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1、实用标准文案机电产品的市场营销系别:机电工程系班级:13级机电7班学籍号:1302471107姓名:赵忠文精彩文档实用标准文案机电产品营销一、机电产品的兴起从美国到欧洲,从前苏联到日本,从中国到印度,从发达国家到发展中国家, 第二次世界大战以后,新能源、新材料、新技术、新工艺的研究、开发的热潮正 在全世界兴起。它是人类社会历经了漫长的农业社会、 工业社会而向现代化社会 发展的标志,是凝聚着人类智慧的当代科技文明的象征, 是走向21世纪的通道,二、机电产品的市场众所周知,要想营销,必须要有市场,所谓市场,市场的原始意义是:商品 交换的场所。经济学意义是:供求双方及其交换关系总和。管理学意义是:市

2、场 是供需双方在共同认可的一定条件下所进行的商品或劳务的交换活动。营销学的意义是:具有特定购买力和购买愿望的购买者。市场的三要素购买者、购买力、 购买动机。市场营销是与市场有关的人类活动,它以满足人类各种需要和欲望为 目的,通过市场变潜在交换为现实交换的活动。三、机电产品的分类(一)按购买者的性质和购买目的,划分为: 消费者市场和组织市场;按照 市场所在的地理位置,划分为: 国内市场和国际市场;按照市场竞争程度,可 分为:完全竞争市场、垄断竞争市场、寡头垄断市场和完全垄断市场。(二)按照顾客市场的性质不同,可以把其分为组织市场和消费者市场两大 类。机电产品的市场主要是组织市场,尤其是制造商(企

3、业)市场和中间商市场。(三)从销售的角度来说,市场包括三个要素:有某种需要的人(购买者)、 满足某种需要的购买能力和购买欲望。即:市场二人口 X购买力X购买欲望。机电产品的市场细分与其产品形态一一重大技术装备、动力机械、工作母机、 仪表仪器电工电子机械、通用机械、专用机械、基础零件等有密不可分的关系。 而起作为配套或服务于下游产品及最终产品的机电产品,其市场细分与定位又绝精彩文档实用标准文案不可能脱离下游产品及最终产品的市场状况而仅依靠专注于某机电产品自身的 竞争情况来确定。与一般消费品相似的是,制造商在进行其生产的机电产品营销 前,对其产品进行精确的市场定位、价格定位、客户定位等,为营销业绩

4、的提高 打下坚实的基础。制造商(企业)市场的细分标准,有许多与消费品(最终产品) 市场细分的标准相同,如用户所追求的利益、用户情况、对品牌的忠实程度等。 但是,制造商(企业)市场有着不同的特点,因此,企业的管理者还要用一些其 他标准来细分生产者市场。四、机电产品市场定位及营销 (一)市场定位市场定位是指企业根据竞争对手产品在市场中的位置,针对用户对产品特征和属性的重视程度,强力塑造出本企业产品与众不同的特色,并把此特色传递给 用户,从而使自己的产品在市场占有一席之地机电产品生产企业在进行机电产品市场细分和市场定位时,不仅要考虑机电产品自身这个环节的市场竞争态势, 而且要对其下游产品,甚至最终产

5、品的市场前景进行研究、分析、预测和把握。市场定位作为一种竞争战略,显示了一种产品或一家企业同类似的产品或企 业之间的竞争关系。定位方式不同,竞争态势也不同。(二)机电产品营销机电产品营销是市场营销的一个重要分支, 接近于工业品营销的范畴,但与 工业品营销又有所区别,它不包括工业品(包括初级产品和工业制成品) 范围中 的工业初级产品(主要是原材料,如矿产品、钢材、建材、纺织纤维等)的营销。机电产品营销是制造商(企业)对制造商(企业)、组织、结构、政府等市 场间的营销,也可以称为制造商(企业)问的营销。1、机电产品营销的特点:1 )客户(用户)数量相对较少,但比较集中,单次购买量大;2 )专业、理

6、性购买,购买决策复杂;3 )通常采取直接购买的方式;4 )定制采购,注重服务;5 )派生需求,缺乏弹性。2、机电产品的营销渠道机电产品营销一般是通过中间商销售给客户的,所以中间商也叫做分销商。1 )营销的要求(1)中国制造的崛起对机电产品分销有新的需求精彩文档实用标准文案(2)经济全球化要求机电产品市场空间的全球化(3)现有的分销体系不适应新经济变革发展的要求新经济时代要求建设适宜发展要求的机电产品分销渠道,由此可见,在营销当中分销是必不可少的,在营销中有着至关重要的作用。3、机电产品营销的创新渠道模式(1)机电产品分销消费品分销的差异及其特点市场需求不同客户的购买行为不同4、机电产品分销模式

