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1、2017人教版高中英语必修五Unit 2The United KingdomWOrd单元练习题Unit2 The United KingdOm 单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分)听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题海小题1、5分,满分7、5分)听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,您都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题与阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1、What are the SPeakerS Inainly talking about?AX TheirstudyB、Their na

2、tionalityC、Their IangUage ability、2、HOW much Will the WOman Pay for the skirt?A、£35、B、£30、C、£20、3、Why does the boy make the PhOne call?A、TO get a book back、BX TO borrow a book、C.TO get a message >4、What is the WOman doing?A、TelIing a StOryr、B、RePOrting a game、C、TeIling an accidents

3、5、What do We know about the woman?A、She WantS to relax、SheiSa footballer、C、She IOVeS movies、第二节(共15小题;每小题1、5分,满分22、5分)听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选岀最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,您都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题与阅读下一小 题。每段对话仅读一遍.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题.6、What is the man's PrOblem ?AX He IOSt a SUitCaSeXB、HiS keys are

4、gone XC、He broke his SUitCaSe、7、What Will the WOnlan do next?A、RePair the SUitCaSe、B、Get another IOCk、C、CheCk OVer the keys、听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8、What do We know about the man ?A、He traveled a IOt、B、He is tired Of his jobC、HC WaS in Penl for years、9、HOW many COUntrieS has the man been to?A、Nearly25XB. Ne

5、arly60CX AImoSt65、听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10 What is the relationship between the speakers?AX ColleaguesB、SeCretary and boss、C、SeCretary and CUStOmer、11、What do We know about Elaine Strong?AX She is OUt.B、She is busyCX She is ilk12 What does the man Want the WOman to do?A、FiX his fax machine (传真机)、B、FaX hi

6、m SOmCthing、C、ASk Elaine to Call back、听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13、What Can We Iearn from the conversation?A、The WOnlan IOVeS COOl summer、BX The man is British、C、It is rather COId in Winter in Britain、14、What is true about the SUmmer in Britain according to the COnVerSation?A、ThererS always good SUnShine、B、I

7、t SnOWS SOmetimeS、C、It Can be COId InOSt Of the time、15 What do We know about CIOtheS in Britain?A、It,s not Very easy to get gd OneS、B、Tlley,re Of good quality but expensive、C、They,re Of good quality and CheaP、16、What PrObably is the BritiSh PeOPIe,s attitude towards dressing?A> Many PeOPIe Iike

8、Wearing CaSUal CIOtheS (便装,休闲装)、B、CaSUal CIOtheS are COmmOn in OffiCe、C、Men Prefer SUitS in SOCial SitUatiOnS、听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17、Where does the COnVerSatiOn take place?A、At an airport Waiting hall、B、At a restaurant.C、On a Plane>18、What do We know about the man?A、He Went to LOndOn during WOrld W

9、ar II、B、He has been to SeVeraI EUrOPean Cities>C、HC has never been abroad、19、HOW sn Will the man get to London?AX In SiX hours、In four hours.C In two hours、20、What Can We Iearn about the man?AX He WaS a teacher>B、He just retired from the ArIny、C、He is traveling together With his Wife、二、单词拼写(单句

10、首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21、The beautiful SCCnCry and the PlaCeS Of interest Of OUr City athousands Of ViSitOrSevery year>22They had no time to atheir OWn wedding, SO they had it OrganiZed by a company、23、JaCk fthe map UP and PUt it into his pocket24、YOU Can easily Cany PrOblemS、25、TO their d, their SOn

11、 WaS admitted into a famous university、26、Our team COf ten members、27、He Can amore WOrk in a day than anyone else I know in the COmPanyX28、A WitneSS has given the POIiCe a Very detailed dOf the man WhO robbed the bank、29、If SOmething is done for your C, it is done in a Way that is SUitable Or USefUl

12、 foryou、30、There is no Pthat a SinIilar tsunami Will happen in the Same PIaCeS again、三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)31、She (折叠)the Ietter in half and PUt it into her POCket、32、It is a Pity that the industrial CitieS built in the nineteenth CentUry don't(吸弓I)ViSitOrSX33、A big ClaSS (组成)OfloO StUdC

