已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、word.专业技术行业资料何时用不定式何时用分词与动名词.动名词 和不定式 做主语的相同点1. 不定式短语和动名词做主语时, 常常为了保持句子的平衡, 用 it 来做形式主语 , 如:It is not easy to learn English well.It is no use asking him for help.2. 如果主语用了不定式 ,表语 和宾语也要用不定式 ;主语用了动名词 ,表语和宾语也 要用动名词 ,这在英语中称为 对称性 ,如:To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing. (眼见为实 )(85)It is better to

2、stay home than _A_ out.A. to go B. going C. go D. gone.动名词和不定式做主语的不同点1.不定式做主语常表示具体的某一动作 ; 表示泛指或一般的抽象的概念时 ,多用动 名词,如:(92)_B_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk2.在” There/It +be+ no use(good/help/need) 之后”常用动名词做主语 ,而少用不定

3、 式,如:It /There is no use crying over the split milk.It /There is no help taking this medicine.但是如果该 句型中用了 for 引出不定式的 逻辑主语 ,就只能用不定式 ,如:(93) There is no good for us to do that exercise.3. 不定式可以和 when, where, how, what, whether 等连用 ,在句子中做主语 ,宾语和 表语 ,而动名词则不能 ,如:How to solve the problem is a hot potato.W

4、here to put the box seems hard to decide.Whether to do it hasn' t been decided.What to do next is up to you.时态、语态及其基本用法A. 不定式1不定式的时态、语态有三种形式:一般式,如, to write / to be written ; 进行式,如, to be writing / to have been writing; 完成式,如, to have written / to have been written 。2基本用法 不定式的一般式, 表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动

5、作同时发生, 有时也发生在 谓语动词表示的动作之后。如:He seems to know this.(=It seems that he knows this.)范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 I hope to see you again.(=I hope that I' ll see you again.)He doesn ' t like to be laughed at. (=He doesn't like that he is being laughed at 不定式的进行式, 表示不定式的动作正在进行, 与谓语动词表示的动作同时发 生。如

6、:When the mother went into the room, the boy pretended to be sleeping. (= boy pretended that he was sleeping .)I heard the English song being sung by him. (=I heard that the English song was being sung by him.) 不定式的完成式,表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。如:I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. (= I am sorry

7、that I kept you waiting so long. )Having been well written, the book was translated into many languages. (=Because it had been well written, )B. 分词1.只有现在分词才有时态和语态形式的变化。 现在分词的时态、 语态有两种形式: 一般式,如, doing / being done; 完成式,如, having done / having been done 。 2.基本用法 现在分词的一般式, 表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生, 或在谓语动 词表

8、示的动作之前发生。如:The boys and girls went to school, singing and dancing all along the way .They all jumped with joy ,hearing the good news.The girl could not help crying ,being criticized in the public.范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 现在分词的完成式, 表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前已发生, 常用作时 间状语或原因状语。如:Having done the work very well

9、 ,he was praised by the teacher.Having been shot by a bullet, the man fell down dead.C 动名词1.动名词的时态、语态有两种形式:一般式,如, writing / being written ; 完成式,如, having written / having been written 。2.基本用法 动名词的一般式不表示动作正在进行, 但作具有状语性质的宾语时, 动名词一 般式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生。如:The teacher is busy collecting the students '

10、 exam papers. 动名词的完成式在作具有状语性质的宾语时, 表示的动作在谓语动词的动作之 前已发生。如:He was praised by the teacher for having done the work wonderfully.He felt so sorry for not having been given the chance to work in the company. 三、不定式、分词、动名词的词性特征和句法功能 1不定式既有动词的一些特征,又具有名词、形容词、和副词的句法功能,因 此,不定式在句中作:主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、独立成分。 2分词

11、即具有动词的一些特征,又具有形容词和副词的句法功能,因此,不定 式在句中作:表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、独立成分。 3动名词,顾名思义,既有动词的一些特征,又具有名词的句法功能,因此, 动名词在句中作:主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语。 四、不定式、分词、动名词句法功能用法的比较范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 1. 从上面不定式、分词、动名词的词性特征和句法功能中,我们不难看出它们 在句子中的作用既有较多的共性,又有稍微的差异: a.相同的句法功能:不定式、分词都能作:表语、定语、宾语补足语、状语、独立成分;不定式、动名词都能作:主语、表语、宾语 ;不定式、分词、 动名词都