7、的创新发展(1)“第三渠道”的兴起(2)机电产品分销模式的创新趋势1) 专业化服务2) 信息化支撑3) 品牌化运作4) 国际化经营五、机电产品促销方法(1)提供技术解决方案案例:老李的促销故事老李是一个某普通车床配件企业很能干的推销员,他知道一般机床生产厂家 对机床的配件供应商的选择都比较慎重。 他通过对机床行业中某客户对普通车床 使用情况的调查研究之后发现,竞争对手产品中一个关键部件经常出现质量问 题,但这个配件的质量对整个车床的影响在一年内不容易发现,直到以后出现故障时,客户才会被动地选择更换,给售后服务带来一定的影响。但在一般情况下 这一潜在的问题并不直接影响客户更换供应商的决策标准。发

8、现这一问题后,老李并没有开门见山地向机床制造厂家推销自己的产品, 而是到自己公司后,与本企业技术人员一同制定了一套针对这一问题的技术改进 方案,在充分地评估研究之后给该客户提。 供了初步的技术解决方案。客户看到 这个分析报告后,感觉到问题的严重性,最后决定与老李进行进一步技术交流、 技术评估等。机床生产厂家在以后的配件供应商选择时, 虽然有多家竞争对手,但因为前 期的互相交流,以及对老李的解决方案的认可,最后老李得到了为这家车床制造 厂家做配套零件的稳定生意。精彩文档实用标准文案六、机电产品的网络营销网络营销定义:网络营销销是建立在互联网的基础上,是以营销为导向,网 络为工具,由营销人员利用专

9、业的网络营销工具, 面向广大网民开展一系列营销 活动的新型营销方式。网络营销主要通过网络进行营销,它针对的客户群面积更大,是一种以吸引 客户为主,带来的客户更有针对性,通常也就是我们说的,是精准的客户营销。 传统的营销是直接强制性的把广告推给客户, 客户被动的接收,除了花费资金比 较多,效果不如网络营销来的快。网络市场的功能:(1)树立公司先锋形象(2)发展公共关系(3)与投资者 保持良好的关系(4)选择最合格白顾客群体(5)与客户及时的在线交流。Mechanical and electrical products marketing精彩文档实用标准文案Don't: mechanica

10、l and electrical engineeringClass level: level 13 electromechanical 7 classStudent number: 1302471107Name: zhong-wen zhaoMechanical and electrical products marketingThe rise of a, mechanical and electrical productsFrom America to Europe and the former Soviet union to Japan, from China to India, from

11、 developed countries to developing countries, after the second world war, new energy, new materials, new technology, new technology research and development of the boom is growing around the world. It is the human society after the long agricultural society, industrial society to a modern symbol of

12、social development, is embodies the wisdom of human civilization symbol of contemporary science and technology, to the 21st century is to channel.Second, the mechanical and electrical products marketAs is known to all, to marketing, must want to have the market, the so-called market, the market of t

13、he original meaning is: Commodity Exchange places. Economics: supply and demand both sides and exchange relations sum. Management meaning is: the market supply and demand both sides in the commonrecognition of certain conditions by the exchange of goods or services. Marketing: is the significance of

14、 a specific buyers purchasing power and purchasing desire. The three elements of market buyers, purchasing power, buying motives. Marketing is human activities related to the market, it is to meet the various needs and desires for the purpose, through the market potential exchange for real exchange

15、activities.Three, the classification of mechanical and electronic products(a) according to the buyer the nature and purpose, is divided into: consumer market and organizational market; According to the market's geographical location, isdivided into: the domestic market and international market;

16、According to the degree of competition in the market, can be divided into: perfect competition, monopolistic competition market, oligopoly market, and completely monopoly market.(2) according to the customer different nature of the market, can be divided into two major categories of organizational m

17、arket and consumer market. Mechanical and electronic products market is mainly organization, especially manufacturers (enterprise) market and intermediary market.(3) from the point of view of sales, the market consists of three elements: there are some people in need (buyer), meet the needs of a cer

18、tain purchasing power and purchasing desire. Namely: market = population * buy purchasing power.Mechanical and electrical products to the market segmentation and product form - major technical equipment, machinery, machine tools, instrument, electrical and electronic machinery, general machinery, sp

