八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms学案 (新版)仁爱版-(新版)仁爱版初中八年级下册英语学案_第1页
八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms学案 (新版)仁爱版-(新版)仁爱版初中八年级下册英语学案_第2页
八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms学案 (新版)仁爱版-(新版)仁爱版初中八年级下册英语学案_第3页
八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms学案 (新版)仁爱版-(新版)仁爱版初中八年级下册英语学案_第4页
八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms学案 (新版)仁爱版-(新版)仁爱版初中八年级下册英语学案_第5页
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1、topic 2 we can design our own uniformssection a【学习目标】明确目标,有的放矢1. learn some new words and phrases: depend, discipline, survey, interview, plain, plain clothes, makefor, depend on, by oneself, agree with, had better do, be glad to do, at work, carry out, in trouble, stopfrom doing sth.2. 学习由特殊疑问词引导的宾

2、语从句。3. 学习句型“it is + adj. + that从句”。【重点难点】1. 学习由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。2. 运用由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句进行情景交流。【01】自主学习【知识链接】由that和whether/if引导的宾语从句你还记得多少呢?回忆一下,我们在unit 7都学了哪些关于宾语从句的知识呢?要注意些什么呢?请用that和whether/if完成下面的填空。1. nobody knows _it will rain tomorrow.  2. lucy asked _they had a cotton sweater.  3. could

3、 you tell me_you know the answer ? 4. he said _he would like to see the headmaster. 【 快乐预习】1. 读p89的1a和p90的2a, 从中标出学习目标中的单词和短语,根据句子意思,或借助单词表及附录中的课文注释,理解学习目标中的单词和短语。2. 理解与熟读下列句子。(1) boys and girls, our school plans to make uniforms for you. (2) can you

4、 tell me what miss wang says? (3) it depends on who will design our uniforms.(4) i think we can design our own uniforms by ourselves.(5) its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. (6) i agree with you.(7) youd better survey the students about styles of uniforms.(8) but sometimes we we

5、ar plain clothes to carry out special tasks.(9) could you tell me when you wear your uniforms?(10) and our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.【个人挑战】试一试,也许我能行!任务一:听1a录音,完成p89的1b练习,然后熟读1a。任务二:听p90的2a,完成听力练习,再认真读一读2a,最后根据2a,回答2b两个问题。任务三:根据自己的预习和所学知识,试着将p90的3中的句子仿照例句写一写,看看自己对由特殊疑问词引导的宾语

6、从句掌握了多少。【02】合作探究【合作学习】1. 小组对学:同学们结对子互相检查p89的1b和p90的2a。2. 小组互学:小组内角色扮演1a和2a的对话,然后两名同学互相根据2b两个问题,做一个简短的报道。3. 小组讨论:根据所学知识,小组讨论1c, 然后小组内两人一组,仿照例句编对话,为接下来的展示做准备。4. 小组讨论:小组内从宾语从句的结构和语序上讨论宾语从句,并通过p90的3中的句子仿写和互查,来检测讨论的结果,为展示做准备。【展示交流】挑战一:展示对话!展示一下你们p89的1c的对话吧! 挑战二:说说你的理解。各组选一个代表讲一讲对宾语从句的理解,为大家再一次答疑解惑,并通过p90

7、的3来检测同学们对知识的掌握程度。【你探我究】1. it depends on who will design our uniforms. 译文:_点拨:depend on “取决于;依靠,依赖”。这个句子是以who引导的宾语从句,不过,经过细心的观察,你可能也发现了,原来介词后面也是可以接宾语从句的吧,也就是说,_ 词后面可以接宾语从句,有时宾语从句还会充当接双宾语的直接宾语,比如he told me that。练习:a. 你不能指望别人来帮你。翻译:you cant_ b. 对于他的所作所为,你有何感想?翻译:what do you think of _2. its true that s

