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1、Coffee CultureSorts of coffeeCoffee in AmericaDiscovery of coffeeLearn about coffeevCoffee is from the Greek word Kaweh, meaning strength and passion.One popular story about the discovery of coffee long ago is about Kaldi, a keeper of goats Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethi

2、opia(埃塞俄比亚埃塞俄比亚) where coffee trees have grown for centuries. He noticed that his goats became very excited and active after eating small fruits from a tree. Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of religious workers. When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they co

3、uld stay awake for long hours of prayer. This knowledge about coffee soon spread all over the world.The main coffee-producing regions巴西咖啡(南美)巴西咖啡(南美)哥伦比亚咖啡(南美)哥伦比亚咖啡(南美)墨西哥咖啡(中美)墨西哥咖啡(中美)危地马拉咖啡(中美)危地马拉咖啡(中美)危而瓦多咖啡(中美)危而瓦多咖啡(中美)洪都拉斯咖啡(中美)洪都拉斯咖啡(中美)哥斯达黎加咖啡(中美)哥斯达黎加咖啡(中美)古巴咖啡(西印度群岛)古巴咖啡(西印度群岛)牙买加咖啡(西印度

4、群牙买加咖啡(西印度群岛)岛)也门咖啡(西亚)也门咖啡(西亚)Coffee trees are native to eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula pininsjul (阿拉伯半岛阿拉伯半岛).Coffee was first grown and traded in the fifteenth century. Most coffee came from what is now Yemen(也门)(也门). Soon, coffee was in high demand all over the Middle East. By

5、 the seventeenth century coffee had been introduced to Europe. European traders started bringing coffee plants to other parts of the world. The Dutch(荷兰人)(荷兰人) brought coffee to the islands of Indonesia.By the twentieth century, most of the worlds production came from Central and South America.Today

6、, Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.BACKFlavor Acidity siditi Body Aroma rum Bitter Bland Briny Earthy Exotic Mellow Mild Soft Sour Spicy Strong Sweet Wild Winy 【风味风味】【酸度酸度】【醇度醇度】【气味气味】【苦味苦味】【清淡清淡】【咸味咸味】【泥土的芳香泥土的芳香】【独特性独特性】【芳醇芳醇】【温和温和】【柔润柔润】【发酸发酸】【香辛香辛】【浓烈浓烈】【香甜香甜】【狂野狂野】【葡萄酒味葡萄酒味

7、】terminology,t:minldi (术语)(术语) of coffee约克郡的玫瑰约克郡的玫瑰白玫瑰是英国约克白玫瑰是英国约克郡的象征,帕拉战争时郡的象征,帕拉战争时为约克家族的符号、由为约克家族的符号、由皇家多尔顿提出,以这皇家多尔顿提出,以这段历史背景为主题而设段历史背景为主题而设计的咖啡杯,格调高雅。计的咖啡杯,格调高雅。旧利埃塔旧利埃塔饭后饮用牛奶咖饭后饮用牛奶咖啡时使用的卵形杯子。啡时使用的卵形杯子。第一只这种形态的杯第一只这种形态的杯子是子是1830年制作的,年制作的,杯子把儿是带有巴洛杯子把儿是带有巴洛克建筑艺术风格的浮克建筑艺术风格的浮雕花模式的。雕花模式的。意大利水

8、果意大利水果 这是基诺里的代这是基诺里的代表风格。表风格。1760年某贵年某贵族在多斯卡那的别墅族在多斯卡那的别墅里使用的咖啡杯碟的里使用的咖啡杯碟的造型。杯子造型和螺造型。杯子造型和螺旋状杯子把儿使它独旋状杯子把儿使它独具风格。具风格。Some traditional coffee cups玛莉亚玛莉亚.戴丽佳戴丽佳18世纪澳大利亚帝世纪澳大利亚帝国女皇玛莉亚国女皇玛莉亚.戴丽佳戴丽佳执政时,以其名字命名执政时,以其名字命名的咖啡杯碟。的咖啡杯碟。1814年,年,德国战败埃伦州,创立德国战败埃伦州,创立弗欠罗伊塔厂,在边缘弗欠罗伊塔厂,在边缘用用24K金手描金线作装金手描金线作装饰。饰。贝基


10、子。Some etiquette etiket (礼仪)(礼仪) when drinking coffee怎样拿咖啡杯怎样拿咖啡杯 袖珍型的杯子袖珍型的杯子, ,杯把儿较小,手指无法穿出去。但即使用较大的杯子,杯把儿较小,手指无法穿出去。但即使用较大的杯子,也也不要用手指穿过杯把儿去端杯子不要用手指穿过杯把儿去端杯子。咖啡杯的正确拿法,应是拇指和食指咖啡杯的正确拿法,应是拇指和食指捏住杯把儿再将杯子端起。捏住杯把儿再将杯子端起。怎样用咖啡匙怎样用咖啡匙 饮用咖啡时应当把咖啡匙取出来。饮用咖啡时应当把咖啡匙取出来。不要用咖啡匙舀着咖啡一匙一匙地慢不要用咖啡匙舀着咖啡一匙一匙地慢慢喝慢喝,也不要用

