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1、不规则动词过去式和过去分词巧记方法 一、原形、过去式和过去分词的词形和读音都相同的单词,结尾字母一般是t或d。如: cut-cut-cut, hit-hit-hit, put-put-put, cost-cost-cost, let-let-let, shut-shut-shut, set-set-set, hurt-hurt-hurt, spread-spread-spread 特殊:动词read的过去式和过去分词虽然词形与原形一致,read-read-read,但发音分别是ri:d-red-red。 二、有些动词的过去分词与原形是一样的。如: come-came-come, become-

2、became-become, run-ran-run, overcome-overcame-overcome 三、有些动词的过去式和过去分词相同。如: 1. 把单词结尾的字母d改为t。如: lend-lent-lent, spend-spent-spent, send-sent-sent 2. 改变单词中间元音字母。如: sit-sat-sat, win-won-won, shine-shone-shone, hold-held-held 3. 以eep结尾的动词,把eep改为ept。如: keep-kept-kept, sleep-slept-slept, sweep-swept-swept

3、 4. 过去式和过去分词都以augh或ough结尾的动词。如: buy-bought-bought, fight-fought-fought, think-thought-thought, bring-brought-brought, teach-taught-taught, catch-caught-caught 5. 有的以ay结尾的动词,在过去式和过去分词中把ay变成aid。如: say-said-said, lay-laid-laid, pay-paid-paid 6. 另有一些其它形式的变化。如: have-had-had, learn-learnt-learnt, leave-le

4、ft-left, lose-lost-lost, make-made-made, meet-met-met, feel-felt-felt 四、有些动词原形中含有字母i,在过去式中变i为a,在过去分词中变i为u。如: begin-began-begun, sing-sang-sung 五、以字母ow或aw结尾的动词,在变成过去式时,通常把元音字母变成e,在变成过去分词时,通常只在词尾加n。如: blow-blew-blown, draw-drew-drawn, grow-grew-grown, throw-threw-thrown, know-knew-known 六、有些动词的过去分词是在原

5、形词尾加n或en,变成以en结尾的单词。如: rise-rose-risen, arise-arose-arise,give-gave-given, take-took-taken, fall-fell-fallen, drive-drove-driven, eat-ate -eaten 特殊: write-wrote-written, speak-spoke-spoken, ride-rode-ridden, get-got-gotten (1)AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费)cost cost cut(割) cutcut hit(打)hit- hit hurt

6、伤害)hurt - hurt let(让) let- let put(放)put- put read (读) read- read spread (伸展/ 传播) spread - spread (2) AAB型(动词原形与过去式同形) beat(打败) beat- beaten (3) ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形) become(变成)became- become come(来) came- come run(跑) ran- run (4) ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形) dig(挖) dug- dug get(得到) got- got hang(吊死) hanged- hanged

7、 hang(悬挂) hung - hung hold(抓住) held- held lay (产卵) laid- laid shine(照耀) shone - shone sit(坐) sat- sat win (赢) won- won meet(遇见) metmet keep (保持) kept - kept sleep(睡) slept- slept sweep(扫) swept- swept feel(感觉) felt felt flee (逃跑) fled- fled smell(闻) smelt smelt leave(离开) left - left build(建设) built-

8、 built lend(借出) lent- lent send (传送) sent- sent spend(花费) spent - spent sink (沉下)sunk /sank - snuk /sunken lose (丢失) lost l- ost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt learn(学习) learnt- learnt mean(意思是)meant- meant catch(抓住) caught - caught teach(教) taught- taught bring(带来) brought - brought fight (战斗) fought - foug

9、ht buy(买) bought bought think(想) thought- thought hear (听见) heard- heard sell(卖) soldsold tell(告诉) told- told say(说) saidsaid find(找到) foundfound feed ( 饲养 )fed- fed have/has(有) had had make(制造) made- made stand(站) stood - stood smell (闻)smelled /smelt - smelled /smelt stick (粘贴 /刺) stuck - stuck sp

10、ell (拼写)spelt/spelled - spelt/spelled spit (吐唾沫)spat - spat understand(明白)understood - understood (5) ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形) begin(开始)began begun drink(喝) drank drunk hide (躲藏)hid hidden ring(铃响) rang rung sing (唱) sang sung swim(游泳) swam swum blow(吹) blew blown draw (画) drew drawn fly(飞) flew flo

