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1、20152016年第一学期期末水平测试试卷(C )七年级英语科题号听力部分笔试部分总分一等级四四五六七八得分听力部分七年级英语科第11页共9负得分评卷入二、听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分))6. How old is Alice's sister?A. Twelve.B. Eleven.)7. What color is John*s sweater?A. Black.B. Blue.C. Red.)8. Where is the tennis ball?A. Under the desk.B. On the desk.C. In the desk.)9. When ca

2、n they go to a movie (电影)?A. On Monday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.)lO.What will the girl buy finally (最后)?B. A skirt.三、听短文,C. A T-shirt.选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分))11. Who writes the letter(信)? A. Tom.B. Martin.C. Li Yong.)12. What class is Li Yong in?A. Class L Grade 7.B. Class 2, Grade 7.C. Class 3, Grade

3、7.)13. How many classes does Li Yong have a day?A. Four.B. Six.C. Seven.)14. What docs Li Yong often do at the weekend?A. He often reads English.B. He often plays soccer with his classmates.C. He often secs English movies.)15. What is Li Yong's favorite sport?B. Basketball.C. Tennis.Cool English

4、 ClubAn English 16 at 7 p.m.Sing songs, enjoy movies and make 17.A 30-minute English classAn English teacher Mike will come and 18 you with your English study.An English showWe have it on 19.The way to join (参加)usSend your 20 class and grade io our Email.Our e-mail address is : ECM 163,com.IX.19.16.

5、完成表格,短文听两遍。(5分)17.20.得分评卷人笔试部分一、将方框的词分类:1)把字母编号填在相应的类别中;2)根据读音写出相应的单词。(10分)A. ice-creamB.secondC. dearD. jacketE. ninthF. breadG. rightH.sockI. pearJ. carrotK. busyL. shorts/ fsweto /_/ tjlkln /fju : sfl/Clothes:Food; Adjective (形容词):A. an: aB. a;anC./; a)2.Excuse me, is thisiPad mini?No, it isn'

6、; at home.A. your; MineB. your; My)3. Ms Li teaches us English this term.You are a good teacher.A. HeB. SheC. yours. MineC. Her)4. This pair of shoesnice. Til take it.A. arc lookB. lookC. looksOrdinal number(序数词):/o 3:4得分评卷入二、单词辨音:找出划线部分不同读音的单词。(4分)(I. A. jacketB. haveC. JanuaryD. plane

7、()2. A. eveningB. sheC.sevenD. these(3. A. nineB. dinnerC. fiveD. nice(4. A. sonB. helloC. thoseD. clothes(5. A. funB. numberC. rulerD. must(6. A. headB. reallyC. breadD. healthy(7. A.knowB. howC. nowD. brown(8. A girlC.getD. orange得分评卷入三、在下面各题所给的A、R、r三个选项中,选出一个能填入句子空白处的最佳选项。(10分))1. Cindy iseleven.

8、 She isnice girl.)5. l im has someevery day. He thinks it is healthy food.)6.A. vegetablesare those shorts?B. saladfive dollars.C. ice-creamC. How much; I hosc arcA. How many; They are B. How much; They arc)7. Do you have a ping-pong ball?- Let's ask Jim for help.A. No, 1 don't.B. No, I am n

9、ot.C. Yes, 1 do)8. Richard is very happy because today is his birthday.A. twentyB. the twcniicihC. twentieth)0 My molher play porK. She only them on TV.A. isn'l; watchesB. doesn't watchesC. doesn't; watch)10.Let*s play computer games.1 don" like games.得分评卷人A. Thal sounds goodB. That

10、 sounds boring C. Thank you四、根据图意,在句子的空格上填入适当的单词或词组,使句 子完整、正确。(8分)1. Look, this is family. These are my parents and this is me.2. We study many at school, like Chinese, English and math.3. Teachers* Day is on the tenth.4. Jenny alwayswith her classmates on Saturdays.5. My favorite fruit is .6. This

11、room is not tidy. The clothes are .7.1 like reading booksafter school.得分评卷人8.1 play sports every day because 1 don't want to 五、通读短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。(10分)Many people like to shop online (网上购物)now. Why? Sometimes(有时候)wehave much time to go (o stores. !f< 如 果)we want to shop onlin

12、e, we only need a 2 and the lntcmet(M ). If we shop online, wc can go to many stores in a 工 lime, and we can得分评卷人things from all over the world(来 I I 全世界).£ can we find the right online stores? Let me论)about the things of the store. From these, we can know about the 8and the things we wantto bu

13、y Then, we can 9 our friends about some good online stores.10 _can help us.Do you like to shop online?()1. A. aren'tB. don'tC. doesn*t()2. A. TVB. radioC. computer()3. A. bigB. shortC. long()4. A. buyB. playC. cat()5. A. WhatB. WhereC. How()6. A. thankB. thinkC. help()7. A. seeB. look alC. m

14、eet at()8. A. storeB. schoolC. room()9. A. findB. askC. c-mail()10. A. SheB. HeC.They6 you. First, go to an online store with a good reputation(名誉).Next. 7 the reviews(评六、阅读下面的短文,并做短文后的题目(10分)BEST BEEF IN ZHA OQING!Lunch HoursMon -Fri. 11:00a.m. -2:30 p.m.I t07http:/ wwvk . Beef-one. com. WcChat No.

