1、股权投资条款清单(中英文版)要点各方无需承担进一步拟定和公司、投资人及实际控制人拟定的最终协议等相关文件进一步约定, 执行最终协议的责任和义务。TERM SHEET FOR PURCHASE OF EQUITY IN股权投资条款清单This Term Sheet summarizes the prin cipal terms with respect to an ticipated in vestme ntsby the Investors (as defined hereunder) in(the “ Company ” )and isqualified in its en tirety b
2、y the more detailed provisi ons to be set forth in the Defi nitiveAgreeme nts (as defi ned here un der) which may be en tered into by and betwee n theCompa ny, the In vestors and the Actual Con troller (as defi ned here un der). The partiesun dersta nd and ack no wledge that, except for the sect ion
3、s capti oned“ Con fide ntia“ No Shop ” ,“ Expenses ” , and “ Governing Law ” , this Term Sheet is not legally binding andthat failure to execute and deliver the Definitive Agreements shall impose no liability on the parties. This Term Sheet does not con stitute either an offer to sell or an offer to
4、 purchase shares of the Compa ny. THIS PREAMBLE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS TERMSHEET. This Term Sheet is executed by all parties as of the date of.本投资条款清单概述了投资人(如下文定义)拟 (简称公司”)的主要条款。本条款完整及其详尽地说明将于公司、投资人及实际控制人(如下文定义)将要拟定的最终协议(如下文定义)等相关文件中进一步约定。各方了解并承认除标题为保密”、排他性”、费用”和适用法律”之外的其他条款不具有法律约束力。各方无需承担进一步拟定
5、和执行最终协议的责任和义务。本条款清单不构成买卖公司股权的效力。该导言是本条款清单必不可少的一部分。本投资条款清单由各方于年 月日签署。The Compa ny公司Inv estoran d/or its affiliates投资人英飞尼迪创业投资中心(有限合伙)及/或其关联方Actual“Actual Controller” means any person or group of persons acting inCon trollercon cert that con trols the Compa ny, in cludi ng实际控制人“ Pers on” in cludes in
6、dividual and en tity.“ Con trol ” means the possessi on, directly or in directly, of the powerto cause the direct ion of the man ageme nt or policies of the Compa ny, by voti ng、con tract or otherwise.“实际控制人”指控制公司的任何人或一致行动人,包总计括“人”包括自然人和实体。“控制”指通过行使投票权,合同或以其它方式直接或间接的拥有指示或决定 公司经营方向或公司的政策。Existi ngSha
7、reholders现有股东“ Existing Shareholders” means any individuals and entities who holdshares of the Company at the signing day of this term sheet,including:ShareholdersRegister capitalProportio ns“现有股东”指在本投资条款清单签署之日持有公司股权的自然人及企业,包 括股东 出资额(人民币元)持股比例Pre-m oneyEvaluati on融资前估值Inv estme ntAmoun ts投资金额RM , ba
8、sed on times after tax net in comeof the Compa ny for the fiscal year 人民币 元,即公司 年度税后净利润的 倍The In vestors intend to inv est RMB in the Compa ny topurchase n ewly issued shares of the Compa ny and willhold%of the Company s registered capital after completionof the Clos ing.Pre-m oney and Post-m oney C
9、apital Tables 公司融资前后股 权变化投资人有意向公司投资人民币 部注册资本总额之%Pre-m oney元,其将持有交割完成后公司全Post-m oneyTotal投资前投资后Target Clos ing Date交割日The Closi ng Date is expected to take place within bus in essdays from the effective date of the Definitive Agreements. The Investors will wire transfer all of their investment sum to
10、 the newly opened capital-verification account of the Company.交割预计将于最终协议生效之日起 个工作日内进行,届时投资人向公司新开立的验资账户支付全部投资款项。Qualified IPO合格的首次公开 发行“Qualified IPO ” means the closing of a firm commitment underwritten public offeri ng of com mon shares of the Compa ny at Shan ghai/She nzhe n Stock Excha nge, the M
11、ain Board of the Hong Ko ng Stock Excha nge, NYSE, NASDAQ or other in ternatio nally recog ni zed stock excha nges, with the Company s market capitalization at least RMB and fundingsize no less tha n RMB The Actual Con troller and the Compa ny un dertake to use their besten deavors to achieve a Qual
