



1、大学英语三级A级-词汇与语法结构(十)(总分: 100.00,做题时间:90 分钟 )一、 Section B 词形转换Directions : There are 10 incomplete statements here. ( 总题数:50,分数:100.00)1 .When I entered, he was (lie) 1 on the bed with all his clothes on.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:lying )解析:解析本题考查的是when引导从句为一般过去时,主句应该用过去进行时。2 .To his (disappoint) 1, he di

2、dn't pass the exam in spite of his great effort.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:disappintment )解析:解析本题的思路:判断出词组to ones disappointment ;从句法结构上判断his后应接名词。3 .The (attract) 1 of the moon for the earth causes the tides.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:attraction )解析: 解析 解题的关键是要断断出考点定冠词the 后用名词形式。4 .He can't help (c

3、ry) 1 over the news.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:crying )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点can't help doing sth. ,套用 doing 形式即可。5 .She says she doesn't feel like (go) 1 out with you.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:going)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点feel like (doing) sth. ,在该词组中like 为介词,其后要接名词做宾语,变go 为 going 则可。6 .I like to read the no

4、vel (write) 1 by Lu Xun.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:written )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点为分词做定语。本句的主干是I like to read the novel 。分词短语 written the novel 可以还原成:The novel is written by Lu Xun 。7 .He said that the novel was not worth (see) 1 a second time.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:seeing)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点be worth doing sth

5、. 。8 .(impress) 1 by the young man's good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:Impressed)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点为分词做状语。本句可分解成两个简单句,则they were impressedby the young man's good qualifications. 和 they offered him a job in their firm.合并时将第一句简化成分词短语impressed by th

6、e young man's good qualifications 作原因状语。9 .We all felt excited when China succeeded in (launch) 1 its first manned spaceship.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:launching )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点succeeded in ,在该词组中in 为介词,其后要接名词做宾语,则动词 launch 变为动名词launching 即可。10.I don't think it necessary (discuss) 1 the matte

7、r with him before the problem is settled.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:to discuss )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点为结构it is+adj+to do sth. 。11.Our manager wouldn't agree with any (regular) 1 practice.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:irregular )解析: 解析 根据句子意思的需要,横线部分应填含否定意义的单词,并且是形容词修饰名词practice 。12 .We (special) 1 in selling fore

8、ign products.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:specialize )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填上谓语动词。13 .There was a large (attend) 1 at the meeting.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:attendance )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填上名词,结合句子意思,分析应填上attendance 。14 .Sometimes, we go (swim) 1 after school.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:meant)解析: 解析 解题的关键是判断出时态,后面用

9、的是overslept , 一般过去时,前面也用一般过去时即可。15 .This work demands close (coordinate) 1 between team members.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:coordination )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填上名词。16 .By the end of 2015, Li Ming (be) 1 abroad for five years.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:will have been )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点将来完成时,其标志是by the end of 20

10、15 。17.There's no use (bargain) 1 any more. It's fixed price.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:bargaining )解析: 解析 解题的关键是判断出there's no use doing sth. 固定用法。18.The book (compile) 1 by three teachers last year, all experts on teaching writing.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:was compiled)解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填上谓语动

11、词,要考虑时态和语态。19.By the end of last month, we (find) 1 a good solution to the technical problem.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:will have found )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点将来完成时,其标志是By the end of next month 。20.Since five managers are going to give their reports, the meeting (last) 1 for at least two hours.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:

12、 (正确答案:will last )解析: 解析 根据句子意思来判断,横线上应谓语动词,使用一般将来时。21 .The teacher told us that Professor White (give) 1 us a lecture the next afternoon.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:would give )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点宾语从句的谓语动词时态要和主句的谓语动词told 一致, “ the nextafternoon ”提示要用过去将来时。22 .He took the blind girl's arm and (guide) 1

13、her through the doorway.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:guided)解析:解析解题的关键是and的用法,and连接的两个动词,时态必须保持一致。23.It is suggested a meeting (hold) 1 next week to discuss the problem.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:(should) be held )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气结构“It is suggested.”,该结构表建议,后接的宾语从句谓语动词用should do sth. should 可省略。24.If you

14、 (work) 1 harder last year, you would have passed your exam.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:had worked)解析:解析解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气,对过去事实的虚拟,从句用had done,主句用would have done。25.Linda looked (extreme) 1 attractive in the party.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:extremely )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出Linda looked attractive in the party 已是完整句式结构

15、,横线上所填词仅是修饰形容词attractive ,所以用副词。26.If he had taken his lawyer's advice, he (save) 1 himself a great deal of trouble.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:would have saved )解析:解析解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气,对过去事实的虚拟,从句用had done,主句用would have done。27.I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be an efficien

16、t (employ)(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:employee)解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填上名词,标志是“an efficient.”,句子的意思表明止匕处用employee,而不用employer。28.I remember (see) 1 you somewhere before, but I can't tell the exact place.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:seeing)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点“remember doing sth. ,记得 (曾经 )做过某事”。29.He tried to so

17、lve the problem, but he (quick) 1 gave up.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:quickly )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断but he gave up ,已是完整句式结构,故横线上应填上副词,修饰动词 gave up。30.It is prohibited by law to mail any items that prove (danger) 1 in transport.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:dangerous)解析: 解析 句子中的it 为形式主语,prove 为连系动词,后用形容词作表语。31.We st

18、ood there (wait) 1 for the bus.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:waiting )解析:解析解题的关键是断出考点分词短语作状语。We是stand的逻辑主语,两者之间是主动关系,用现在分词。32.We (require) 1 to take an orientation training before we could start working.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:were required )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填谓语动词,用被动语态。33.She sat next to him at dinner

19、that night and engagedhim in a (live) 1 discussion of job hunting.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:lively )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填形容词,修饰discussion 。34.If the technician were here tomorrow, the problem (solve) 1.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:would be solved )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气,对将来事实的虚拟,从句用一般过去式,主句用 would do。35 .Whe

20、never I went home I (bring) 1 some gifts to my neighbors.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:brought )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点主句和从句谓语动词时态要一致。36 .The manager should know it is time that we (end) 1 this project.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:ended)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气结构“it is time that.”。37 .The tall building (complete) 1 last

21、month is our new classroom building.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:completed)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点分词作定语,修饰building 。本句可分解成两个简单句,则The tallbuilding is completed last month. The tall building is our new classroom。合并则改用分词结构。38 .Believe it or not, when first (introduce) 1 to Europe, tomato was thought to be poisonou

22、s.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:introduced )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点分词做状语introduce 和 tomato 是被动关系,故用过去分词。39 .Finally the woman found her (lose) 1 child with the help of the police.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:lost )解析: 解析 根据句子结构和意思来判断,横线上应填形容词,修饰child ,意为“她丢失的孩子”。40 .(become) 1 a teacher in a university, it is necessar

23、y to have at least a master's degree.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:To become)解析:解析解题的关键是断出考点不定式作目的状语,意思是“要成为”41 .At the meeting a (propose) 1 was put forward by Tom.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:proposal )解析: 解析 根据句子结构来判断,横线上应填名词,和冠词a 对应,构成主语。42 .Time (permit) 1, we shall go to the park.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案

24、:permitting )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点独立主格结构,time permit 是逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词,表示主动。43 .The teacher as well as some students (be) 1 visiting the company now.(分数: 2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:is )解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点主谓一致,“as well as some students ”,是伴随情况,不影响主语的数。44.1 didn't go with them to the park last Sunday. But I wish I (be) 1 there.(分数:2.00)填空项 1: (正确答案:had been)解析: 解析 解题的关键是断出考点虚拟语气的用法


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