15、 : bcef-oncAddress (地址):68. Tianning Road. 223-8888Sat. & Sun. - 3:00 HoursSun. -Thurs. 5:30p.m. - 9:30 p.m.Fri.& Sat. 5:00p.m, -10:00 p.m.Addition localion(分店)AddresszXX Songcheng Road. 282-8899)1. Beef One is the name of aA. bookstoreB. restaurant (饭 J占)2. Beef One i

16、s in.A. ShenzhenB. GuangzhouC. middle school D. parkC. ZhongshanD. Zhaoqing)3. We can go to Beef One for lunch al.A. 10: 30 a. m. on MondayB. 3: 00 p.m. on FridayC. 11: 00 a. m. on SaturdayD. I: 30 p.m. on Sunday)4. Lucy lives in Songcheng Road, and she wants to go to Beet One. She can call .A. 223

17、8888 B. 283 3388C. 2228899 D. 2828899)5 We CAN'T get the infbrmalion(, .&)about Reef One A. on telephone B. on WcChatC. on TVD. on IntcmciHello, everyone! I am Zhang Xin. Do you know what I sec in America? Well, it is really an interesting trip. Now. let me tell you what 1 Hnd in this trip.I

18、n China, 1 hac five English classes every week. When I study English, my teacher teaches me tosay “1 am fine* when people ask me “How are you?* But in the US., I find people say 力 am good," or力 m not so good/'One day. someone says to me with "What's up?* Bui 1 don't know what t

19、o say.All the girls want to be nice. US girls like to get at a tan in the sun. But in China, girls only want to get white.In China, study comes first, so we study hard and that's it. But in the US. a “good” student also does much for others (别人),and they play sports or music after school.After 1

20、 come back from the US. I think for a long time. I can*! forget (己)this trip!()6. Zhang Xin has fiveevery week.A. Chinese classes B. P. E. classesC. English classes D. music classes()7. What does the underlined ( 划线)word “lan” mean in Chinese?A.晒黑 B.美白 C.苗条 A good American student .A. only

21、does homeworkB. only plays sports or musicC. only studiesD. also helps others, play sports and music)9. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Zhang Xin is now in China.B. American girls love to be white.C. US students are talented (多才的).D. Chinese students hac to do homework.)10. Which is the best t

22、itle(标题)?A. My Trip in (he USB. My Study in the USC. My American FriendsD. My Question about English七、综合填空根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每词限用一次。(8分)twelve, hour, 1, on, buy, party.loveJack is my classmate. His birthday is November 6th. And he will have his 2birthday next week. His parents wil

23、l have a big 3tor him. Jack asksto cometo his party. I need to think about the gift (礼物).What can I buy for him? Jack5sports.And soccer is his favorite. He plays soccer for two 6 every day. Ue says he warns to 7a soccer star. 1 think 1 can Xa soccer ball tor him. He must be happy to get it..7

24、.A.把卜面的短语译成英语。(6分)8.1 . 一串明匙2 .无疑,肯定3 .饮食习惯4 .过得愉快B.根据图意,并用上所给的提示词写对话。(8分)5 . who, treeA:假设你是陈磊,在一个网站上看到外国学生Nick征集富友(penpal)的倡息,你想做他的 室友,请写一封电子邮件,介绍力己的情况(年龄、爱好、学习、家庭情况等3字数在50个 词左右。邮件的格式与开头己给出,不计入总词数C收件人:N ick 1999G 主出Can we be pen pals?Dear Nick,I'm Chento know aboutLei. I'm from Guangdong,

25、China. 1 know you want a new pen pal. 1 would like you nc first.Yours,Chen Lei2015-2016学年度笫一学期英语期末测试七年级英语试题(C)答案:听力15 BCABA610CBACB1115 CABCA16. party 17. friends 18. help19.Wednesday20. name笔试 一、单词配对Clothes: DHL sweater Food: AEJ1 chicken Adjective: CGK useful Ordinal number: BE third 二、辨音 15DCBAC 68 BAD三、选择填空 15 CABCB610 BACBB四、看图填单词1. a pholo/picturc of my2. subjects 3. September 4. plays volleyball5 .straw berries五、完型填空6.evcry where7. in the library / reading room8. be fat15. BCBAC610. CBABC六、阅读理解15 BDBDC七、综合填空1. on 2. twelfth 八、书面


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