1、Product Implementation ManualDate 日期Version版本Comments备注2017-10-09Rewrite of Document for SISFunction职位Name 姓名Date日期Signature签名Written by拟定Verified by 审核Verified by 审核Approved by批准PIM lifecyclePROJECT CORE TEAMQUALIFIED PROJECTCORE TEAM*平ORDR0DR1DR2DR4DR5DR6Product creation phase <Development phas
2、eQualification phasemR-Ramp up phase1. Purpose and Application FieldPurposeThis manual describes how to implement a project for the development of a Global Product Offer:- The product- The accessories- The end to endsolutions- The servicesApplication FieldThis manual applies to all projects carried
3、out in某 for the purpose of defining, designing, constructing and the product basic elements of a commercial proposal. The method described here must be adapted to each project in line with the constrain specific to the product offer in question.2. ResponsibilityThe PIM is accompanied by aProject Dev
4、elopment Plan (PDP) under the responsibility of the Project Manager and in keeping with the basic procedure; in includes in particular any adaptations/ simplification of the procedure.Project core team responsibility, see3. Reference DocumentNone4. Description4.1 Project Life CycleThe life cycle of
5、a project is made up of the following as shown in the attached figure:- Life cycle of a product- Sales cycle of a product offerPost commercialization (After Sales)The implementation of a project is based on compliance with this life cycle, split into phases.Every phase, except the last, finishes wit
6、h an end- of-hase review called “ a decision review " (DR) representing a formal decision-making process. The final phase, called the - of- life ” , isendiated by a decision review in which the phase is planned.A “ Phase“ is characterized by a specific objective and responsibility for the perfo
7、rmance ofthe activities required for th is “ phase “ to be completed in assigned to a“ Project Manager ".DR List DRPHASESDECISION REVIEWOpportunity StudyFeasibility StudySpecificationOpportunity Review (Kick Off Review)ReviewCommitment ReviewPrototype DevelopmentStart Review(*)up Integration Re
8、viewPrototype Integration ReviewPerformance and Process Validation ReviewCommercial Kick- offKick-off ReviewCommercial PreparationLaunch ReviewFirst ShipmentShipment ReviewProduction Ramp- upRelease ReviewMass ProductionQualification ReviewEnd of Phase kick offEnd of phase Kick-off ReviewMass Produc
9、tionChange to End of life ReviewEnd of Life(*): Depending on the complexity of radio/ digital development, the project team can decide to skip the mock up development phase.4.2 Project organization and management4.2.1 DefinitionThe PIM is intended to apply to the definition, design, construction and
10、 production of the base elements of our commercial offer (product, accessories, end- to- end solutions .).- Products Managed- Purchased products (developed or manufactured to specifications or document files).- Compatibility with services provider offer, PC or PDA offerThe following general objectiv
11、es validated at DR1, are the reference for the project.- Schedule(decision reviews )- Quality(FPY, return rate )- Quantity(Ramp up, production capacity)- Cost(FCP, budget )- Product Characteristics (Marketing specifications, orders and deliveries process,- Product Warranty (Duration, responsibility,
12、)- Liabilities- Supply Chain(Rules, orders and deliverieprocess, )They are all mentioned in PDP.In case of partners and/ or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.2 Project StructureProjects are organized into phases. Each phase ends with a Decision Review.PhaseEach phase has a specific objective with
13、dedicated activities. It transforms specific inputs into outputs.Responsibility for the performance of the activities required for a phase to be completed is assigned to the project manager.A decision review is performed at the end of each phase in order to validate the outputs and to acknowledge th
14、e transition to the next phase.See: PIM check list:Check ListCheck ListCheck List to Check ListChecklistCheck ListCheck ListCheck ListProject Development PlanThe conditions for applying the project performance methodology to a given case are defined in the Project Development Plan drawn up by the pr
15、oject manager forDR Decision to Create A ProjectThe concept of a project is inseparable form the company mmitment to inv esstce resource (human, material and financial) needed to enlarge its range.A project is undertaken following a Decision Review called" K-ick off ReviewOpportunity Rev
16、iew ".The process of defining the project and setting up the project team and the associated budget is a gradual one involving phases of marketing analysis and specification.A budget line is started at the OR.The company ' s commitment to carry out a project is made official by a Decision R
17、eview called the “ Project Commitment Review " or" DR1".4.2.48 uilding The Project TeamThe Project Core Team is appointed (partial or complete):- To prepare the (Opportunity Review).At the , appointment of a partial or complete Project Core Team to prepare and present the DR0.(Includi
18、ng the development of technological bricks, if needed).- The requested resources to prepare the DR0 must be defined and scheduled.At lease, the Project Core Team dedicated to a Project is appointed at the DR0.(*) If needed: Major technological gaps (ex: new reference design, new product concept, new
19、 techno: HWD/SWD)According to project requirements, the project team is made up of permanent or assigned members, and experts may be co- opted to meet specific needs. If generally comprises:Project ManagerPJMProduct ManagerPDMTechnical Project ManagerTPMIndustrial Project ManagerIPMPurchasing Projec