12、ified IPO in any caseby , and to makethe Company s shareshave reas on able liquidity after the Qualified IPO.“合格的首次公开发行”指在上海/深圳证券交易所、香港证券交易所主板、 NYSE NASDA或其它得到国际认可的证券交易所进行的一次承销的公开招股, 且公司的市场价值至少达到 亿人民币,并且融资规模不少于 亿人民币。实际控制人和公司承诺尽最大努力在年月日前实现首次公开发行,并且在公开发行后保持公司股票足够的流动性。Net ProfitGuara ntee业绩承诺The Compa
13、ny un dertakes and guara ntees that its after tax net profit of finan cial year is no t less tha n RMB , andits after tax net profit of financial year is not less thanRMB .The after tax net profit should be audited by an auditor permitted bythe Investors in writing, and should not include extraordin
14、ary gains or losses.公司承诺其年税后净利润不低于人民币万元,其 年税后净利润不低于人民币 万元。(分别称为 税后净利润须经投资人书面认可的会计师事务所进行审计,且应扣除非经常性 损益。Valuati onAdjustme nt估值调整If the Company fails to achieve its net profit guarantee in the yearof, each of the Investors shall have the right to adjust itsshare proportion by requesting the Actual Con
15、troller to transfer shares voluntarily based on the following formula:The Investor ' s adjusted share proportion = ( Net ProfitGuarantee / actual after-tax net profit) * theInvestor ' s pre -adjusted share proportionThe after-tax net profit in the year of should be auditedby an auditor permi
16、tted by the Investors in writing, and should not in clude extraord inary gains or losses.If, however , the Actual Con troller has n' t con ducted such shareadjustment in previous year, if any, then it should compensate share adjustment in that year in prior,then based on such adjustment, shouldi
17、t continue to compe nsate the Inv estors with share adjustme nt in the follow ing year.如果年度公司未实现当年业绩承诺,则每一投资人的持股比例将按照如下公式进行调整,并通过实际控制人向每一投资人无偿转让股权的方式进行 操作:调整后的投资人持股比例=( 年度业绩承诺/ 年度实际税后净利润)*调整前投资人的持股比例年度实际税后净利润为该年度公司经投资人书面认可的会计 事务所审计且已扣除非经常性损益的税后净利润。PreferredParticipatio nRight优先参与权若实际控制人对每一投资人进行该年度股权
18、补偿时其尚未实施对投资人的上一 年度股权补偿(若有),则须按照上述公式计算先行计算上一年度的股权补偿 数额,再在其基础上计算该年度的股权补偿数额。To the fullest extent of applicable laws, the Investors will have the right of first refusal to subscribe for future issua nee of the shares by the Companyprior to a Qualified IPO, pro rata in proportion to their respective sha
19、reholdi ng in the Compa ny, except the issua nee regard ing ESOP. For the avoidance of doubt, such right of first refusal will terminate upon, and shall not include, the Company' s Qualified IPO.在适用法律允许的范围内,每一投资人有权按照其持有的公司股权的比例以第 一顺序认购公司未来新发行的股权,但公司为实施员工股权激励计划而新增发行股权的除外。本权利自公司发生合格的首次公开发行时终止Preem
20、ptiveRight & Co-saleRight 优先购买权和共 同出售权Until occurrence of Qualified IPO, if any Existing Shareholder of the Companyother than Investors intendsto transfer any part or all of itsequity in the Company to any third party, each Investor shall(i) have a preemptive right and(ii) be entitled to co-sale
21、 its shareholding of the Companyon a pro-rata basis.在合格的首次公开发行前,如果投资人以外的任何现有股东拟出售其持有的公 司全部或部分股权,每一位投资人均(i) 有优先购买权和(ii) 有权按届时其持股比例共同出售其持有的公司股权。PreferredDividend Right 优先分红权The Company may determine payment of dividends from time to time in accordance to the Articles of Association, each of Investors
22、has a preferred dividend right to receive dividend prior to any other shareholders on a pro-rata basis.公司根据公司章程有权决定是否分红,每一投资者均有权按照其持股比例优先 于其他股东取得相应的分红。PreferredDispositionRight 处置权InformationRights信息披露Each of the Investors has a preferred right to transfer, sell or dispose of all or parts of its equ
23、ity in the Company at its sole discretion at any time.每一投资人均有权在任何时间依其独立判断优先地向第三方转让、出售或处置 其持有的全部或部分公司股权。Until occurrence of Qualified IPO, the Company shall deliver, and the Actual Controllers shall cause the Company to deliver, to each of the Investors(i) annual audited financial statements by no la
