八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 4-SectionB(1a-1e)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 4-SectionB(1a-1e)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 4-SectionB(1a-1e)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 4-SectionB(1a-1e)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第4页




1、unit 7 will people have robots period 4-sectionb(1a-1e)学习目标:1.学习掌握本课时生词短语;2.学习用一般现在时,一般过去式及一般将来时谈论人物不同时期的生活。学习重难点:三种时态的对照练习。教学流程设计:自研自探:预习课本52页,完成预习检测:i.熟读52页新单词并完成以下翻译。1. 一名航天员_2.住在一所公寓里_3.乘火箭飞向月球_4.太空站_5.十年前_6.乘火车_7.十年后_8.飞到其他星球_9.电脑程序员_ii、收集有关职业和交通工具的名词。job:_transportation:_合作探究:before listening1

2、.朗读la单词,理解其汉意,并按照职业、交通工具、居住地点进行分类,完成表格。2.groupwork:除了1a中列举的这些词汇,你还掌握哪些类似词汇?结合自主学习,进行小组讨论。比一比哪一组收集得最多。while listening 1. 听录音,完成课本1c任务。2.速读1d句,理解其汉意。再听一遍录音,完成课本1d任务。3. 模仿秀:听录音并跟读,注意模仿你所听到的问句的语音语调。after listening pairwork:1e:根据1c的句子进行提问,可参考以下例句:a:where do you live now? b:_a:where do you work now? b:_a:

3、what do you do now? b:_a: where did you live five years ago? b:_a: how did you get to school ten years ago? b: _a:what will you be in ten years? b:_a: where will you live in ten years? b:_a: how will you get to work in ten years? b:_.组内交流探讨以下题目并尝试总结:1the next time you see nikos, he _ sixteen years o

4、ld. a. will be b. is c. was d. will2margot _computer science last year. a. studies b. studied c. will studyd. is studying3in ten years, john _ an astronaut. a. is b. will bec. wasd. will4how many people _ there fifty years ago. a. willb. werec. are d. will be5.mary_a college student now,in 10 years,

5、she_a doctor.(is/was/will be)总结生成:观察与思考:通过刚才的训练,请你来总结:(1) 谈论他人上班或上学的交通方式应该用什么句型?请用三种时态形式表示出来。一般过去时:-_ _you get to school? -i _(take)the train to school.一般现在时:-_ _you get to work? -i_(get)to work by bike.一般将来时:-_ _you get to work? -i_(fly)to work.(2)谈论他人居住地点应该用什么句型?请用三种时态形式表示出来。一般过去时:-_ _you _? -i_(l

6、ive) in an apartment.一般现在时:-_ _ you _? -i _(live)in a house.一般将来时:-_ _you _? i_(live)on a space station.(3)表示自己现在的职业用:i_ a/an预测自己将来的职业用:i_ _a/an(4)请仔细观察下面的两个句子有什么不同。what will your life be like in ten years?what do you think your life will be like in the years?在插入do you think之后,疑问句出现什么变化? _练习:汉译英。 你认

7、为她什么时候会来? _do you think _ _? 一百年后世界会是什么样?_do you think the world _ _ _ _100 years?展示提升:1.展示听力对话朗读翻译;2.展示1e对话编写并表演(两组展演对话,两组改写为第三人称)。 效能检测:i、用所给动词的适当时态填空,比较和体会不同时态的含义和用法。1.i _ (live) in a far mountain countryside ten years ago.2. i _ (live) in a busy town now.3. i _ (live) in a big beautiful city in

8、10 years.4. my father _ (walk) to school 20 years ago.5. i often _ (ride) my bike to school now. 6 i _ (take) the train to go to the university in 5 years.7. she _ (be) a little girl 10 years ago.8. she _ (be) a lovely teenager today.9. she _ (be) a great mother in10 years.10. there _ (be) lots of b

9、ig trees here ten years ago.ii、选择合适的句子完成对话。a:what are you going to be in the future? b:_1_a:that sounds interesting.maybe you will fly to the moon. b:_2_but my parents dont agree with me. a:why? b:_3_ a:they are right.b:and if i am an astronaut,i will be away from them for a long time. a:_4_so what do they want you to be? b:a doctor. a:_5_a. thats true. b.i want to be an astronaut. c.well,thats a good job. d.i hope so.e.i like reading and writing. f.because they think


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