12、能作:表语、定语。b.不同的句法功能:不定式可作:同位语。如:That was her desire, to go to America for further study after finishing middle school.2.正确运用好不定式、分词、动名词 不定式、分词、动名词作表语时的比较。请看例句: My job is to teach the students English. My job is teaching the students English. My job is interesting. I am interested in English.辨析: A. 不定

13、式与动名词作表语一般可以互换使用, 在意义上没有多大差别, 且其形式差异较大, 很容易把握 , 如上面例句的; 现在分词和动名词同形, 在作表语时,学生不易识别。分辨方法有三: a)分词作表语说明主语的性质特 征,回答 how 的问题; 不定式和动名词作表语则说明主语的内容, 回答 what 或 doing what 问题 , 如: My job is interesting.(=How is my job?) ; My job is teaching ( to teach ) the students English. (=What is my job?); b )动名词具有名词 的句法功能

14、,也能做主语,我们不妨把句中的表语转换成主语,如果句子成立, 则是动名词作表语, 否则是现在分词作表语。 如:My job is teaching the students English Teaching the students English is my job. 显然句子是成立的,原句中的 范文范例学习参考指导 word.专业技术行业资料 teaching 是动名词; c)分词具有形容词的句法功能,那么,我们可以在作表语 的分词前加 very(extremely ,fairly ) 等副词,如果句子成立,则动词 ing 形式 作表语的是现在分词。如上面例句:My job is inte

15、resting. 可改为:My job is very interesting. 显然句子是成立的,句中的 interesting 是现在分词。 B确定用现在分词还是用过去分词作表语的方法有:现在分词作表语多表示主 语所具有的某种特征;过去分词作表语多表示主语所处的状态。情感动词的 v.-ing 形式表示具有某种特征;情感动词的 v.-ed形式多表示引起某种情感。一般地说, 事物具有某种特征,而人才具有某种情感,因此,分词作表语的句式可归纳为:a)Sb.be v-ed ; b) Sth. bev-ing.如:a. I am very excited ; b. The news is very

16、exciting. 但有一个词例外,那就是 missing 。例如“那个男孩不见了”,我们不能说“The boy is missed . ,而”是“The boy is missing.”不定式、分词、动名词作定语时的比较A作前置定语 现在分词、过去分词、动名词 可以作前置定语,而不定式不能作前置定语。如: a developing country , a developed country ; boiling water ,boiled water ; building materials , a swimming pool ; the sleeping boy , the coming n

17、ew year 。 辨异的方法很简单: 现在分词具有主动、进行的特点,而过去分词则具有被动、 完成的特点。例如, a developing country=a country which is developing ( 发展中 国家 ); boiling water=water which is boiling( 正在滚开的水 ) ; a developed country=a country which has developed(发达国家);boiled water=water which has been boiled(已滚开过的水 )。现在分词和动名词同形,但作前置定语时, 动名词表示

18、所修饰的名词的用途,例如, .building materials=materials for 范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 building; a swimming pool=a pool for swimming ;而现在分词作前置定语时, 表 示所修饰的名词正在进行的动作,两者是逻辑上的主谓关系。例如, the sleeping boy=the boy who is sleeping ; the coming new year=the new year that is coming 。 B作后置定语 不定式、现在分词、过去分词都能作作后置定语,而动名词不作后置定语。

19、先看 例句: The problem to be discussed at the meeting is very important. The problem discussed discussed at the meeting is very important. The problem being discussed at the meeting is very important. 辨析:上面例句分别用不定式、现在分词、过去分词作后置定语,是因为它们存 在不同的情况:不定式作定语,表示动作正要进行(未发生) ;现在分词作定语, 表示动作正在进行(正在发生) ;过去分词作定语,表示动作已

20、完成(已发生) 。 据此,我们可以把上面的例句还原为定语从句作定语的句子, 这样学生就更容易 理解: The problem to be discussed at the meeting is very important.=The problem( which is ) to be discussed at the meeting is very important. The problem discussed at the meeting is very important.= The problem (which was ) discussed at the meeting is ver