13、ntS is hard to manage34、What you Say now is not(一致的,相符的)With What you Said IaSt WeCkX35、 I hope that What I Say Will (澄淸)the SitUatiOn、36、They Often (争吵)With each Other about WhOSe turn it is to COOk the dinner、37、They had no time to(筹备、安排)their OWn wedding, SO they had it OrganiZed by acompany、38、I

14、n this resorts you Can CnjOy all the COmfOrt and(便利)Of modern tourisn39、TO OUr (髙兴),We all PaSSed the exam.40、It is not wise, even foolish, to end(冲突)With violenceThCre InUSt be goodWayS to SOlVe the PrOblemX41、 The(辉煌的)image Of Lei Feng Will forever IiVe in the heart Of the PeOPIe>42、 DOeS the (

15、描述)fit your PCrSOnality?43、 YOll ShOUld not try to(完成)two tasks at OnCeX44、 The boy followed his mother,s advice(不情愿地)、45 SOldierS StilI WOre the four- Inmdredo -year.-old(制服)Of the time Of QUeenEliZabeth R四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)46、现在许多农民想要脱离农村生活到城市里谋生。NOWadayS many farmers Want torural Iife an

16、d make a IiVing in cities47、The Old Inan OPCnCd the drawer and (发现所有的现金都被偷了)、(词数不限)48、在足球比赛中我双脚被别人伤到了。(getStlK done)Iin the SOCCer game、49、当无线网络在灾难中出故障的时候,老式电话就派上用场了。(词数不限)Oldfashioned PhOneS matter When WireleSS networksin disasters x50、埃及国王让人建造了金字塔.The EgyPtian Kingthe Pyramid>51 > When I Ca

17、me in, I(发现一个陌生的女孩坐在)in the COrner>52、学了课文之后,我们班每个人都知道英国就是由四个国家组成的这一事实。After We IeanIt the text, everyrone in OUr ClaSS knew the fact that the UK、 (COnSiSt)(词数不限)53、为了方便起见英格兰大致可以分为三个地区。FOr COnVenienCe, England isthree ZOneS.54、您在这一句中漏掉了最重要的一个词。You'vethe most important WOrd in this sentence55、

18、王老师病了,我将代替她。(词数不限)Mr. Wang is ill、llhim.五、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)56、Her Car is Very dusty and She has to、A X get WaShedB、get it WaShc、get it WaShCdD、get it WaShing57、The girl glanced OVer her ShOUlder and found herselfby a VOUng man in black.A、WaS followedB、followedC、followingD、had been followed58、They hur

19、ried back home Only to find their houseintoA、breakB > to breakC、brokenD、breaking59、The StUdentS in the ClaSS Werefour groups before they StartCd the game、A、divided intoB、SeParated intoC、divided fromD、SeParatCd from60、The Skin On her hands WaS hard andA、roughB、 relevantC、 SharPD. firm61、, the youn

20、g Inan SUCCeedCd in accomplishing the task>A、TO his great CreditB、Great to his CreditC、TO his much CreditD、TO his greatly Credit62、CheCk your PaCkage Carefilny to make SUre you don'tany things We Will need inthe trip xA、IeaVe inB、IeaVe OUtC、IeaVe aboutD、IeaVe for63、The WOnlan kept her evesOn

21、her baby for quite SOme timeA、to fixB、 fixedC、 fixingD、being fixed64、The girl WaS IUCkV enough tothe bad men and ran awayA、break awayB、break away fromC、break OUtD、break into from65、YOU Will find the Word "pscholog'Under fcfcP in VoUr dictionaA、have IiStedB、IiStC、IiStedD、IiSting66、When he en

22、tered the room, he found Manfat the desk,readingA、SeatingB、SatC、SeatedD、Sitting himself67、ThiS kind Of Inaterial Can be USed toPlaStics>A、take PlaCeB、take IIPC、take OnD、take the PlaCe Of68、The OPenin2 PrOVinCe WhiChthirteen COUntieS and three COaStal CitieS Will quickenits PaCeS Of economic devel

23、opment、A、COnSiStS OfB、makes UP OfC、is includedD、is COntained69、NObOdy WantCd tomatters for him though everyone knew that he WaS blameless >A、SOlVeB. ClarifyC、handleD、Set about70、The international COmmUnity ShOUld Inake CvCry effort together tothe barriers Offear and UnfriendlineSS WhiCh divide th