24、ter than 90 days following the end of its fiscal year, audited by an accounting firm reasonably acceptable to the Investors,(ii) quarterly unaudited financial statements (including balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flow) within 45 days following the end of each quarter;(iii) an a
25、nnual operating plan and budget at least 30 days prior to the first day of the year covered by such plan and budget, and (iv) any other report or information reasonably required. In addition, the Investors shall also be entitled to customary inspection and visitation rights.All the financial stateme
26、nts must be prepared in accordance to Chinese GAAP.合格的首次公开发行之前,公司应向(或实际控制人应促使公司)投资人提供 下列信息:1、在会计年度结束之后的 90 天内提供年度财务审计报告,该中介机构应经投 资人认可,并应考虑节约审计成本;2、每季度结束后 45 天内提供季度资产负债表,利润表,现金流量表;3、在下一财务年度开始前的 30 天内提供下年度预算报告和业务计划;4、其它合理所需信息和报告。此外,投资人也有资格进行例行检查及行使探访权。 所有的财务报告必须根据中国的通用会计准则准备。Lock-up Period 锁定期Withinmo
27、nths from occurrence of Qualified IPO at domesticstock exchange or within months from occurrence of Qualified IPO at NASDAQ or any other internationally recognized stock exchanges, or within any other Lock-up Period formulated by relevant stock exchange and agreed and undertook by the people hereina
28、fter (together the “Lock- up Period ”), none o f Actual Controllers and family members thereof may sell any part of its equity in the Company.After the endof the Lock-up Period, as long as any of the Investors remain holding no less than %equity in the Company,neither Actual Controllers nor the fami
29、ly member thereof may sell more than% of his/herentire equity in the Company within any calendar year and in the aggregate, more than %of his/her entire equity in the Company.The Equity interest hold by the Investors will not subject to lock-up period clause in any form, each of the Investors has a
30、right to sell all or any of its shareholding to any third party at its sole discretion.自在国内证券市场发生合格的首次公开发行起 个月内或在纳斯达克 或上文中提及的其他证券交易所发生合格的首次公开发行起 个月内(简 称“锁定期”),或在相关证券市场规定并由下文中提及的人员同意且承诺的 锁定期内,实际控制人、核心管理层及他们各自的家庭成员均不得出售公司的 任何股权。在锁定期结束后,只要任何一位机构投资人仍然持有公司 % 以上的股权,实际控制人、管理层及他们各自的家庭成员在任何一个年度不得 出售超过其持有的公司股
31、权的%,并且累计不得超过其持有的公司股权的%。投资人所持有的股权不受任何形式的锁定期限制,任一投资人均有权依其独立 判断向第三方转让其持有的全部或部分公司股权。An ti-diluti onRight反稀释权Provided that the Companyissues any Equity Securities at a price lower than the price Inv estors paid, the price Inv estors paid should be adjusted so that the after-adjusted price of shares hold
32、by the Investors equals to that of the Equity Securities newly issued to the third party. Such right should not be exercised in circumsta nces of issua nces of shares regardi ng ESOP.如果公司发行的任何权益证券的价格低于投资人支付的购买价格,每一位投资 人均有权在全面稀释的基础上对持股价格进行调整,以使得调整后的价格等于 向第三方发行的新的权益证券的价格。但是根据员工股权激励计划发行的股权 不在此限。Fully D
33、ilutedBasis全面稀释原则“ Fully Diluted Basis ” means, in determining the number of shares of the Company s capital stock deemedto be outstandingas of any date ofdetermi natio n, that such determ in ati on assumes the con versi on, exercise, issua nee or excha nge, as the case may be, of all Equity Securit
34、ies that are the n outsta nding and are conv ertible, exercisable or exchangeable for the Company' s capital stock.“ Equity Securities ” mean all of the Compa ny s issued and outsta nding securities and all rights to acquire such securities,includingbut notlimited to all outstanding warrants, op
35、tions (whether allocated or unallocated, promised or un-promised, vested or unvested), or any other right gran ted to any third party to receive securities of the Compa ny or anti-dilution rights of existing shareholders.“充分稀释基础”是指:假设公司已发行的所有可转换、可行权、可交易的权益证券均被全部转换、行权或交易,并在此基础上计算出公司已发行的权益证 券的数量。“权益证券
