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1、致用英语综合教程第二册-综合英语2-unit-1 本次课标题:unit1 understanding chinese culture 授课班级 商务英语一年级 上课时间 10 课时 上课地点 多媒体教室 教 学 目 标 能力(技能)目标 知识目标 1. how to introduce chinese new year traditions to foreign friends 2. be able to use the vocabulary of chinese culture correctly 3. be able to comprehend the text 4. be able to

2、 use present participles used as adverbials correctly 5. be able to comprehend the usage of word pairs 6. project: be able to plan a chinese new year party 7. be able to be a confident speaker 1. vocabulary of chinese traditional culture 2. language points in reading: the chinese new year 3. grammar

3、: present participles used as adverbials 4. vocabulary building: word pairs 5. important words and phrases: origin, legend, mythical, terrorise, fierce, lunar, solar, insert, symbolic, ward off 能 力 训 练 任 务 及 案 例 project : 1. vocabulary 2. talk to your neighbor 3. role play 4. write a paragraph 5. sh

4、ow each other your writing planning a chinese new year party 参 考 资 料 致用英语综合教程第二册(学生用书)程晓堂主编 外语教育与研究出版社 致用英语综合教程第二册(教师用书)程晓堂主编 外语教育与研究出版社 section one around the topic step 1 topic introduction: many chinese students find it very difficult to introduce chinese culture to foreign friends. the biggest p

5、roblem is that they dont know how to express their understanding about chinese culture or how to explain some typical concepts in chinese culture. chinese learners of english as a foreign language should not only study western cultures, but also deepen their understanding of chinese culture, so that

6、 they can introduce it to the outside word. step 2 your ideas work in groups or pairs and discuss the following questions 1) why is spring festival so important for the chinese people? 2) what do you usually do during the spring festival 3) are there any special celebration activities in your hometo

7、wn during spring festival? 4) in what ways do you think the spring festival has changed? how much do you know about the chinese new year? a. which day in the 15-day celebration is for the sons-in-laws to pay a visit to their parents-in-law? the third and fourth days. b. what is the fifth day called?

8、 po woo. c. how many kinds of traditional new year food do you know? dumplings, a whole fish, chicken, new year cake d. do we use knives or scissors on new years day? no. they may cut off fortune. e. what fruit do we usually use as a decoration during the spring festival? oranges and tangerines. the

9、y are symbols for abundant happiness. step 3 vocabulary there are some special things about spring festival, which are difficult to translate into english. here are some english words and expressions related to the spring festival. try to get their meanings. remind students that names of some typica

10、l chinese things do not have exact equivalents in english. ask them to guess the meaning of the english words and phrases related to the spring festival lunar calendar 阴历 solar calendar 阳历 dumpling 饺子 fire cracker 爆竹 firework 焰火 spring couplets 春联 new year cake 年糕 new year picture 年画 reunion dinner

11、团圆饭 lion dance 舞狮表演 red packet 红包 rice dumpling 元宵 new year visit 拜年 new year market 赶年集 lantern festival 元宵节 the teacher can offer students a particular situation for students to practice in which students can give a brief talk with some of the words in the table above so that they can master a bet

12、ter usage of these words. step 4 listening and speaking ask students to read the questions first. then play the recording and encourage them to take notes while listening. 1. q: what are they talking about? a: they are talking about the spring festival. 2. q: how did li ming spend his holiday? a: li

13、 ming spent his holiday with his family in his hometown. 3. q: what is susan curious about? a: susan is curious about how chinese people celebrating their spring festival. 4. q: what make the spring festival different from other holidays? a: giving presents and staying with the family. 5. q: what do

14、 chinese people do on the eve of the spring festival according to the recording? a: in the past, all the members of a family would stay at home making dumplings together. now many people enjoy watching tv. during the day, children wear their new clothes. the evening is usually spent playing games, t

15、alking, eating and drinking. step 5 a quiz during the spring festival, some things are believed to bring good luck for the new year, while other things might bring bad luck. read the items in the table below and decide whether they bring good luck or bad luck. when you finish, compare your answers i

16、n pairs. this quiz is just for fun. remind students that we should not be superstitious and the dos and donts during the spring festival are only parts of our traditions and customs. we should hold a right attitude towards them. ask students to do the exercise first based on their own understanding

17、and then compare their answers with their partners. they may discuss them if necessary. when they finish, you may show and explain answers. section two reading this section introduces the tradition of the chinese new year. by studying it, students will learn more about the legend of nian and traditi

18、onal chinese new year celebration activities. most importantly, students will learn how to introduce the chinese new year to foreign friends. step 1 pre-reading tasks before you read, discuss the following questions in groups: 1. do you know why we call the spring festival nian? 2. do you know why w

