



1、1 / 7Unit14 Have you packed yet?重 难点解读(1)重点词汇bathing suit towel water guidebook refrigerator garage suitcase chop wood light village well formmember scene last major hit appear miss lead mostly air root overseas an cestor homela ndsearch affair mainly farmer field deeply point stron gly clear abroad

2、 connect localclea n out put i n tur n off some day be off in search of详解1.suit sjut, sju:t n.请求,求婚,起诉,一套衣服。它可作及物或不及物动词用,意思是 适合,中的意,(使)配合,(使)适应,相称,彼此协调”等。【例】 (1) The government granted the minority group s suit for autonomy.政府批准了这一少数民族申请自治的请求。(2) Mr Li has been pressing his suit with Miss Wang.李先生一直

3、在向王小姐求婚。(3) John brought a suit in the local court against his boss.约翰在地方法院告了他老板一状。(4) Mr Zhang came in the classroom in a new suit.张老师穿着一套新衣服进了教室。(5) The time table suits me very well.这个时间表对我很合适。(6) She is not suited for teachi ng.她不适合于教案。(7) He failed to suit his action to his word.他没有做到言行一致。(8) H

4、is new job suits well with his abilities.他的新工作与他的能力很相称。2.water W vt.& vi.浇水,浇灌;流泪,流口水。可作名词用,表示 水,水位, 口水,尿”。复数表示 矿泉水,海域,水域”等。【例】 (1) He often waters the flowers.他经常浇花。(2) His mouth watered at the sight of the pies.他一看见馅饼口水就流了出来。(3) The smoke made her eyes water.烟熏得她两眼流泪。(4) I tried hard to keep m

5、y head above water.我好容易才免于灭顶之灾。(5) The battle was fought in Chinese waters.这次海战是在中国海域进行的。(6) She helped the baby to make water.她把着婴儿小便。3.wood wud n.作木材、木头解时是不可数名词;作 森林、树林解时是可数名 词,且常用复数。【例】 (1)The students picniced in a nearby woods.2 / 7学生们在附近树林里举行野餐。(2) The boy s job was to collect wood while his s

6、ister s was to feed the pigs.这男孩的任务是打柴,他妹妹的任务是喂猪。(3) Nowadays not much furniture is made of wood.现在已没有多少家具是用木料做的。4.light lait含义很多,既可作动词用,还可作名词或形容词和副词用,举例说明 之。【例】 (1) He lighted a cigarette. (vt.)他点了一根香烟。(2) Her face lit up at the news.(vi.)她听到这消息顿时显出高兴的神色。(3) He wrote by the light of a candle. (n.)他

7、在烛光下写字。(4) It s beginning to get light. (adj.)天渐渐亮了。(5) There was a light rain. (adj.)下了一场小雨。(6) She is light of her feet. (adj.)她脚步轻快。(7) The nurse treads light in the ward. (adv.)护士在病房里走路脚步轻。(8) I lit upon a valuable stamp. (vi.)我偶然搞到一张珍贵邮票。5.last I 田 st。 la:st adj.最后的,最近的,最后过去的,紧接前面的,仅余的,极少可 能的,最

8、终的,最新式的。可作副词和名词。还可作动词用,表示持续,维持”。【例】 (1) The captain was the last to leave.船长是最后离开船的。(2) He has been ill for the last three weeks.这三个星期他在生病。(3) This is our last hope.这是我们最后的希望了。(4) He would be the last man to say such things.他决不会说这种话。(5) I m to speak last at the meeting.我将最后一个在会上发言。(6) They held on t

9、o the last.他们坚持到最后。(7) How long will the fine weather last?好天气能持续多久?(8) This overcoat will last me a lifetime. 这件大衣够我穿一辈子。6.appear pi vi.出现,看来,好像。它的反义词是 disappear;名词是 appearanee,可以表示 夕卜表,外貌 ”。【例】 (1) He didn t 即 pear until six.3 / 7他到六点才露面。(2) Why does she appear so sad?她看上去为什么那么忧愁呢?(3) The plane di

