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1、ocusing onwaysand meansof improving and upgra ding w ork,further devel opmentof "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestorageworkmust

2、be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village,theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown onbot hsides mustbeto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstruction ofold p

3、lant, expandcreate, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to strictlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measures tothefront,a

4、nd earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrictnew unauthori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas land, housing andbasic stations(stations)and the Tow nshi p ofgrid accountabilityme chanisms must be strictly in accordance wit h the new regulat ory requirements, effective implementation oftheareaofrespo

5、nsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoensure that thenew"zero tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oceans andfisheries, tourism coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenforce theillegalconstr ucti on ofdisposal ofre

6、levantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly inelectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While moreregulation toprevent personalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconst

7、r uction in theMinistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate additionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives.Accordingto buil ding la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertain i ncentives.(C) integrate dim

8、plementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uctionand demolition waste,demolishedwithcombi ne d efforts to improvethescie ntificlevelofthree to split;second,we m

9、ustpayattentionto "three tosplit" and"five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides", t heshackDi stricttransformation,a nd da ngerous ol droom transformationand "tworoadsides", se riesworkorganic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal on

10、g demolition work, andmanpowera dvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demoliti on work,to improve d masseshousi ng conditionsand live environment;thr ee to put "three modifieda split" as traditional low,a ndsmall ,and bulk industrystructuretransformation upgradeof importantinitiatives t

11、o caug ht,speedup a dvance industryPark,effectivoptimization park e nvironme nt第七节 景观工程施工方法本工程景观工程主要有:地下车库阳光棚制作安装,铁艺大门及立柱、景墙花架等。一、土方开挖1 、 做好施工准备,进行测量放样。根据土质和开挖深度等情况,按施工方案的要求进行施工。开挖时不得扰动槽底土壤,如发现超挖,严禁用土回填。要做好沟槽排水工作,槽底不得受水浸泡。2 、挖槽过程中,使用反铲挖掘机,挖槽时有专人负责。挖槽时在达到设计标高以上200mm 时,停止机械挖土,在槽底转干爽后,采用人工清理槽底,保证槽底标高正确

12、,平整,槽底土壤不受扰动。3 、基槽开挖好后,应及时组织验收,验收合格后及时进行下道工序施工,尽可能的减少晾槽时间,施工时要及时掌握天气变化,做好下雨前的准备工作。4、开挖出的土方要按照施工方案的要求堆放,不得堆于沟槽边上,以免引起地面堆载超荷引起土方位移、塌方等。5 、开挖尺寸不足:基坑(槽)或管沟底部的开挖宽度,除结构宽度外根据施工需要增加工作面宽度。6 、基坑(槽)或管沟边坡不直不平,基底不平:应加强检查,随挖随修,并要认真验收。二、钢筋的制作与安装A、基础钢筋1基础底板为双层钢筋,绑完下层钢筋后,摆放钢筋马镣或钢ocusing onways and means of improving

13、 a nd upgra ding w ork,further development of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, onedocument" surveyand filestorageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Ma

14、i n corridorleadi ng tothetown ( roa d,river)village,theCe ntralbuilt-upareaofthetow n on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction ofold plant, expand create, u pgradi

15、ng creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to strictlymanagecount asunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectiv

16、ely.Astrict new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basi cstations(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be strictly in a ccordance wit h the new regulatory requirem ents, effective implementation oftheareaofresponsibilityof thenewi

17、nspections,suppression,demolition workt o e nsure that thenew"zero tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans andfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr uction ofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi

18、onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityandwatersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalprivacyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in t

19、heMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreat e a dditionaloffencereporting system ofince ntives.According to buil ding la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedividedreportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertainincentives.(C)integratedimplementati on

20、", building demolition,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demolished,combi nation ofconstr uctionand demolition waste ,demolishedwith combine d efforts to improvet hescientificlevelofthr ee to split; second,we mustpayattent

21、i onto "thre e tosplit" and"five hundred"a nd"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides",theshackDi stricttransformation,andda ngerous ol droom transformationand "tworoadsi des", serieswork organic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition

22、 w ork, andmanpowera dvance village in the,and ol dresi dentialdemoliti on work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;thr ee to put "three m odifieda split" as tra ditional low ,andsmall ,and bulk in dustrystructure tra nsformation upgradeof importantinitiativesto cau