20、t ManagerPPMQuality Project ManagerQPMCustomer Service Project ManagerCPMOperation Project ManagerOPM(*)Software Project ManagerSPMHardware Project ManagerHPMMechanical Project ManagerMPMValidation Project ManagerVPM(*)OPM & VPM exist only for WNV brand project. (see Appendix I Project core team
21、 organization chart).4.2.49 roject Scope Change ControlFor DR1 onwards, any change affecting the definition of the product and/ or alterations of characteristics, for whatever reason, are subject to a specific processECR/ECN- Product change management procedure4.2.50 llocation And Consolidation (Res
22、ources And Budget)The resources and expenditure prior to DR1 are allocated at the OR, and reviewed at DR0 by the BU director.The final budget allocated to a project is validated at DR1. It must comprise the phases from DR1 to DR5.As regards of the dedicated tooling, commitments are authorized at the
23、 Tool Start, apart from a few exceptions (cf section above)This budget has to be consolidated bottom up by the BU director.Within the limits of the budget allocations, the Project Manager is responsible for how resources and expenditure are committed.Budget approval will be released and re-approval
24、periodically and minimum at each Design review. In case of partners and/or subcontractors, both will agree.4.2.75 cheduling And Progress Follow- upThe general schedule validated at DR1, is the reference schedule for the project. In case of partners and/or subcontractors, both will agree.Ongoing cons
25、olidation and adjustment of the general schedule take place during the weekly or bi-monthly project progress meetings headed by the Project Manager. All these meetings are recorded and updated action point and risk follow-up lists are drawn up.A formal, concise, relevant progress report to the direc
26、tors is made on a monthly basis, from DR0 to DR5. The main objective is to report critical/major risks. The presentation contains the following items:- Highlights for the previous month- Projects Risks TOP 5 on global product offer- Other Projects Risks / main problems (if necessary, otherwise in th
27、e report)- Q/C/T Project Indicators (Planning, Budget, FPC, Quality)- Main Decisions taken the previous month or to take during the presentation. if necessary- Other indicators (if necessary, otherwise in the report)- Highlights for the current monthA formal progress report is recorded and sent to t
28、he management according to the diffusion list with in particular the synthesis of actions and decisions taken during the review.In addition, every DR will be followed by a debriefing by the project team, for all teams involved in the phases of the project, possibly with the involvement of the direct
29、ors.Monitoring is also done by ALL members of the team with a weekly or by-monthly progress report and list of action point.4.3 Missions Sheets MembersMissions of Product Project Team4.3.1 Project Manager (PJM)The project manager is responsible for achieving the commitments validated at DR1. He acts
30、 as arbiter within his team, for optimization for the Q/C/T objectives.These missions:- Manage all the specification (system level) for the product.Drive the core team management (weekly meeting with the basic project team, conflict resolutionA nd,take authorization of core team members' perform
31、ance evaluation.- Define and apply the Project Development Plan for the project Q/C/T objectives.- Coordinate the activities relating to the development, industrialization and commercial preparation of the product offer. (Releases)- Carry out the project reporting (indicator, .)- Assure that the obj
32、ectives such as Cost- Time to market ramp up, are consistent with the initial product P&L objectives presented at DR1 and adjusted at DR3 (FOPDI).- Coordinate with BU director all the actions defined and follow their implementation in the project.He has to take care of all aspects which can sign
33、ificantly change the P&L of the product and make decisions or proposal to the directions when this is relevant.In case of partners and /or subcontractors, the project Manager centralizes all information flow between the partners and /or subcontractors and 某 (included non-conformity, warning, cus
34、tomers ' problem, preventives action)with the support of the QPM.4.3.2 Product Manager (PDM) 产品经理He/she is the representative of the project for the downstream departments- Product & Solutions, Sales & Marketing, Communication, Design, Pack & translation.These missions:- Define of th
35、e full product offer, including design, packaging, ergonomic and graphic presentation choices, customization needs, and shop cost and margin objectives. Elaborate MU, ID card and the Product Functional Specification.- Drive the core team management (weekly meeting with his/her team, conflict resolut
36、ion ,)it means co-ordination of the activities involved in ergonomic specifications , design, translation, packaging, user manual, commercial launch and market analysis.- Define the messages translation, the user manuals and the product releases.- Ensure that the commercial tools required for the pr
37、oduct launch are available.- Realize the product information (pricing strategy) in the Business Plan. -4.3.3 Technical Project Manager (TPM)The technical project manager is responsible for the technical choices and performances of the global product offer within the project, incorporating the Q/C/T
38、criteria. He is responsible for ensuring consistency in the choices between the hardware, software and mechanical parts.These missions:- Insure of the system specifications integration- Insure of the technical part of the development plan and technical documentation- Technical interface with the pro
39、duction centre / validation / Product and Solutions- Overall technical activities relating to the development /integration (technical co-ordination: hardware, software and mechanical.)4.3.4 Industrial Project Manager (IPM)The IPM manages the industrialization of the product for production, industria
