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1、时态易错题一卜丁般现在时:II I主百工动同原形或动词三单1+侈次发生的时间I I (如 频度副词 |alWa"s Usually bftbn sometids On | Mondays) |动同原形变三单规那么:.| l| |一般情 况下直接加| s |o 2. |以| s/x/ch/sh/o 口结尾的动 词加es.| 3.|以阮音字母|+y结尾的新词直接加 s |. (怔晋字母有 a/e/i/o/u )| 以伴甫胃字 母+y结尾的动词变I y I为I i加es.4|以f/fd .结 尾的动词变f/fd I为v|加es|.(仅了解)| | 5. 特 殊have的E单是 hds |二

2、|、现在进彳十时:| 主 语|+be+动词|ing+ 表示现在的时间(如|- nbw,looklisten I ) I I动词原形变动词 I iHg 的 规那么:, 11、卜般情况直接加ing.I 2|、以作发音自.e.结尾的去e力口| in|g |.3.、双目最有十个 辅替字母加 | in、|: rUn-running ,1111 swim-swimming,shop-shopping , get-gettiHg |) sit-dittingl二.IH. cUt-cuttinb,Win-winning II 三、一般潜耒时: 主悟+be going to + I动闹原形+将陕忖I同口主 语|

3、+will+助词原形 +招屎时间 (如20 X 20tomorrow/this morning/this./ne:xtwee:/next./one day)、:写;、夕的1第二OU嘤;及动词ing_形式31、bUy2、clejari3、help4、find_5、passa 16、try7、get8、coma9、fly10、love11、eait12、paCk13、wait14、sr)eak15、firiish16卜wash17、watc力118、do19、re;ad2>0、plaiy21、sing22、dance23、draw_?4、cook25、swim26、learr1_27、stu

4、dy20 X 2028、want29、send30、live31、haveA32take33、make_ 34、st:art35、late3(6、nee(d37、win38pic火39、mee5t40、plant41、loo)k42、climb)43、jurmp44diini45sleep46卜lister47、talk48、like49、say50、teach5Lcatch52、see53as水54gve55、tell56wear57、vis$it_20 X 2058、joinsliare61、typeclias>e_ 64、hearwc)rry一股现在时一、用单1.Mlike(do)

5、 hiis homeworkeveswimming.:3.Wes like_ (I)lay)bassingingI often _(gten)to the mgrar】dma_(watc;h) TV everyday.often play the pi(mo?No, she _Doies; doesn ',2. _一 y,ourpenpal _Dolives C.Does; live 3.Toni and Mi<e_willtake5 a trip. 1B. are C.am4. Iike _What aboutyou? B,danicedC. dfri

6、erids.A. isB. are C.ami 6. S>andy ofen _Suirdays . A1. doB. coesC. did 7.What doweiekend? I.A.wenswimmigrar】dparents 8.What doyouusually(Io oi5sJ、.60、use6263、hurt_ 6)5词的正确形式填空:ry day. 2>.He(like)ketball afterclass$. 4.Ilikeiusic;in the e1vening. 5).My二单选1._Alice.A.Do;(do B.Does; cloesC._ inBei

7、jng?A.匚)o; liveB._ven/ ex(:ited,they_ veiy much.ancing 5j. Bill ancI I _ g(oodI】is homewo»(on)yoiusijallydo o)n theng E,.goswirmmirng C.vistedn yoir ho)lida)y? A.saV20 X 20phanits B.sing and danceC.took pictures 9.I _a stuident. I goto school bus every day. A. s; by B. am; on C. am; by现在 进行时 一、

8、 填空. 1. look! Chen Jie ahd Mikeare(sing ) now. 2. The sma l bear is(climb) the tree. 3. Mike s(draw) picture. 4. She is(do) the cishes. 5. My brother is(make)kites. 6 My father is(read) a newspaper in l ving room. 7ve) ia car. 9.Thestudentsare1,(lisiten)to廿ieirteacherTed is(answer) the phore. 8, My