8、uitable uniforms can show good discipline.译文:_点拨:本句是一个it作形式主语的复合句,真正的主语是_,其结构为it is + adj. + that从句。类似的用法有:it is important/ necessary/ possible + that从句,意为“是重要的/必要的/可能的”。练习:_you can work out the maths problem. 你很有可能会解答出那道数学题。3. could you tell me when you wear your uniforms? 译文:_点拨:本句是由特殊疑问词when 引导的宾

9、语从句,when you wear your uniforms是_部分。英语中引导宾语从句的特殊疑问词有:who, whom, whose, which, what, when, where, why和how。如:i dont know who will give us a speech. 我不知道谁会给我们作报告。注意:宾语从句要用_句的语序,即:“引导词+主语+谓语+其他成分”。【03】达标检测 相信自己,我能行!请你完成下列单项选择。( ) (1) my mother plans _ a big cake _ me on my birthday. a. making; to b. to

10、make; to c. making; for d. to make; for( ) (2) could you tell me _? a. where can i buy a scarf b. where i can buy a scarf c. i can where buy a scarf d. i can buy a scarf where( ) (3)during the spring festival, the heavy snow stopped many people _ out. a. to go b. from going c. from go d. to going( )

11、( 4) _ is important _ we should work hard at our study. a. it; for b. it; that c. that; for d. that; that( ) (5) im 18 years old and i can deal with many problems _ myself. a. on b. with c. to d. by【学后反思】你真的每天在不断进步呢! 这节课我已学会的单词和短语有:_;重点句子有_我还学会了特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句及其结构,从句结构为:_我的疑问:_.section b编写:谢加琼 责任编辑:谢加琼

12、【学习目标】1. learn some new words and phrases: gatekeeper, suit, attendant, enter, knee, occasion, correctly, take off,2. 继续学习由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。3. 学习句型 “it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”和“it is + adj.+that +句子”。4. 了解不同场合、不同职业及不同国家的着装文化,有利于增强审美能力,学会得体着装。5. 了解降调表达命令语气,升调表达有礼貌的请求。【重点难点】1. 由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。2. 句型

13、 “it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”和“it is + adj.+that +句子”的对比与运用。【学法指导】1. 将对话改编成小短文,有利于提高你的写作水品。2. 注意对比相似语法,同时牢记例句的结构,有利于你透彻地把握知识点。【01】自主学习【知识链接】句子its important for you to help people choose suitable clothing.中包含一个it做形式主语的结构句型,它是_【快乐预习】1. 读p91的1a和p91的1c , 从中标出学习目标中的单词和短语,根据句子意思,或借助单词表及附录中的课文注释,理解

14、学习目标中的单词和短语。2. 短语互译与记忆. (1) take off (2) listen to the teacher (3) dress correctly (4) too much (5)on every occasion (6) 保持安静 (7) 遵守交通规则 (8)(对某人来说)做是的 3. 理解与熟读下列句子。(1) can you tell me what i should wear here?(2) you should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in japan.(3) it is important

15、 to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.(4) people should dress correctly.(5) the gatekeeper asks the man to wear jeans there.(6) its impolite for the man to wear jeans to go to the formal meeting.【个人挑战】试一试,也许我能行!任务一:听录音,完成p91的1b.任务二:熟读1a, 完成1c.任务三:根据自己所学的知识,试着完成p92的2.任务四:试着自己读一读p92的3,注意体会句子升降调所

16、表达的情感。【02】合作探究【合作学习】1. 小组互查:同学们两两一组,对p91的1b的答案,并角色扮演一下1a的对话内容。2. 小组互学:两人一组,读p92的3,你读我听,再通过听录音,互相纠正语音上的问题。3. 小组对学:同学们在1a中找出由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,总结出由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句需要注意的问题,请小组代表来讲解自己的总结内容。4. 小组讨论:小组内讨论“it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”和“it is + adj.+that +句子”两种句子结构,为展示做准备。【展示交流】挑战一:我是小老师!小组代表来讲一讲由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句

