已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、彩灯实验报告 设计八 彩灯控制器 要求: 1、 设计一个彩灯控制器,使彩灯(led 管)能连续发出四种以上不同得显示形式; 2、随着彩灯显示形式得变化,发出不同得音响声。 设计提示: : 1、彩灯显示得不同形式可由不同进制计数器驱动ed 显示完成; 2、 音响由选择不同频率 c脉冲驱动扬声器形成; 3、 彩灯显示形式由实验箱中拨码开关控制。 实验程序 lbary ieee; se ie、std_logic_14、al; use ieee、std_logic_unsigned、all; eniy cidekngzhiqi is port ( cl,rst,ck2 : ni std_ogic; c

2、ideng : ;)0 onwod 7(ocv_cigld toc:in std_ogcvectr(1 ownto 0); speake: ou d_loi ); e caidegnghiqi; artetur one of caidenkonghiq s ponent counter_8 pot ( clk,rs : in ;col_dtscont_ou : 7 ot 0 ega rgtni uo); en onent ; pent cidgongzi por ( ns: ;) otnwod (rotcev_ciol_dts niinpu : n intgr rang 0 to 7; : ;

3、cigolds noutut : ;)) otno 7(otcev_cgoldts tuen n ; ponnt fii port ( clk,rt : ;cig_tsnclk_1,lk_,cl_6,clk_8 : o toic ); nd pone ; ponent xz_ port ( rst :in std_ic; np: ;) otwod 1(rotcev_cigoldts niin1,i2,in3,in4 : ;cigol_ds nioutpt : o st_logi ); ed ponent ; ignal s,,k :sd_loic; sinal f:integr ange 0

4、o 3; signal :ntege ange 0 t 3; begin : outer_8 port m (k=ck1, rst=st, cou_u =); 2: cadengkongzh pot map (in=cz,npu=f, rrst, ouput =caideg); u3: fenpi por mp (clk=lk, rstst, c_1g, ck_4=m, clk_6=n, clk_8=k); u4: xzq4_1 prt mp (npcz, ,=2ni ,n ,ts=ts3n, n=k, optspear); end one; ibrry ieee; use ieee、std_

5、lic_1164、al; enit fnpinqi is op ( ,rst : ;cgol_dts n 8klc,_lc,4_kl,_l: gol_s tuo ;)end fenpnqi; archtetue d of fnpinqi s bin p:prcess(clk,rs) variable :inee rane 0 o ; in if =1 then c="0; a:; se if clkeven and lk=1hn if =3 hn a:=; cl_4="1; le :a1; clk_4"; n if; en if; end if; ed ocss

6、p; p2:procss(ck,rst) variable b:ntege rn 0 o 2; begin if rs=1 then c_0; :=0; ele i clkeet and lk=1the if b=5 then :=; cl_6=; else b:=b+1; k_6="0" end if; en if; en i; end roces 2; p3:proces(clk,rst) vaiabe :iteger range to 20; in if st=1" the k_8=0; c:0; ele if k"eet ad cl=1"

7、;th if c=7 the c:=0; cl_8"1; else c:=c+1; clk_8=0; end i; end if; end if; ed proces p3; p4:pos(lk,rs) vriable d:ntge range to 0; bein if rst=1" the l"0" d:=; ese if cevent an clk="1"hn if d=9 th :0; ck_0=1" else d:=d; clk_0=0"; en f; end f; nd if; ed rcss 4; e

8、n cd; libray eee; use ieee、sd_lgic_1164、all; entty xzq4_1 i ort ( rst:in stdlogc; inp:in s_vector(1 nto 0); ;cgl_dts ni : 4n,3ni,2ni,1i outpt : tuo t_logic ); ed x41; arcitetre of zq41 is bgin )pi,tsr( ssecorp nigeb if(rst=1) hen output=0" ee cs inp is wen 0'=tpt=i; whe 01'=outpt=in2; w

9、en 0=outpt=n3; when 11=uput=in4; when othrsll; end cas; ed if; nd pces; end a; libary eee; use eee、dloic_164、all; ntty counter_8 is tro ( tsr,l : std_lic; tu_nuo : 7 t 0 egnar regetni to ); ed cner_8; arciteue of conter_8 s begin )kc,tsr( ssorp vaable temp:intger rng to ; bein f rst" then ;0:pm

10、e eli (ck"evt nd lk=1") thn tp:temp+1; if(temp=8) ten temp:=0; end if; nd i; cont_ou=emp; ;ssecrp d end a; lirary ieee; use ee、std_logic_164、al; tiy caiengkonhi is por( sni :in sd_logic_ecto(1 donto 0); tpn : in itger range to 7; ;igolts i:tsr ptuo: tuo d_loi_ector(7 downto ); end adengkon

11、gzhi; architetue a of caidengkozi is bn )tpi( secop begn i rst then ouut=00000000'; else neh )00=sn(fi case nput is whn 0uput'000000; ;'00000010tuptuo=1 ehw ;000=tutuo=2 neh wn 3=output=000000; ;0001000'tuptuo4 ne whn output00000100; ;0000tuptuo= new ;'000000=ttuo7 nhw hen ohers=

12、ul; nd e; elsi(ins=1) th i upni e ;0100'=tut=0 nehw ;'0001100'=tutuo= nhw ;'011100=uptuo2 neh wen ouput='011100; wh utput01110; ;'1111110=tptuo5 neh ;01111111=uptuo= nhw ;11111=tuptu=7 ew ;u=srhto hw ;ec dne ne)'1sni(file si tupn e ;'100000'=tuptu=0 nhw when 1=output=1100001; ;1100011=uptuo2 hw when 3=output=110011; when 4=outut=11101'; ;11101'=tuptuo=5 nehw ;'111111tuptu6 nehw ;0000=uptuo= nhw he ohers=null; ;eac ne es si tup esc ;1100000'tuto=0 neh wen 1=otpu=00000110' ;1100=tptuo


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