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1、北京7小升初英语阅读理解专项练习(50篇含答案解析)1. The Information about Some Great InventionsInventionWheelTelephoneLight bulb(灯泡)PaperAppearing(出现) TimeA few thousand years agoIn 1876In 1879Around 2, 000 years agoInventor(发明者)UnknownAlexander BellThomas EdisonCai LunInventor'sNationality(国籍)UnknownAmericanAmericanC

2、hineseEarly Main Material(材料)WoodPlastic and metalGlass and metalCotton orflax(亚麻)Main Use(主要用途)Making travelling fasterUsed for communicating over distances 他离)Giving lightUsed for recording information1. What's the form/格)above about?A.Rules.B.Movies.C.Dreams.D.Inventions.2. What's the lat

3、est invention according to根据)the form above?A.The wheel.B.The paper.C.The telephone.D.The light bulb.3. How many Chinese inventions are mentioned!至ij) in the form above?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. None.4. What was the telephone made of according to the form above?A. Wood.B. Glass and metal.C. Plastic

4、and metal.D. Cotton and flax.5. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, people can.A. have enough light to readB. travel fasterC. communicate over distancesD. have more books to read【答案】1 D2 D3 A4 C5 B【解析】【分析】短文列举了4 项发明的有关信息,包括发明时间,发明者及国籍,材料组成以及主要的用途。1主旨大意题。由文中各个发明的信息可知,本文说的主要是发明,故选D 。2细节理解题由题目可知,最靠近现

5、代的发明是什么,由文中时间一列可知发明:灯泡出现时间:1879年 最近,故选D。3 .细节理解题。由文中第四横行的国籍可知,Chinese只有一个,即最后一个"纸 ",故选A。4 .细节理解题 由文中第三列Plastic and metal可知 电话最早的材质:塑料和金属,故选C。5细节理解题。由文中第二列中的内容:车轮的用途Making travelling faster可知 ,它可以让行程更快捷,故选B。2 Many students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day. Parents t

6、hink taking the school bus is very safe 安全的).But sometimes it is also dangerous. Some students died(E 亡)because they broke the school bus rules. Here are some school bus rules: Arrive at the bus station early. Wait for the bus at the bus station. Don't play around the bus. Don't run everywhe

7、re at the bus station. Don't walk or fight on the bus when it is going. Don't try to get off the bus if doesn' t stop.These rules are good for students. Remember them and don't break them. So you can keep yourself safe.1 Taking the school bus to school is always safe.2 Students can r

8、un everywhere at the bus station.3 Students have to sit on their seats when the bus is going.4 Students can't get to the bus station late.5 It can be dangerous if students break the school bus rules.【答案】1 F2 F3 T4 T5 T【解析】【分析】美国的许多学生乘校车去上学,父母认为它很安全,但是有时也很危险,介绍了一些乘校车的规则。1 .细节理解题。根据 Parents think

9、taking the school bus is very safer知是父母不是学生;故选F2 .细节理解题。根据 Don' run everywhere at the bus station知是不能跑;故 选F3细节理解题。根据Don't walk or fight in the bus when it is going. 可知是必须坐在座位上;故选T4 .细节理解题。根据 Wait for the bus at the bus station知是不能迟至ij;故选 T5细节理解题。根据These rules are good for students.Remember t

10、hem anddon' break them.So you can keep yourself safe.知不遵守规定是危险的;故选T3 “ Today will be very cold, ” says the weather .ma“n YoonuTnVeed to wear very warm clothes. ”James wears very warm clothes. He wears a sweater, a jacket, a scarf and glov8s (巾和手套). Then, he goes outside. It is snowing.“ Wow, the

11、 weather man is right! It is very cold outside,” says James. He gets intocar. He will go to work.There are a lot of cars in the street. They are going slowlylf 慢地).“ Why are the cars going so slowly today?” he thinks. At last he knows why. The carsare going slowly because there is a car accident故)!J

12、ames drives slowly to the scene 现场)of the accident. He looks out of his car.The driver of the accident car is Mr. Brown, his friend.“ Is everybody OK here? ” he asks Mr. Brown.“ Yes. This is a small car accident, and everyone is OK,” says Mr. Brown.“What did you hit撞)? " asks James.“ A snowman!

