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1、全国 2014 年 4 月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码: 00832本试卷满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟 .考生答题注意事项:1. 本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效。试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2. 第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用 28铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3. 第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0 5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4. 合理安排答题空间。超出答题区域无效。第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. C

2、hoose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%)1. “Woman” becomes “ Frau” in German, “femme” in French and “f in U” in Chinese. This example shows thatin different languages the same concept can be represented by different A.

3、 soundsB formsC. unitiesD meanings2. The following words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around usEXCEPT A. fireB hotC. photoscanningD sister3. Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the follo

4、wing words comes from Chinese?A. Bazaar.B Kowtow.C. Rajah.D Blitzkrieg.4. The Indo-European language family is made up of the languages of the following EXCEPT A. EuropeB the Far EastC. IndiaD the Near East5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day Engli

5、sh vocabulary?A. The rapid development of modern science and technology.B Social, economic and political changes.C. The invasion of foreign countries.D The influence of other cultures and languages.6. Modern English vocabulary develops through the following channels EXCEPT .A. creationB borrowingC.

6、semantic changeD lexical change7. How many monomorphemic words are there in the following words?cats boss work improperA.1.C.3.8. Among the following words,“A. likedC. happier9. Which of the following words does NOT h A. Northward.triedB. 2.D.4.” does NOT have inflectional affixes.B children sDits u

7、ffixes?BWiden.C. Happy.D Worker.10. Among the following words,contains a negative prefix.A. amoralBde-composeC. antiwarDforetell11. From the viewpoint of word formation, the word ? smog” is aA. compoundBconversionC. clippingDblendingA. denotationB connotation12. Which of the following is partially c

8、onverted?A. A white.BA drunk.C. The poor.DFinals.13. One can figure out the meaning of“ “”airmail ” to be “ mail by air” by itsA. onomatopoeic motivationB morphological motivationC. semantic motivation14. When a reader comes across the word safety, etc.” In this sense, the wordA. connotative meaning

9、C. affective meaningfamD etymological motivation“ home” in his reading, the word may remind him of his“ I”“ home” conveys .B stylistic meaningD collocative meaning15. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs and stylistic features

10、 ofwords. B Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate.C. Affective meaning indicates the listeners attitude towards the person or thing in question.D Collocation cannot affect the meaning of words.16. Words that are identical only in spelling but different in sound

11、 and meaning are called .A. perfect homonymsB homographsC. homophonesD homonyms17. The differences between synonyms exist in the following areas EXCEPT C. referenceD application18. “ Apple, pear, peach, orange, lemon, etc.” make up theoffruit ”A. synonymsBhomonymsC. superordinate termDsemantic field

12、19.of meaning is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaninghas now become generalized.A. DegradationB ElevationC. ExtensionD Specilization20. Which of the following is NOT one of the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?A. Cultural reason.B Historical reaso

13、n.C. Class reason.D Psychological reason.21. The word “ minister ” originally meant “a servant” , but now has changed to“a head of a ministry ” . This process ofmeaning change is calledA. extensionB elevationC. degradationD specialization22. In grammatical context, the meaning of a word may be influ

14、enced by thein which it occurs.A. structureBsentenceC. phraseDclause23. There is an ambiguity in the sentenceHe is a hard businessman” due toA. polysemyBhomonymyC. synonymyDantonymy24. Which of the following is NOT one of the context clues?A. Definition.C. Synonymy.B Polysemy.D Antonymy.25. Which of

15、 the following is NOT one of the characteristics of idioms?A. The part of speech of each element in an idiom is very important.B The constituents of idioms caneplacetdb. e rC. The word order in an idiom can t be changed.D An idiom functions as one word.26. Idioms nominal in nature have a(n) as the k

16、ey word in each and function as a noun in sentences.A. verbB adjectiveC. prepositionD noun27. Lexical manipulation is one aspect of the rhetorical features of idioms. The following EXCEPT belong to lexicalmanipulation.A. alliterationB reiterationC. repetitionD juxtaposition28. Oxford Advanced Learne

17、r s Dictionary , 3rd Edition (1980), is among the best-known British dictionaries.B deskA. unabridgedC. pocketD bilingual29. Generally, a dictionary covers the following contents EXCEPT .A. spellingB pronunciationC. definitionD syntactical rules30. Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1987)