36、”是指,所有已发行并流通在外的股权以及所有获取此股权的权利, 包括但不限于发行在外的期证、选择权(无论是已分配还是未分配,承诺还是 未承诺的,兑现还是未兑现),或授予第三方取得此类证券,或现有股东享有 的反稀释权。Redempti onRight赎回权If any of the followingevents occurs, eachof the Investorsshall havea right to require Actual Con trollers to repurchase all or part of its equity in the Compa ny on a pro-ra
37、ta basis at a redemptio n price:i. the Compa ny does not achieve the Net Profit Guara nteeof or ;ii. the Companydoes not take place a Qualified IPO by ;iii. Actual Con trollers has material credit problems, particularly, there ' re off -balance-sheet sales revenue and expenses.The Buyback Price
38、shall equal to the Investment Amounts previously paid by each of the In vestors plus financing cost based on%IRF(in clusive of cash divide nds paid by the Compa nyo the Inv estor). i.e. If anInvestorrequires Actual Controllers to buy back its equityin the Company after N years following the closing,
39、 the Buyback Price shall equal to Investment Amount multiplied(1+12% n.Besides aforeme ntio ned Buyback right, each of the Inv estors shall also have a right to sell their equity to any in terested buyers except competitors of the Company, including any strategicinvestors.If thereis more tha n one s
40、uch in terested buyer, the Inv estors will sell their shares to buyers with the highest biddi ng price on the terms and con diti ons satisfactory to the Inv estors.To avoid doubt, each of the Inv estors has the right to tran sfer, sell or dispose of all or parts of its equity in the Company at its s
41、ole discretion at any time.若发生如下任一情形,则每一位投资人有权利按其持股比例要求实际控制人以 回购价回购投资人持有的部分或全部公司股权:i. 公司未能实现年或年的业绩承诺;ii. 公司未能在前未能实现合格的首次公开发行;iii. 公司现有股东出现重大个人诚信问题,尤其是公司出现投资人不知情的 账外现金销售收支时。回购价等于该投资人支付的投资额加上每年 %勺内部收益回报率(包括公司已经向该投资人支付的现金分红)。即,如投资人要求实际控制人 于第n年届满后回购其股权,则除上文中提到的回购权外,投资人亦有权向任何有兴趣的买方(公司的竞争对 手除外)出让股权,包括任何战略
42、投资者;在不止一个有兴趣的买方的情况下, 这些股份将按照令投资人满意的条款和条件出售给出价最高的买方。为避免疑问,每一投资人均有权依照其独立判断转让、出售或处置其持有的全 部或部分公司股权。Liquidati onPrefere nee优先清算权In the eve nt of the “ DeemedLiquidati on ”,each Inv estor shall be paid, prior and in prefere nee to any shareholders of the Compa ny other tha nInvestors, an amount equal to t
43、he Purchase Price (the“Investors 'Preferenee ” ).After payment of the Investor ' s Preferenee in full, all amounts, if any, available for distributi on shall be distributed pro rata to the allexisti ng shareholders of the Compa ny.Deemed Liquidation includes(i) liquidation, dissolution, bank
44、ruptcy or winding up of the Company,(ii) consolidation, merger or transfer of the Company's equity as aresult of which there is a change of control,(iii) sale, transfer or other disposition of all, or substantially all, assets of the Company, and (iv) exclusive transfer of all, or substantially
45、all, intellectual property of the Company.在“视为清算”发生时,投资人有权先于公司的其他股东获得相当于投资额的 金额(简称“投资人的优先权”)。在全额支付投资人的优先权后,如果还有剩余,则剩余应按比例分配给公司的 全体股东。“视为清算”包括(i) 公司清算、解散、破产或结业 ,(ii) 导致公司控制权发生变化的整合、合并或公司股权转让 ,(iii) 出售、转让或以其它方式处置公司全部或几乎全部的资产(iv) 排他性的转让公司全部或几乎全部的知识产权。ProtectiveProvisions 保护性条款The Companyshall be prohib
46、ited from taking any of the following actions unless previously approved by its Board of Directors with the consent of the director appointed by the Investor:1.Modification to the articles of association of the Company;2. Dissolution, liquidation, acquisition, merger and restructuring of the Company
