1、2019-2020 年高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit15Popularyouthculture-Period3Let sstudyPart 1 Teach ing Pla nsGoalsTalk about popular youth culture and in terests of young peopleRead about volun tary workPractise prese nti ng ideaIn tegrative Ian guage practiceCon duct a survey and write a reportPeriod 3 Lets study!(Con
2、j unctions)GoalsLear n about conj unctionsProceduresStep 1: Study the conj unction s-although (though), even though(if), whe never, sothatTo begi n with, lets learn the meanings and examples of the followi ng conj unctions.Although: conj,“in spite of the fact that”It is usually put at the beginning
3、of a sentence: Although it was so cold, hewent out without an overcoat. He passed the exam in ati on although he had bee n preve nted by ill ness from study ing.Though: 1)conj,in spite of the fact that”It is usually put at the beginning of a sentence. It is used more in oral English: Though they are
4、 poor, they have eno ugh to eat.2)adv ,“however”It is usually put at the end of a senten ce: He said he would e; he did n t, though.Even though(if): used to call atte nti on to the extreme n ature of what follows: She wonleave the TV set, eve nthough her supper son the table. Even if I have to sell
5、my house, I ll keep my bus in ess going.Whenever: 1)conj,“at whatever time, no matter when” :Whenever you call, youll find her sitting by thewin dow. 2)conj,“on any occasi on, every time that”: When ever I go out on a date, it begi ns to rain. 3)adv, anemphatic form of“when” :When ever can I find th
6、e time to enjoy a long journ ey?Sothat: 1) with the intent that: We have so arran ged matters that one of us is always on duty.2) with the resultthat: Itso cold that the pond has frozen.Step 2: Doing exercisesNow, let sdo exercise 2 on page 132 and exercise 3 on page 133Step 3: Summary of conj uncti
7、onsformmeaningalthough :conjin spite of the fact thateven though: conjused to call attention to the extreme nature of whatfollowssothat: conjwith the intent that, with the result that2019-2020 年高中英语第三册(全一whe never: conj, advno matter when, every time that(conj) an emphaticform of“when”(adv)2019-2020
8、 年高中英语第三册(全一Part 1 Teach ing Pla nsGoalsTalk about popular youth culture and in terests of young peopleRead about volun tary workPractise prese nti ng ideaIn tegrative Ian guage practiceCon duct a survey and write a reportPeriod 4 Lets read and write!(DENIM JEANS)GoalsRead about jea nsWrite an artic
9、le for the school n ewspaperProceduresStep 1: Liste ning and readi ng aloudHello, every one. As you can see, today I m weari ng a pair of jea ns, which is also your favorite way of dress ing. Thismorning we are going to read a passage about jeans and write a report! First read aloud to the recording
10、 of the textDENIM JEANS on page 133. Pay attention to the pauses, the pronunciation and the intonation while youare liste ning and readi ng aloud.Step 2: Copy ing dow n expressi onsThere are many useful expressions in this reading material, which may be helpful to you when you are writing. So, whyno
11、t write dow n all those expressi ons?Useful expressio ns from DENIM JEANS have fun, take off the school uniform, put on one s favorite casual clothes, apair of denim jea ns, cha nge from year to year, go pletely out of fashion, part of,the lifestyle of today s youth,describe sth., in the sixteenth c
12、entury, be created in the 1870s, employed in heavy labour, for fashion as well as forwork, show cowboys wearing jeans, have a reputation for living wild and free, dream of,in ones free time, beintroduced to the world, make jeans ones own unique item of fashion, look different, approve of students we
13、aring jeansto school, forbid sth., makepopular, be through different changes in style, at other times, decoratewith, be addedto,appear to have bee n done, the young, in many respects, be popular with, feel young, con ti nue to be most fashion able, the first choice for sb., i n the 15-19 age group,
14、a symbol of the global tee nager, it seems likely that,rema inpart of册)Un it15Popularyouthculture-Period4Let sreadandwriteintern ati onal youth cultureStep 3: Writi ng a survey report.In groups desig n a questi onn aire to survey people about their likes and dislikes in music. Write a report tell in
15、g aboutyour findin gs.A report on musicWe con ducted a survey on music. We find that over 70% of our stude nts like pop music. Over10% like rock and roll. One thing worth men tio ning is that Chin ese traditi onal music is beinga new trend among the stude nts. One group has bee one of their favorite
16、-12 Girls Band.Dressed ide ntically in black sleeveless suits and high heels, the 12 females on stageappeared moder n and fashi on able. However, they were n but traditi onal Chin ese musicia ns.Passi on ate and rhythmic, the audie nce came to realize that these traditi onal in strume ntscould also
17、be used for hip-hop and rock.The 12 Girls also put a Chinese twist to the jazz classics Five Beats and Seven Beats, gave a unique twist to Beethoven Fate, and performed a Chinese folk song with a single string fiddle. The bination of spirited music, flawlessperformance, creative adaptation and femin
18、ine glamour have not only appealed to Chin ese audie nces but also wonthe band nu merous fans overseas.2.Do a survey about jea ns and fashi on in China.We con ducted a survey and the results are amaz ing. All the classmates like weari ng jea ns and we each have 3 jeanson the average. Although we should wear our school uniform on weekdays, we still desire to wear them. We prefer allstyles of jeans: tight fitting, loose fitting, coloured, decorated with holes, paint or flowers, long or very short pan ts. Evenour pare nts like weari ng them. Of course, the casual tr
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