13、 ” says Mr. Brown.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1 James does NOT wear .A.a sweaterB.a hatC.glovesD.a scarf2 James drives his car to .A.workB.playC.eat outD.go shopping3 Why is James driving very slowly?A.Because he is lost.B.Because there is a car accident.C.Because he is not good at driving.D.Because his car has so

14、me problems.4 Mr. Brown is James .A.teacherB.brother C.father D.friend5 What can we know from the passage? A.It is snowy but not very cold.B.Mr. Brown is making a snowman.C.There are not many cars in the street.D.James watches the TV to know about the weather.【答案】1 B2 A3 B4 D5 D【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述詹姆斯先生看完

15、天气预报知道天气冷,要多穿衣服。他穿上暖和的衣服后开车出去。这时外边正下着雪。路上有许多车,走得很慢。因为有车 祸。原来詹姆斯的朋友开车撞到雪人了。1.题意:杰姆斯没穿(戴) A. a sweater毛衣;B. a hat帽子;C. gloves手套;D. a scaf 围巾。根据第 1 段中 James wears very warm clothes. He wears a sweater, a jacket, a scarf and glove s杰姆斯穿着非常暖和的衣 服。他穿着毛衣、夹克、围巾和手套。)可知杰姆斯没戴帽子,选B。2题意:杰姆斯开车。 A. work 上班; B. pla

16、y 玩; C.eat out外出吃饭;D. go shopping去商店购物。根据第 2段最后两句He gets into his car. He will go to work.可知 他开车去上班。"选Ao3 .题意:为什么杰姆斯开车很慢?A. Because he is 10st.因为他迷路了; B.Because there is a car accidents 为有起车未曷; C. Because he is not good at driving.因为他不擅长开车;D. Because his car has some problems® 为他的车有问题。根据第4

17、 段 “ Why are the cars going so slowly today? ” he thinks. At last heknows why. The cars are going slowly because there is a car accident!方什么今天 的车开得这么慢?“他想。他终于知道原因了。汽车开得很慢,因为有车祸! )可知选B。4 .题意:布朗先生是杰姆斯的 A. teacher老师;B. brother兄 弟;C. father父亲;D. friend 朋友。根据文中第 6 段 The driver of the accident car is Mr.

18、Brown, his friend.(事故车的司机是他的朋友布朗先生。)可知 布朗先生 是杰姆斯的朋友”,选D。5题意:从文章中我们能知道什么?A. It is snowy but not very cold. 下雪了,但不是很冷;B. Mr. Brown is making a snowman. 布朗先生正在堆雪人,根据文中最后两句 "What did you hit 蛭)? “ asks James. "A snowmanT says Mr. Brown.知布朗先生撞着雪人,不是堆雪人,故B 错误; C. There are not many cars in thest

19、reet.街上没有多少汽车,根据第 3段第1旬There are a lot of cars in the street.可知街上有许多车,不是没有多少车,故C 错误; D. James watches the TV toknow about the weather杰姆斯看电视了解天气。根据第 1段第一句"Today will be very cold, " says the weather man. on TYou need to wear very warm clothes.(天气预报员说: 今天天气很冷。”你需要穿非常暖和的衣服。”)可知 杰姆 斯看电视了解天气。”也