21、y important. The problem being discussed at the meeting is very important.= The problem (which is ) being discussed at the meeting is very important. 不定式、动名词做主语、宾语时的比较A做主语例句: To read English aloud in the morning is very practical.范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 Reading English aloud in the morning is very

22、 practical . 为了保持句子的平衡,可用 it 作形式主语,所以上面例句可写成为: It is practical to read English aloud in the morning . It is practical reading English aloud in the morning .B作宾语 例句: He wanted to help him out with his English. He doesn' t like being laughed at. I enjoy singing English songs . 辨析:一般说来,不定式与动名词做主语可以

23、互换,其意义没有多大的差别, 但认真分析起来,它们之间还是有一些差异的: a )不定式做主语,一般表示的是具体的情况 , 而动名词做主语,一般表示一般性 的情况。如:It is no use to ask him. He knows nothing about this matter.It is no use asking him. He is foolish.b. 同样,不定式做宾语,一般表示的是具体的情况 ,而动名词作宾语,一般表示 的是习惯性的动作。如:I like to sing and dance right now .I feel so pleased to know that o

24、ur football team has won the match.He has a good voice. He likes singing English songs.不定式作宾语时:a) 通常用于及物动词 want, hope, wish, need, promise, plan, pretend, prepare, fail, determine 等之后。如: I want to be proud of you.Einstein once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute. 范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行

25、业资料 b) 如果作宾语的不定式又有自己的补语,则须用先行词 it 作形式宾语,而将真 正的宾语后置。如:We think it necessary to study English well.We feel our it our duty to help him.c) 不定式一般不作介词的宾语, 只有少数介词如, but, except 等后面才行。 此时 不定式可以带 to,如果介词 but, except 等的前面有实义动词 do, does 或 did 时, 不定式不带 to. 如:In very cold winter weather a cold blooded creature

26、has no choice but to lie down and sleep.Yesterday afternoon he did nothing but lie in bed sleeping. 有些及物动词后面只能接动名词作宾语, 这样的及物动词不多, 主要是:mind, admit, advise void, face, enjoy, finish, excuse, imagine, escape, include, keep, pardon, practice, risk, miss, stand( 忍耐,忍受 ), deny, suggest, give up, put off,

27、can't help禁(不住 ), set about, prevent, prevent sb. from, object to (反对),insist on 等。如:The boy insisted on going to Beijing with his father for a tour.The girl didn' t mind being left alone at home. 有些及物动词的宾语可用不定式,也有可用动名词,可分两种情况:a) 意义基本一样,如 like, love, hate, begin, start, continue, cease, atte

28、mpt, afford, prefer, delay, omit, neglect, propose, 等。如:Marx started working(=to work) hard to improve his English.The Einstein 's cold not afford to pay for ( =paying for) the education that young Albert needed.范文范例学习参考指导 word.专业技术行业资料 但是,如果 begin 与 start 本身为进行式时,后面要接不定式,不接动名词。如: He is beginnin

29、g to see his mistakes.b) 意义明显不同,主要有以下几个动词。(a) remember(forget, regret ) to v. 表示不定式的动作尚未发生。 remember(forget, regret ) v.-ing 表示动名词的动作已发生。 试比较:Please remember to close the door when you leave.I regret to tell you that he will not come to the party.I remember meeting her somewhere before.(b) mean to v

30、. 意为:打算 ; 想要; 有的意图 mean v.-ing 意为:意味着 ; 意思是; 就是 试比较:I didn 't mean to hurt your feeling.Learning well English does not mean just working hard in a class.(c) stop to v. 意为:停下来做谋事 。stop v.-ing 意为;停止做谋事。 试比较:They stopped to talk .(= stopped what they were doing in order to talk.) The students stopp

31、ed talking when the teacher came into the classroom.(d) try to v. 意为:设法 ; 想法 ; 试图try v.-ing 意为:试着 ; 试试看 试比较:Ever since he came to this school, he tried to work hard at all his subjects . 范文范例学习参考指导 word.专业技术行业资料 She tried reading, but that could not make her forget all her trouble.(e) sth.want( need

