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1、最新在线作业试卷南开 15 秋学期大学英语(一)在线作业试卷一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。1. I couldn t understand why he pretended_ in the bookstore.A. to see me notB. not to see meC. not see meD. did not see me- 选择:B2. A 2 )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please.A. Are youB. Would youC. Can you- 选择:B3. In redesigning the assembly line

2、the engineer found it difficult to_ his inten ti on without adequate mon ey.A. carry outB. look intoC. set asideD. concen trate on- 选择:A4. This is where you work, Xiaoya n. That is your desk and this is ().A. my desks最新在线作业试卷B. mi neC. desk of me- 选择:B5. It is already twenty years_we_ to know Mr . W

3、hite inParis.A. aftergotB. afterhave gotC. si neegotD. since have got- 选择:C6. A:Why dont you go to an estate age nt, the n, youre talk ing face toface? B:Well,().A. I would likeB. Thats a shameC. I dont know- 选择:C7. A:So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park? B:Yes, I ( ) it.A. loveB. am lovingC. l

4、oves- 选择:A最新在线作业试卷8. Rose is in the garde n. She ( ) her after noon tea with her最新在线作业试卷boyfrie nd.A. is hav ingB. hasC. have- 选择:A9. I selected the most difficult job for myself because I find that themore a job challe nges me,_.A. the more better I like itB. I like it the more betterC. the best I

5、likeD. the better I like it- 选择:D10. She ( )work n ext Mon day.A. is starti ngB. startsC. started- 选择:A11. With such a variety of food for the dinner , I just did nwhich dish_.A. to beg inB. to beg in witht know最新在线作业试卷C. to begin with itD. to begin it for- 选择:12. The old lady was sta nding by the w

6、in dow_ sudde nly shecaught sight of a postma n riding along.A. whe nB. whileC. becauseD. so- 选择:13. Look in both directi ons to_you are safe before cross ing thestreet.A. en ableB. count outC. in spectD. make sure- 选择:14. You really work hard, but don you think life is too boringwithout any_?A. pas

7、timesB. adva ntagesC. distracti ons最新在线作业试卷D. complime nts最新在线作业试卷A. snow- 选择:15. I usually get up ( ) 7 oclock ( ) the morning.A. past, onB. at, inC. i n, in- 选择:16. On your busy schedule, remember to give a_ of your day torelaxati on.A. gappB. porti onC. pauseD. bunch- 选择:17. Before_ a promoti on,

8、 Sam had prese nted a report on howthe school should be run better .A. getB. gett ingC. hav ing gotD. he gett ing- 选择:18. It ofte n ( ) in win ter in the n orth of China.最新在线作业试卷A. haveB. is snowingC. snows- 选择:19. Home found himself _ an awkward situation when hebrought Mrs. Rosa San doval a bad te

9、legram.A. coming up withB. filled inC. i nv olved inD. bursti ng into- 选择:20. But 1() weight if I dont exercise.A. put upB. put onC. put with- 选择:21. James is ( ) Fren ch than Polly.A. a bit better atB. a bit more good atC. a bit good at- 选择:22. A:l prefer watchi ng TV . B:So ( ) I.最新在线作业试卷A. So am

10、IB. amC. do- 选择:23. When ( )for Lon do n?A. is she flyi ngB. she fliesC. she is going to fly- 选择:24. This is his book. Could you give it ( ) him?A. toB. withC. for- 选择:25. In the past few days we have_the importa nee of furtherresearch in this field.A. set asideB. pulled intoC. talked overD. carried

11、 out- 选择:26. A:I am from En gla nd. B:().最新在线作业试卷B. So do IC. So have I- 选择:27. The professor_ will be here tomorrow.A. is talked aboutB. talk ing aboutC. to be talked aboutD. being talked about- 选择:28. As the rain was getting heavier, the tourists_for the hotel where they were stayi ng.A. find outB

12、. come throughC. set offD. go over- 选择:29. Forced by his heartless son into sig ning the paperman could do no thi ng but tremble and_ .A. flutterB. splutterC. chatterD. clatterwere forced to,the poor old最新在线作业试卷A. skip- 选择:30. He is a good stude nt. He( )hard.A. workB. worksC. does works- 选择:31. The

13、 America ns and the British not only speak theIan guage but also_a large nu mber of social customs.A. produceB. shareC. provideD. copy- 选择:32. A 2 ), Polly? B:ld like a glass of wine, thank you.A. Do you wantB. What would you likeC. What you like- 选择:33. His children found it hard to_him from the si

14、mple way oflife in the coun tryside.B. dissuadesame最新在线作业试卷A. kept up withC. tighte nD. en dure- 选择:34. A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you dont ( )to take anymedici ne.A. shouldB. mustC. need- 选择:35. London is ( ) capital of Britain, and it is ( )_ great city, too.A. a, theB. the, /C. the, a

15、- 选择:36. Mr Green is now ( ) a holiday.A. inB. withC. on- 选择37. The farmers_ a mysterious object flying over when theymade their way home.最新在线作业试卷B. caught sight ofC. made use ofD. held themselves in- 选择:38. Joh n: Lin da, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Lin da, my newstude nt from Beiji ng. Ro

16、se: ( ). Lin da: Pleased to meet you, too.A. Hello, Li nda! How are you?B. Hello, Lin da! I am pleased to meet you.C. Good eve ning, Lin da.- 选择:39. I mon fused a bout your inten ti on and can _ decide onwhat to do.A. n ecessarilyB. un doubtedlyC. previouslyD. barely- 选择:40. rm a deputy manager . I

17、work ( )an IT company.A. forB. aboutC. of最新在线作业试卷- 选择:41. This book is an _ to discuss some interestingproblems.A. AdditionB. attemptC. activityD. assig nment- 选择:42. A: ( )? B:Y es, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.A. Do you have any familyB. Where are your father and motherC. Have you any

18、 family- 选择:43. Thank you for your gifts, but you_such expe nsive thi ngs.A. mustn t buyB. shouldn t buyC. mustn t have boughtD. shouldn t have bought- 选择:44. A: I have nt got a car . B:().A. Neither have IB. Neither do Isocial最新在线作业试卷- 选择:45. The workers usually ( ) work at 8:30.A. are start ingB. startC. starts- 选择:46. A strong wind was_ the broke n win dow.A. free fromB. resp on sible forC. ready forD. sure of- 选择:47. Having lived in Italy for thirty years, Vivian and her husbandmoved to make a_ home in New York.A. perma nentB. determ inedC


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