23、g ht,speed up a dvance industryPark,effectivoptimization park e nvironme nt筋支架(间距以1.5 米左右一个为宜),在马镫上摆放纵横两个方向定位钢筋,钢筋上下次序及绑扣方法同底板下层钢筋。国冈筋绑扎时,靠近外围两行的相交点都绑扎,中间部分的相交点可相隔交错绑扎。如采用一面顺扣应交错变换方向,也可采用八字扣,但必须保证钢筋不位移。31S放底板混凝土保护层用砂浆垫块,垫块厚度等于保护层厚度,按每 1 米左右距离梅花型摆放。B、柱钢筋安装灯柱钢筋骨架:按图纸要求、间距, 计算好每根柱箍筋数量,先将箍筋套在下层伸出的搭接筋上,然

24、后立柱子钢筋,在搭接长度内,绑扣不少于3 个,绑扣要向柱中心。搭接倍数不低于35d, 对好标高线。骨架调整后,可以绑根部加密区箍筋。钢筋的绑扎、缺扣、松扣的数量不超过绑口数的10% ,且不应集中。弯钩朝向正确,绑扎接头, 按规定取试件,其机械性能试验结果必须符合钢筋焊接及验收规范的规定。三、模板安装1 、模板严格按施工图纸及建筑物结构外形尺寸设计制作。2、模板支立保证支撑牢靠,架立稳定,具有足够的刚度、强度、能承受混凝土浇筑的各项荷载。3、模板支立前,先由测量人员按照施工图纸放出建筑的结构边线、轴线、高程控制点,并做明显标记,施工人员严格按测量放点支立模板,模板支立偏差应满足模板制作允许偏差规

25、定。模板支立完,ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestor

26、ageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, the Ce ntralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,recon

27、str uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management

28、measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirements, effectiveim

29、plementationoftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that the new"zer o tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the i

30、llegalconstr uction ofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, ef fectivefulfilmentofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolat

31、i ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencerep orting sy stem ofince ntives.According to building la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effectiveafterthe rem

32、ovalofcertain i ncentives.(C) integrate dimplementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uct iona nd demolition waste,demolishedwithcombine d efforts to improvet h

33、escie ntificlevelofthr ee to split; second,we mustpayattentionto "thre e tosplit" and"five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides", t heshackDi stricttran sformation,a nd dangerous ol droom transformationand "tworoadsi des", serieswor

34、k organic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition w ork, andmanpowera dvance village in the,and ol dresi dential demoliti on work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;thr ee to put "three m odifieda split" as tra ditional low ,andsmall ,and bulk industrys

35、tructuretransformation upgradeof important initiatives to caug ht,speed up a dvance industryPark,effectivoptimization park e nvironme nt由质检及测量人员检查验收合格后,方可进行下道工序施工。4、模板每次使用完,清洗干净、修整,并刷脱模剂。5 、模板拆除时间按施工图纸及规范规定执行。6 、模板必须支撑牢固、稳定、不得有松动、跑模、超标准下沉等现象。7 、模板拼缝应平整严密,不得漏浆,模内表面应清理干净,拼缝处内贴止水胶带,防止漏浆。8 、模板安装前,必须经过正确

36、放样,检查无误后才能立模安装。四、混凝土浇筑质量控制1 、对模板的质量、数量、位置逐一检查,并作好记录。2 、与混凝土直接接触的模板清除淤泥和杂物,用水湿润。模板中的缝隙应堵严。3 、根据工程需要准备防暑物品。4、混凝土应连续浇筑,应尽量一次完成,须间歇时,应尽量缩短间歇时间并在前层混凝土凝结之前,将次层混凝土浇筑完成。5 、采用振捣器捣实混凝土时,应严格控制振捣时间、振捣点间距和插入深度,避免各浇筑带交接处的漏振。提高混凝土与钢筋的握裹力, 增大密实度,应将混凝土捣实到表面呈现现浮浆和不再沉落为止。6 、表面及泌水处理:浇筑成型后的混凝土表面水泥砂浆较厚,应安设计标高用刮尺刮平,赶走表面泌水

37、,初凝前,反复碾压,用木抹子搓压表面2-3 遍,以逼和收水裂缝。ocusing onways and meansof improving and upgrading w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document&quo

38、t; surveyand filestorageworkmustbe unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothetown ( road,river)village,theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown onbot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,ol

39、d house s,reconstruction ofold plant, expandcreate, u pgrading creates files,the real"no unauthorised village"createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanagecount asunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlworktomovethe centerofgravity, man

40、agement measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori sed network responsi bility.Sect orssuchas land, housing and basi cstations(stations)and the Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilitymechanisms must be strictly in a ccordance with the new regulat ory requirements, effective

41、 implementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition workt o e nsure that thenew"zero tolerance". Second,public security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oceans andfisheries, tourism coll aborati on,market supervisionde partments should strictlyenforce the ille

42、galconstr uction ofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulations, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units maynot be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation toprevent personalpriva cyviolati ons.