32、, require) to be v.-ed 意为:需要 ; 该 sth.want( need, require) v.-ing 意为:需要 ; 该 (动名词的主动形式表 示被动的含义 ) 试比较:My watch needed to be repaired.The matter wants thinking over.(=to be thought over) .Those young trees will require looking after(=to be looked after) . 不定式、现在分词、过去分作宾语补足语时的比较 A不定式作宾语补足语 不定式作宾补是比较常用的句式

33、,如: He asked me to help him with his English.The teacher encouraged us to make greater progress. 但用不定式作宾补要注意下面两种情况: a)不定式在感觉性动词,如 see, hear, watch, notice, observe, feel, find 等动词和 使役动词 make, let, have 之后作宾补时,不定式的小品词 to应省去。如: I saw him go upstairs this morning .The teacher makes me write a compositi

34、on a week. 但上面的句子在改为被动语太时, to 不能省去。如: He was seen to go upstairs this morning. We are made to write a composition a week by the teacher.b) 某 些 及 物 动 词 , 如 agree,employ,lead,refuse,decide,promise,excuse,insist,prevent,suggest, arrange 等 范文范例学习参考指导 word.专业技术行业资料 之后不能用不定式作其宾语补足语。例如句子“我爸爸希望我将来当工程师”如果 译文

35、是“ My farther hopes me to be an engineer in the future. 那么就错”了,。正确 的译文应是: “ My farther wishes (expects) me to be an engineer in the future. ; 或“ My farther hopes that I will be an engineer in the future.”B现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语 现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语也是比较常用的句式,如: I heard him singing English songs.His English was p

36、oor .He could hardly make himself understood. 学习小结:不定式、现在分词、过去分词都能作宾补,正确使用它们的方法是: 首先确定它们与逻辑主语即句子的宾语之间的关系, 如果逻辑主语是它们动作的 执行者,则用不定式或现在分词作宾补。不定式表示动作已完成,侧重工作的全 过程,而现在分词表示动作正在进行;如果逻辑主语是它们动作的承受者,则应 用过去分词作宾补。如:I often heard him sing English songs. I heard him singing English songs.I often heard English song

37、s sung by him. 不定式、分词作状语时的比较 A.不定式可修饰动词和形容词,表示原因、目的和结果。 a)作修饰动词的原因状语。如:s deThe whole nation was in deep sorrow to learn of Premier Zhou Enlai He laughed to think of his stupid son.b)作修饰动词的目的状语。如:He went to buy an English dictionary in the bookstore.范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 不定式作目的状语如果放在句子之前,则更为正式一些,

38、语气也较重。如: To be a teacher of the people, one must first be their pupil.c)作修饰动词的结果状语。不定式做结果状语,表示一种没有预料到的情况或结 果,须放在被修饰动词的后面,如:He woke up to find that he was lying in the hospital. 有时为了进一步加强预料不到的语气,在表示结果的不定式前还可加 only, 如: He went to see him only to find him out.d)作修饰表语形容词的状语。尤其要注意的是,此时作修饰表语形容词状语的 不定式常用主动

39、形式,表示被动的含义。如:My chair is comfortable to sit on. English is very difficult to learn well. B分词可作多种状语,用法比较活跃。 a)作时间状语(相当时间状语从句) ,如: Having finished his homework, he went to bed. (=After he had finished his homework, )(When) heated, ice will turn into water. (=When it is heated, )b) 作原因状语(相当原因状语从句) ,如:B

40、eing a Party member, I should take the lead. (=As I am a Party member, ) Greatly inspired by the teacher 'wso rds, he made up his mind to work even harder. (=Because he was greatly inspired by the teacher)' s words,c)作方式、伴随或附加说明状语,如:Filled for the moment with extraordinary strength, he raise

41、d himself completely.He stood there waiting for a bus.范文范例学习参考指导 word. 专业技术行业资料 Here for the four very difficult years they worked every moment that they could spare, weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking.d) 作条件状语(相当条件状语从句) ,如:Given some more time, she will do work even better. (= If she is given some more time, )Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. (=If you play all day, )e) 作结果状语,如:He dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces. 有时在表示结果的现在分词之前还可加 only,表示预料之中的情况,如: He went to see him last night only finding him studying. He was always worki


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