19、e chinese celebrate the new year at a different time from the western world? read the instruction as a class. divide students into groups. ask them to discuss the questions. activate their prior knowledge of the spring festival and encourage them to share information with others. pick some volunteer

20、s to answer these tow questions as representatives of their group. step 2 text illumination 1) ask several students to read the whole text in order to check whether they preview the text and get a general understanding bout it or not beforehand. 2) ask students to summarize the text 3) the teacher c

21、an put the comprehension check either before or after illuminating the text according to the needs of class and the students comprehension ability. 4) illuminate the text, during the process of which the teacher can encourage students to highlight or underline the important parts when they read the

22、text in detail. try to explain that it can help students to grasp the important details and review important points language points: 1. legend n. story handed down from the past, especially one that may not be true 传奇,传说 e.g. the legend of robin hood is well-known. 2. mythical adj. existing only in

23、an ancient story, imagined or invented 神话的,虚构的 e.g. qi lin is a mythical chinese creature which is similar to a unicorn. myth n. 神话 e.g. ancient greek myths 3. terrorise v. to fill or overpower with terror, to terrify 使惊恐不安,恐吓 e.g. the local gangs terrorised the neighborhood. 4. fierce adj. violent

24、and angry 凶猛的,凶狠的 e.g. swans are always fierce in defense of their young. the leopard looks fierce. 5. lunar adj. determined or measured in reference to the moon 根据月亮决定或测定的 e.g. the chinese new year falls on lunar january, 1st. 6. solar adj. determined or measured in reference to the sun 根据太阳决定或测定的

25、e.g. solar energy is one kind of important energy nowadays. 7. insert v. to put or set into, between, or among 插入,嵌入 e.g. the editor inserted an advertisement in the newspaper. insert a key into a lock 8. symbolic adj. representing a particular idea or quality 象征的,符号的 e.g. the cross is symbolic of c

26、hristianity 9. ward off to keep away (somebody/something that is dangerous or unpleasant) 挡开,避开 e.g. he carried a gun to ward off possible attacks. step 3 post-reading exercises 1. what is the significance of the following things during the spring festival? ask students to find out the information i

27、n the article. check their work when they finish. red decorations to protect people from the monster fireworks to scare away the monster spring cleaning to sweep away any ill fortune or unpleasantness form the previous year and prepare the house for any food luck the new year will bring repainting d

28、oors and windows to ward off evil spirits eating dumplings to encourage large and happy families eating fish longevity and plenty eating red meat bad luck leftover future prosperity 2. discussion: read the instruction as a class. divide students into groups of four. ask them to discuss these questio

29、ns. get feedback when they finish. try to encourage them to express their opinions thoroughly in english. 3. vocabulary and structure this part is about some vocabulary and structure exercises related to the text. ask students to finish them independently beforehand. check their answers in class. tr

30、y to encourage them to explain by themselves to check whether they fully understand the exercises or not. the teacher is supposed to give some explanations if necessary. a. work out the meanings of the underlined words with the help of the context. b. fill in the blanks with the words below. change

31、the form where necessary. c. complete each pair of the sentences with the correct form of the same verb, one as a present participle (-ing) and the other as a past participle (-ed). 4. writing read the instruction as a class. leave the writing task as homework. check their work next time. write down

32、 your experience about the spring festival. the following questions may help you to come up with some ideas. 1) how does your family prepare for the spring festival? 2) what traditional activities does your family do to celebrate the spring festival? 3) what special activity do you like most when yo

33、u are celebrating the spring festival? section three language in use: present participles used as adverbials step 1 test your grammar the aim of this practice is to make students aware of the present participles used as adverbials. based on their study of the text, they may gain a deeper understandi

34、ng by doing these exercises. try to encourage students to explain by themselves through recalling and understanding of this grammatical phenomenon. step 2 illumination and development briefly explain the grammatical knowledge of participles. then ask students to finish these exercises. check their w

35、ork when they finish. 一、现在分词做状语(表原因,时间,条件,让步,行为方式,伴随状况)现在分词与主句的主语一致,且形成主谓关系,就是说现在分词的动作发出者是主句的主语。例如: hearing the news, they got excited. when they heard the news, they got excited. 现在分词 逻辑主语 从这个例句中看出,现在分词的发出者是主句的主语 they,且主句的主语与现在分词形成主谓关系。 she got home, feeling very tired. when she got home, she felt

36、very tired. 逻辑主语 现在分词 主句的主语 she 与现在分词 feeling 形成主谓关系。 crossing the road, i saw a girl crying. when i was crossing the road, i saw a girl crying. 现在分词 逻辑主语 如果现在分词作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,分词应有自己的逻辑主语,构成独立主格结构。例如: mr. smith being absent, the meeting had to be put off. 该例句中,主句的主语是 the meeting,而现在分词的逻辑主语是 mr.