11、wn grow(生长) grew grown know(知道) knew known throw(投掷)threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破)broke broken choose(选择)chose chosen forget(忘记)forgot forgotten (forgot) freeze (结冰 凝固)froze frozen speak(说) spoke spoken wake(醒) woke woke drive(驾驶)drove driven eat(吃) ate eaten fall(落下) fell fallen give(

12、给) gave given rise(升高) rose risen take(取) took taken mistake(弄错)mistook mistaken ride(骑) rode ridden write(写) wrote written do(做) did done go(去) went gone lie(平躺) lay lain see(看见) saw seen wear (穿) wore worn be ( am, is, are )(是)was, were(6)只有过去式,无过去分词can-could will-would shall-should may-might must

13、-might 现在分词双写最后辅音字母Putting unning sitting shopping winning beginning swimming forgetting getting writing1.       动词主要的时态(找时间或关键词来判断)2.       名词有可不可数的问题,及可数中有单复数,数量的表达法。3.       人称代词有五种格式:主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,

14、反身代词,4.       形容词和副词有等级,原级,比较级,最高级5.       动词有1.行为动词,2.助动词(dont ,doesnt,do , does)3.系动词(be , look , feel , seem, turn, .)4.情态动词6.       指示代词有四个,this these  thatthose*双宾:1.带to : bring, teach ,send win ,repo

15、rt, take ,throw, wish ,give, hand , pass, lend , return, show,take ,tell , ask ,write, advise,  2.带for的:build choose cut order  sing cook find keep leave , pay , buy, do, get, make , hold ,*read it for me 替我读  read it to me,读给我听  write 也有这个用法。7.宾主补足语:see, hear, watch, make , keep

16、 +宾语+形/V.ing/过去分词/动词原型8.like, have ,know,love, want,be, hate, hope, wish, (study,work)表状态,没有进行时,而study, work, live , enjoy可用现在进行时或一般现在时来表示现在情况。9.花费:1.it take +人+时/钱+to do sth.2. spend +钱/时+(in)doing sth/on sth.3.物cost sh. 钱/时 +to do sth. 4 pay 钱 for 物half a /an=a halfe.g. a half year/hour: half

17、 a year/hour  two and a half hours= two hours and a half   half of the twelve is six.   Half of the apples are bad.     later today 今天过会儿     late Mar. 三月底=at the end of Mar.     he  will stay here for an hour or tw

18、o.     He will stay here for one hour and a half.     Our team played       (against /with) Class Threes.     There        (be)a meeting here tomorrow.    

19、 There (be)a shop here for ten years/since 1999.     宾语从句的谓语:know, be afraid(sure)/say/ think/hope/主现从任意,主过从亦过。从真理为现,从记陈述序。     动名词词组,不定式,距离,长度, 时间的数量为单数。含有介词的词组单复数看介词的前面。如:Doing morning exercises is good for our health.Two months is too long.The man in white

20、pants is Jack.Each of us has a bike.Two of us  are from England.     句型转换不外这几种情况:肯定, 否定,反意句, 同义句,一般问句及答, 用从句连接句子,形、副词比较或高级形式的句子组合,问划线,there be 单复数转化,时状改变而变句子这些吧。     填空注意考虑:1.固定用法2.找时间或特征词对应时态(现完,过进,现进,一般现在时(第三人称单数)/原形, 一般过去时, 一般将来时,*be+V.ing/PP. 或have+PP

21、.)3.是否被动关系。如:have you ever         (been to/visited) Westh Hill.when ,after, before, notuntil, as soon as, 主将从则现(主句一般现在时时)如: I will go back home when he comes.     He wont go home until he finishes his homework.     As s

22、oon as he comes back ,Ill tell him the message.     be the best way/time to do sth.     Be the best at doing sth.     Be the best in sth( English /Chinese )     Do well in /do bad in     go /come /get

23、  back :return     瞬间性动词在现在完成时怎样变成持续性的(在for+时间和how longr句型中)Buy-have borrow-keep leave-be awayGet to/arrive /come-be here/inGo-be there/in  join-be/in  become-be/in die-be dead瞬间性ago 转化持续性 how long./for+时间It is +时段+since瞬间性ago=瞬间性for+时间如: He left a moment ago=It is

24、 a month since he left.=He has been away for a month. get on with   +物.表示进展得怎么样     +人(well)与关系怎样 The book is easy enough for us to read  The book we read easily enough.Be used for 被用作Be kept for 被饲养.如:sheep are kept for producing wool and meat.  

