+b+cif d>=270 thenif d>=28

17、5 thentext4.text=“Gold Medal”elsetext4.text=“Silver Medal”end ifelseif d>240 thentext4.text=“Bronze Medal”else if a>95 or b>95 or c>95 then text4.text=“Honor Medal” else text4.text=“No Medal” end ifend ifend sub 4.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text1TextAlignmentfont框架Frame1Caption学历标题单选按

18、钮Option1Caption博士标题Option2CaptionOption3CaptionOption1_clickText.text=“我是博士生”End subOption2_clickText.text=“我是硕士生”End subOption3_clickText.text=“我是本科生”End sub5.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionborderstyleFontAlignment复选框Check1caption下划线标题Check1captionPrivate Sub Check1_Click()If Check1.Valu

19、e ThenLabel1.FontUnderline = TrueElseLabel1.FontUnderline = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Check2_Click()If Check2.Value ThenLabel1.FontStrikethru = TrueElseLabel1.FontStrikethru = FalseEnd IfEnd Sub6.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1Caption文本框Text1TextText2Textenablefalse不可操作命令按钮Command1CaptionCom

20、mand1_clickDim n as singlen=text1.textif n=<4 thentext2.text=format(10,“0.0”)elseif n>4 and n<=15 thentext2.text=format(10+1.2*(n-4),“0.0”)elsetext2.text=format(1.8*n,“0.0”)end ifend sub7.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextPasswordchar*文本显示*命令按钮Comma

21、nd1Caption单选按钮Option1CaptionNameOp1名字Option2CaptionNamevaluetrue选中标签Label3CaptionBorderstylefontfontcolor红色前景色Command1_clickIf text1.text=“Teacher” then If text2.text=“123456” then Label3.caption=“登录成功”Else Label3.caption=“密码不正确” End ifElseif text1.text=“Student” thenIf text2.text=“654321” then Labe

22、l3.caption=“登录成功”Else Label3.caption=“密码不正确” End ifElseLabel3.caption=“用户未注册”End ifEnd sub实验四 循环1对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1Caption命令按钮Command1Caption文本框Text1Text标签Label2CaptionBorderstylePrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, a As Longn = Text1.Texta = 0For i = 1 To n I

23、f (i Mod 3 = 0) And (i Mod 7 <> 0) Then a = a + i End If Next i Label1.Caption = aEnd Sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1CaptionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Integer, m As Integer, i As Integern = Text1.Text n=val(text1.

24、text)m = Text2.Text m=val(text2.text)If m >= n Then for i=n to 1 step -1 For i = n To 1 Step -1 if n mod i=0 and m mod i=0 then If (m Mod i = 0) And (n Mod i) = 0 Then text3.text=str(i) Text3.Text = I exit for Exit For end if End If next i Next iElse For i = m To 1 Step -1 If (m Mod i = 0) And (n

25、 Mod i = 0) Then Text3.Text = i Exit For End If Next iEnd IfEnd Sub3.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text命令按钮Command1CaptionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Integer, m As Integer, i As Integer, a As Integer, s As Integer, flag As Boolean m = Text1

26、.Text n = Text2.Text s = 0For a = m To n flag = True For i = 2 To a - 1 If a Mod i = 0 Then flag = False Exit For End IfNext iIf flag = True Then s = s + aNext aText3.Text = sEnd Sub4.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionHeightWidthleft100左边距Borderstyle命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption计时器Timer

27、1Internal1000时间间隔为1秒EnableFalse非激活状态Private Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Timer1.Enabled = FalseLabel1.Left = 100End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Label1.Left = Label1.Left + 100End Sub5.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionBorderstyle水平滚条Hscroll1Max

28、100最大值Min1最小值value10当前值命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption文本框Text1TextPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Single, i As Single, a As Single, s As Singlen = Label1.Captions = 0For i = 1 To n For a = 1 To i s = s + a Next aNext iText1.Text = sEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change()Label1.Caption = HScroll

29、1.ValueEnd Sub6.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionBorderstyle命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption文本框Text1TextPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As Single, n As Long, t As Long, i As Longs = Text1.Textt = 1For i = 1 To Len(s) If Right(s, 1) = "1" Then n = n + t End If t = t * 2 s = Lef