9、unce is_ (write)ane-mail. 12. VVe_(clean)theclassrocm now.13.I,m _.(work) on m、y compuer.14. They.(play)carefully. 10. Chen Jie is(wash) clothes. 11. His sister is1basketball. 15. The tiger isphanit_(drink)water with itsi trunik. 17. The monkeyswalk). 16. Theare(swing). 18.(take) p ctures. 19. Theya

10、re ( pick ) up the apples. 20. We(catchto their teacher in the classroom.A. isbutterfies . 二、 选择正确答案 1. Every onelist(mineJ C.listen 2.The/ aresingingandtoge式herat the partyA. are listening B. isnow. A. dance B danced C. dancng 3. Listen! The birds20 x 20flyB. flies fying5. _-hey_ riding ia ho,

11、se.A. isB. are C.am6. K:ate.playingchess. A:ami B.s C.are7. Are you washingsinging B. are sing C. are singing 4. Look! The kitein the sky. Aclones?-A.Yes, you are B.Yes,I arn C.No,I ami 8. Is he_ TV?Yeshes. E3. watching C.not 9. _the/ takingpictures>.? Yes, ,heyare.A. Am B.Are70.Its10 ocl

12、ock.BenTV in the bedroom. A. watch B is watching C. watchesI用单词的适当形式填空. 1areyou going to Hong Kong? IA. this weekend B.you1_ (do) next S>aturday?B:(see) a film tomorrow. 2. A: What(sw*) with my p(irens. 3The?re(be)a pairty in our schiool.4. Mlike_ (visit )hisgraiidparents next w(eek.He _1(buy)a b

13、ke t怕day after tomor-ow. 5.I( fly ) a kite with my fathenext week. 6. He wil not go) school tomorrow.二 、 选择正确的答案0()1.Ir1gong to _some chopsticks_ Sunday aferno)on.A. bougfit;;on (;bu1y; on ()2. WhenA. '八sitB. visitecC. '/isiting ()4. Irm goingo_ homework'm going toby plane C. ye

14、serday ( )3. Iy friends this weekend.20 x 20tomorrow. A. does B. do C. cid ( )5. Are you going to take a pianoclass?A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am ( )6. I ameatbreakfast at 7:15. A. will B. going to C. shall ( )7. We are going toto the park tomorrow. A. go B. goes C. going ( )8 What film are

15、you going to? A. see B. watch C. look ( )9. Wea pl,ytomorrow. W川 you please join us? A. are going to see B. saw C. sees()10. Hea race with Ming Ming. A. shall have B. w ll have C.going to have ( )11. Whekyou go tomorrow? A. are B. will C.sha l ( )12.his brother go ng to climb mountains? A. Is B. Are

16、 C.Am| ( )13. Ifree this aftenoon. A. be B. will be C. going to be()14. They willroast dicks in Beijing. A. ate B. eats C. eat()15. I _ visit my friends this weekend. A. go 卜 B. am going to C.go ng to特殊疑问词意思用法例句 who 谁问人的 身份, 姓名等 He is _i Li. Who is he ? He s my brcther.Who is he ? what 什么问人的职业或事物是什么

17、He is a worker. What is he? He has a book. What does he have ? which哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物The big boxis mine Which box is yours? j The girl at the door is Ann. Which girlis Ann? whose 谁的问所 属关系 This is her book. Whose20 X 20book isthis? Tl】is bookis he;rs. /Vhose is么颜色问颜色(表语isyourskirt? what tme几占 八、five in

18、the eafternoon.What tme(do you P候询问时问WePla1y gaimesgamies?whej re什么地方询onSundayWheredo you pay games on问原因Heisn'tat scho()l todNay 1)ecaatschool today? ho)w怎样方式等Heis firie/stronc.How ishe 'yougo home0how old多大年龄is h(? ? howman/多少跟复arethirty boys inmyclass. How rnanyr boyhow/ much多少跟不可数Theres sc)memilkin the bottle.Howmubottle?,thisbook? whatcolor什)My skrt isred.What co10


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