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1、 In-Class Translation Exercises1. Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. 几乎所有物质都会热胀冷缩。几乎所有物质都会热胀冷缩。2. He wrote stories of such strange imagination that there was seldom been anything like them before and since. 他写的小说,想象力之奇异,真可谓空前绝后。他写的小说,想象力之奇异,真可谓空前绝后。3. and as alwa

2、ys happens with radios just at the vital moment a crash and a bang and nothing could be understood and the broadcast ended. 收音机总会出现这样的状况:关键时刻嘎拉一声、收音机总会出现这样的状况:关键时刻嘎拉一声、砰的一响,什么也听不清,然后广播就停止了。砰的一响,什么也听不清,然后广播就停止了。4. The increase in water pressure with depth makes it difficult for a man to go very far b

3、elow the surface. 由于水压随水深增加,因此人很难到水下极深处。由于水压随水深增加,因此人很难到水下极深处。5. She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success. 她几次试着帮他们另找出租房,但都没有找到。她几次试着帮他们另找出租房,但都没有找到。6. She stopped trying when she might have succeeded next time. 尽管下一次有可能成功,她还是放弃了。尽管下一次有可能成功,她还是放弃了。007. As

4、 the century developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques and equipment that were required fo

5、r carrying out research accurately and efficiently. 随着时代的发展,有待解决的问题越来越多,越来随着时代的发展,有待解决的问题越来越多,越来越复杂;不同学科之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,越复杂;不同学科之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,在很多情况下,科学家不可能单枪匹马地应对大量在很多情况下,科学家不可能单枪匹马地应对大量新数据、新技术和新设备,而这些恰恰是精确有效新数据、新技术和新设备,而这些恰恰是精确有效地进行科学研究所必需的。地进行科学研究所必需的。8. There is no more difference, but there is j

6、ust the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations of a baker and of a butcher who weighs out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by

7、 means of his balance and finely graduated weights. 科学家与普通人思维活动的差别,就跟面包师或屠夫科学家与普通人思维活动的差别,就跟面包师或屠夫与化学家在称量物体方面的差别一样。前者用普通的与化学家在称量物体方面的差别一样。前者用普通的秤来称物品的重量,后者则用天平和精密砝码进行艰秤来称物品的重量,后者则用天平和精密砝码进行艰难复杂的分析。除此之外并无其他差异。难复杂的分析。除此之外并无其他差异。 9. Based on Tennessees 20-year experiment, which randomly places public s

8、chool students in smaller classes (13-17 students) or larger classes (22-26 students) in the four years from kindergarten through third grade, the study compared subsequent test scores when the students reached ninth grade. 田纳西州曾经开展了一项为期田纳西州曾经开展了一项为期20年的实验,将公立年的实验,将公立幼儿园至公立学校三年级一共四个年级的学生随机幼儿园至公立学校三年

9、级一共四个年级的学生随机安排到小班(安排到小班(13-17个学生)和大班(个学生)和大班(22-26人)。人)。本研究则在此基础比较他们九年级时的后续测试成本研究则在此基础比较他们九年级时的后续测试成绩。绩。10. The refusal to be disturbed or disorganized by unexpected or apparently adverse occurrences, but on the contrary, to be stimulated by them, has in fact been a marked characteristic of successf

10、ul investigators. 事实上,成功的科学工作者都有一个显著特点,即事实上,成功的科学工作者都有一个显著特点,即他们不会被一些意外的不利事件所困扰,反而会受他们不会被一些意外的不利事件所困扰,反而会受到激励。到激励。11. There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 我去过一些地方,遇到过不少人。要说起来,奇妙我去过一些地方,遇到过不少人。要说起来,奇妙 的事多着呢。的事多着呢。12. Petra became the leader of the

11、girls as soon as she snapped out of her original depression at coming to Prague. 佩德拉刚到布拉格时心情郁闷,现在她开心起来,就立佩德拉刚到布拉格时心情郁闷,现在她开心起来,就立即成为女孩子们的领袖。即成为女孩子们的领袖。13. The thought of returning filled him with fear. 他一想到要回去心里就害怕。他一想到要回去心里就害怕。14. A gift is the key to open the door closed against you. 大门将你关在外,礼物送到自

