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1、e i i:u:u a: p b t d hgrikuldphpsudkt:stifainsili klevstju:pid jkznkdmi klidevribdiraitwelkmsport spring spin spoon sp sb priti,nnlitifrm:tktrs bju:tiflinfrentdiskraibspfeimsikspensivhnsmdiskraib Lucydaughter这是这是Lucy。她是她是William的女儿的女儿This is Lucy.Shes Williams daughter. is名词所有格名词所有格Paulnephew这是这是Pau

2、l.Paul.他是他是William William 的侄子。的侄子。This is Paul. Hes Williams nephew.介绍他人的用语。This is 与某人的第一次见面时礼貌的问候语 How do you do?初次见面时使用,说话双方之前不认识。Nice to meet you!am is areBe动词I 用_, you用_, _ 用于he, she, it,单数_,复数_, 不可数的用_.amareisisareisIts my mobile.Whose is this mobile?Whose mobile is this?It is my mobile. It i

3、s not my mobile.Whose is it? Its Lucys .Its her hat.主格主格 形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词 我我我们我们你你你们你们他他她她它它他们他们Imyweouryouyouryouyourhehissheherittheytheirits(后接动词)(后接名词)物主代词形形容容词词性性 名名词词性性 my ouryour your his her its their mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs 名词性= 物主代词形容词性 物主代词 + 名词 Handout Part-1silver bicy

4、cleyellow carbrown bagblack umbrella问颜色的特殊疑问句What colourbe动词名词short hair 短发a girlwithshort hairlong hair 长发curly hair 卷发a manwithcurly hairstraight hair 直发在里面,用某种语言有,戴着在上面withinona fat cook矮的雪人胖的厨师瘦的舞者a short snowmana thin dancera pretty niece著名的作家漂亮的侄女美丽的邻居a famous writera beautiful neighboura tall

5、 nephew英俊的摄像师个头高的侄子昂贵的雨伞a handsome photographeran expensive umbrellaa +an +a/ an 的用法以辅音开头的单词以元音开头的单词交通工具by +Handout Part-2What do you do?What is your job?What are you?他是干嘛的?What does he do?What is his job?What is he?Thank you for 谢谢你的your umbrella.your help.Thank you foryour eraser.your gift.单词学习单词学

6、习diskraibv. 描述 describe描述下你的家人描述下 ta描述下中国Describe him / her / it.Describe your family.Describe China.动前主动后宾look at theEnglish girlsilver carbrown watchgrey umbrellablue cameragolden keyIrislook atLook atthe(adj.) + n.人名单词学习单词学习你的新邻居来自哪里?Where is your new neighbour from? 他们来自哪里?Where are they from? 他

7、来自北京。He is from Beijing.他们来自华盛顿。They are from Washington.from fr prep. 来自 m人名/人称代词询问某人来自哪里Wherebe主语from主语be from地名?nationality她是哪国人?n. 国籍What nationality is she?她是美国人。She is American.单词学习单词学习 ,n nlitiliti 询问国籍的特殊疑问句What nationalitybe 主语 ?主语be 国籍ChinaChineseKoreaKoreanJapanJapaneseEnglandEnglishAmeri

8、caAmericanSpainSpanishThailandThaiFranceFrenchItalyItalianGermanyGermanSwedenSwedishHandout Part-3那是他的妻子。你是饿了还是渴了?谢谢你们的欢迎。她是学艺术的。在艺术学院上学。撑着橘色伞的年轻女子是Iris。那个银色的钢笔是露西妈妈的吗?等着瞧吧。没关系。你的新邻居来自哪里?那个学生是西班牙人还是美国人?他的妻子是个著名的摄影师。坐在价格昂贵的车里的男人很帅。Handout Part-41. Do you like _ (you) Chinese teacher?2. They are doing

9、 _ (they) homework.3. I have a cat. _ (it) name is Mimi.用适当的代词填空yourtheirIts4. _ is a boy. _ name is David. ( he )5. _ is a nice girl. _ name is Jenny. ( she )HisSheHeHer6. What is _ phone number? ( he )7. _ sister is a teacher. ( she )hisHer8. Which story is better, _(你的)or _(他的)?9. Look! That is _

10、(我的)bike. Where is _(你的)?10. These are _(她的)books, _(他的)are over there.yourshismyyoursherhis我的钥匙你的丈夫他的鞋子她的头发我们的老师你们的学校他们的相机my keysyour husbandhis shoesher hairour teacheryour schooltheir cameras 1. Is this_ watch? A. you B. your C. he D. she2. Excuse me, _ pen is broken(坏的). A. my B. I C. me D. mine

11、3. Who is the boy over there? _ my brother. A. He B. His C. Him D. Hes B BA AD D4. Do you know about David? Yes, I know _ very well. A. he B. him C. his D. her5. Tom, please pass _ the glass. I want to read the newspapers. A. you B. me C. he D. she6. Who teaches _ English this term(学期)? A. you B. yo

12、ur C. she D. heB BB BA A_ umbrella _ orange_ ring _ ugly dog_ duck _ old man _ kitchen _ unit_ honest boy _ picture_ art lesson _ studentanaan anaaaaananana1. There is _“h”and _ u in the word “hour”. 2. My teacher gave me _useful book. 3. I have _ hour to do my homework. 4. Do you have _ umbrella? 5

13、. She wear _ uniform. anaaananain在在.后面后面在在.上面(上面(有接触)有接触)在在.上面(无接触)上面(无接触)在在. .旁边旁边在在.里面里面在在 前面前面在在之间之间在在.下面下面在在. .右、左边右、左边on behind overunderon the right / left ofin front ofbesidebetween在.后面在.上面(有接触)在.上面(无接触)在.旁边在.里面在之间在 正上方在.下面在.右、左边坐船坐飞机坐火车1. The girl in a red dress is my sister. (就划线部分提问)_2. My

14、 father is working, now. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _3. Monday is the second day (第二天) of the week. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _Which girl is your sister?Is your father working? No, he isnt.Is Monday the second of the week? Yes, it is.4. Does he like the yellow one? (否定回答,用 the white one 替换) _5. I get up at seven every

15、 morning. (就划线部分提问)_No, he likes the white one.When do you get up every morning?a fat Japanese cook矮的法国摄影师胖的日本厨师瘦的泰国舞者a short French photographera thin Thai dancer冠词 + adj. + 国籍adj. + n.形状、大小、新旧、年纪长短 + 卷直 + 颜色hairshortstraightblondgivesb sth1/6/2022 6:24 PM58Give me some water.1. - _ are you doing?

16、- Im reading books.用适当的疑问词填空用适当的疑问词填空WhatWhoseWhich2. - _T-shirt is this? - Its Toms.3. - _ do you like better, this one or that one?4. - _is the man in the car? - Hes my uncle.用适当的疑问词填空用适当的疑问词填空WhoWhenHow many6. _boys are there in your class?5. _is your grandmas birthday?( ) 1. _ is your skirt? Its black and white. A. Which B. What colour C. Where D. What( ) 2. Are you new students? Yes, _ . A. I am B. You are C. they are D. we are( ) 3. _ ? Its eight. A. What day is it B. Whats five and three C. How old are you D. Wha


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