30、t(s, Len(s) - 1) Next i Label1.Caption = nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim a As Long, q As Longa = Text1.Text Do While (a > 0)q = a Mod 2 & qa = a 2LoopLabel1.Caption = qEnd Sub7.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionBorderstyleFontAutosizetrue自动调整大小命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Captio

31、nEnableFalse禁用计时器Timer1InternalEnablePrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Caption = "继续"Command2.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Command2.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Time

32、r()Label1.FontSize = Label1.FontSize * 1.1If Label1.FontSize > 100 ThenLabel1.FontSize = 8End IfEnd Sub实验五 数组1.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextLocked命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2CaptionDim a(1 To 10) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerText1.text=""For i

33、= 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 81) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, t As IntegerText2.text=""For i = 1 To 9For j = i + 1 To 10If a(i) > a(j) Thent = a(j)a(j) = a(i)a(i) = tEnd IfNext jNext iFor i = 1

34、 To 10If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 ThenText2.Text = Text2.Text & a(i) & Space(2)End IfNext iEnd Sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text2TextText3TextText1Textmultiline水平滚条scrollbars1-horizontal命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption标签Label1CaptionDim a(1 To 10) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As

35、 IntegerFor i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 26) + 65Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, max As Integermax = a(1)For i = 2 To 10If max < a(i) Thenmax = a(i)End IfNext iText2.Text = maxText3.Text = Chr(max)End Sub3.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体F

36、orm1Caption文本框Text2TextText3TextText1Textmultiline水平滚条scrollbars1-horizontal命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption标签Label1CaptionDim a(1 To 100) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerFor i = 1 To 100a(i) = Int(Rnd * 26) + 65Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Chr(a(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd S

37、ubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, b As Integer, j As Integerr = 0b = Asc(Text2.Text)For i = 1 To 100If a(i) = b Thenj = j + 1End IfNext iText3.Text = jEnd Sub4.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text1Textmultilinescrollbars3-both命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption标签Label1CaptionBorderstyleDi

38、m a(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerText1.Text = ""For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i, j) & Space(2)Next jText1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Cli

39、ckDim i as Integer ,j as Integer ,s as Integer For i = 1 to 5 j = 6 is=s+a( i ,j )next iLabel1.caption =sEnd Sub5.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1Caption文本框Text1TextText2Text命令按钮Command1CaptionDim a() As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Integer, i As Integeri = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a(1

40、 To i)a(1) = 1a(2) = 1For n = 3 To ia(n) = a(n - 1) + a(n - 2)Next nText2.Text = a(i)End Sub6.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption文本框Text1TextmultilinescrollbarsText2TextDim a(1 To 50) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerText1.text=""For i = 1 To

41、50a(i) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As IntegerText2.Text = 0For i = 1 To 50If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 And a(i) Mod 7 = 0 ThenText2.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + a(i)End IfNext iEnd Sub7.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption文本框Text1Textmu

42、ltilinescrollbars命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2Caption标签Label1CaptionBorderstyleDim a(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerText1.Text = ""For i = 1 To 4For j = 1 To 4a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 41) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i, j) & Space(2)

43、Next jText1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer,j as integerFor i=1 to 4t=a(i,1)a(i,1)=a(i,3)a(i,3)=tNext tFor i = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 4 Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption & a(i, j) & Space(2)Next jLabel1.Caption = Label1.Caption & vbCrLfN

44、ext iEnd Sub实验六 常用控件1.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption标签Label1CaptionLabel2CaptionLabel3Caption文本框Text1TextText2TextText3Text框架Frame1Caption单选按钮Op(0)caption加Op(1)captionOp(2)captionOp(3)captionPrivate Sub Op_Click(Index As Integer)Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integera = Val(Text1.Text)b = Val(Text2.Text)Select Case IndexCase 0 c = a + bCase 1 c = a - bCase 2 c = a * bCase 3 c = a / bEnd SelectText3.Text = Str(c)End Sub2.对象对象名称属性属性值说明窗体Form1Caption列表框List1List2命令按钮Command1CaptionCommand2CaptionDim a(1 To 10)


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