2、URE10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES11. APPLICABLE LAW12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SCHEDULE A DEFINITIONS1、定义2、具体操作条款3、如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件4、陈述和担保保证5、合同期限6、合同终止7、保密义务&违约9、不可抗力10、争议的解决11、适用法律12、其他规定THIS CONTRACT(Contract ”)is made in city and province,Chinaon this dayof ,200 by and betwee n Party A n a
3、me,Party A en tity form established and existi ng un der the laws of China, with its legal address at address (here in after referred to as “Party A ” ), and Party B name, Party B entity form organized and existing under the laws of Party Bjurisdictionof incoporationwith its legaladdress at address
4、(here in after referred to as“ Party B ” ). Party A an d PartyB shall here in after be referred to in dividually as a“ Party ” and collectivelyas the “ Parties ”.本合同于 年 月 日由以下两方在地点签订:甲方名称,一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的甲方组织形式,法定地址为甲 方法定地址(以下简称“甲方”): 乙方名称 ,一家根据乙方所在国 法律组建及存续的 乙方组织形式 ,法定地址为 乙 方法定地址 (以下简称“乙方” )。甲乙双
5、方以下单独称为“一方” ,合称为“双方” 。PRELIMINARY STATEMENT前言add background information if appropriate视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to describe subject matter of theContract in accordance with Applic
6、able laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照相关法律名称以及其他有关法律,同意按 照本合同的条款, 描述合同标的 。Now the Parties Hereby Agree as follows:双方现协议如下:1. Definitions 定义Unless the terms or context of this contract otherwise provide, all term used in this Contract shall have the meanings set out in Sc
7、hedule A hereto. 除本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义见附录甲。2. OPERATIVE CLAUSESConditions Precedent (if any)Representations and WarrantiesAdd unilateral representations and warranties if appropriate具体操作条款如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件陈述和担保保证2.1 Representatins and Warranties如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应单方陈述和担保条款2.2 Each party rep
8、resents and warrants to the other Party tha ton the date hereof:双方分别向对方陈述并担保,于本合同签订日:(a) it is an independent legal person duly organized, validly existing andin good standing under the laws of the place of its establishment; 根据其成立地的法律,该方为独立法人、 依法定程序设立、有效存续、且相关 手续完备(b) it has full authority to enter
9、 into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder;该方有全权订立本合同以及履行本合同项下义务;(c) it has authorized its representative to sign this Contract and from and after the Effective Date the provisions of this Contract shall be legally binding upon it; 该方已授予其授权代表签署合同的权力,从生效日开始,本合同的条款对其具有法 律约束力(d) its e
10、xecution of this Contract and its performance of its obligations hereunder(i)will not violate any provision of its business license, articles of incorporation, articles of association or similar organizational documens; (ii) will not violate any Applicable Law or any governmental authorization or ap
11、proval; and (iii) will not violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a party or to which it issubject;该方签订本合同以及履行本合同项下义务:( i )不会违反其营业执照、成立协议、章程或类似组织文件的任何规定( ii )不会违反有关法律或任何政府的授权或批准;并且( iii )不会违反其作为当事人一方(或受之约束)的其他任何合同,也不会导致其被认定在该合同项下未履约:(e)no lawsuit, arbitration or other legal
12、 or governmental proceeding is pendingor, to its knowledge, threatened against it that would affect its abilityto perform its obligations under this Contract; and不存在将影响该方履行本合同项下义务的能力的、已经发生且尚未了结的诉讼、仲裁申请或其他司法或行政程序,而且据其所知无人威胁将采取上述行动:并且(f) it has disclosed to the other Party all documents issued by and
