1、Unit7QuoteHistories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Francis Bacon历史使人睿智,诗歌使人智慧,数学使人细致,自然哲学使人深邃,道德使人严肃 ;逻辑与修辞使人善辩。读史使人明智 ,读诗使人聪慧 ,演算使人精密 ,哲理使人深刻 ,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辩。史鉴使人明智;诗歌使人巧慧;数学使人精细;博物使人深沉;伦理之学使人庄重;逻辑与修辞使
2、人善辩。4. Questions about the text- -What issues does the writer of the letter intend to deal with?- -What is the main idea?What s the author s purpose of writing?- -How is the text arranged?asWhat issues does the writer of the letter intend to deal with? How should students regard grades, both good an
3、d bad? Are grades important as they are assumed to be? Do good grades necessarily lead to achievements and bad grades result in failure in a student s later life?What is the text mainly about?.The text is mainly about grades , disappointmentand attitudes towards them by considering exactly what the
4、grade B means and doesn t mean.What s the author s purpose of writing?to tell his student that he should view his grades and his disappointment correctly.What type of writing is this essay?argumentation.Apart from the first paragraph, the rest of the text falls clearly into three parts, each of whic
5、h is marked at the beginning by a key word or words. Try to find these key words.-Paragraphs 25:DisappointmentParagraphs 6-8:The student as performer; the student as human being.Paragraphs 9-10:PerspectivePart 1( paragraph 1 )Understanding the paragraph:1) What does this part mainly talk about?2) Wh
6、at change about grades has the author mentioned briefly?3)What, according to the author, has caused the feeling of disappointment?4) Has the author stated his purpose of writing in this paragraph? If yes, what is it? If not, where is it stated in the text?Main idea of this part:It introduces the top
7、ic of the letter: grade B for the course and the feeling of disappointment.What change about grades has the author mentioned briefly?The author has mentioned briefly the change in the way grades are regarded, i.e. the norm has shifted upward.What, according to the author, has caused the feeling of d
8、isappointment?It has to do with the general social climate where grades determine eligibility for graduate school and special programs. This is why the author says there is nothing he can do to remove the feeling of disappointment.Has the author stated his purpose of writing in this paragraph? If ye
9、s, what is it?If not, where is it stated in the text? The purpose of writing the letter is not stated in this paragraph. It is not specifically mentioned until the third paragraph.I m certain that nothing I can say will remove that feeling of disappointment, particularly in a climate where grades de
10、termine eligibility for graduate school and special program. (Paragraph 1)Translation:我肯定无论我说什么都不会消除你的沮丧心情,特别是在我们生活的环境中,考试分数直接决定你是否有资格读研究生和申请一些特别的学习项目。norm n.1) an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree withe.g. You must adapt to the norms of the society you li
11、ve in.2) the norm = a situation or type of behavior that is expected and consideredto be typicale.g. One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries. 常态Derivation:normal a.;normallyad.normalize v. ;normalization n.norm normal normality normalizen.标准,规范a.正常的,正规的n.正常;标准;常态v. 使正常,使标准化n
12、.常态过了几天,洪水才退,生活恢复了正常。It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal. 我们的关系正常了。Our relationship has been normalized.shift vt.& vi.1) to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one positionor direction to another, especially slightly (使)移动,(使)转移2) to change
13、a situation, discussion etc by giving special attention to one idea or subject instead of to a previous one 转移注意力等3) ) to change opinions 转变;改变意见、信仰等e.g. She shifted (her weight) uneasily from one foot to the other. 她不安地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚。The wind is expected to shift (to the east) tomorrow.The White Ho
14、use hopes to shift the media s attention away from foreign policy issues.白宫希望把媒体的注意力从外交政策问题上转移开。Public opinion was beginning to shift to the right(= become more right-wing ) 公众舆论开始右倾。Derivation:shift n.shiftless a. lazy and having no interest in working hard or trying tosucceed 懒惰的,不求上进的,得过且过的5N. 1)
15、 if workers in a factory, hospital etc work shifts, they work for a particular period of time during the day or night, and are then replaced by others, so that there are always people working 工厂、医院等轮班制中的当班时间I work shifts. 我轮班工作。A shift system has been introduced. 实行了轮班工作制。do/work a (10-/12-/24- etc