43、 Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereporting system ofincentives.According to buil ding la wandcovers an areaofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcert

44、ain i ncentives.(C) integrate dimplementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uctiona nd demolition waste,demolishedwithcombine d efforts to improvethescie ntific

45、levelofthree to split;second,we mustpayattentionto "thre e tosplit" and"five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides" ,theshackDi stricttransformation,andda ngerous oldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", serieswork organic com bine

46、 d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition w ork, andmanpowera dvance village in the,and ol dresi dential demoliti on work,to improve d masseshousi ng conditionsand live environment;three toput "three m odifieda split" as traditional low ,andsmall,and bulk in dustrystructure transformatio

47、n upgradeof importantinitiatives to caug ht,speedup a dvance industryPark,effectivoptimization park e nvironme nt7 、加大测量力度现场跟踪控制,保证混凝土基线、尺寸准确。五、钢结构工程:1 、在负温度下安装钢结构时,要注意温度变化引起的钢结构外形尺寸的偏差。如钢结构在常温下制作在负温下安装时,要采取措施调整偏差。2 、选用钢结构焊接用的焊条、焊丝,在满足设计强度要求的前提下,应选用屈服强度较低、冲击韧性较好的低氢型焊条,重要结构可采用高韧性超低型焊条。3 、 碱性焊条在使用前必须按

48、照产品出厂证明书的规定进行烘焙。烘焙合格后,存放在80100 烘箱内,使用时取出放在保温筒内,随用随取。焊条外露超过2 小时的应重新烘焙。焊条的烘焙次数不宜超过 3 次。4、钢结构使用的涂料应符合涂刷的性能要求,禁止使用水基涂料。5 、钢结构安装:( 1 )构件安装前应清除干净,但不得损伤涂层。( 2) 绑扎、起吊钢构件的钢索与构件直接接触时,要加防滑隔垫。五、装饰工程:1 、施工所用砂浆,必须在暖棚中制作。2 、防冻剂应由专人配置和使用,配置时先制成20% 浓度的标准溶液,然后根据气温再配置成施工浓度溶液。nd improve i dle la nd ofutilizati on,reala

49、 chieve denvir onment improved and productivitydevelopment mutualpr omoting totalwi n.Five, firmlyimplement,promoting work ahead, to createhig hlights.Thir d de ployme nt, impleme ntationof seven,thenit is imperative tostrengthen responsi bilitya nd im provet he mechanismsand implementation.Alllocal

50、itiesand department smust be convinced that goals,going allout,musteri ngspirit,work together to ensurethatt hisyear's objective s carry outtask s,at theforefront. First, wem uststre ngthenthe lea dershipt o imple ment.Departments at alllevels shoul d always w ork a nd r ural"fivewatertreat

51、ment","threetosplit"in an im portant position, and carry themai n responsi bility,main lea der personall y,leaders arreste d and layers ofresponsibilityranktransmission pressureesta blished hierarchical accountab ilit y,and w orktogether topr omotet he work oftheme chanism, aconcerted

52、effortpayattentiontoimpl ementation.ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one docum

53、ent" surveyand filestorageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, the Ce ntralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty town

54、s,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe c

55、e nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat o

56、ry requirements, effectiveimplementationoftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that the new"zer o tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments s

57、hould strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr uction ofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, ef fectivefulfilmentofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr e

58、vent per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencerep orting sy stem ofince ntives.According to building la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide drepor

59、tgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertain i ncentives.(C) integrate dimplementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uct iona nd demolition waste,demolishedwithcom

60、bine d efforts to improvet hescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split; second,we mustpayattentionto "thre e tosplit" and"five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides", t heshackDi stricttran sformation,a nd dangerous ol droom transformationand "tworoadsi des", serieswork organic com bine d up,active do Rive


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