外研版高一英语必修一示范课教案阅读教学设计 (2)_第1页
外研版高一英语必修一示范课教案阅读教学设计 (2)_第2页
外研版高一英语必修一示范课教案阅读教学设计 (2)_第3页




1、(外研版高一英语必修一示范课教案阅读教学设计)授课内容:Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(Reading)授课教师:方华瑛授课地点:高一(2)教室授课时间: 2012年 9月 18日上午10:20-11:05 一、 Contents本模块是通过旅游经历介绍风光,帮助学生学会关于交通工具和地貌等自然现象的词语,学会运用表示过去的用语作回忆、写游记、介绍风光。 二、 Teaching Goals1) Target Language: Pronunciation Stress1. Words: abandoned cassette circus colorful d

2、esert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply 2. Phrases: in the central part of, a long-distance train, dark red, until the 1920s, on the coast of, out of date, a dining car, comic books, for the first time, feel nervous, a speed of 3. Gramm

3、ar : -ed形式作形容词;表达过去时间的词语或词组 4. Function : 礼貌用语 5. Topic : 介绍旅游经历;介绍童年故事 2) Language skills: Listening : 听懂对事件的回忆、旅游介绍并获取信息 Speaking : 礼貌地进行Everyday English中的对话;运用过去时间回忆;运用含有-ed句子介绍风光 Reading : Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练 Writing : 用所学的词汇、词组、及含-ed的句子写介绍旅游情况的

4、文章和各种回忆 3) Learning Strategy: 学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知- 联系,归纳,推测,速读,略读,查读等技能 ,调控-从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改 ,交际-积极、有效同时礼貌地进行对话, 资源-积极有效阅读从网上及各种媒体所获取有关旅游及介绍各地风光的信息4)Cultural Awareness:了解我国现代化建设的最新成就;了解我国及各地不同的旅游文化 5) Emotion Attitude :热爱祖国河山;为祖国建设感动自豪;倡导文明礼貌 三、 Teaching difficulties and impor

5、tance:Teaching Important Points:1. 如何使用地道英语描述风光、事件或回忆 2. 正确理解并应用-ed形容词 3. 如何礼貌进行日常对话 Teaching Difficult Points: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历 四、 Teaching Methods:基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学”理论,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展促进自主性学习的课堂活动,强调合作探究与独立思考相结合,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task-Task-cycle-Post-task)。 五、Dealing w

6、ith teaching materials: Task:学生能利用照片、明信片、纪念品等向同伴介绍旅游情况。三个环节如下: Pre-task: 学生回忆往事,激活背景知识,重温情感体验 Task-cycle: 通过整个模块听说读写的训练,强化“描述风光或一件难忘的事”的表达及语篇能力,为完成任务做好铺垫 Post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况。 六、 Design Ss=students; T=teacher; group work; pair work; individual work;screen Period 2 Reading 、Contents and Aims1、

7、学习在澳大利亚乘火车旅游的文章 2、训练速读、略读和查读技能,通过中心句掌握全文中心,学会分析文章结构, 学会运用想象、联想、逻辑分析和英语思维的能力 3、学会如何描述乘火车旅游的情形 、Teaching ProceduresStep1: Lead-in (5m)1.Show the students some pictures of means of transportation.2. Ask them to discuss what they are and what is his/ her favorite.3. Ask them to give more examples of mea

8、ns of transport and recall his/her trip to a place.Step2: Pre- reading task Content Prediction(8m)1. According to the picture and the title, try to predict what we will be able to learn from the passage. (2m) 2. Task-cycle Reading(6m) Pre-reading Map reading Look at the map of the railways in Austra

9、lia, discuss which city you would like to travel and how to get there. Step3: While-reading (5m)Activity 1 First ( Fast ) reading Match: Find out what main idea each paragraph is about. ( my first ride on a long-distance train, the food, the passenger, the Ghan ) Step4: Careful reading (20m)A . Find

10、 main sentence in each paragraph. B . Main idea C. Guide Ss to find out the structure of the passage. Activity 2 Second ( Detailed ) reading Deal with 6 questions in (4) Activity 3 Third reading ( Reading Strategies Applying ) A. Find out appropriate information to fill in the form below: Part One (

11、1) Who When Where What Why How Part Two (2-3) Food Scenery First hundred kms After that Suddenly B. Put me in the right order and form a passage, adding in the time signals. Camels were trained to carry supplies back from the central part. Camels were shot because of the new railway line built by th

12、e government. They brought camels from Afghanistan. Australians needed a way to the central country. They tried riding horses, but failed. C. Word-guessing ( abandon, diamond, supplies) Step5:Post-task (6m)Activity 1 Retelling Retell the passage with the help of the form Activity 2 Discussion P24 Activity 3 Small debate “They should shot the camels” Recalling Recall what we learn tod


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