16、hour) shiftDave had to work a 12-hour shift yesterday.戴夫昨天要上一个12 小时的班。night/day etc shiftThe thought of working night shifts put her off becoming a nurse.想到要上夜班,她就打消了当护士的念头。early/late shiftI m on the early shift tomorrow. 明天我要上早班 shift work/worker/workingpeople who do shift work 做轮班工作的人2). a shift k
17、ey 键盘上的 shift 键,换挡键To run the spell-checker, press SHIFT and F7. 要使用拼写检查程序with the result that : in consequence; as a consequenceof 因此;从而;其结果是 E.g.To increase sales, firms could hire more people without caring too much about productivity, with the result that growth in revenue correlated closely wit
18、h growth in headcount.为了增进销售,各企业可以雇佣更多的人而不用操心员工的生产力,因此,营业额的增长与员工数量的增加呈现紧密的相关性。Practice :盗贼戴上手套,因而没有留下指纹The burglar wore gloves, with the result that there is no fingerprint to be found.建国以来我们犯的几次错误,都是由于要求过急,目标过高,脱离了中国的实际,结果发展反倒慢了。The mistakes we have made since the founding of the People s Republic
19、were all due to over-eagerness: disregarding China s realities, setting excessively high targets, with the result that progress was slowed.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 他因急性阑尾炎住院治疗,结果连期末考试都没参加。(with the result that)He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that
20、 he missed the final examination.eligibility n. the qualifications or abilities required for doing something Derivation:eligible a.eligible (for sth. / to do sth.)1) 她的资历和经验确定她适合做这项工作。2) 只有在公司工作三年以上的人才能得到住房补贴。1 ) Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.2 ) Only those wh
21、o have worked in this company for at least three years are eligible for housing allowancePart 2 ( paragraph 2-5 )Understanding the paragraph:Main idea:The author tells how he understands a grade: a grade, which is just a fuzzy representation of the student s mastery of a certain subject but not a pr
22、ecise judgement of the student s ability or character, is over-emphasized in American society.Question:1) How does the author explain the notion of disappointment?2) What does the author think has given rise to a B student s feeling of disappointment ?How do you interpret the second sentence in Para
23、graph 2 “The essence of success is that there s never enough of it to go round in a zero-sum game where one person s winning must be offset by another slosing, one person s joy offset by another sdisappointment ” .Explanation:“ Zero-sum game ” refers to a situation in which if one person gains an ad
24、vantage from it, someone else involved in it must suffer an equivalent disadvantage.Paraphrase:There does not exist the situation in which all those who are involved will turn out successful and no one feels disappointed. Wherever there are winners, there are losers. When someone feels happy about h
25、is success, someone else may feel disappointed at his failure. In a highly competitive society where the importance of winning is emphasized so much, it is inevitable that those who fail in the competition will feel disappointed.Translation:我们所生活的社会就像一个零和游戏,只要有人赢,就会有人输;只要有人感到幸福,就会有人感到沮丧。从来都不存在大家都成功而
26、没有人失落的情况。这就是成功的核心因素。, winning is not the most important thing it s the only thing. , Explanation:This is a special type of negation. The author is not negating the importance of winning; rather, with the sentence that follows the negative one, the author gives the utmost emphasis to the importance o
27、f winning. What the author wants to say is “ Winning is of primary importance; nothing could be more important than “ winning. ”Translation:成功不是最重要的事情它是唯一的事情e.g.To improve your oral English, practicing is not the most important thing it s the only thing.Ours is a time of information explosion; to ke
28、ep up with the times, updating our knowledge is not the most important thing it s the only thing.To lose, to fail, to go under, to go broke these are deadly sins in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future.Paraphrase:Being unsuccessful in one s life a
29、nd career and financially disadvantaged are regarded as shameful or even sinful because in this world people tend to think that only those who are successful now can be saved from evil in the future.In a different society, your disappointment might be something you could shrug away. But not in ours.