13、governmental department that may have a material adverse effect on its ability to full perform its obligations under this Contract, and the documents previously provided by it to the other Party do not contain any misstatements or omissions of material facts. 该方已经向对方提供可能对其全面履行其在本合同项下义务的能力造成重大不利 影响的相
14、关政府机构颁发的所有文件, 并且该方此前提供给对方的文件中没有对任 何重要事实的不实陈述或者漏述。consequences of lnaccuracy in Representationsif any of the above representations and warranties of a Party are not accurate in all material respects on the date hereof, then such Party shall be in breach of this Contract.如果在本合同签订日,一方的上述陈述和担保的任何一项与实际情况
15、有实质性不符,Add un dertak ings if appropriate如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应保证条款Term合同期限1 TermSubject to the provisi ons of Article .2,the term of the Con tract (“ Term")shall be - years, commencing on the Effective Date.合同期限本合同期限(“本合同期限”)为】年,于合同生效日开始,并于合同到期日(“合同到期日)届满。2 Exte nsionThe Term shall expire automatica
16、lly on the Expirati on Date, uni ess exte nded for an additi onal term of _ years through a writte n con tract sig ned by the authorized representatives of the Parties at least sixty (60) days prior to the Expirati on Date.合同期限的续展本合同于到期日自动终止,除非在到期日之前双方授权代表至少提前六十(60)天签署书面协议,续展本合同期限。Termin ati on 合同终止
17、1 Termi natio n合同终止(a) This Con tract shall termi nate upon the expirati on of the Term uni essexte nded pursua nt to Article .2 (Term).本合同于合同到期日终止,除非双方按照第条(合同期限的续展)的规定续约。(b) ThisCon tract may be term in ated at any time prior to expirati onof the Termby the mutual writte n con tract of the Parties.
18、本合同其限届满之前,双方可通过书面协议随时终止本合同。(c) At any time prior to the expirati on of the Term, a Party (“ Notify ingParty ” ) may ter min ate this Con tract through no tice to the other Party in writing if:本合同期限届满之前,如果发生以下情形之一,一方(“通知方”)可随时向对方发出书面通知后终止本合同:(i) he other Party materially breaches this con tract, and
19、suchbreach is not cured with in the Cure Period gra nted pursua nt toArticle .1(a) (Remedies for Breach of Con tract); or对方违反本合同项下某一主要义务,且未在通知方根据 _( a)条(违约救济)规定发出的书面违约通知中规定的补救期内对违约予以补救;(ii) the other Party becomes bankrupt,or is the subject ofproceedings for liquidation or dissolution, or ceases to
20、carryon bus in ess or becomes un able to pay its debts as they come due; or对方破产,或者成为解散或清算程序的对象,或者歇业,或者无力偿还到期债务;(iii) the con diti onsor con seque nces of Force Majeure (as here in afterdefi ned) which have a material adverse effect on the affectedParty ' s ability to perform continue for a perio
21、d in excess ofsix (6) mon ths and the Parties have bee n un able to find anequitable soluti on pursua nt to Article .2(c) (Con seque ncesof Force Majeure) hereof; or不可抗力(如下文所定义)事件或其影响持续超过六(6)个月,且双方无法按照第条(不可抗力的后果)的条款达成一项公正的解决方案;(iv)a fun dame ntal provisi on of this Con tract (without which one orbot
22、h of the Parties would not have en tered into the Con tract)is declared or becomes in valid un der Applicable Law.根据有关法律,本合同的某一基本条款(如果没有该条款则一方或双方不会订立本合同)被判定为无效或成为无效条款;(v)insert other conditionstriggeringteminationas appropriate根据情况设定其他导致合同终止的条款2 Con ti nuing Obligati ons双方持续的义务The provisi ons of Art
23、icle (Term in ation), Article (Breach of con tract) _(but on ly with respect to claims aris ingprior to the term in ati onhereof or withrespect to other con ti nuing obligatio ns). Article (Con fide ntiality) andArticle _(Settleme nt of Disputes) shall survive the term in ati onof thiscon tract.以下各条