17、,总结出由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句需要注意的问题!come on! 挑战二:你来说,我来说! 大家都掌握了“it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”和“it is + adj.+that +句子”两种句子结构及其用法了吗?小组代表来讲一讲吧。【你探我究】培养自己观察、模仿、体验、探究的学习能力!1. you should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in japan.译文:_点拨:take off“脱下(衣物),摘掉”,其反义词为_。如:why not take off your coat?为什

18、么不把外套脱掉?拓展:take off还有“取下,去掉,起飞”等含义。如:the plane will take off in two minutes.两分钟后飞机将要起飞。观察:这个句子是宾语从句吗?如果不是,是什么句呢?_练习:请造一个用“when”引导的宾语从句_2. it is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.译文:_ 点拨:本句型为“it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to dosth., 意为“(对某人来说)做是的”。可以与“it is + a

19、dj. + that从句”互换。比较:“it is + adj. +of + sb. + to do sth.”与“it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”的区别:前者的意思是_ , 后者的意思是_ ,当sb.和adj.有主系表关系时,用_ 练习:a. it is important for us to take care of the environment.=_ b. it's so kind _(of/for) you to help me .c. it's easy _(of/for) me to learn math.【03】达标检测 学

20、完了一个话题,你一定学到了不少东西,来测试一下吧!1. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1) 对医生来说穿制服上班是很重要的。 _ that the doctor wear uniforms when they are at work.(2) 你能告诉我他们什么时候将会去购物吗?could you tell me _ go shopping?(3) 如果你觉得热,可以脱掉外套。if you feel hot, you can _ your coat.(4) 对于kate来说搬动那个大箱子是困难的。_ carry the big box.(5) 在人们应该在不同的场合穿恰当的衣服。 people sho

21、uld wear suitable clothes _. 【04】学后反思 你每天都有进步哦!这节课我学会了:单词和短语:_.句型: _.我还知道了不同场合、不同职业及不同国家的着装文化。 我的疑问:_.section c编写:谢加琼 责任编辑:谢加琼【学习目标】1. learn some new words and phrases:text, reason, firefighter, heat, ceiling, soldier, official, airport, officer, patient, spread, daily, opinion, greatly, northern, c

22、asual, beautifully, boot, protectfrom, dress in, see sb. doing sth., get help from, in the daily life, in ones opinion, whats more, for example, such as2. 巩固使用句型 “it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”。3. 了解不同职业要穿不同的制服以及各种制服的不同用处。【重点难点】 1. 巩固使用句型 “it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”,尤其是在短文中能够将此句型运用自如。2

23、. 了解不同职业要穿不同的制服以及各种制服的不同用处。【学法指导】1. 对一种现象从不同层面去理解,有利于锻炼学生的思维辨析能力,因此,在写作中,要注意积累不同观点,然后进行分类综合,最后进行文字表述。这样才能写出一篇优秀的议论短文。【01】自主学习【知识回顾】1. its _ for us _ polite in class. a.interesting ; to become      b.good ; to c.important ; to       d.necessary ; to be总结:若形容词是描述不定式行为者的_的

24、,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用_; 若形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,用_,这类形容词有difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible等。【快乐预习】1. 读p93的1a, p94的2和3a, 从中标出学习目标中的单词和短语,根据句子意思,或借助单词表及附录中的课文注释,理解学习目标中的单词和短语。2. 理解与熟读下列句子。(1) firefighters wear special coats and helmets t

25、o protect themselves from heat and falling ceilings.(2) when officials dress in their official uniforms, they look important. (3) when we see airline pilots wearing uniforms at the airport, (4) when doctors wear uniforms, it is easy for patients to find them.(5) so its necessary for us to know diffe

