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1、动词 动词是用来表示主语做什么(即行为动词),或表示主语是什么或怎么样(即状态动词)的 词。分类1 行为动词(表行为,动作,状态的词。词义完整,可单独作谓语)I live in Chongqing with my mother.It has a round face.(1)及物动词后面必须跟宾语,意思才完整Give me some bread,please.(2)不及物动词后面不能跟宾语,意思已经完整。有时可以加上副词或介词,构成短语动词,相当于一个及物动词。He works hard.Look at me. 注意:有些词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。2 连系动词(表示主语是什么,或怎么样的词

2、。不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成合成 谓语)( 1)表示“是”的动词beWe are Chinese.He is a doctor.(2)表示"感觉”的词。look看起来,feel觉得/摸起来,smel I闻起来,sou nd听起来,taste尝 起来。I feel ill.She looked tired.(3) 表示"变,变成”的意思的词,如become,get,grow,turn,都解释为“变,变得”。He became a actor.He grew old.注意:一部分词既是行为动词,又是连系动词。He is looking at the picture.It

3、 looks nice.3 助动词 (本身无意义,不能单独做谓语,只能与主要动词一起构成谓语,表示不同的时态、语态,表示句子的否定和疑问) do(does,did),will,shall,would,shouldHe does not speak English well.4 情态动词(本身有意义,但不完整。表示说话人的能力、语气或情态,不能单独做谓语,必须与行为动词原型一起构成谓语,表示完整的意思)may,can,must,might,could.I can dance.He can't walk because he is a baby.时态一般现在时: 一般过去时: 一般将来时:

4、 现在进行时: 过去进行时: 过去将来时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数 谓语动词用动词的过去式 谓语动词用 will/be going to+ 动词原形 谓语动词用am/is/are+动词ing谓语动词用was/were+动词ingshould(第一人陈)/would(第一、二人称)+动词原形 was/were going to+ 动词原形现在完成时:谓语动词用have/has+动词过去分词过去完成时:谓语动词用had+动词过去分词He works for this company.He worked for this company last year.He will/is going

5、to work for this company next month.He is working for this company.He was working for this company at this time last year.They said he would work for the company./He was going to work for the company. He has worked for the company for 2 years.By last year,he had worked for the company for 2 years.1.

6、 -Some one swam across the Yunlong Lake this morni ng-I did n't see it.I along the lake.A.walkedB.will walkC.have walkedD.was walki ng2. Joh nhis gran dmother every day when she was in hosptial.A.visitedB.was visit ingC.visitsD.is visit ing3. Look! The workerssome subways now. The traffic inChon

7、gqing will be better soon.D.were build ingD.have livedD.is teachi ngA.buildB.builtC.are buildi ng4. -Hele n, whe n did you move here?-I here since two years ago.A.movedB.livedC.have moved5. -ls your mother a teacher?-Y es,she is.She at a junior high school.A.taughtB.teachesC.will teach1.I will tell

8、him as soon as hebackA. come B. comes C. will come D. came2. Maryon shoes whe n shethem.A. tries buys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies3. The girl ofte ncold whe n she.s danceeA. cathcs dances B. catches dances C. catchs dancees D. catches4. hehimself there? No, I don't thi nk so.A. Do e

9、njoy B. Does enjoies C. Does enjoys D. Does enjoy5. your teacherfrom them very ofte n? Certa inly.A. Do hear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive6. your mothersome clea ning on Sun days?A. Does does B. Do does C. Does do D. Do do7. Tomto work hard to help his family ? Yes, he.A. Has x does B. Has x

10、doesC. Doeshas has D. Does have does8. Which teacherless ons to you every day ?A. does gives B. does give C. do give D. gives9. Smith does not go fish ing on weekdays,?, he does.A. does he No B. does he Yes C. dhe sn'No D. does n't heYes10. Mr Black ofte nfishi ng on Su ndays,he ?A. goes doe