47、;3. Change of business line, expansion into non-core businesses andoutbound overseas investment;4. Transfer of all, or substantially or, assets of the Company;5. Sale, transfer, license (other than a non-exclusive license granted in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice) or o
48、ther disposition of intellectual property of the Company;6. Establishment of joint ventures, partnerships or subsidiaries;7. IPO affairs, including choice of timing, venue, price and underwriter;8. Any security offering, including equity and debt securities, butexcluding bank loans;9. Investments ov
49、er RMB;10. Borrowings from any third party beyond annual planning, guarantee or collateral for any third party, and any action outside of the ordinary course of bus in ess that may cause material con ti ngent liability;11. Divide nd of the Compa ny;12. Man ageme nt incen tive pla n un der which part
50、 of the equity of the Compa ny will be gran ted to the man ageme nt by issu ing new shares;13. Change of auditor, audit policy of the Compa ny or its pare nt compa ny.未经董事会和投资人任命的董事同意,公司不得采取下列任何一项行动:(i) 公司章程的修改;(ii) 公司的解散、清算、收购、兼并及重组;(iii) 公司经营业务范围的改变,在非主营业务领域的扩张或任何境外投资;(iv) 公司出售全部或几乎全部资产;(v) 对公司知识产
51、权进行出售、转让、许可或其它处置;(vi) 成立任何合资企业、合伙制企业、子公司;(vii) 公司上市,包括时间、价格、地点和承销商的选择;(viii)任何证券的发行(包括但不限于股权和债权类证券),不包括银行贷款;(ix) 境内超过元人民币的投资;(x) 在年度计划外向第三方申请或进行借贷,任何为第三方提供保证或资产担 保,以及其它可能产生或有负债的行为;(xi) 公司的分红决定;(xii) 通过增发新股来实施的管理层及员工的股权激励方案;(xiii)负责公司审计的会计师事务所的变动、公司审计政策的变动。ESOP员工股权激励计划The Company will carry out ESOP
52、after the closing, in the manner that the Actual Con troller tran sfers his/her shares to related employees.ESOP may be carried out in any other manner with the Inv estors' priorconsent.公司将在本轮投资完成后实施员工股权激励计划,该计划将以实际控制人向公 司员工转让股权的方式进行实施。经投资人事先书面同意,公司可采用其它的 方式实施员工股权激励计划Board ofDirectors董事会The Boar
53、d of Directors will be consisted of directors.TheIn vestor shall have the right to appo int Director.公司董事会将由 名董事组成。其中,投资人有权任Non-competiti on竞业禁止命 名董事会成员。The Compa ny shall en ter into Non-Competitio n Agreeme nt with major man ageme nt pers onnel and key tech ni cal staff un der which, none of them
54、may, duri ng his employme nt period with the Compa ny, work for other compa nies part-time or en gage in or assist other pers on in any bus in ess that is competitive to the Compa ny' s bus in esses, or may, with in twoyears after term in atio n of his employme nt with the Compa ny, work for any
55、 compa nies whose bus in esses are related to the Compa ny' s bus in esses.Without prior written consent, none of the existing shareholders of the Compa ny, may directly or in directly establish or participate in establishi ng any en tity whose bus in ess is ide ntical, related or competitive to
56、 the Compa ny' s bus in ess公司应与公司主要管理人员、核心技术人员签订竞业禁止协议,在任职期 间内不得在其他企业兼职,不得从事或帮助他人从事与公司形成竞争关系的任 何其它业务经营活动,在离开公司2年内不得在与公司经营业务相关的企业任职;未经投资人书面同意,公司原股东不得直接或间接设立或参与设立新的与 公司业务相同、相关联、相竞争的其他经营实体。Employme nt Con tracts员工合同The Companyshall try its best efforts to ensure each of the Key Employees of the Com
57、pa ny en ter intoan employme nt con tract of non lesstha n threeyears that in cludes non-competiti on, non-disclosure, inven ti on own ership clauses acceptable to the Inv estor.公司应尽力促使公司的每一位关键员工和公司签订至少三年的劳动合同,并且 该合同中的竞业禁止、保密以及发明归属条款必须为投资人所接受。Expenses费用All costs and expe nses reas on ably in curred to the Inv estorrelati ngto(1) financial due diligence by third party consultant,(2) legal due dilige nce by third party attor neys, an
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