26、rent uniforms in the daily life.(6) in my opinion, (7) whats more, we should choose different clothes in different seasons.【个人挑战】试一试,也许我能行!任务一:看p93的1a图片,猜想一下各种制服的功能,再读1a, 看自己的观点是否正确。任务二:再次认真阅读1a,完成1b表格。任务三:根据所学知识,完成p94的3a,做完后,大声读,并想想短文主要讲了些什么。任务四:再一次读3a,根据3a完成3b表格。【合作学习】你一言我一句,就是金言名句!1. 小组对学:同学们两人一组

27、,互问互答1a短文前的两个问题,再将两人的观点进行比较,最后对一对p93的1b的答案。2. 小组互学:两人一组,对p94的3a和3b的答案,并探讨一下每一个答案的由来。3. 小组讨论:小组内讨论一下不同制服的特点和功能,然后根据所学内容和p93的1b提供的信息复述1a,为展示做准备。4. 全班讨论:全班针对“学生在学校是否应该穿校服”从正反两个方面进行讨论,同学们注意记载其他同学的观点,然后进行整理,最后形成一篇议论文,可以参考p94的2。【展示交流】快来秀一秀你们的成果吧!挑战一:比比说说!根据所学内容和p93的1b提供的信息复述1a,看看哪个小组复述得全面而富有特点,可以添加自己的观点哦。

28、挑战二:秀一秀你的文笔! 这是全班同学展示自我的机会,同学们可以根据p94的2讨论的结果,将自己的短文念给全班同学们听。【你探我究】耐心认真,你会有所收获!1. firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect themselves from heat andfalling ceilings.译文:_点拨:heat 为“高温,热量”,如:the heat from the fire will dry your coat. 炉火的高温会把你的外套烘干。拓展:heat v. 意为_,如:i want to heat some water.

29、 我想烧些水。2. when officials dress in their official uniforms, they look important. 点拨:dress in=wear, 意为“穿着衣服”。练习:lucy often a red skirt.露西经常穿着一条红裙子。3. such as shorts, t-shirts and dresses.点拨:such as意为“例如”,相当于for example, 但是such as后没有逗号隔开,for example后有逗号隔开。练习:i like fruits, _ _ apples, pears, bananas.=

30、i like fruits. _ _, apples, pears, bananas.【03】达标检测 今天你学了不少,赶快来测试一下吧!1. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1) 他穿了一件外套来免受风吹。he wore a coat to _ her _ wind.(2) 当我回到家时,我看见莉莉正在房间里跳舞。when i got home, i _ lily _ in the room.(3) 李明喜欢运动,他总是穿着运动装。li ming likes doing exercise and he always _ sportswear.(4) 在我看来,时间比金钱更重要。_, time is

31、more important than money.5) 在我们的日常生活中保护环境是很有必要的。 its necessary to protect the environment _. 【04】学后反思 你一定学到了不少东西,小结一下吧! 我学会了新的词汇有 : ;我掌握了一些新短语_;我学会了使用新句型: _我的疑惑_ section d编写:谢加琼 责任编辑:谢加琼【学习目标】1. learn some new words and phrases:similar, dressing, as well as , in fact, around the world, all over the

32、 world, talk about2. 复习 “it is + adj. + that从句”和“it is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.” 句型3. 了解不同民族,不同场合人们的穿着。【重点难点】1. 训练自己根据文章大意猜测词义的阅读技能。【学法指导】1. 用英语解释短语或单词的意思有助于你更好地理解单词的意义。【01】自主学习【快乐预习】1. 在网络上搜索一下世界各地服饰的特点及其历史含义。2. 读p95的1a, 从中标出学习目标中的短语,根据句子意思,或借助单词表及附录中的课文注释,理解学习目标中的短语。3. 理解与熟读下列句子。(1) what peopl

33、e wear depends on their likes and dislikes.(2) in fact, they have very few formal days, though there are some festivals such as easter, christmas, halloween and thanksgiving day.(3) people in canada and the united states usually wear suits to work in offices, as well as for more formal occasions, ju