24、的条款在本合同终止后继续有效:第条(合同终止),第条(违约)(但其效力仅限于本合同终止前发生的违约事件以及违反其他持续义务的情形),第条(保密义务),以及第条(争议的解决)。Con fide ntiality保密义务1 From time to time prior to and duri ng the term of this Con tract either Party(“ disclos ingParty ” ) has disclosed or may disclose Con fide ntialIn formati onto the other Party (“Receiving
25、Party ” ). The receiving Party shall, duringthe term of this Con tract and for _ years thereafter:本合同订立前以及在本合同期间,一方(“披露方”)曾经或者可能不时向对方(“受方”)披露该方的保密资料。在本合同期限内以及随后()年间,受方必须:(a) mai ntai n the con fide ntiality of Con fide ntial In formati on;对保密资料进行保密;(b) not to use Con fide ntial In formatio n for any
26、 purpose other tha n thosespecifically set out in this Con tract; and不为除合同明确规定的目的之外的其他目的使用保密资料;(c) not disclose any such Con fide ntial In formatio n to any pers on or en tity,except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates,itsagents,attorneys,accountantsand other advisors who need to know su
27、chinformationto perform their responsibilitiesand who have signed writtencon fide ntiality con tracts containing terms at least as stri ngentas theterms provided in this Article ._除为履行其职责而确有必要知悉保密资料的该方雇员(或其关联机构、该方律师、会计师或其他顾问的雇员)夕卜,不向其他任何人披露,且上述人员须签署书面保密协议,其中保密义务的严格程序不得低于本条的规定。2 The provisi ons of Ar
28、ticle .1 above shall not apply to in formati on that:上述第条的条款对以下信息不适用:(a) can be show n to be known by the receivi ng Party by writte n records madeprior to disclosure by the disclos ing Party;受方有在披露方向其披露前存在的书面记录证明其已经掌握;(b) is or becomes public kno wledge otherwise tha n through the receiv ingParty &
29、#39; s breach of this Con tract; or并非由于受方违反本合同而已经或者在将来进入公共领域;或者(c) was obtainedby the receiving Party from a third party havingno obligati on of con fide ntiality with respect to such in formatio n.受方从对该信息无保密义务的第三方获得。3 Each party shall formulate rules and regulations to inform its directors, seniors
30、taff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of the con fide ntiality obligati on set forth in this Articles .每一方应制订相应的规章制度,告知该方(以及该方的关联机构)董事、高级职员以及 其他雇员本条规定的保密义务。4 Upon the expirati on or term in ati onof this Con tract, and in any event upon thedisclosing Party ' s request at any t
31、ime,the receiving Party shall (i) returnto the other Party, or at the disclos ingParty ' s direct ion destroy, allmaterials(includingany copies thereof)embodying the other Party ' sCon fide ntialIn formati on and (ii) certify in writ ingto the other Party, with inten days following the other
32、 Party ' s request, that all of such materials have bee n retur ned or destroyed.本合同终止后(或经披露方随时提出要求),受方应(1)向对方归还(或经对方要求销毁)包含对方保密资料的所有材料(包括其复印件),并且(2)在对方提出此项要求后十(10)日内向对方书面保证已经归还或销毁上述材料。Breach of Con tract违约1 Remedies for Breach of Con tract违约救济Except as otherwise provided here in, i f a Party (
33、“ breach ing party ” ) fails to perform any of its material obligati ons un der this Con tact, the n the other Party (“aggrieved party ” ) may at its option:除本合同其他条款另有规定外,如果一方(“违约方”)未履行其在本合同项下某项主要义务,则对方(“受损害方”)除享有有关法律赋予的权利外,还可选择采取以下救济措施:(a) give writte n no tice to the breach ing party describ ing t
34、he n ature andscope of the breach and dema nd that the breach ing party cure the breach at its cost with in a reas on able time specified in the no tice (“ CurePeriod ” ); and向违约方发出书面通知,说明违约的性质以及范围,并且要求违约方在通知中 规定的合理期限内自费予以补救;并且(b) if the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure perio
35、d,then in additionto its other rightsunder Article 1(c)(i)(Termination)or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved party may claim directand foreseeable damages aris ing from the breach.如果违约方未在该书面通知中规定的补救期内予以补救,则受损害方可就违约引起的可以预见的直接损失提出索赔。2 Limitatio n on Liability责任限制Notwithsta nding any other provisi on of th