24、e two countriesA、break OUtB、break downC、break through D. break into六、完形填空(共20小题;共30分)PeOPle from GreatBritain brought the EngliSh IangUage to NOrth AmeriCa in the 16th and17thCentUries> And in the71 300 years, there Were SO many72in both PlaCeS thatnowPeOPIe Can easily 73an EngIiSh PerSOn from an

25、 AmeriCan in the74he Or She talksMany Old WOrdS75 in England but Were kept in AmericaFOrexample 300 yearsagoPeOPle in Great Britain got their Water from SOnlething they 76 either a "faucef "spigot: or a 'fcta, All these WOrdS are 77 heard In different PartS Of AnIeriCa. but Only wtap&#

26、39;' is Still78_ in England X AmeriCanS Often make79 new WOrdS Or Change Old OneSX "Com" is Onekind Of Plant in AmeriCa and 80 in EnglandXAlso, OVer the IaSt three CentUrieS the EngliSh IangUage has 81 thousands Of new WOrdS for things that weren't 82 before x And often, AmeriCan a

27、nd EngIiSh PCOPle USed two 83 names for them、A tin Call is CaIled *fcti' for ShOrt in English, but a ' can In AmeriCaThe word fc rado , is 84_ all OVer the world, including AmeriCaX BUt many EngIiSh PeOPle Call it a 4 wireless And almost anything 85 SOmething to do With cars, railroads, has

28、different 86 in BritiSh andAmeriCan EngliSh>But now AmeriCan and BritiSh EngIiSh may be 87 ClOSer together> One thing is that88_ PeOPle Can hear a Iarge amount Of AmeriCan SPeeCh daily in 89, On television > Or fromtravelers x BeCaUSe Of this, AmeriCanS 90 to be influencing Ihe BritiSh more

29、 and more X SOSOnle day,EngliSh may even be the Same Onboth SideS Of the Atlantic、71、A. PaStB. recentC、OldeStD、IateSt72、A、CitiZenSB. inventionsC ChangeSD、advances73、A. PiCkB. tellC takeD.judge74、A. VOiCeB、PlaCeC、IangUage D、Way75、A、disappearedB. StayedC returnedD、formed76、A、 SaidB. talkedCX SPOke D、C

30、alIed77、A、 thenB、hardlyCX ClearIy DStill78、A、necessaryrB、nativeC、COInmOn DXIiVeIy79、A、OfB、intoC、UPDX OUt80、A、anotherB、the OtherCX noneD、SOnlething81、A、discoveredB、addedC、improvedD xIearned82、A、acceptedB. knownC、introducedD、UnderStOOd83、A、newB、ShOrtCX different D、SUrPriSing84、A、 PrOdUCedB、madeC、devel

31、opedD、 USed85、A、havingB、bringingCX getting D、making86、A、typesB、namesC、degrees DXPartS87、A、PUttingB. StayingCX IiVing D、growing88 >A BritiShB、AIneriCanC、educated D、Ordinary89、A familiesB、 busesCX movies D、newspapers90、A、needB、expectC、SeemDXhappen七、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)ALondOn UnderJIrOUndThe XVoIIcrS f

32、irst SUbWay WaS built in LOndOn m 1863、 At the time, the government WaS IOOking for a Way to reduce traffic PrOblemS in the City Of LOndOn X The POOr areas Of the City Were SO CrOWded With PeOPle that it WaS almost impossible for horse CarriageS to get through X The City OffiCialS Were interested in

33、 trying to make it POSSible for WOrkerS to IiVe OUtSide Of LOndOn and travel easily to WOrk each day、If PeOPIe had a CheaP and COnVenient Way that they COUld depend On to go to and from work, they WOUld relocate their homes OUtSide Of the city、ThiS WOUld help casc(减轻) the PreSSIlre Of too many PeOPl

34、e IiVing in the POOr PartS Of LOndOn X FrOnl these PrOblenlS. the idea Of the LOndOn UndergrOUnd, the first SUbWay SyStem, WaS born、The PlanS for building the UndergrOUnd Inet With SeVeral PrOblemS and delays, but the fast track WaS finally OPened in JanUary 1863> A Steam train Pulled the CarS al