20、可知A错误,D正确,选Do点睛:阅读理解最能体现学生的英语能力的题型,分值较高。如何通过解题方 法的掌握来提升自己解答阅读理解题的技巧是学生最关心的问题。初中阅读理 解一般考查学生的细节理解能力,主旨理解能力和推理判断能力。做阅读理解 题,首先要准确理解题意,然后根据题意根据短文内容做出正确的答案。(1)考查细节理解能力,此类型题较简单,准确理解题意后,直接到文中找出答 案。(2)考查猜词能力。做这种题型时,要根据上下文意思准确猜出词意。3)考查推理判断能力,此类题型较难,准确理解题意后,在文中找出相关的内 容做出合理的推断。本文主要考查学生的细节理解能力。准确理解题意后,到 文中找出相关的叙

21、述,做出正确的判断。4.Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place: John Smith ' sDate: July 1-31Price: ¥60Time: 7:30pm9:30pm Tel: 301 2768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou (周杰伦),the famous pop singer.Place: The music hallDate

22、: July20 22 Price- ¥200 ¥250 Time: 8:00pm 10:00pmShows_Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here.Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place: Daqian MuseumDate: July1_August 31Price: ¥ 50(half for students)Time: Monday to Friday: 8:30am 5:30pmWeekends 9:00am

23、 8:00pmTel:271 13991. If you want to learn dancing, you can callA.2.A. C.3.A.C.4.A.2711399 B. 488-6888C. 231-2899 D. 301-2768You can enjoy Jay Chou 9:00 pm on July 23 7:30 pm every days music at the music hall.You can learn at John Smith American Jazzthe whole of Chinese history There is a big show

24、on history at Daqian Museum B. the music hallB.D.s.B.D.C.8:00 pm on July 209:30 pm on July 1pop songsSpanish dancingJohn Smith ' s D. the meeting hall5. If Mr. Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?A. ¥70.【答案】B. ¥ 100C. &

25、#165;125D. ¥200123451.题意:如果你想学跳舞,你可以拨打0分析第一栏信息D B D A C【解析】【分析】本信息是关于三个方面的广告宣传,第一栏是西班牙的舞蹈介绍,地点、时 问、价格与联系电话都说明了。第二栏信息是现场流行音乐,是著名的歌手周 杰伦的演唱会,具体的时间与事项均表明。第三栏是博物馆的介绍,关于中国 的历史。票价以及开放的时间等都详细进行了介绍。是关于学习跳舞的,并且给出电话号 Tel: 301-2768,故选:D2.题意:你可以在在音乐厅欣赏周杰伦的音乐。分析第二栏信息,音乐会的开始的时间 Date: July 20-22; Time: 8:00 p

26、m- 10:00 pm=故选:B3.题意:你可以在约翰.布莱克那里学习0根据广告第1栏信息Spanish Dancing (西班牙舞蹈)Place: John Black's可知在约翰.布莱克那里学习西班牙舞蹈,选Do4.题意:有一个大型的历史展览。根据广告第 3栏信息Come and see the whole of Chinese history!(来看看中国的历史吧! ) Place: Daqian Museum (地点:大千博物馆)可知 大千博物馆有一个大型的历史展 览。”故选Ao5 .题意:如果王先生想和他的妻子和十岁的儿子一起去博物馆,他应该付多少 钱?计算及细节理解题。

27、分析第三栏信息大人是每人50元,学生是半价。因 此为 50+50+25=125 元。故选:C。点睛:本文是广告类阅读。此类文章主要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能 力,既注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合(细节理解能力),又注重推理判断 题的考查,题目设置较容易。答题时没有必要把每一句话弄清楚,只要重点理 解和题目有关的信息就可以了。首先正确理解题意,根据题目要求到文中找出 相关内容,有重点有目的的仔细阅读,结合选项选出正确的选项。5Name: Karishma Animal type: Asian elephantAge: 11Weight(重量):2, 300 kg Favorite food:

28、 fruit and cakesName: LumpurAnimal type: Asian tigerAge: 11Weight: 130 kgFavorite food: chickenName: EllishAnimal type: African giraffe Age: 4Weight: 750 kgFavorite food: grass and leavesName: Spike. It Af.X:/ 1 Animal type: African lionAge: 7Weight: 200 kgFavorite food: beef1. Where does Karishma c