34、st as people in china.(4) people in cities around the world wear quite similar clothes.【个人挑战】试一试,也许我能行!任务一:认真读一读本话题section a-c的重点内容,完成p95的gamma和functions.任务二:读一读p95的1a, 根据英语解释,从短文中找出相应的单词。任务三:再一次认真阅读1a,完成p96的1b,做的过程中要注意将题干中的关键词找出来,再根据关键词在文章中找答案,并做上标记,便于做完后检查。【02】合作探究【合作学习】1. 小组对学:同学们两两一组,互问互答本话题所学的知

35、识点,然对p95的gamma和functions的答案。2. 小组对学:两人一组,对p95的1a和p96的1b的答案。3. 小组讨论:根据自己的实际情况,对p96的2中两个问题进行讨论,为展示交流做准备。4. 小组分享:同学们为自己设计一件自己最喜欢的校服,画下来,然后组内相互描述,最后各组评出小组内最受欢迎的校服。【展示交流】挑战一:我是“小小报道员”p96的2中两个问题的讨论结果进行报道。come on! 挑战二:比比谁的设计最美! 从各组选出的最美校服中,再选出全班最美的校服。【你探我究】培养自己观察、模仿、体验、探究的学习能力!1. like something but not the

36、 same 译文:_ 比较:以下几个短语的介词:be the same as 与相同;be different from与不同;be similar to与相似。 练习:a. my coat _ _ _ yours. 我的外套与你的相同。b. the weather in beijing _ _ _ _in guangzhou. 北京的天气与广州的不同。 c. jenny_ _ _ her mother. 珍妮长得像她妈妈。2. people in canada and the united states usually wear suits to work in offices, as we

37、ll as for more formal occasions, just as people in china.译文:_ 点拨:as well as “除之外,还”,注意,当as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词形式随_主语,因为as well as后面所接的主语只起伴随的作用,位置是可以变化的。 练习:a. he likes football_ _ _ basketball. 他喜欢足球,也爱篮球。b. joan, as well as jenny, _ _ _ beijing tomorrow. 琼明天前往北京,珍妮也是。【03】达标检测 学完了一个话题,你一定学到了不少东西,来测

38、试一下吧!1. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(1) its suitable that a slim girl wears clothes in warm colors.(改为同义句)its _ _ a slim girl _ _ clothes in warm colors.(2) how many students are there in your classroom? he asks.(合并为含宾语从句的复合句)he asks how many students _ _ in our classroom.(3) the boy is lively, and he is healthy

39、. (改为同义句)the boy is lively _ _ _ healthy.(4) how does jack go to work? i dont know. (合并为含宾语从句的复合句)i dont know _ _ _ _ _.(5) it is necessary that everyone obeys the traffic rules. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ everyone obeys the traffic rules?2. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1) 长城闻名于世界。the great wall is famous _ _ _ _ .(2) 事实上,我根

40、本不喜欢苹果。_ _, i dont like apples at all.(3) 玛丽会唱歌也会跳舞。mary can sing _ _ _ dance.(4) 你们在谈论什么?what are you _ _?(5 ) 人们的穿着取决于他们的喜好。what people wear _ _ their likes and dislikes. 【04】学后反思 你每天都有进步哦! 这个话题已经学完了,想一想我们学到了什么?(培养自己 定期复习归纳的学习习惯。) 让我来露一手!unit 8 topic 3 section a【快乐预习】1. 短语互译与记忆1) talk about 2) watch the fashion show 3) 一点也不 4)又一个/另一个5) pants with two pockets 6) go with sb. 3. 根据汉语提示完成句子1) watch 2) wonderful 3) says 4) famous 5) sounds【你探我究】1. 译文:像某物,但不相同。点拨1: there is/are going to be 点拨2: 又一个;另一个练习:a. there will be a fo


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