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1、学员编号:年 级:课时数:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课类型TUnit10 (牛津6下)基础知识梳理教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津 6年级下册Unit10中的基础词汇及重要句型;2、使学生对本单元的知识点会综合运用并掌握相关试题的解题方法。星级授课日期及时段T同步-U10基础知识梳理,革解开门(建议2-5分钟)horsts, Ecouotnk, «Bd Global Climate Chi neeCDRvrqfit J'vv ' Erp' Hfent All rwflvwdPeople in poor countries burn wood as

2、fuel.We cut down trees to make furniture and10paper.除了上面的,森林和土地还有什么作用呢,让我们继续往下看吧(建议20-25分钟)一聚一、词汇Words1. forest n.森林e. g. -Forests are home to many animals and plants.森林是许多动植物的家园。-We must take care of our forests.我们必须爱护我们的森林。批注:forest是可以用复数的,提醒学生注意课文标题,forests and land巾2. hollow n.凹地,穴,洞e. g. the ho

3、llow of the hand 手心the hollow of the tree 树洞也2 3. area n.地区;区域e. g. We are going to build a school in this area.我们准备在这个区域内建一所学校。In some areas, there are small schools for a few farm families, and the children walk to school.有些地区,设有小规模的学校为少数几个农民家庭服务,孩子们走着去上学。【知识拓展】近义:districtn.地区;区域;地方小2 4. provide v

4、.提供;供应【常用搭配】provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物e. g. They provide us with food.他们供给我们食物。We provided food for the hungry children.我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。批注:一定要提醒学生短语中两个介词的使用,如何学生能接受的话可以增加offer的搭配作为拓展。V 5. buildv.建造e. g. The workers are building a new bridge over the river. 工人们正在河上建一座新桥。【知识

5、拓展】building n.建筑物e. g. Our office is in that tall building.我们的办公室在那栋高楼里。批注:提醒学生building是可数名词。Ab:W 6. woodn.木头e. g. -What's this table made of?这张桌子是什么做的?-It's made of wood.它是由木头做的。【知识拓展】wooden adj.木质的wooden chopsticks 木筷这条连衣裙是羊毛做的。 羊毛的;毛纺的这是一件羊毛上衣。e. g. wooden chairs 木椅 批注:提醒学生注意词缀和词性。7. wool

6、 n.羊毛;毛制品;毛线e. g. The dress was made of wool.【知识拓展】woolen adj.e. g. This is a woolen coat.批注:让学生回忆一下单词木头-wood ,让学生猜猜 wooden是什么意思?如果不知道,给出个短语a wooden desk,然后学生就很容易猜出来了,然后让学生类比猜猜woolen的意思,“羊毛的", wool-woolen。、8. clayn.黏土;泥土e. g. People use clay to make china.人们用泥土来烧制瓷器。2 9. furniture n.家具(不可数名词)本单

7、元中出现了很多不可数名词,如:wood, wool, plastic等。常见的不可数名词还有:information信息、news新闻 music音乐中2 10. cottonn.棉化e. g. Clothes made of cotton are very comfortable.棉质衣服穿着很舒服。7r ll.plasticn.塑料e. g. Most toys aremade of plastic.大多数玩具都是塑料做的。12. oil n.油,食用油e. g. -How do you like this dish? 这道菜怎么样?-There's too much oil in

8、 it.油太多了。(2)石油e. g. This area is rich in oil and gas.这个地区石油和天然气很丰富。【知识拓展】oil painting油画 cooking oil烹调用油 vegetable oil植物油 批注:提醒学生 oil是不可数名词。# 13. ground n.地面e. g. -Why are you lying on the ground? 你怎么躺在地上呀?-I've hurt my leg!我的腿受伤了。【知识拓展】playground 操场 on/in the playground 在操场 underground 地下的,地铁我.&

9、gt; 重要句型 Important Sentences structures窈 1. Forests are important because they provide shelter and food for birds, animals and vide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物with 用e.g. My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks.【知识拓展】1 .与.一起,和.She lives with her son. 住在一起。

10、2批主 ,. 甯看.;The girl with long hair is my classmate.长头发的女孩是我同学。3. We must stop cutting down forests停止砍伐森林(1) must 为情态动词,表示“禁止,命令或义务”e. g. We must obey the traffic rules.我们必须遵守交通准则。(2) stop doing sth 表示"停下”正在做的事情'。e. g. Stop talking, please.停止讲话。stop to do sth表示停下来去做某事e.g. stop to have a rest

11、. 停下来去休息批注:学生程度好的话可以适当拓展mustn't的用法。由 4. We get wood from forests.从森林那儿得到木头from为介词,意为“来自于,来源于.”。e. g. music from an opera 歌居U选曲powered by heat from the sun以太阳的热量为动力的documents from the 16th century 16 世纪的文件用木头造纸用塑料制造杯子用玻璃来做杯子We can use wood to make paper. We can use plastic to make cups. We can us

12、e glass to make bottles.(1) to make是不定式表示目的。(2) useto make意为”用,来做”【知识拓展】句中的glass意为"玻璃”,是不可数名词。【指点迷津】glass的不同含义:glass意为“玻璃”,是不可数名词。e. g. This cup is made of glass.这个杯子由玻璃制成的。glass意为"玻璃杯",是可数名词。e. g. He put the glass on the shelf.他把玻璃杯放在架子上。glasses这一复数形式意为“眼镜"e. g. She wears glasse

13、s她戴眼镜。6. What is it made of? It ' s made of wool. It'eis scwrfolbe made of 由制成的e. g. This vase is made of glass and that bottle is made of plastic.Chopsticks are sometimes made of wood, and sometimes plastic.批注:be made of和be made from 可以给学生多举一些例子,加深学生的印象。(建议5-10分钟)(用所给单词的适当形式填空 )I. Complete

14、the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1) Trees are very for some birds to build their homes. (importance)2) There are more and more tall in Shanghai recently. (build)3) In autumn, the turn yellow and fall off the trees. (leaf)4) I have some net-friends from other. (country)II. Fil

15、l in the blanks with proper prepositions.(用适当的介词填空)1) Birds make their homes trees.2) Oceans provide food people.3) In the countryside, some people cook food wood.4) We can get wood forests.5) Peter and Joe are reading some information forests.III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写句

16、子 )1) The final exam will come soon. (改为否定句)The final exam soon.2) I can ' t enter the roomcause I have 10st my key.(对戈U线部分提问 ) you enter the room?3) The birds build their homes in the hollow of the tree.( 对划线部分提问) the birds build their homes?4) People must keep the environment clean.(对划线部分提问 )people do?5) Forests are important.(改为感叹句 )forests are!Keys: I . 1. important4. countriesII. 1. on 2. forIII. won 't come2. buildings3. with why can 't3. leaves4. from5.aboutwhere dowhat must How importantscore:(14小题,共(建议2-5分钟)放电影回顾式学习法14


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