12、然开。大门将你关在外,礼物送到自然开。15. Nightfall found him many miles short of his destination. 夜幕降临时,他离目的地还有好几英里呢。夜幕降临时,他离目的地还有好几英里呢。16. My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness. 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我受之有愧。凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我受之有愧。17. The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune. 187

13、1年爆发了英勇的巴黎公社起义。年爆发了英勇的巴黎公社起义。18. The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered. 游击队员们宁可战死,也不愿投降。游击队员们宁可战死,也不愿投降。19. A sizable grant took him abroad to Yale University. 他得到一笔丰厚的奖学金,出国到耶鲁大学学习去了。他得到一笔丰厚的奖学金,出国到耶鲁大学学习去了。20. The crafty enemy was ready to launch an attack while holding out t

14、he olive branch. 狡猾的敌人一边伸出橄榄枝表示愿意讲和,一边准备狡猾的敌人一边伸出橄榄枝表示愿意讲和,一边准备发起新的进攻。发起新的进攻。21. More puzzling is the remarkable increase in incidence of the disease which has occurred since about the time of World War in a number of western countries where standards of hygiene were continuously improving. 大约自二战以来,

15、在一些卫生条件不断改善的西方国家,大约自二战以来,在一些卫生条件不断改善的西方国家,该病的发生率也有显著增加,这更让人费解。该病的发生率也有显著增加,这更让人费解。22. The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点声音也没有。我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点声音也没有。23. It is our hope that the book will provide a sound basis in contemporary inorganic chemistry for the new generation of stude

16、nts and will stimulate their interest in a field in which trained personnel are still exceedingly scarce in both academic and industrial laboratories. 我们希望本书能为新一代学生在现代无机化学方面打下一我们希望本书能为新一代学生在现代无机化学方面打下一个坚实的基础,并激起他们对这一领域的兴趣。目前,这个坚实的基础,并激起他们对这一领域的兴趣。目前,这一领域依然非常缺乏训练有素的人才,理论研究实验室和一领域依然非常缺乏训练有素的人才,理论研究实验室

17、和工业实验室都是如此。工业实验室都是如此。24. It is common experience that a certain amount of regular exercise improves the health and contributes to a feeling of well-being whether or not exercise adds to the length of life. 大家都能感受到,不管运动能否延年益寿,定期进行一大家都能感受到,不管运动能否延年益寿,定期进行一定量的运动能够强身健体,并使人精神愉悦。定量的运动能够强身健体,并使人精神愉悦。25. Sm

18、aller class sizes in early grades translated into students scoring higher on math tests in later grades in Tennessees experiment to see if smaller classes improved education, a study said on Friday. 星期五一项研究宣称,田纳西州开展了一项实验,旨在星期五一项研究宣称,田纳西州开展了一项实验,旨在验证小班教学能否改进教学质量,结果表明低年级接受验证小班教学能否改进教学质量,结果表明低年级接受小班教学的

19、学生到了高年级数学考试成绩较好。小班教学的学生到了高年级数学考试成绩较好。26. The warmth of summer months, the amount of rainfall and the gentle slopes of land have made settlement and cultivation possible over large parts of the new continent. 新大陆大片地区夏季炎热、雨量充沛、土地平缓,适合新大陆大片地区夏季炎热、雨量充沛、土地平缓,适合定居和耕作。定居和耕作。27. The occurrence of tumors in

20、most vertebrates has been helpful in studying their genesis and behaviour. 大部分脊椎动物都会长肿瘤,了解这一点有助于研究肿大部分脊椎动物都会长肿瘤,了解这一点有助于研究肿瘤的产生和发展。瘤的产生和发展。28. The crops failed because the season is dry. 气候干旱导致作物歉收。气候干旱导致作物歉收。29. The senator picked up his hat and his courage. 参议员捡起帽子,鼓起勇气。参议员捡起帽子,鼓起勇气。30. In order t