11、s n't B. goes isn'tC. does n't go does D. does n't go is11. He usually TV on Sunday evening.A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching12. We'll go to play with snow if it tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed13. Neither I nor he French.A. speak B. doesn't speak

12、 C. speaks D. doesn't speak14. Nobody how to run this machines.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing15. The Young Pioneer water for the old man every day.A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries16. Some are in the river and some are games.A. swimming playing B. swimming plaiingC. swimming I

13、 playing D. swimmingplaing17. Look ! The boy students are football while the girls are .A. playing dance B. playing dancingC. play dancing D. play dance18. He to do his lessons at eight every evening.A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins19. he on well with his friends this term ?A. Does

14、 gets B. Does get C. Is getting D. Is geting20. Mr Smith short stories, but he a TV play these days.A. is writing is writing B. is writing writesC. writes is writing D. writes writes21. I to the cinema. I there every Sunday. am goingA. go go B. am going go C. go am going D. am going22. Look, they a

15、good time, they ?A. have do B. have don'tC. are having are D. are having aren't23. You about the future now, you ?A. don't think don't B. aren't thinking aren'tC. don't think do D. aren't thinking are24. She always something whenever she .A .studied played B. studied

16、plaiedC. studied plaied D. studied played25. He often late in the forest. It me very much.,A. stayed worried B. staied worriedC. stayed worryed D. staied worried26. I that the boy with no tears in his eyes.A. noticed cryed B. noticed criedC. noticed cried D. noticed cryed27. We the floor and all the

17、 windows.A. mopped cleanned B. moped cleanedC. mopped cleaned D. moped cleaned28. When I the Children's Palace, the children with joy.A. visited jumpped B. visited jumpedC. visitedjumped D. visited jumpped29. a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they .A. Did they have did B. Did they have hadC. Had

18、 they had D. Had they did30. you out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I .A. Did went went B. Did go wentC. Did went did D. Did go did31. Jack on with his work or to have a rest?A. Did went stopped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped32. You gave them a talk two days ago, you ? Yes, I .A. d

19、id did B. did gave C. didn't did D. didn't gave33. your brother a letter to ? My father.A. Who wrote B. What wroteC. Who did write D. What did write34. They about the TV news then in the sitting-room. They often such talksA. talked had B. talk haveC. were talking had D. are talking have35. H

20、e some cooking at that time, so me.A. did heard B. did didn't hearC. was doing heard D. was doing didn't hear36. " you angry then?" "They_ too much noise.”A. Are were making B. Were were makingC. Are made D. Were made37. This time yesterday Jack his, bike. He TV .A. repaired d

21、idn't watch B. was repairing watchedC. repaired watched D. was repairing wasn't watching38. We for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us .A. were waiting waiting B. were waiting waitC. waited waiting D. waited wait39. When you at the door, I some washing.A. knocked did B. was knocking did

22、C. knocked was doing D. knock am doing40. The boy English on the radio when I his door.A. learned was opening B. was learning openedC. learned opened D. is learning open41. When they through the forest, a bear at them.A. walked was coming B. were walking cameC. were talking comes D. walk is coming42

23、. A young man her while she her work .A. watched was finishing B. was watching finishedC. watched finished D. was watching was finishing43. While mother some washing, I a kite for Kack.A. did made B. was doing madeC. was doing was making D. did was making44. I myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday mor

24、ning. I to work.A. was teaching didn't go B. taught didn't goC. was teaching went D. taught went45. He a model plane when I came to see him.A. makes B. is making C. was making D. made46. I a letter at nine last night.A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing47. The teacher(give) us

25、 a history lesson when Tom walked into theclassroom.A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. was giving48. There will be a football match in two days, that is .A. last Sunday B. next SundayC. every Sunday D. this Sunday49. We class meeting this November.A. had B. have C. will have D. are having50. He in

26、 his garden every morning next year.A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working51. Be careful. The train .A. will come B. C. comes D. is coming52. Look at those clouds. It soon, I'm afraid.A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain D. won't rain53. The radio says it the day after tomor

27、row.A. is going to snow B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows54. he some shopping tomorrow afternoon ?A. Will does B. is going to do C. is doing D. Shall do55. What day it tomorrow ? Wednesday.A. is going to be B. willbe C. shall be D. does b56. The boy sixteen years old next year.A. is going to be B.