36、is Con tract, n either Party shall beliable to the other Party for damages for loss of reve nues or profits, loss ofgoodwill or any in director con seque ntialdamages in connection with theperforma nee or non-performa nee of this Con tract .The aggregate liability of aParty for all claims for any lo
37、ss, damage or in dem nity whatsoever result ing from such Party ' s performa nee or non-performa nee of this Con tract shall in no case exceed United States Dollars (US$ ) or the RMBequivalent thereof.无论本合同其他条款有何规定,任何一方均不向对方承担因本合同的履行或不履行而造 成的收入或利润丧失、商誉丧失或任何间接或附带性损失的赔偿责任。在任何情况下,一方因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的损
38、失、损害或补偿索赔所承担的责任累计总额不得超过美元(US¥ )或等值的人民币。Force Majeure 不可抗力1 Definition of Force Majeure抗力的定义“ Force Majeure ” shall mean all eents which are beyond the control of theParties to this Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable, and which prevent total or partial performance
39、by either of the Parties. Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood ,fire, war,strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the application thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseens, prevented or controlled, including instances which are accepted as Force Majeur
40、e in general international commercial practice.“不可抗力”指超出本合同双方控制范围的、 无法预见并且无法避免或无法克服的事件, 该事件使得本合同一方部分或者完全不能履行本合同。 这类事件包括但不限地地震、 台 风、洪水、火灾、战争、罢工、暴动、政府行为、法律规定或者其适用发生变化,或者 其他任何无法预见、 避免或者控制的事件, 包括在国际商务初中中通常认定为不可抗力的事件。2 Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果(a) if an event of Force Majeure occurs, a Party &
41、#39; s contractual obligationsaffected by such an event under thisContract shall be suspended duringthe period of delay caused bythe Force Majeure and shall beautomatically extended, without penalty, for a period equal to such suspension.如果发和不可抗力事件, 一方在本合同项下受不可抗力影响的义务在不可抗力 造成的延误期间自动中止, 并且其履行期限应自动延长,
42、 延长期间为中止的期 间,该方无须为此承担违约责任。(b) The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Parties in writing and shall furnish within fifteen (15) days thereafter sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of such Force Majeure. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonabl
43、e endeavours to terminate the Force Majeure.提出受不可抗力影响的一方应及时书面通知对方, 并且在随后的 十五(15) 日内向对方提供不可抗力发生以及持续期间的充分证据。 提出受不可抗力影响 的一方还应尽一切合理的努力排除不可抗力。(c) In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediately consultwith each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all reasonable endeavo
44、urs to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure.发生不可抗力的, 双方应立即进行磋商, 寻求一项公正的解决方案, 并且要尽 一切合理的努力将不可抗的的影响降至最小。Settlement of Disputes争议的解决1 Friendly consultations友好协商In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim (collectively,“ dispute ” )arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the bre
45、ach, termination or invalidity hereof, the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations.如果发生由本合同(或者违反、终止或者无效)引起或者与其相关的争议、纠纷或者索赔(统称“争议” ),双方首先应争取通过友好协商来解决争议。2 Arbitration仲裁If any dispute is not resolved by friendly consultations within sixty (60)d
46、ays after the date such consultations were first requested by a Party, thenany Party may submit the dispute for arbitration in Singapore before theSingapore International Arbitration Centre in accordance with its rules ofarbitration procedure, supplemented by the following:如果某一争议未在一方首次提出协商之日后 六十 (60