21、o get a large amount of water power we need a large pressure and a large current. 为了得到大量水能,我们需要高水压、强水流。为了得到大量水能,我们需要高水压、强水流。31. It is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do. 爱一行干一行不行,干一行爱一行才行。爱一行干一行不行,干一行爱一行才行。31. The doctors face expressed a kind of doubting admiration. 医生脸上流露

22、出钦佩而又疑惑的神情。医生脸上流露出钦佩而又疑惑的神情。32. He looked after the bar in the larger of the mining camps two saloons. 采矿营有两家酒吧,大一点的那家由他打理。采矿营有两家酒吧,大一点的那家由他打理。33. Alchemists made resultless efforts to transform one metal into another. 炼金术士多次试图将一种金属转变为另一种金属,但都炼金术士多次试图将一种金属转变为另一种金属,但都没有成功。没有成功。34. For a family of fou

23、r, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere. 四口之家舒舒服服地坐在家里看电视,有几乎看不完的四口之家舒舒服服地坐在家里看电视,有几乎看不完的娱乐节目可以欣赏,要比外出寻找消遣场所来得既方便娱乐节目可以欣赏,要比外出寻找消遣场所来得既方便又经济。又经济。35. It is now strictly true

24、that scarcely a fly or mosquito can be seen in the town. 镇上几乎看不到苍蝇蚊子,这一点千真万确。镇上几乎看不到苍蝇蚊子,这一点千真万确。36. Exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide is quite common for people living in big cities. 接触低浓度的一氧化碳对大城市人来说是相当普遍的现接触低浓度的一氧化碳对大城市人来说是相当普遍的现 象。象。37. Our bodies are quite capable of dealing with harmfu

25、l bacteria, as long as there are not too many of them, but when, owing to their numbers or our weakness, one kind gets a footing in our blood, we become ill. 只要有害细菌不太多,我们的身体是完全可以抵抗得住只要有害细菌不太多,我们的身体是完全可以抵抗得住的。但是细菌数量很大或者我们身体虚弱,导致一种细的。但是细菌数量很大或者我们身体虚弱,导致一种细菌在血液里生长繁衍,我们就会生病。菌在血液里生长繁衍,我们就会生病。38. Followin

26、g his return to the U.S., he held museum and teaching posts in New York City. 回美国后,他在纽约市一家博物馆供职,同时也担任回美国后,他在纽约市一家博物馆供职,同时也担任教职。教职。39. I remain calm, thinking that it is a false alarm. 我镇定自若,心想那不过是一场虚惊。我镇定自若,心想那不过是一场虚惊。40. The commission decided to adopt an Australian proposal for a ban on the huntin

27、g of species by category once their populations drop below set levels. 委员会决定采纳澳大利亚提出的方案:一旦某个物种的委员会决定采纳澳大利亚提出的方案:一旦某个物种的数量减至规定水平以下,就禁止捕猎。数量减至规定水平以下,就禁止捕猎。41. For twins they are very dissimilar. Colin is tall and active and Johnny is short and middle-aged. 就双胞胎而言,他俩的差别算是大的:柯林高大活跃,就双胞胎而言,他俩的差别算是大的:柯林高大

28、活跃,约翰尼矮小老成。约翰尼矮小老成。The Difference Between a Brain and a Computer人脑与电脑的差别人脑与电脑的差别 The difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word: complexity. 人脑与电脑的差别可以用一个词来表述:复杂性。人脑与电脑的差别可以用一个词来表述:复杂性。 The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size, known to u

29、s. 就其大小而言,人脑是我们所知道的最复杂的物体。就其大小而言,人脑是我们所知道的最复杂的物体。 The human brain weighs three pounds, but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a hundred billion smaller cells. 人脑仅重三磅,却包含一百亿个神经细胞和一千亿人脑仅重三磅,却包含一百亿个神经细胞和一千亿个更小的细胞。个更小的细胞。 These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complica

30、ted network that we cant begin to unravel as yet. 这些数以亿计的细胞相互连接,形成一个无比复这些数以亿计的细胞相互连接,形成一个无比复杂的网络,迄今为止我们还未能解开其中的奥秘。杂的网络,迄今为止我们还未能解开其中的奥秘。 Even the most complicated computer man has yet built cant compare in intricacy with the brain. 就精细程度而言,人类研制出的最复杂的电脑也就精细程度而言,人类研制出的最复杂的电脑也无法与人脑相比。无法与人脑相比。 Computer