19、ecial machinery, such as basic parts have inseparable relationship. Up as and/or services in the downstream products and the精彩文档实用标准文案final product of form a complete set of machinery and electronic products, the market segmentation and positioning and never out of downstream products and the final

20、product market conditions and rely on to focus on a mechanical and electrical products to determine their own competition situation. Similar to general consumer goods, manufacturersin the production of mechanical and electricalproductsmarketing, accurate market positioning of their products, price p

21、ositioning, customer orientation, etc., for the improvement of marketing performance to lay a solid foundation. Manufacturers (companies) market segmentation criteria, there are many and consumer goods (final product) the standard of market segmentation, the same as the user's pursuit of interes

22、ts, the user, to the degree of brand loyalty. Manufacturers (companies), however, the market have different characteristics, therefore, enterprise managers to use some other standards to market segmentation producer.Fourth, market positioning and marketing of mechanical and electronic products(a) ma

23、rket positioningMarket orientation refers to the enterprise according to rival products in the market place, in view of the user characteristics and attributes of product value, strongly create this company product distinctive features, and convey the characteristics to the user, so that their produ

24、cts dominate the market Mechanical and electronic products manufacturing enterprises in the mechanical and electrical products market segmentation and market positioning, should not only consider the market competition situation of the mechanical and electrical products to own this link, and its dow

25、nstream products, and even the final product market prospect for research, analysis, forecast and grasp.Market positioning as a competitive strategy, shows a product or a business competition between similar products or business relationship. Located in a different way, competition is also different

26、.(2) mechanical and electrical products marketingMechanical and electrical products marketing is an important branch of marketing, close to the category of industrial products marketing, but with industrial products marketing and different, it does not include industrial products (including primary

27、products and manufactured goods) in the range industrial primary products (mainly raw materials, such as minerals, steel, building materials, textile fiber, etc.) marketing.Mechanical and electrical products marketing is manufacturers (companies) to manufacturers (companies), organization, structure

28、, between the government, the market marketing, can also be called manufacturers marketing (enterprise).1) mechanical and electrical products marketing features:The relatively small number 1) client (user), but more concentrated, a single large purchases;2) professional, rational purchase, purchase

29、decisions complex;精彩文档实用标准文案3) usually adopt the method of direct purchase;4) customized order, pay attention to service;5) derived demand, lack of flexibility.2, the mechanical and electrical products marketing channelMechanical and electrical products marketing is selling to clients through middle

30、men, commonly so intermediary also called distributors.(1) the marketing requirement the rise of Chinese manufacturing is new requirement for mechanical and electrical products distribution(2) mechanical and electrical products market space of globalization economic globalization requirements(3) the

31、 existing distribution system is not adapted to the demandsof the development of new economic changeNew economy demands for development of mechanical and electrical products distribution channels, therefore, in the distribution of marketing is indispensable, have a vital role in the marketing.3, mec

32、hanical and electrical products marketing channel mode innovation mechanical and electrical products distribution differences and characteristics of the distribution of consumer goodsMarket demand for differentCustomer's purchase behavior is different4, mechanical and electrical products distrib

33、ution model of innovation and development(1) the rise of "third channels"(2) the innovation trend of mechanical and electrical products distribution model1) professional service2) the information support3) the brand operation4) international operationFive, the mechanical and electrical pro

34、ducts sales promotion methods(1) to provide technical solutionsCase: the promotion of Lao liLao li is a some ordinary lathe accessories enterprise's good salesman, he knew that general machine tool manufacturer's choice of machine tool accessories suppliers are measured. He by a customer in

35、the machine tool industry on the research on the usage of ordinary lathe, found that after a key components in a rival products often appear quality problem, but the influence of the quality of the accessories for the精彩文档实用标准文案whole lathe is not easy to find in a year, until after the failure, custo

36、mer can change passive choice, brings the certain effect to after-sales service. But the potential problems in the general case does not directly affect the customer change the supplier's decision criteria.After found the problem, li did not straight to the machine tool manufacturers to promote

37、their products, but to their own company, together with the enterprise technical staff developed a technical improvement scheme in order to solve this problem, after fully evaluation research to the customers. For the preliminary technologysolutions. Afterthe customer see the analysisreport,feel theseriousnessof the problem,the final decision with li forfurthertechnicalexchanges, technical evaluation, etc.Machine toolmanufacturer inthe later parts supplier selection,alth


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