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1、P16-17 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills (K5)阅读标准:基本技能(K5)These standards are directed toward fostering students understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of the English writing system. These foundational skills are not an en

2、d in and of themselves; rather, they are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types anddisciplines. Instruction should be differentiated: good readers will need

3、 much less practice with these concepts than struggling readers will. The point is to teach students what they need to learn and not what they already knowto discern when particular children or activities warrant more or less attention.这些标准直接针对培养学生关于印刷出版物、按字母顺序的原则和英语写作系统其他基本原则的概念的理解和应用知识。这些基本的技能并不是目

4、的本身,相反,它们是一份有效、 全面的阅读计划的必要和重要的组成部分,该阅读计划旨在培养具有熟练的阅读与理解各种类型和学科的文本的能力的读者。应该进行有差异的指导:高水平的读者相比在阅读中苦苦挣扎的读者在对于这些概念的练习会少得多。关键是教学生了解他们需要学习什么而不是他们已经知道什么辨别时特别是儿童或活动值得受到或多或少的关注。Note: In kindergarten, children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas that follow.在幼儿园里,孩子

5、们被期望能在以下的领域中表现出越来越多的意识和能力。K年级1年级2年级3年级4年级5年级Print Concepts 纸质出版物的概念1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.表明对纸质出版物的组织和基本特征的理解。1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print表明对纸质出版物的组织和基本特征的理解。a. Follow words from left to right, top

6、to bottom, and page by page.按照从左到右,从上到下,一页接一页的语言顺序。a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word,capitalization, ending punctuation)认识和区分句子的特点(例如,第一个单词,大小写,结束标点符号)b. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.认识到口头的语言在书

7、面语言中的表达,通过字母的特定的排序。c. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.理解在出版物中由空格分隔的词语d. Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet认识并且能说出字母表中所有大写和小写字母Phonological Awareness 音韵意识2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds(phonemes).表明对口语的词,音节和发音

8、(音素)的理解2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds(phonemes).表明对口语的词,音节和发音(音素)的理解a. Recognize and produce rhyming words.认识并能说出押韵的词a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.区分在口语的单音节词中的长和短元音的发音b. Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables

9、in spoken words.能数清、发音、混合和划分口语词汇中的音节。b. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes),including consonant blends.通过包括辅音的混读方法发音单音节词。c. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.混合和分割单音节词的首尾音c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds

10、(phonemes) inspoken single-syllable words.单独地发出口语中单音节词的第一个音素,中间的元音和最后的音素。d. Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes)in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words.* (This doesnot include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)单独地发出三音节(辅音元音辅音,或缩写CVC)词的第一个音素

11、,中间的元音和最后的音素。(不包括以/l/, /r/, 或 /x/结尾的单词)d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).将口语的单音节词语划分为独立音节组成的完整序列。e. Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.添加或替换简单的单音节词中个别发音(音素) 来造新字。Phonic

12、s and Word Recognition 拼音和词语的识别3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis skills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis skills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis sk

13、ills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis skills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis skills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。3. Know and apply grade-level phonics a

14、nd wordanalysis skills in decoding words.知道和应用在词语构成中各级别的发音和词语分析的技能。a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-oneletter-sound correspondences by producingthe primary sound or many of the mostfrequent sounds for each consonant.通过发基本音或每个辅音的多数常用音来展示基本的字母与发音的对应关系。a. Know the spelling-sound correspondences

15、 forcommon consonant digraphs.了解常见辅音字母组合对应的字形和字音。a. Distinguish long and short vowels whenreading regularly spelled one-syllable words.读到常见的单音节词时能够区分长元音和短元音。a. Identify and know the meaning of the mostcommon prefixes and derivational suffixes.能识别和了解常见前缀和派生后缀的含义a. Use combined knowledge of all letter

16、-soundcorrespondences, syllabication patterns, andmorphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to readaccurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words incontext and out of context.结合字母与读音的对应关系、音节划分模式和词形学(如词根和词缀)的知识来准确读出文中或文外的非常见多音节词。a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-soundcorrespondences, syllabication patter

17、ns, andmorphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to readaccurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words incontext and out of context.结合字母与读音的对应关系、音节划分模式和词形学(如词根和词缀)的知识来准确读出文中或文外的非常见多音节词。b. Associate the long and short sounds withcommon spellings (graphemes) for the fivemajor vowels.将长音和短音与五个主要元音的拼写 (字母)联系

18、起来b. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.能识别规则拼写的单音节词。b. Know spelling-sound correspondences foradditional common vowel teams.知道其他常见元音组合的拼写和发音。b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes.能识别带有常见拉丁后缀的单词。c. Read common high-frequency words by sight(e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do,

19、does).看到就能读出高频出现的词。(如the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do ,does)c. Know final -e and common vowel teamconventions for representing long vowelsounds知道表示长元音的结尾为e和常见元音字母组合规则。c. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable wordswith long vowels.能识别规则拼写的带有长元音的双音节词。c. Decode multisyllable words.d. Read grade-a

20、ppropriate irregularly spelledwords.能识别出多音节词。能读出符合学龄的不规则拼写词。d. Distinguish between similarly spelled words byidentifying the sounds of the letters that differ.通过识别字母发音的差异来区分拼写相近的词。d. Use knowledge that every syllable must havea vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word.用每个音节

21、都有一个元音的标准来确定一个词有几个音节。d. Decode words with common prefixes andsuffixes.知道带有常见前后缀的词的含义。e. Decode two-syllable words following basicpatterns by breaking the words into syllables.能根据基本模式划分音节来识别双音节词。e. Identify words with inconsistent but commonspelling-sound correspondences.能识别常见的拼写和发音不一致的单词。f. Read wor

22、ds with inflectional endings.带着声调读词。?f. Recognize and read grade-appropriateirregularly spelled words 能识别和读出符合学龄的非常规拼写词。g. Recognize and read grade-appropriateirregularly spelled words. 能识别和读出符合学龄的非常规拼写词。Fluency 流畅度4. Read emergent-reader texts with purpose andunderstanding.有目的的理解和阅读初学者文章。?4. Read w

23、ith sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.准确流利的理解文章。4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.准确流利的理解文章。4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.准确流利的理解文章。4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.准确流

24、利的理解文章。4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.准确流利的理解文章。a. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.有目的地阅读、理解适合学龄的文章。a. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.有目的地阅读、理解适合学龄的文章。a. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.有目的地阅读、理解适合学龄的文

25、章。a. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.有目的地阅读、理解适合学龄的文章。a. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.有目的地阅读、理解适合学龄的文章。b. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy,appropriate rate, and expression on successivereadings.带着感情以适当的语速准确连续地朗读符合学龄的课文。b. Read grade-level text ora

26、lly with accuracy,appropriate rate, and expression on successivereadings. 带着感情以适当的语速准确连续地朗读符合学龄的课文。b. Read grade-level prose and poetry orally withaccuracy, appropriate rate, and expression onsuccessive readings带着感情以适当的语速准确连续地朗读符合学龄的诗歌和散文。b. Read grade-level prose and poetry orally withaccuracy, appr


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