31、switches and components number in the thousands rather than in the billions. 电脑的转换器和元件只是数以千计,而人脑细胞电脑的转换器和元件只是数以千计,而人脑细胞却数以亿计。却数以亿计。 Whats more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex structure. 此外,电脑转换器只是一种开关装置,而人脑细胞此外,电脑转换器

32、只是一种开关装置,而人脑细胞本身却有着极其复杂的结构。本身却有着极其复杂的结构。 Can a computer think? That depends on what you mean by “think”. If solving a mathematical problem is “thinking”, then a computer can “think” and do so much faster than a man. 电脑会思考吗电脑会思考吗? 这要看你说的这要看你说的 “思考思考” 指的是什么。指的是什么。 如果解数学题可以算如果解数学题可以算“思考思考” 的话,那么电脑也能的话,

33、那么电脑也能“思思考考”,而且速度比人快得多。,而且速度比人快得多。 Of course, most mathematical problems can be solved quite mechanically by repeating certain straightforward processes over and over again. Even the simple computers of today can be geared for that. 当然,大部分数学题只需机械地不断重复某写简当然,大部分数学题只需机械地不断重复某写简单的过程就能解决。如今,即便是简单的电脑也能进单的

34、过程就能解决。如今,即便是简单的电脑也能进行这类数学题的运算。行这类数学题的运算。 It is frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are “programmed” to do so. They can only do what men have them do. 人们常说,电脑之所以能解题,只是因为人给它人们常说,电脑之所以能解题,只是因为人给它编制了解题程序。电脑只能做人让它做的事。编制了解题程序。电脑只能做人让它做的事。 One must remember that human beings al

35、so can only do what they are “programmed” to do. 我们必须记住,人也只能按照一定的我们必须记住,人也只能按照一定的“程序程序”办事。办事。 Our genes “program” us the instant the fertilized ovum is formed, and our potentialities are limited by that “program”. 受精卵一形成,基因就给我们编制受精卵一形成,基因就给我们编制“程序程序”,这个,这个“程序程序”决定了我们有什么样的潜能。决定了我们有什么样的潜能。 Our “progra

36、m” is so much more enormously complex, though, that we might like to define “thinking” in terms of the creativity that goes into writing a great play or composing a great symphony, in conceiving a brilliant scientific theory or a profound ethical judgment. 然而我们的然而我们的“程序程序”要复杂得多,因此我们愿意将要复杂得多,因此我们愿意将思

37、考定义成一种创造性活动,例如创作伟大的剧本、谱思考定义成一种创造性活动,例如创作伟大的剧本、谱写恢宏的交响乐、构思卓越的科学理论,或是创立深奥写恢宏的交响乐、构思卓越的科学理论,或是创立深奥的伦理观念。的伦理观念。 In that sense, computers certainly cant think and neither can most humans. 从这个意义上讲,电脑当然不会思考,而且大多从这个意义上讲,电脑当然不会思考,而且大多数人也做不到。数人也做不到。 Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it

38、 can be as creative as we. 然而可以肯定的,如果能把电脑造得足够复杂的然而可以肯定的,如果能把电脑造得足够复杂的话,它也会像人一样富有创造力。话,它也会像人一样富有创造力。 If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be the equivalent of a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do. 如果能把电脑造得像人脑一样复杂,那么它就会与如果能把电脑造得像人脑一样复杂,那么它就会与人脑不分上下,做任何人脑能做的事。人脑不分上下,做

39、任何人脑能做的事。 To suppose anything else is to suppose that there is more to the human brain than the matter that composes it. 如果认为电脑还有什么更高超的本领,就相当于认如果认为电脑还有什么更高超的本领,就相当于认为人脑除了构成它的物质之外还有别的东西。为人脑除了构成它的物质之外还有别的东西。 The brain is made up of cells in a certain arrangement and the cells are made up of atoms and