25、60;  twenty more trees 再/还有20颗树     neither nor反义句either or     either(否)/too(肯)也     neither/so 倒装  also be前动后 as well  在句末。如:neither he nor I am a student. The ruler shouldnt be too long or too short .= the ruler shoul

26、d be neither too long nor too short.1.     is the book written by Jim interesting?2.     whats your given name?3.     A boy named/called Jim is my brotherI dont know   how to do it.    what to do.   

27、what you will do with the cake.     when your homework is done (do), you may go out.     Its形容词(important/impossible/useful /bad /good/)(for sb.)  +to do sth.     On a day/evening/morning /afternoon 或on the night ofe.g.: on a cloudy da

28、y, we went hiking.     On a warm morning,on a spring afternoon, on the evening of Oct.10. No one is taller than he in his class. =He is the boy in his class.=He is       than any other boy in his class.     bill十亿100,000,000 

29、    million 百万 1,000,000     thousand千1000 hundred 100     congratulations to him on the relay race.初中英语反义词全表above 在上 below 在下 after 在后 before 在前 all 全部 none 全无 alone 单独地 together 一起 always 总是 sometimes 有时 answer 回答 ask 询问 answer 答案 question 问题

30、back 背部 front 前面 bad 坏的 good 好的 badly 恶劣地 well 很好地 begin 开始 end, finish 结束 best 最好的 worst 最坏的 better 更好的 worse 更坏的 big 大的 small, little 小的 black 黑的 white 白的 borrow 借入 lend 借给 both 两者都 neither 两者都不 break 打破 mend, repair 修理 busy 忙碌的 free 空闲的 buy 买(入) sell 卖(出) certainly 当然地 perhaps, maybe 或许;大概 cheap

31、便宜的 expensive, dear 昂贵的 clean 干净的 dirty 肮脏的 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 cloudy 天阴的 bright, clear, sunny 晴朗的 cold 寒冷的 hot 炎热的 come 来 go 去 cool 凉爽的 warm 温暖的 danger 危险 safety 安全 dark 黑暗的 bright, light 明亮的 day 白天 night 夜晚 dead 死的 alive, living 活的 death 死亡 life 生命 die 死去 live 活着 down 向下 up 向上 dry 干燥的 wet 潮湿的

32、early 早的 late 迟的 easy 容易的 difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的 empty 倒空 fill 装满 empth 空的 full 满的 entrance 入口 exit 出口 fall 落下 rise 升起 far 远的 near 近的 fine 晴朗的 cloudy, rainy 天阴的;下雨的 finish 结束 begin, start 开始 first 最初的 last 最后的 foreign 外国的 home 本国的 forget 忘记 remember 记得 from 从 to 到 give 给予 take 拿走 glad 愉快的 sad, sorr

33、y 悲伤的;难过的 good 好的 bad, ill, poor 坏的;恶劣的 great 伟大的 little, small 渺小的 happy 高兴的 unhappy, sad 难过的 hard 艰难的 easy 容易的 hard 硬的 soft 软的 hate 憎恨 love, like 热爱;喜欢 here 在这里 there 在那里 high 高的 low 低的 hold 拿住 drop 掉落 holiday 假日 weekday 工作日;平时 ill 生病的 healthy, well 健康的 in 在里面 out 在外面 inside 在里面 outside 在外面 into 到

34、里面 out of 从里向外 kill 杀死 save 救活laugh 笑 cry 哭 leave 离开 arrive 到达 leave 离开 stay 逗留 light 明亮的 dark 黑暗的 light 轻的 heavy 重的 like 喜欢 hate 憎恨 like 与一样 unlike 与不一样 lose 丢失 find 找到 lose 失败;丢失 win 胜利;赢得 many 许多 few 很少 miss 未抓住;未赶上 catch 抓住;赶上 miss 未击中 hit 击中 more 更多的 less, fewer 更少的 most 最多的 least, fewest 最少的 m

35、ove 移动 stop 停止 much 许多 little 很少 never 从未 ever 曾经 next 下一个 last 上一个 nobody 无一人 everybody 每个人 nothing 什么也没有 everything 一切 now 现在 then 当时 old 旧的 new 新的  old 年老的 young 年轻的on 连续;使用中 off 离开;中断 open 打开(的) close(d) 关闭(的) over 在上 under 在下 pain 痛苦 pleasure 快乐 pass 通过;及格 fail 未通过;不及格 poor 贫穷的 rich 富裕的 pu

