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1、Un it 4 Revision课题UNIT 4 Revisi on课型review目的Kno wledge Target:Review the kno wledgein Un it 1 2 3.要求Tech nique Target:Use the sentences in those un its.Emoti on Target:To let the stude nts know the importa ntof revisi on.重点To liste n and say the words and some senten ces.难点To read and write letters,

2、 spell the words.教学TPR Game Communi cati on方法Audio-visual课时Six拟用分配less ons教具pictures tape-recorder2UNIT 4Myself My body My foodMy name isImyears old.Whats the matter? MyWhat do you have? I haveWhat do you want for? I wantLesson 19 & 20I .Warmer.Train Train Gon.Teaching.A. Lets sing.1.Liste n to

3、thehurts.2.Follow the tape together for severaltimes.3.Call volun teers to si ng in front ofthe class.B. Liste n, say and write.1.Teacher says the sentences inEn glish with acti ons the n studentstell the meaning.2.Look at the book and fill in theblanks.C. Lets play.31.Write the words on the blackbo

4、ard.2.Teacher points the word the n stude nts saythe sentence quickly.A. Play a sort ing game.Play the game by the way of TrainTrain Go.B. Make a food list for lunch.Stude nts make food list by themselves. Then talkabout it.C. Read and write.Read the words the n fill in the bla nks.川.Homework.1. Lis

5、te n to the tape and follow it.2.Do exercises book.To en live n theAtmosphere ofthe classLear n togetherCommuni cati onGameLear n together4教Lesson 21I.Warmer.Sing a song.To en live n the学n. Teaching.Atmosphere ofA. Act and say.the class过1.Review“What s the matter? ”2.Lead to“Whats the matter with?”程

6、3.Make dialogue in pairs the act infront of the class.B. Liste n and say.1.Listen to the tape.2.Studet ns talk about what they heard.Learn together3.Read after the tape.4.Make their own dialogue.C. Let s sing.D. Find and colour.川.Homework.Liste n to the tape and follow it.Communi cati on教学Lesson 22

7、& 23过I.Warmer.程Sing a song.To en live n then. Teaching.Atmosphere ofA. Look, liste n and say.1. Liste n to the tape and look at the book for severaltimes.2. Try to say senten ces as the book.the class5B. Stick and chant.1.Liste n to the tape.2.Cha nt it.C. Liste n and cha nt.1. Liste n to the ta

8、pe and look at thebook for several times.2. Try to follow the tape.3. Chat together with acti on.D. Fill in the big letters.Fun Time1. Let the students guess the meaning of the story.2. Teacher expla ins each sentences to the students.3.Stude nts read follow the teacher.4.Look at the PowerPoi nt.川.C

9、onsolidate practicing.IV.Homework.1.Liste n to the tape.2.Read the story.Lesson 24I.Warmer.Say the cha nt.n. Teach new knowledge.A. Choose and write.1.Look at the pictures and read them.Lear n together Audio-visualTo en live n theAtmosphere of62. Fill in the blanks as they like.B. Liste n, repeat and do.I.Liste n to the tape without book.2.Talk about what they heard.3.Liste n to the ta


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