29、ome from?A.Asia.B. Africa.C.Australia.D.South America.2.A.What's Lumpur's favorite food?Cakes.B. Fish.C.Beef.D.Chicken.3.A.How old is Ellish?3.B. 4.C.7.D.11.4.A.What animal is Lumpur?A tiger.B. A lion.C.A giraffe.D.An elephant.5.A.What's the weight of Spike?130 kg.B, 200 kg.C.750 kg.D.2,

30、 300 kg.【答案】1. A2. D3. B4. A5. B【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了几只动物的类别,年龄,体重和最喜欢吃的食物。1 .题意:Karishma来自哪里? A. Asia.亚洲;B. Africa.非洲;C. Australia.澳大 利亚;D. South America.南美洲。根据左一图 Animal type: Asian elephant可知 Karishma来自亚洲,选 A。2 .题意:Lumpur最喜欢的食物是什么? A. Cakes.蛋糕;B. Fish鱼;C. Beef.牛 肉;D. Chicken.鸡肉。根据右一图中 Favorite food: ch

31、icken可知Lumpur最喜欢 的食物是鸡肉,选Do3 .题意:Ellish几岁了?根据左二图Age: 4可知Ellish4岁了;选B。4 .题意:Lumpur 是什么动物? A. A tiger 老虎;B. A lion.狮子;C. A giraffe.长 颈鹿;D. An elephant大象。根据右一图中 Animal type: Asian tiger可知 Lumpur 是老虎;选Ao5 .题意:Spike的重量是多少?根据右二图中 Weight: 200 kg可知Spike中200 千克。选Bo6 . My name is Sam. This is my neighborhood.

32、 There ' s a big supermarket near my house. My mother often goes shopping there. Across from the supermarket is a school.It ' s my school. There is a library next to the school. I like reading bothere.I am Peter. My neighborhood is busy. There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighb

33、orhood. My house is on a street corners角).There is a post office near it. And next to the post office is a pay phone.My name is Linda. In my neighborhood there ' s a big park. Lots of people go there to have fun. I like to play there, too. There is a restaurant across from the park. A bank is ne

34、xt to the restaurant. And some clothes stores are near the bank.1. There is anear Sam ' s house.A. restaurantB. library2. Peter' s neighborhood is veryA. quietB. busy3. Peter ' s house isA. on a street cornerC. across from the supermarketC. supermarketD. park.C. dirtyD. cleanB. next to t

35、he post officeD. near the bank4. In Linda 'neighborhood, there is. a park a bank a restaurant a supermarketA.B.C.D.5. Which of the followings is TRUE about Sam ' s school ?12345C B A A B试题分析:短文是三个孩子对自己家附近的环境做的简单介绍。1 .题意:山姆家附近有一所。考查细节理解题。根据山姆的介绍 There' big supermarket near my house , 可知选

36、C。2 .题意:彼得的邻居很一。考查细节理解题。根据彼得的介绍Myneighborhood is busy.,可知选 B。3 .题意:彼得的房子在 。考查细节理解题。A. on a street corne坐一个街 角。B. next to the post ofice在由B局旁边。 C. across from the supermarke在超市 的对面。D. near the ban如银行附近。根据彼得的介绍 My house is on a street corner.,可知选 A。4 .题意:在琳达的附近,有 。考查细节理解题。根据琳达的介绍In my neighborhood the

37、re ' s a big parkhere is a restaurant across from the park A bank is next to the restauran,t And some clothes stores are near the bank, 可知附 近有公园、银行和餐馆,故选 Ao5 .题意:关于山姆的学校,下列哪一项是正确的?考查细节理解题。根据山姆的介绍,结合图片内容,可知选 Bo点睛:对于阅读理解题,首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全 文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地 返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,