40、l validation of the components including multi-source components. The IPM ensures that the technical solutions are consistent with the production process and the quantity, scheduling, quality and production cost targets.He is the interface between the Sub-contractor and the Core-team, during the ind
41、ustrialization process and mass production (Incoming inspection, production process, customization process, packaging process, procurement process, service after sales process, sub-contracting production process, overseas production process transfer) and he drives the industrial core team management
42、.These missions:- Be responsible for the industrialization plan and industrial objectives for the project, suggest industrial process orientation (new technologies);advise on industrial choice.- Monitor compliance with production cost targets and taking corrective measures to reduce non-quality cost
43、s; be responsible of target presented for DR1 and mentioned into the industrial plan - in order to reach cost target fixed for DR0.- Write and implement the product/process quality control plan.- Realize pilot runs (from mock-up), analyze production results and apply corrective action plan to improv
44、e quality level.- Build up NPI budget and specific jig and tool budget (jigs and tools for, customization, and packaging).- Monitor the development or adaptation of production lines (machines, test and repair tools) for the project. (From Incoming Inspection to CCS via Global Operation Department, i
45、ncluding subcontracting production and overseas production).- Plan and follow process qualification plan regarding project planning; verify the coherence between process qualification plan and capacity needs according to the FOPDI till DR5.- Establish the production Ramp-up in the start-up phase;- W
46、arranty the component industrial validation.- Warranty technical level of the product regarding project requirement and be in charge of producing manufactured and sold product technical level document.- Procure tooling supplies starting with the prototypes/mock-up and then the PTP (Production Toolin
47、g Prototype), and the pre-series lots.4.3.5 Purchasing Project Manager (PPM)In charge of implementing the purchasing strategy for the project.These missions:- Prepare and manage the purchasing plan.- Oversee the set up of PPQA and the follow-up of its implementation.- Monitor external expenditure fo
48、r the project (supplies, external tooling), the material costs of the product (BOM cost).- Ensuring that the purchasing strategy is implemented.- Ensuring consistency of supplier capacities (need commitment) with the needs defined in the plan (DR1, FOPDI).- Represent the project to the Purchasing De
49、partment, acting as the interface with project team and EMS, through CSA implement procurement, and ensure material delivery on time to meet the ramp up planning.4.3.6 Quality Project Manager (QPM)The QPM represents the customer within the project team. He guarantees the Product Process Qualificatio
50、n in terms of customer representative. He is the single interface of Quality under the Project.These responsibilities:- Project quality strategy definition and deployment.- Guarantee the product qualification in terms of validation of the qualification test, analysis of the tests results, qualificat
51、ion means audit.- Insure the animation of the improvement loop of quality in conception (monitor the components qualification through PLM -Qualicomp Database) and products.- Manage the preventive procedures implementation based on the quality tools implementation (functional analyses, FMEA procedure
52、 .)- Guarantee that the developments are carried out in accordance with the prescribed methodologies (PIM, component qualification guide, product qualification guide, any specific methodologies applicable to the competence centers engages in the realization of the project).- Drive all the internal f
53、ields' tests (alpha & beta )- Manage the operator s and customer audits.4.3.7 Customer Service Project Manager (CPM)In charge of implementing customer service strategy for the project.The missions:- Take into account the service strategy of level 1, 2 and 3.- Define the maintenance plan and
54、repair strategy; including repair centre creation; tools; sample; spare part and travel schedule.- Define and follow the purchase plan of E- BOM spare pare and Handset BOM for repair centre.- Deployment the training for repair centre.- Define software delivery process for repair centre and finalize
55、the repair document for 3 levels repair centre.- Test software qualification for service phase. Download the software from MLDC and Teleweb server for qualification.- Equipment and tooling qualification and validation.- Follow up market feedback, report market quality information on time (The first
56、return between DR4 &DR5 and take into account in the product, typical problems analysis).4.3.80 peration Project Manager (OPM)The OPM is responsible to:- Define logistic/ customization strategy with supplier to respect Q/C/T objectives.- Management operation issues; Global material management fo
57、r material PO, shortage, delivery allocation and excess control after DR4.- Provide global version for forecast, as the interface of sales, OPM will make launch plan schedule for DR3.- Production capacity and constraints management; Control planning and ramp up. Ensure logistic interface with suppli
58、er and logistic centers.- Consolidate IPM industrial capacity and PPM supplier capacity to have feasibility to project for FOPDI releasing.- Tooling & plastic investment control with PPM & IPM.- Ensure FOPDI to DR5; Weekly basis/ Monthly basis for the report and alert of demand, production, de
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