35、ong the fast UndergrOUnd track WhiCh WaS 6 kilometers (3、7 IniIeS) IOngX AbOUt 30.(XM) PeOPle got On the SUbWay the first day、 RiderS Were treated to COmfOrtable SeatS (Standing UP While the train WaS moving WaS not allowed), and PleaSant decorations inside each Of the cars、However, the SmOke from t

36、he engine SOOn filled the air in the tunnels With ash and SOOt (煤灰),as Well as ChemiCal gases、FanS had to be PUt in the tunnels Iater to keep the air Clean enough for PeOPle to breathe > EVen With its PrObIemSt riding in the UndergrOUnd did CatCh OIK It Carried 9 million riders in its first year、

37、91、What ICd the BritiSh government to build the LOndOn UndergrOUnd?A、TraffiC jams and POlIUtiOn、B、POPUlatiOn and POllUtiOn、C、OVerCrOwding and traffic jams、D、The POVerty and SUbWay PrOblemS、92、HOW did the LOndOn UndergrOUnd SOlVe the SnlOke problem?A、It Inade the tunnels IargerXB、It PUt fans in the t

38、unnelsC、It Cleaned the ChemiCal gases in the tunnelsD、It reduced the number Of PaSSengerS riding in the train93、The Ilnderlmed PhraSe "catch OnU most PrObably means 八''、A、be troublesomeB、become POPUlar and fashionableC、keep UP WithD、SeiZe94、WhiCh Of the following is TRUE?AX TO relocate

39、the WOrkers' homes OUtSIde London, the government built the subway、B、There Were SO many PrOblemS and delays that in 18th CentUry the first SUbway opened、C、The SUbWay greatly eased the PreSSUre Of IraffiC、D、There Were not enough SeatS for the PaSSengerS the first day the SUbWay OPened.SX PaUFS Ca

40、thedralLUdgate Hill. EC4UndergrOUnd: StX PaUrs; Bus: 6, & 11,15, 22, 25Open: DaiIy 8: OO19:00 (17:00 from OCtX to Mar.)EntranCe freeDeSigned by the great architect , Sir ChriStOPher Wrent St、PaUrS Cathedral WaS built following the Great Fire Of LOndOn Of 1666, WhiCh destroyed the gothic Cathedra

41、l On the Site at that lime、It is an inescapable attraction for all travellers to this great City and the most recognisable gothic Cathedral in England、 ItS ChOir (唱诗班)is internationally famous X PrinCe CharleS and Lady Diana SPenCer Were married here in 1981、BUCkingham PaIaCeSOUth end Of the Mall (S

42、Wl)UndergrOUnd: St、JameS,s Park. ViCtOriaf Hyde Park Corner, Green Park; Bus: 2,11, 14,16, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 38, 52,73, 74, 137BUCkillgham PaIaCe is QlIeen EliSabetll IrS OffiCial residence(住所), and has been the OffiCial residence Of Bntain S monarch (君主) SinCe 1837、The State ROOnlS at BUCkingham

43、PalaCe have been OPening to the PUbIiC for the AnnUal SUmmer Opening, in AUgUSt and SePtembert SinCe 1993、 The QUeen is not at BUCkingham PalaCe When it is OPen to the public; She goes to One Of her COUntry residences The State ROOmS are extremely grand X YOU Can See many Of the treasures Of the ROy

44、al COlleCtion: PaintingS by Rembrandt, RUbenS andCanaletto; and beautiful examples Of EngIiSh and FrenCh furniture >The TOWer Of LOndOnTOWerHiIL EC3UndergrOUnd: TOWer Hill; Bus: 42, 78Open: MOnX Sat> 9: OO18: 00; SUnX & 0019: 00PartS Of the TOWer Of LOndOn are OVer nine CentUrieS old, as b

45、uilding began Under WilIiaIn the COnqUerOr in 1078、 FamOUS as a PriSOn in the distant PaSt the TOWer has also been a royal residence, a ZOO and an ObSerVak)ry(瞭望台)、It is now a museum and many thousands Of PeOPle ViSit it every year in PartiCUlar to See the CrOWn Jewels、 Only by going inside Can you