38、所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主 题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提问、根据文章的表 层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要根据设问的方式,进行有侧重 地阅读。1、概括文章中心思想。1)文首呈现主题句。2)文尾出现主题句。3)首 尾呼应展现主题。4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的 细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,而后再做进一步的解释。5)文章没有主题句。在这种情况下,考生要把所有的细节综合起来。进行逻辑推理,概括归纳 出文章的主题句。2.掌握文章的具体事实和重要情节。在考题中,经常会见到 就文章中某一具体事实和重要情节进行测试的题目。这就要求考生在阅读

39、时要 注意辨认和记忆具体事实,重要情节,事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地 点、时间等,这些都有可能作为测试点。还有一些测试题,要求考生在理解的 基础上,通过自己的思维将理解的内容系统化,比如计算、排序等题型。7. Dear Anna,Thank you for inviting me to watch your baseball game. It's on December 13 right? I'm sorry I don't have time that day. Because I have a science test on December 14, I nee

40、d to take a science class on December 13.It's from nine to eleven in the morning. After the class, I need to go to my grandparents' house. It is my grandma's 65th birthday that day. I think I will be at her party that afternoon.Do you have time that evening I can have dinner with you. Th

41、ere is a new restaurant near my home and it has great hamburgers. You love hamburge raright?Yours, Amanda1. Anna has a on December 13.A. baseball game B science test C. birthday party D. music festival 2. Amanda's science class is on.A. the morning of December 13 B. the afternoon of December 13

42、C. the morning of December 14 D. the afternoon of December 14 3. The birthday party is for. A. Amanda B. Amanda's brother C. Amanda's grandma D Amanda's uncle4. The underlined word “restaurant " means "A.广场 B.图书馆 C.书店 D.餐馆“ in Chinese.5.A.B.C.D.What can we learn from the passag

43、e? Amanda plays baseball very well.Amanda's science class lasts续)two hours. The birthday party is at Amanda's house. Anna loves fruit and vegetables.【答案】A A CDB12345【解析】【分析】这是阿曼达写给安娜的信,给安娜解释她不能和安娜去看棒球比赛的原因。1. 根据 Thank you for inviting me to watch your baseball game. It's on December 13 故

44、选A2. 根据 I need to take a science class on December 做选 A3. 根据 After the class, I need to go to my grandparents' house. It is my grandma's 65th birthday that day. I think I will be at her party that afternoon故选 C4. 根据 it has great hamburgers知是餐馆,故选 D5. 根据 I need to take a science class on Dece

45、mber 13.It's from nine to eleven in the morning.故选 B点睛:短文阅读,做题时要结合文章的特点,题目涉及细节理解,词义猜测和 推理判断,做题时要在了解文章大意的基础上,结合题目针对不同的题型采用 不同的解答方式,比如细节理解题,我们要抓住里面的最有效的信息选择出正 确的答案,总之理解透文章是做好一篇阅读理解的关键。例如:小题 4根据it has great hamburgers知是餐馆,故选 D8. It's Saturday.Look at what these people are doing.CityWeatherActiv

46、ity(活动)New YorkAnn is shopping with her mother.She wants to buy a shirt for her father's birthday.ShanghaiYang Lin is talking with her friend on QQ.They want to go to the movies this afternoon.MoscowBruce is visiting the zoo.He likes animals very much.Look, he is feeding(W) the giraffes.Hawaii*T

47、om is listening to music and relaxing.He works in New York and he is usually very busy.Now he just wants to have a goodrest冲息).Shopping with her mother.Listening to music.wants to go to the movies wants to have a good restCloudy.D.Sunny.In Moscow.D.In Hawaii.Bruce.D.Tom.1. What's Ann doing now?A

48、. Talking with her friends.B.C. Visiting the zoo.D.2. Bruce.A. wants to buy a shirtB.C. likes animals very muchD.3. What's the weather like in Hawaii?A. Windy.B. Rainy.C.4. Where is Tom?A. In New York.B. In Shanghai.C.5. Who is talking with his/her friend on QQ?A. Ann.B. Yang Lin. C.【答案】1. B2. C