40、molecules in certain arrangements. 人脑由按一定方式排列的细胞组成,而细胞又由按人脑由按一定方式排列的细胞组成,而细胞又由按一定方式排列的原子和分子组成。一定方式排列的原子和分子组成。 If anything else is there, no signs of it have ever been detected. 即便真的还有别的什么存在,我们至今尚未发现即便真的还有别的什么存在,我们至今尚未发现任何迹象。任何迹象。 To duplicate the material complexity of the brain is therefore to dupl

41、icate everything about it. 因此,复制人脑复杂的物质结构就等于把人脑的一因此,复制人脑复杂的物质结构就等于把人脑的一切复制出来。切复制出来。 But how long will it take to build a computer complex enough to duplicate the human brain? Perhaps not as long as some think. 但是,研制一台象人脑那样复杂的电脑需要多长时但是,研制一台象人脑那样复杂的电脑需要多长时间呢间呢? 也许不像有些人想像的那么长。也许不像有些人想像的那么长。 Long before

42、 we approach a computer as complex as our brain, we will perhaps build a computer that is at least complex enough to design another computer more complex than itself. 研制出和人脑一样复杂的电脑之前,我们也许会研研制出和人脑一样复杂的电脑之前,我们也许会研制出这样一台电脑,其复杂程度至少足以让它设计出一制出这样一台电脑,其复杂程度至少足以让它设计出一台比它自己更复杂的电脑。台比它自己更复杂的电脑。 This more comple

43、x computer could design one still more complex and so on and so on and so on. 这台更为复杂的电脑又能设计出一台比其更复杂这台更为复杂的电脑又能设计出一台比其更复杂的电脑。依此类推,就这样一直研制下去。的电脑。依此类推,就这样一直研制下去。 In other words, once we pass a certain critical point, the computers take over and there is “complexity explosion”. 换句话说,一旦过了某个临界点,电脑就会占据主换句话

44、说,一旦过了某个临界点,电脑就会占据主导地位,出现一个导地位,出现一个“复杂性爆炸复杂性爆炸”。 In a very short time thereafter, computers may exist that not only duplicate the human brain, but far surpass it. 过不了多久,就会出现这样的电脑,它们不仅具备过不了多久,就会出现这样的电脑,它们不仅具备人脑的复杂功能,而且还远远超过人脑。人脑的复杂功能,而且还远远超过人脑。 Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of

45、 running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. 到那时会怎样到那时会怎样? 唉,人类目前在管理地球方面做得唉,人类目前在管理地球方面做得并不好。也许到那个时候,我们应该体面地让开,将工并不好。也许到那个时候,我们应该体面地让开,将工作交给更为称职的去做。作交给更为称职的去做。 And if we dont step aside, perhaps Sup

46、ercomputer will simply move in and push us aside. 如果我们不主动让位,也许超级电脑会直接进来如果我们不主动让位,也许超级电脑会直接进来将我们推到一边。将我们推到一边。 Youll find restaurants for every situation in the United States. If youre in a hurry, you may just want to grab some “junk food” at a grocery store, or you can get a bite to eat at one of the

47、 many fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, or Taco Bell. Or you can get a hero or submarine sandwich “to stay” or “to go” from a sandwich shop or deli. 在美国,任何情况下都可以找到吃饭的地方。要在美国,任何情况下都可以找到吃饭的地方。要是时间紧,就可以在食品店买点所谓的是时间紧,就可以在食品店买点所谓的“垃圾食品垃圾食品”充饥,也可以到麦当劳、汉堡王、肯德基

48、、必胜客或充饥,也可以到麦当劳、汉堡王、肯德基、必胜客或塔可钟等快餐连锁店随便吃上两口。不然的话,还可塔可钟等快餐连锁店随便吃上两口。不然的话,还可以到三明治店或熟食店买一块以到三明治店或熟食店买一块“英雄英雄”型或型或“潜水艇潜水艇”型的大三明治,在店里吃或带走均可。型的大三明治,在店里吃或带走均可。 Some of these places have tables, but many dont. People eat in their cars or take their food home, to their offices or to parks. 这些地方很多连餐桌都没有,人们买了快餐后,有这些地方很多连餐桌都没有,人们买了快餐


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