46、experience nearly a thousand years Of history and hear the myths and IegelIdS that make It fc a day OUt to die fbfWeStIninSter AbbeyBrOad SanCtUar SWlUndergrOUnd: WeStminStert St JameS,s Park; Bus: 3, 11,12, 24,29,39,53,59, 76, 77, 88, 109, 155,168, 170, 172, 184,503Open: Daily &0018:00 (MaJ DeC

47、> , TUeSday till 20: 00)EntranCe freeLOCated next to the HOUSeS Of ParIiament in the heart Of London, WeStminSter Abbey is a gothic ChUrCh and PlaCe Of WOrShiP X The building Of the PreSent Abbey WaS Started by King Henryr III in 1245 The OIdCSt PartS Of the building date back to 1050、 WeStminSte

48、r Abbey has hosted many royal WedclingS including the Wedding Of The QUeen and PrinCe PhiIiP in 1947 and the Wedding Of PrinCe WilIiam and Kate in 2011、It is a traditional PIaCe Of COrOnation(加冕礼)and burial for EngliSh InOnarChS38 monarchs have been CrOWned at the Abbey、 There are Inany tombs there,

49、 including tlose Of QUeen ElIZabetll L fc Bloody' QUeen Marytnaturalist CharleS Darwin, many POetS and WriterSX95、YOIl Can See the inside Of all the buildings all the year around except、A、St、Paul,s CathedralB、the TOWer Of LOndOnC、WeStminSter AbbeyD、BUCkingham PaIaCe96、The two PlaCeS you Can ViSi

50、t by getting Off at the Same UndergrOUnd StatiOn areA、BUCkinghanl PalaCe and WeStminSter AbbeyB、BUCkinghanl PalaCe and St、PaUrS CathedralC、WeStnlinSter Abbey and the TOWer Of LOndOnD、the TOWer Of LOndOn and St、PaUrS Cathedral97、Where is the text most PrObably taken from?A、A historj book about LOndOn

51、、B、A guidebook for ViSitOrS to LOndOn、C、A book about LOndOn,s development、D、A book about LOndOn s ChlirCheS、CThere is no better Way to CnjOy SCOttiSh traditions than going fishing and tasting a Iittle WhiSky (威士忌)at a quiet PlaCe Iike the InVerlOChy CaStle X When QUeCn ViCtOria ViSited there in 1873

52、 She WrOte In her diary. "I never SaW a IoVelier spot, '' Alld She ddn,t even go fishing、SCOtIand is not easily defined、 In Certain InOnlentS, this quiet Iand Of IakeS and grass InOuntainS ChangeS before your Very eyes、When evening gently SweePS the hillside into Oranget the rivers, tee

53、ming With fish, Can turn into StreamS Of gold AS you Settle down With just a PeOPle and a basket On the bank Of River Orchy, near the InVerlOChy CaStIe any frustration Will float away as gently as the CirCIing Water、 Its just you and PllrPlet Pinkt White flowers, a PerfeCt harmony、 If you are a new

54、COnler to fishing, Ieanling the basics from a fishing guide Inay IeaVe you With a lifetimes fun、 FOr many, fishing is more than a sport; it is an art、SCOtland OfferS Hiteresting PIaCe Where you Can IeSt after a IOng day's fislingSet against a Wild mountain and hidden behind WoOdIand, the beautif

55、ul InVerlOChy CaStle HOtel below the NeViS is a PerfeCt PlaCe to See the beauty Of Scotland's mountains > BCn NeViS is the highest Of mountains, and reaching its 1342-metre top is a Challenge> BUt it,s not just What goes UP that matters; What COmeS down is UniqUeX MOre than 900 metres high

56、. On the mountain,s north face, IieS an all important SOUrCe Of PUre Water> ItS name COmeS form the GaeliC IanglIage HllSqlIebH or 'water Of IifeH: and it is the SingIe most important ingredient(JMM) m SCOtIand,s best known whisky、98、The stor>r Of Queen ViCtOria is to ShOW that、A、the queen is rich in tour experienceB、the CaStle is a good PlaCe to go in SCOtlandC、tasting WhiSky is better than going fishingDX 1873 is a SPeCial year for the queen99、HOW is ParagraPh 2 Inainly developed?A、B


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