36、ll 拉 push 推 quiet 寂静的 noisy 嘈杂的 rainy 下雨的 dry 干旱的 right 右边(的) left 左边(的) right 正确的 wrong 错误的 sad 悲伤的 glad, happy 快乐的 safe 安全的 dangerous 危险的 same 相同的 different 不同的 short 短的 long 长的 short (个子)矮的 tall (个子)高的 sleep 睡觉 wake 醒来 slow(ly) 满的(地) quick(ly), fast 快的(地) small 小的 big, large, great 大的 start 开始 en

37、d, finish 结束;停止 start 出发 reach 到达  strong 强壮的 weak 虚弱的take 拿走;夺取 bring 带来 take 拿取 give 给予 teach 教(课) learn 学习 these 这些 those 那些 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 thin 薄的 thick 厚的 this 这个 that 那个 town 城镇 country 乡下 true 真实的 untrue 不真实的;假的 usual 通常的;平常的 unusual 不寻常的 whole 全体;全部 part 部分 wide 宽的 narrow 窄的 with 带有的 wi

38、thout 不带的 work 工作 play, rest 玩;休息 yes 是的 no 不是的词分类1. 交通工具 (air)plane, boat, ship, train, subway, car, taxi, bicycle, bus, jeep, 2. 学习用品 eraser, ruler, notebook, knife, pencil sharpener, pencil case, pen, dictionary, pencil-box, pencil-case, paper, 3. 餐具 scoop, spoon, oven, plate, chopsticks, dish, b

39、owl, fork, knife, glass4. 日常生活用品 umbrella, wallet, purse, calendar, toothbrush ,towel, napkin, paper, alarm clock5. 电器 computer, blender, microwave oven, telephone, radio, video, TV set, light bulb, fan, battery-operated ., fridge6. 饮料 iced tea, lemonade(柠檬水), juice, orange, coffee, cola, beer, wine

40、, milk, soda, drinking water, yogurt, smoothie, boiled water7. 水果 apple, pear, orange, lemon, olive, banana, watermelon, strawberry, cherry(樱桃), nut(坚果)8. 服装 slipper, sneaker, sock, shorts, pants, jeans, trousers, hat, cap, scarf, dress, T-shirt, shirt, skirt, gloves, costume, shoes, suit, sweater9.

41、 食物 sandwich, bread, hamburger, hot dog, cheese, pizza, French chips, pancake, cookie, ice cream, candy, gum, noodle, porridge, dumpling, spaghetti, pepperoni, salad, pie, chocolate10. 味觉 delicious, tasteless, sour, sweet, salty, crispy11. 颜色 gray, purple, pink, orange, green, yellow, black, white,

42、red, brown, blue12. 人体部位 face, head, finger, elbow, leg, hand, foot, arm, neck, lap ear, eye, mouth, nose, tooth, hair, throat, stomach, heart 13. 疾病名称 headache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat, cough, fever, cold, cancer, (the) flu14. 蔬菜 tomato, potato , cabbage, onion, mushroom, lettuce, green

43、 pepper, broccoli, lettuce(莴苣) 15. 动物 panda, giraffe, lion, dog, fox, snake, elephant, Koala bear, penguin, dolphin, mouse, manatee, cheetah, seal, chimpanzee, kangaroo(s), bee, cat, bird, duck, chicken, turkey, sheep, horse, spider, hamster, parrot, turtle, ant, gold-fish, octopus, monkey, giraffe,

44、 shark16. 装饰品 key ring, ring, sunglasses, earring, belt, scarf, gloves, hair clip, tie, towel 17. 性格 wild, calm, easygoing, outgoing, friendly, shy, nervous, serious, angry, popular, unfriendly, smart, quiet, kind-hearted, talented, outstanding, rude, kind, moody, lazy, polite, impolite, modest, bra

45、ve, energetic, confident, knowledgeable, honest, lively18. 外貌 thin, fat, strong, heavy ,tall, short, bald19. 职业 astronaut, pilot, engineer, nurse, doctor, teacher, student, waiter, waitress, actor, reporter, scientist, soldier, psychologist, optometrist, photographer, vet(rinarian), running star, cl

46、erk, artist, musician, officer, cook, coach, dentist, player, visitor, violinist, computer programmer, pilot, worker, astronaut, tutor, barber, volunteer, author, farmer, singer, guide, lawyer20. 地点 theatre, cinema, restaurant, hospital, drugstore, supermarket, church, school, bank, furniture store,

47、 hotel, restaurant, house, space station, market, room, bedroom, dinning room 21. 气候humid, sunny, fine, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, cold, hot, warm, cool, dry22. 学习科目math, physics, English, Chinese, geography, art, music, chemistry, history, P.E, biology 23. 季节 spring, summer, autumn, winter24. 月份