11、咖啡匙来捣碎杯中的方糖。,也不要用咖啡匙来捣碎杯中的方糖。咖啡太烫怎么办咖啡太烫怎么办 刚刚煮好的咖啡太烫,可以用咖啡匙在杯中轻轻搅拌使之冷却,或者等刚刚煮好的咖啡太烫,可以用咖啡匙在杯中轻轻搅拌使之冷却,或者等待其自然冷却,然后再饮用。待其自然冷却,然后再饮用。用嘴试图把咖啡吹凉,是很不文雅的动作用嘴试图把咖啡吹凉,是很不文雅的动作。杯碟的使用杯碟的使用 盛放咖啡的杯碟应当放在饮用者的正面或者右侧,杯把儿应指向右方。盛放咖啡的杯碟应当放在饮用者的正面或者右侧,杯把儿应指向右方。饮咖啡时,用右手拿着咖啡的杯把儿,左手轻轻托着咖啡碟饮咖啡时,用右手拿着咖啡的杯把儿,左手轻轻托着咖啡碟,慢慢地移向

12、,慢慢地移向嘴边。不宜满把握杯、大口吞咽,也不宜俯首去就咖啡杯。喝咖啡时,不嘴边。不宜满把握杯、大口吞咽,也不宜俯首去就咖啡杯。喝咖啡时,不要发出声响。添加咖啡时,要发出声响。添加咖啡时,不要把咖啡杯从咖啡碟中拿起来不要把咖啡杯从咖啡碟中拿起来。喝咖啡与用点心喝咖啡与用点心 不要一手端着咖啡杯,一手拿着点心不要一手端着咖啡杯,一手拿着点心,吃一口喝一口地交替进行。喝咖,吃一口喝一口地交替进行。喝咖啡时应当放下点心,吃点心时则应放下咖啡杯。啡时应当放下点心,吃点心时则应放下咖啡杯。BACKJamaica Blue Mountain Coffee(牙买加蓝山)(牙买加蓝山)Blue Mountai

13、n Coffee , regarded as the worlds most famous, the most expensive and the most controversial coffee, is produced in Jamaicas Blue Mountains. The Caribbean Sea(加勒比海加勒比海) is surrounded by the Blue Mountains. When the sun sheds lights directly at the blue sea, the mountains will be issued to the reflec

14、tion of blue light shining .It produces only 900 tons per year.Blue mountain coffee has all the characteristics of a good coffee. whats more, the content of caffeine is very low. But because the production is very few, its very expensive.Mocha Coffee(摩卡摩卡)Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)(埃塞俄比亚)produces small species

15、 spaisis(香(香料)料) of beans. It has a very strong aroma rum (气味)(气味), a unique sour flavor and fragrance freigrns(香味)(香味)of citrus sitrs(柑橘类的植物)(柑橘类的植物). Its more aromatic charming than others. Italy is well known of Mocha coffee。Mocha coffee is a sort of Chocolate Coffee adding bubble milk, syrup sir

16、p (糖浆)(糖浆) or cocoa powder(粉末)(粉末).Cappuccino(卡布奇诺卡布奇诺)The colour of this coffee like the dark brown turban t:bn(头巾)(头巾)of cappuccino monks (教士)(教士)of the Church . Its also known as “milk coffee”, mixed with milk foam fum(牛奶泡沫)(牛奶泡沫), sometimes combined with cinnamon sinmn (肉桂肉桂) , spices spaisis(香料

17、)(香料)and chocolate powder(粉末)(粉末). Usually coffee, milk and milk foam take respectively one third of the whole.Cappuccino is a coffee bubble bbl (泡状物)(泡状物)that people can not resist the unique charm.BACKThe American drink coffee at home, offices, public places or on-street vending machines(自动售货机自动售货

18、机) and the Americans cant live without coffee. American, consuming one-third of world coffee production is the largest country in the world coffee consumption.I am either at home or in a coffee shop, or on the way to it. In America “No coffee, not live” . Coffee, hamburgers and hot dogs are signs of

19、 American way of life . The streets around the U.S. are Starbucks, McDonalds and other fast-food chains as well as the street hot dogs for 99 cents .After a cup of coffee plus a hamburger or hot dogs, then the Americans begin a days work and life. According to the latest statistics from the National

20、 Coffee Association, about 110 million Americans drink 300 million cups of coffee every day . The greatest feature of the American coffee culture, perhaps lies in its popularization.When drinking coffee, Americans always feel free ,laid-back(懒散的)(懒散的), relaxed and comfortable. Unlike the Europeans,

21、as there is sentiment sentimnt (情趣)(情趣). In America, drinking a cup of coffee like being engaged in a game without rules, in-depth difficulty to separate their daily lives.When drinking coffee, French focus on the atmosphere and ambience mbins (周围环境)(周围环境), and like to taste slowly, which is the Fre

22、nch elegant, romantic attitude towards life.In America, almost all companies supply free coffee for their employees and customers. Whats more, some big companies should be equipped with several sets of elegant coffee equipment, such as fine Italian coffee maker, fine English coffee mugs mg (马克杯)(马克杯), which reflects the corporate c


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