18、has some unique features such as definition, extra column andA. pronunciationB grammar codesC. usage examplesD language codes非选择题部分 注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。n .Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(15%)31. A word is a free form o

19、f a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.32. In Old English period, the introduction of Christianity had a great impact on the English vocabulary. It brought manynew ideas and customs, and also many terms such as“candle, altar, amen ”.33. A is the basic form of a word w

20、hich cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.34. “Exam” is the shortened form of“examination ” by back clipping. Then“quake” is used to meanclipping.35. Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its 36. From the point of view, polysemy is viewed as th

21、e coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certainhistorical period of time.37. The process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a specialized sense is called of meaning.38. The context clue used in the sentence “Many United Nations employe.es are polyglots. Ms. Mary, for example, s

22、peaksfive languages” is 39. The idiom “by twos and threes” cannot be turned into “by threes and twos”. It shows that unlike free phrases, thestructure of an idiom is to a large extent 40. Bilingual dictionaries are written in languages.in. Define the following terms.(15%)41. creation (as one of the

23、modes of vocabulary development)42. conversion43. hyponomy44. linguistic context45. phrasal verbsIV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short, Write your answers on the ANSWERSHEET . (20%)46. Explain the logical relationships of the following terms:free morphemes, affix

24、, morphemes, bound root, bound morphemes47. In which aspects do compo unds differ from free phrases?48. What is the differenee between superord inates and subord inates? Explain it with the given wordsrose, tulip, ani mal”.49. Guess the meaning of the un derl ined word and tell what con text clue is

25、 used.He was in a mood of complete euphoria, his happ in ess being the result of an announ ceme nt that he had won the sweepstakes.V. An alyze and comme nt on the followi ng. Write your an swers on the ANSWER SHEET . (20%)50. Take“ a lac onic an swer is a short an swer” as an example to illustrate e

26、tymological motivati on.51. Comme nt on the followi ng groups of words in terms of types of antony ms: con tradictory terms, con trary terms, relative terms.dead alive , young old , employer employee绝密启用前2014年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语词汇学试题答案及评分参考www 了if(课程代码00832)L Each of the statements below is followe

27、d by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket (30%)评分标准:本題共有30个小题.30分每小题1分.回答正确得1分,答错不给分.1.A2C3.B4.B5C6.D7B&D9C10.A11.:D12.C13.B14.A15.B。16.B17.C1&D19.C20.A21.B22.A23.A24.B25.A26.D27.A2&B29.D30.cII. Complete (he following statements

28、 with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%)评分标准,本题共有10个小15分每小题1.5分.回答正确得满分.拼写错误最多扣0.5分,答错不给分。31.minimal32.religious33.root34.front35.meaning36.synchronic37.narrowing3&example39.unchangeable40.twoIH. Define the following terms. (15% )评分标准:木题共有5个小题,共计15分.每小题3分,达意且表达正确,得3分;基 本

29、达怠,表达有小错误,得2分:基本达意,表达有较严垂错误,得1分;不达意,得 0分。每小题拼写错课最多扣0.5分.答案要点:4】 Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and other elements42. Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.43. Hypnomy deals with

30、 the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaning of a more specific word is included in tliat of another more general word.44. Linguistic context refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears45 Phrasal verbs are idioms which are composed of a verb plus a preposition an

31、d/or a particle.IV. Answer the following questions Your answers should be clear and short* Write your answers in the space given below. (20%评分标准:本题共有4个小题,共计20分每小题5分。符合題意,语宫正确,得满分: 其余视符合题蕙的比例与语言表达情况,酌情给予4-1分;不达意,得0分。每小题 拼写错课量多扣05分.售案要点,46. Morphemes can be grouped into free morphemes and bound morphe

32、mes. Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and affix.47. Compounds differ from free phrases in phonetic features, semantic features and grammatical features 48. Superordinates are those general words while subordinates the specific ones. For the given words, flower and animal are superordina

33、tes while rose, tu!ip and elephant, tiger are subordinates.49. Euphoria means happiness The context clue used in the sentence is synonymy/ a synonymV. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below- 20%号出评分标准:本題共有2个小题,每小题10分.要虑完整,锻言正确得满分;其余视符合 题意的比例与语言表达请况,酌情给予91分:不达慰,得0分。每小题拼写错谋最 多扣05分.答案要点:50. 1) The meaning of many words often relate directly to their origins. In other words, the history of the word explains the meaning of the word.


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