47、) 日内通过友好协商解决, 则任何一方可将该争议提交 新加坡国际仲裁中心 在新加坡仲裁,仲裁按照 该中心 仲裁 程序规则进行,同时应遵循以下补充规定:(a) There shall be one (1) arbitrator appointed by the arbitration body.仲裁由该仲裁机构指定的一( 1)位仲裁员审理。(b) The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. 仲裁程序用 文进行。(c) The arbitration award shall be final and
48、 binding on theParties, andthe Parties agree to be bound thereby and to act accordingly. 仲裁裁决为终局性的, 对双方均有约束力, 双方同意受该裁决的拘束并且依照 裁决执行。(d) All costs of arbitration shall be borned by the Parties as determinedby the arbitration tribunal.所有仲裁费用由双方根据仲裁庭作出的决定承担。3 Continuing Rights and Obligations持续的权利和义务Whe
49、n any dispute occurs and is the subject of friendly consultations or arbitration, the Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfil their remaining respective obligations under this Contract, except in respect of those matters under dispute. 当某一争议已发生并且正在通过友好协商或仲裁解决时
50、, 双方可继续行使其各自在本合 同项下的其他权利, 同时应继续履行其各自在本合同项下的其他义务, 但与争议事项有 关的权利和义务除外。4 Enforcement of Award裁决的执行Judgment upon any arbitral award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the Party against which the award has been rendered, or application may be made to any such court for judicial acceptanc
51、e of the award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. In the event of judicial acceptance and an order of enforcement, each Party expressly waives all rights to object thereto,including any defense of sovereign immunity and any other defense based on the fact or allegation that it is an ag
52、ency or instrumentality of a sovereign state. 仲裁胜诉方可请求对仲裁败诉一方有管辖权的法院作出相应判决, 或者向该法院申请对 仲裁裁决予以司法承认并发布强制执行令(以适用者为准) 。在法院对仲裁裁决予以司 法承认并发布强制执行令的情况下, 双方特此明确放弃其提出抗辩的所有权利, 包括以 主权豁免作为抗辩事由, 以及基于其是一个主权国家的机构或部门的事实或主张的其他 抗辩事由。5 Injunctive Relief申请禁制令的司法救济权利Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that eac
53、h Party has the rightto seek injunctive or other similar relief in any court of competent jurisdictionin respect of any claims of breach of confidentiality or IPR infringement.无论本合同前述条款有何规定, 双方同意如果一方提出对方违反保密条款或侵犯知识产 权的指控, 则提出指控一方可向任何一个有管辖权的法院申请发布制止侵权、 违约行为 的禁制令或采取其他类似救济措施。Applicable Law适用法律The valid
54、ity, interpretationand implementation of this Contractshall begoverned by the laws of the People 's Republic of Chinaanother jurisdiction (without regard to its rules governing conflict of laws).本合同的效力、 解释以及执行适用 中华人民共和国法律 另一司法区域的法律 (但不 适用有关法律冲突的规则)Miscellangeous Provisions 其他规定1 Independent Cont
55、ractor Relationship合同双方之间的独立关系The parties are only establishing an independent contractor relationship witheach other by entering into this Contract. Nothing in this Contract shall beconstrued or implied as:合同双方签订本合同仅仅在他们之间产生独立合同关系。 本合同任何条款均不得被解释为:(a)(b)establishing between the Parties hereto any pa
56、rtnership or any otherform of relationship entailing joint liability;合同双方之间形成合伙关系或其他导致共同责任的关系;constituting either of the Parties hereto as the agent of the others prior written consent); orParty (except with the other Party(c) authorizing either Party to incur any expenses or any other form ofobliga
57、tion on behalf of the other Party (except with the other Party ' s prior written consent). 授权一方为另一方招致费用或其他任何形式的义务(对方事先书面同意的除 外)。2 Binding Effect合同拘束力的范围This Contract is made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them. 本合同的受益人为本合同双方以及该方合法的继受者和受让人并对其有法律拘束力。3 Amendment修改This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written inst
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