30、Paraphrase:If you are in a different society, you could just ignore you disappointment, but in our society, it s inescapable.Translation:假如你处在另一个社会里, 你可以对你的沮丧置之不理, 但是在我们这个社会里是无法回避的。inadequacy1) U a feeling that you are not as good, clever, skilled etc as other people 人 不够好,不胜任Unemployment can cause
31、feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.失业会使人缺乏自信,产生自卑感。2) U the fact of not being good enough in quality, ability, size etc fora particular purpose 质量、能力、大小等不足,欠缺+ of the inadequacy of local health care 当地医疗保健服务的不足3) .C usually plural, 一 a fault or weakness 缺点,不足之处I m quite aware of my own inade
32、quacies. 我很清楚自身的不足之处。Derivation:inadequate a.inadequately ad.Antonym:adequacyExercise: Use the following words to fill in the blanks.inadequacy inadequately adequacy adequate adequately1. Unemployment can often cause feelings of and low self-esteem.2. He doubted her for the job.3. Will future oil su
33、pplies be to meet world needs?4. While some patients can be cared for at home, others are best served by care in a hospital.5. Our scientific research is funded.essence n. the most basic and important idea or qualityE.g. The essence of his argument was that education should continuethroughout life.Y
34、et change is the very essence of life.Collocation:in essence 本质上,大体上In essence, both sides agree on the issue.of the essence 非常重要的,不可缺少的In any of these discussions, of course, honesty is of the essence.Derivation:essential a. & n. essentially ad.go round1) The main road was flooded so we had to
35、go round by narrow country lanes. 绕道2) It is unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.-(四处活动,在交际方面活跃)There is a rumour going round that she has been arrested.(流传,传播)There is a lot of flu going round at that moment. (传染,流行)3) )( 0f a number or quantity of sth ) be enough for everyone to
36、 have a share ( 指某物的数或量)足够每人一份There aren t enough chairs to go round. 椅子不够坐。Is there enough food to go round? 食物够每人一份吗?前来听讲座的人数远远超出原来的估计,分发给大家的讲义不够了。As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.offset vt. to counterbalance or compensate forIn bask
37、etball, he offsets his small size by his cleverness and speed.Forests can help offset human-caused climate warming, and scientists want to know how big a role these particular forests will play.Collocation:offset sth. by sth. / doing sth.go under to fail; to be overwhelmed 破产,沉没,失败,屈服His business we
38、nt under because of competition from the largecorporations.Poor Donaldson had no head for (在某方面缺少天分) business, and it was not long before he went under.go / be broke to become penniless; to go bankrupt 破产了,没钱,身无分文的,穷的The business kept losing money and finally went broke.I can t afford to go on holid
39、ay this year I m broke.A lot of small businesses went broke during the recession.经济不景气,很多小公司都倒闭了。salvagev.打捞,抢救salvageablea.可抢救的,可打捞的salvationn.得救,拯救;赎罪房子里没有什么东西可救的了。There is nothing that is salvageable in the building.天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer s sal
40、vation.Questions:1) How does the author explain the notion of disappointment? (Paragraph 2) .Disappointment is a negative feeling. It is the stuff bad dreams are made of.What deserves our attention here is that the author explains disappointment in relation to success.2) What does the author think h
41、as given rise to a B student s feeling of disappointment.As far as the author is concerned, the cause of the student sdisappointmentis to a large extent social. In a society where the importance of winning is overemphasized, it is considered shameful to be a loser. What s more, prosperity in the pre
42、sent is assumed to ensure one ssalvation in the future. In this general social climate, therefore, a B student will naturally feel disappointed.Paragraph 3What is the main idea?It reveals the purpose of writing this letter: the students should learn howto correctly deal with the grade B and disappoi
43、ntment from it.What does the phrase “ put sth. in perspective ” mean? (Paragraph 3)It means “ judge the importance of sth. correctly. ” So what the author wants to do is to show the students how they should regard / view their disappointment correctly.perspective n.1 ) a way of regarding situations,