48、January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December25. 乐器 trumpet, drum, violin, piano, accordion, guitar, Erhu26. 家具 sofa, chair, bench, table, desk, bookcase, bookshelf, bed, dressing table(dresser), drawer, cupboard27. 肉类 mutton(羊肉), meat, pork(猪肉), be

49、ef, chicken, duck, fish, turkey, duck28. 行为 swim, dance, sing, jump, climb, draw.29. 其他 soup, sugar, salt, vinegar30. 星期 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday31. 评价 good, nice, fantastic, cool, successful, awful, terrible, hard-working, disappointing, excellent, frustrating,

50、 wonderful交通工具类: bus,  car,  boat,  ship,  taxi,  plane,  train,  streamer,  jeep,  motorcar,  bicycle,  run car,  airplane,   国家类:China,  America,  Egypt,  Brazil,  South Korea, North Korea,  Poland, 

51、; New Zealand,  Japan,  France,  England,  Canada,  Australia,  Argentina,  Holland,  Vietnam,  India,  Italy,  Greece,  Mexico,  Russia,  Sweden,  Norway,  Spain,  German,  Switzerland,  Thailand,  G

52、reece,  South Africa,     身体部位:head,  foot,  leg,  tooth,  hand,  ear,  eye,  nose,  mouth,  face,  arm,  back,  neck,  stomach,  throat,  heart,  knee,  finger,  toe,  body, 

53、 hair,  beard,  elbow,  服饰类:scarf,  belt,  sneakers,  wallet,  earring,  hat,  jeans,  watch,  straw hat,  ring,  skate shoes,  backpack,  tie,  bag,  pants,  socks,  dress,  coat,  shirt, 

54、T-shirt,  skirt,  shorts,  sweater,  shoes,  uniform,  jacket,  earring,  hair clip,    场所类:club,  restaurant,  store,  supermarket,  museum,  school,  library,  hotel,  auditorium,  pool,  post

55、office,  bank,  park,  zoo,  market,  garden,  hospital,  TV Station,  Police station,  beach,  cinema,  church,  factory,  farm,  shop,  theater,  aquarium,  college,  dining room,  barber shop, gymnasium

56、,  gallery, drugstore, laboratory, mall, plaza, store, video arcade,   颜色类: red,  black,  green,  white,  yellow,  orange,  brown,  grey,  pink, blond,  blue,  purple, 学习用品类:pen,  pencil,  ruler,  eraser,  pape

57、r,  pencil-box,  ink,  notebook,  dictionary,  sharpener,  schoolbag,  backpack, textbook, flashcard,  动物类:sheep, horse, monkey, dolphin, panda, tiger, fox, snake, rabbit, lion, shark, goat, dog, cock, hen, chicken, duck, elephant, camel, bird, wolf, polar bea

58、r, giraffe, koala,  penguin, camel, seal, rabbit, octopus, kangaroo, parrot, turtle, ant, mouse, spider, hamster, manatee, goldfish, chimpanzee, cheetah,  时 间 : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,spring,  summer,  autu

59、mn,  winterSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayMorning, afternoon, noon, evening, night, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, Century 职 业:doctor,  nurse,  vet,  policeman,  policewoman,  engineer,  worker, farmer,  repor

60、ter,  teacher,  inventor,  scientist,  driver,  headmaster,  player, singer,  dancer,  actor,  actress,  guide,  waiter,  waitress,  assistant, boss,  businessman,  psychologist,  author,  writer,  photographer

61、,  musician,  guide,  violinist,  pianist,  coach,  clerk,   sales assistant,  cook,  dentist,  director,  optometrist,  translator,  vegetarian,  sportspeople,  head teacher,  master,  pilot,  chef, 

62、 fisherman,  lawyer,  sailor,  tutor,  collector,   球 类: basketball,  volleyball,  football,  soccer,   ping-pong,  tennis,  baseball, badminton,  ice hockey,   golf,    蔬菜类:carrot, tomato, cabbage, onion,

63、 potato, green pepper, mushroom, broccoli, pumpkin, lettuce,  水果类:apple, orange, banana, pear, peach, pumpkin, melon, grape, lemon,  watermelon, strawberry, lychee, papaya, mango, olive, plum, peach, loquat, apricot, cherry,   食物类:beef, noodle, dumpling, rice, chip, bread, sandwich, wheat, egg, Salad, hamburger, French fries, , porridge, cheese, hot dog, biscuit, green pepper, pancake, chip, fish,


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