28、 is growing to be C. will be D. is57. you me up at six, please ?A. Are going to wake B. Are waking C. Will wake D. Do wake58. If he to college, he a lot more.A. will go will learn B. will go is going to learnC. is going is going to learn D. goes will learn59. When she next time ,l her everything.A.

29、is going to come shall tell B. will comsehall tell C. comes will tell D. come will tell60. What day it tomorrow ? It Tuesday.A. is going to be is B. will be will C. is going to be is going D. will be will be61. She that she her best to help them the next term.A. says will do B. said will do C. said

30、would do D. says would do62. People that the Smiths for a holiday next week.A. say will go B. said will go C. said would go D. say would go63. Nobody us that he even stricter with usA. tell will be B. tells would be C. told will be D. told would be64. Please him that we able to help him.A. tell will

31、 be B. tells would be C. told will be D. told would be65. Jack that they surprised to see it this Friday.A. know would be B. knows will be C. knew would be D. knew will be66. I to know if Mary by train that afternoon.A. want would go B. want will goC. wanted would go D. wanted will go67. he that the

32、y home tomorrow?A. Does learn would go B. Does learn will goC. Did learn would go D. Did learn will go68. We that they a sports meet tomorrow.A. learn would have B. have learned would haveC. learn will have D. have learned will have69. you that he his lost son one day ?A. Do think will find B. Do th

33、ought would findC. Did think will findD. Did thought would find70. I that you good care of her that day.A. thought will take B. thought would takeC. think will take B. think would take71. The visitors where they a short test.A. ask -would take B. askwill takeC. asked would take D. asked can take72.

34、John sure that he good at chemistry soon.A. be will be B. is, would be C. was will be D. was would be73. She ill so she able to go skating the next day.A. is won't be B. is wouldn't be C. was won' be D. was wouldn't be74. He the thief to the police when he the man again.A. would take

35、 would meet B. would take metC. will take will meet D. wtaillke meet tried D. made. " Last year. " tried75. Mother me a new coat yesterday, I it on. It fits me well.A. has made have tried B. made have tried C. has made76. " He to draw horses already ."" When he ? has D. has

36、learned didA. learned has B. learned did C. has learned77. Tom up into the tree. Look, he high up there !A. has got is B. has climbed was C. got was D. climbed is78. you the text yet ? Yes, we it two hours ago.A. Did copy did B. Have copied haveC. Have copied did D. Did copy had79. "Why she ang

37、ry?" "Because he at he just now.A. did get, shouted B. has got shoutedC. did get has shouted D. has asshOuted80. you the film before ? Where you it ?A. Have seen did see B. Did see die watchC. Have seen have seen D. Did see have seen81. You me waiting for two hours. I for you since five.A.

38、 Kept waited B. have kept waitedC. kept have waited D. have kept have waited82. Where John ? To the library. He there for an hour.A. has been has gone B. has gone has beenC. did go went D. did be went83. the baby still ? No, it crying .A. Has cried has stopped B. Is crying stoppedC. Did cry stopped

39、D. Is crying has stopped84. I the way. I here for quite many years.A. knew have lived B. knew liveC. know have lived D. know live85. you ever America ? Yes, I have.A. Have gone to B. Have gone inC. Have been to D. Have been in86. My brother college for over three years.A. has gone to B. has been toC

40、. has been in D. has been for87. He the Army by the end of 1992. He in the army since then.A. joined is B. has joined has beenC. had joined is D. has joined has been88. By the time I back they up ten metres.A. came have climbed B. came had climbedC. come have climbed D. had come climbed89. Jack over five lessons by seven o'clock. Then he a test.A. went took B. went had takenC. had gone took D. had gone had taken90. We out by that time that he a thief for a long time. had been D


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