44、 facts, etc. ;思考问题的角度,观点,想法2 ) a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is对事物的合理判断,正确认识3 ) a method of drawing a picture that makes objects look solid andshows distance and depth, or the effect this method produces in
45、 a picture 透视(画)法;透视效果,透视感e.g.His father s death gave him a whole new perspective on life.The novel is written from the perspective of a child.I think Tom has lost all sense of perspective .The artist took the use of perspective.in / out of perspective: 可见物体的位置或比例正确 / 不正确; 恰当 / 不恰当E.g.The background
46、 of this picture is all out of perspective.view / put / see sth. in perspective : 从 , 角度观察、处置、看待sthE.g.He sees things in their right perspective.take , at face value to accept something for what it appears to be E.g.She took his stories at face value and did not know he was joking. If you take his r
47、emarks only at their face value, you will not have understood his full meaning.Translation:如果这一生中我学会了一件事的话,那就是绝不要听什么就相信什么。If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is never to take anything you are told at face value.我们不应只看到失败的表面,而要从失败中得出经验教训。We shouldn t take failures at face value. Instead,
48、 we should learn from our failures.他的话,你得好好想一想,千万不要他说什么你就信什么。be apt to to have the tendency toE.g.A careless person is apt to make mistakes.E.g.My pen is rather apt to leak.Synonym:be inclined to误导,误入歧途be likely tomislead : make you think or act wronglyE.g.He deliberately misled us about the nature
49、of their relationship.关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。E.g.This sentence has misled us into thinking that the answer was wrong. 这句话误使我们认为那个答案是错误的。Paragraph 4Questions :1) Why does the author think that grades are misleading? (Paragraphs 4 )2) Try to find out what a grade means and what it does not mean.(Par
50、agraphs 4 5)Lacking more precise measurement tools, we must interpret your B as a rather fuzzy symbol at best, representing a questionable judgment of your mastery of the subject. (Paragraphs 4 )Translation 由于缺乏更精确的衡量工具,我们至多只能把B 看作一个模糊的符号,表示对你掌握某一科目的程度的判断,不过这种判断的准确性很值得怀疑proficient a. 熟练的,精通的proficie
51、ncy n. 熟练,精通我可以说对唱歌很在行。I d say I am quite proficient at singing.correspond to to match; to be similar or equal to, 相当于,符合于 The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.assume assuming assumptionv.conj.n.假定,设想;承担;认为假定,假如假定,设想 assumption of sth我以为你能讲流利的英语。I assumed you could speak Engli
52、sh fluently.假定那是真的,我们现在该怎么办?Assuming that it is true, what should we do now?assumption n.what is thought to be true or will happen,without any real proofThese calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.I m working on the assumption that the money will come through.Col
53、location: assumption of sth.Translation:1. 这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据的。The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.2. 看见不明飞行物时,有些人就设想在其他行星上有生命。Some people assume that there is life on other planets when they see UFOs.inadequacyassumptioncorrespond to essenceoffsetconventional go underperspectiveprof
54、iciencybe apt to4. A great many companies in the fierce financial risk.5. Everyone sees things from his or her own6. She live in the country, but her husband wanted to live in the city.7. Tom s as a professor is well known.8. English is always thought to be a nation.9. The working of this machine th
55、at of the human brain.10. The of their son s coming back after the war proved to be wrong.Why does the author think that grades are misleading? (Paragraphs 4 )A grade is just a symbol, which is supposed to reflect the level of a student s performance, and the student s performance is assumed to corr
56、espond to his knowledge. But the students may have acquired more or less knowledge out of the course than the grade indicates. Therefore a grade may be misleading.Try to find out what a grade means and what it does not mean. (Paragraphs 4 5)It means the successful completion of a specific course at
57、a certain level of proficiency. It is an indication of the student s performance of some conventional tasks. However, it may not be a truthful indication of the student s knowledge. It does not represent a judgment of the student s basic ability or of his character.Paragraph 5QuestionWhat do you think is the author s attitude toward the current school curriculum ? (Paragraphs 5 )His attitude toward the current school curric
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