49、3. D4. D5. B【解析】【分析】短文介绍了 4个不同城市的天气情况以及4个不同的人在各地正在做的一些事1 .细节理解题。根据 Ann is shopping with her mother.可知,Ann正在和妈妈一 起购物,故答案为Bo2 , 细节理解题。根据 Bruce is visiting the zoo. He likes animals very much可知布 鲁斯喜欢动物,故答案为Co3 .细节理解题。根据最后一栏的图片可知答案,夏威夷的天气晴朗,故答案为Do4 .细节理解题。根据最后一栏可知Tom在夏威夷,故答案为D。5 .细节理解题。根据 Yang Lin is ta

50、lking with her friend on QQ.可知答案为 B。9 .根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项New Year's DayHello, I'm Cindy.I'm in China.It's very cold here.I'm making some cards for my family and friends.My parents are cooking in the kitchen.At night, we usually watch TV together.I'm Oliver.It

51、9;s sunny in Australia today.We will have a party in the evening.Now my parents and I are preparing 备)for the party.My mother is cooking.My father is out to buy some drinks.I'm cleaning the house.We are all busy but happy.I'm Tony from Canada.It's snowing and cold outside.But people are

52、happy and they cto visit their family and friends.I always go to visit my grandparents with my parents.1. What is Cindy doing?A. She is writing to her friends.C. She is making some cards.2. How's the weather in Australia?A. It's cold. B. It's sunny.3. Where is Tony from?A. China.B. Austr

53、alia.4. Tony always goes to see hisA. grandparentsB. teacher5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Cindy is an American girl.C. It's raining and cold in Canada.B. She is watching TVD. She is cleaning her room.C. It's rainy. D. It's snowy.C. The USA.D. Canada. with his parents on New Year&#

54、39;s Day.C. friendD. uncleB. Oliver is doing his homework.D. Oliver's father is not at home now.1. C2. B3. D4. A5. D【解析】 【分析】本文是新年那天辛迪,奥利弗和托尼三个人的自我介绍。1 .题意:辛蒂在干什么? A. She is writing to her friends.她正在给她的朋友写 信;B. She is watching TV 她在看电视;C. She is making some cards她正在做一 些卡片;D. She is cleaning her

55、 room她正在打扫房间。根据第一段 Cindy第3旬 I'm making some cards for my family and friends.(我为我的家人和朋友制作了一 些卡片。)可知辛蒂在做一些卡片;结合句意和语境可知选Co2 .题意:澳大利亚的天气怎样? A. It's cold.天气很冷;B. It's sunny.晴天;C. It's rainy.下雨了; D. It's snowy.下雪了。根据第 2 段 Olive 第 2 句 It's sunny in Australia today.可知澳大利亚的天气是晴天;结合句意和

56、语境可知选 B。3 .题意:托尼来自哪里? A. China.中国;B. Australia.澳大利亚;C. The USA. 美国;D. Canada.加拿大。根据第3段Tony第 1 句 I'm Tony from Canada可知 托尼来自加拿大;结合句意和语境可知选 Do4 .题意:托尼总是与他父母在元旦那天看望他的 。A. grandparents祖 父母;B. teache嗷师;C. friend朋友;D. uncle叔叔。根据第3段Tony第4句I always go to visit my grandparents with my parents可知 托尼总是与他父母在

57、元 且那天看望他的祖父母。”结合句意和语境可知选 Ao5 .题意:下列哪一项是正确的? A. Cindy is an American girl.辛迪是一个美国女 孩;B. Olive is doing his homework.奥利弗正在做他的家庭作业;C. It's rainingand cold in Canada 加拿大又冷又下雨;D. Olive's father is not at home now.奥利 弗的父亲现在不在家。根据第 2段Olive第6句My father is out to buy some drinks.(我父亲出去买饮料了。)可知 D是正确的。故选D。点睛:阅


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