37、smith。 二、 现在分词作状语与谓语动词的时间关系 1. 现在分词表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生时,现在分词用一般式。例如: the secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president. 2. 现在分词表示的动作先于谓语动词表示的动作时,现在分词用完成式。例如: having finished his homework, the boy went out to play football. 三 现在分词作状语时与主语之间不能用并列连词 and、 but、or 等连接,因为并列

38、连词连接的是两个并列的成分,而分词短语只是全句的一个状语成分。现在分词短语与主语之间用逗号隔开即可。 误:having been told many time, but he still couldnt understand it. 正:having been told many time, he still couldnt understand it step 3 doing exercises then ask students to finish these exercises. check their work when they finish. try to encourage st

39、udents to explain the answers by themselves. the teacher is supposed to offer some explanations where necessary. a. rewrite the following sentences using the present participle. b. correct the mistakes in the following sentences. c. complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs

40、 in the brackets. step 4 vocabulary building: word pairs this activity is designed to get students familiar with a language area that is slightly more complex than it looks. these word pairs, also known as binomials, refer to a pair or group of words that are used together as an idiomatic expression

41、 or collocation, usually joined by the words and or or, and the order of the elements cannot be changed. the expression take it or leave it is an example of binomial pair. a binominal pair has a single, distinctive meaning. explain this grammatical phenomenon with examples. then ask students to fini

42、sh exercises by themselves and check when they finish. try to encourage students to explain the answers by themselves. the teacher is supposed to offer some explanations where necessary. a. match the pairs of words in column a with their meanings in column b b. complete the sentences using the pairs

43、 of words in exercise a c. match a word in column a with a word in column b and a word in column c to form a set phrase. look for synonyms and antonyms. there are more words in column c tan you need. section four project: planning a chinese new year party this project is designed to help students pl

44、an a chinese new year party and explain traditional chinese customs to foreigners. read and explain the instructions and then ask students to do the class activities following the steps given. this project should be conducted in a relaxed and lively atmosphere. encourage students to be active. get f

45、eedback when they finish. invite volunteers to report to the class their thoughts and experiences. step 1 vocabulary think about what you would need to do in planning a chinese new year party. make a list and check any new words in a dictionary. divide students into several groups to brainstorm the

46、words possibly needed. and check and compare the words they come up with. step 2 talk to your neighbor suppose you are inviting a foreign friend to spend the chinese new year with your family. talk to your partner about your plans. brainstorm how to explain some typical chinese new year traditions t

47、o the foreigner. make the plan in groups and a representative should be chosen in each group who is going to answer the questions from the foreign (played by teacher) and report the groups plan to the class and exchange ideas with other groups and the teacher. step 3 role play (optional) your foreig

48、n friend spends the new year with your family. practice with your partner conversations between you and the foreigner, take turns to be the foreigner. step 4 write a paragraph write a paragraph describing chinese new year traditions. use some of the expressions you have learned. step 5 show each oth

49、er your writing put you texts on the wall and walk around the class to read other students writings. if you have anything you dont understand, ask the writer what it means. which parts do you like best in other students writings. or the students can exchange their papers to read and check if there i

50、s anything they think that are good or if there is any grammatical or lexical errors. step 6 teacher summarizes section five extension and cultural tips part 1 extension: why do chinese people love red color? the text mainly explains why chinese people love the color red. chinese people are fascinat

51、ed by the color of red not only because of its intoxicating liveliness, but also because of its rich meaning in chinese culture and history. red is the color of the lucky, signifying reunion, health, happiness, harmony, peace and prosperity. step 1 let the students read the text and finish the vocab

52、ulary check exercise 1) intoxicating: making you feel happy, excited, and unable to think clearly 2) thoroughgoing: very thorough, complete 3) dignity: quality that earns or deserves respect 4) adore: to love deeply and respect highly 5) eternal: having no end, lasting or existing for ever. 6) paste

53、: to stick something to something else using glue 7) cozy: comfortable and warm 8) strew: to spread here and there step 2 ask several students to read the text aloud and ask them to work in small groups to discuss the questions in the second exercise. at last, invite some students to report their an

54、swers to the whole class 1) why do chinese people love the red color? 2) what does the red color stand for in chinese culture? 3) what is the best way to feel china red? 4) what color is popular for the wedding dresses in western countries? 5) how do western people like the red color? step 3 language points illumina


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