10、sappeared in the cloud.飞机在云层里消失。(4)We don t know why he made no appearanee at the office today.我们不知道他今天为什么没到办公室来。(5) The dog is like a wolf in appearanee.这只狗看上去像只狼。7.miss mis vi.错过,遗漏,想念,未达到。可作名词用,表示小姐;失误;避免”。【例】 (1) She overslept and missed the train.她睡过头,误了火车。(2) Goerge missed the point of my joke

11、.乔治没明白我那句笑话的意思。(3) His mother is missing him terribly.他母亲十分想念他。(4) When she read that text, she missed out a few important words.她读课文时漏掉了几个重要的词。(5) He hit the target three times without a miss.他三发三中。(6) Yours was really a lucky miss.你这一次真是幸免。(7) Miss Margaret Green is our English teacher.玛格丽特格林小姐是我们

12、的英语老师。8.search s :t L vt.& vi.搜查搜索,细看,详细调查,穿过,探究。可作名词用。【例】 (1) The professor searched a book for a passage worth quoting.教授在一本书里查找值得引的一段话。(2) I searched my memory but can call what he said.我拼命回忆,可想不起他说了什么。(3) The cold wind searched the streets.寒风吹遍街道的每个角落。(4) It took me three days to search our

13、an old classmate in this town.我花了三天时间才在这镇上找到一位老同学。(5) Medical workers are trying to search into the root of SARS.医学界正在努力探索非典的根源。(6) The old woman travelled all the way to this city in search of her long lost son.那位老妇人大老远地到这个城市来寻找失散已久的儿子。9.clear kl2 vt.& vi.清除,扫除;穿过,越过;为 结关,净得;消失。它可以 作形容词和副词用。【例】

14、 (1) He cleared the pavement of withered leaves.他清除了人行道上的落叶。4 / 7(2) The jumper cleared 2 . 40 metres.这位跳高选手越过了2. 40M。(3) They cleared the ship and were ready to start the voyage.他们为这艘船结了关,准备起航。(4) In this deal she cleared ten thousand yuan.在这笔交易中,她净得一万元。(5) The children cleared out as soon as the n

15、urse made her appearanee.老师一出现,孩子们就跑掉了。(6) I m sorry to have failed to make myself clear.很抱歉,我没把自己的意思讲清楚。(7) The students aren t quite clear about what the teacher meant.学生们不太清楚老师的意思。(8) We have walked three kilometres clear.我们已经足足步行了三公里。Unit14 Have you packed yet?重难点解读(2)关键句型Have you packed yet?I h

16、ave already watered them.What about your bike?Are you ready, Tina?I haven t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.I ll do it in a minute.Have you ever bee n to a con cert?Yes, I have. No, I haven t.What else?It s your job to wash the d ishes.One more thi ng.句型详解1. Have you packed yet?你已经包装好了吗?yet 表示“仍然,还

17、”多用于否定、疑问句中;still“仍然,还”多用于肯定句中;already “已经”多用于肯定句中,在疑问中常用 yet 替换,already 用于疑问或否定句中 表示惊奇。三个词都常与完成时连用。【例】(1) Have you had your lunch yet?你已吃过中饭了吗?( 2) They re still working hard. 他们仍然努力地工作。( 3)They haven t finished their homework yet. 他们还没有完成家庭作业。( 4) Our visitors have come already.来宾已到。( 5) Have you

18、already had breakfast? 难道你吃过早饭了吗?5 / 7( 6) You re not leaving us already, are you? 你不会就要离开我们吧,是不是?2 Have you turned off your radio? 你关掉收音机了吗? turn off 是切断电源的意思,它的反义词是 turn on 。【例】( 1) His mother told him to turn off TV and do his homework. 他母亲叫他关掉电视去做作业。( 2) He turned on the radio as soon as he got

19、home. 他一到家就打开收音机。3 I have so many chores to do today. 我今天有太多的杂活要做。so many “太多”,后跟可数名词的复数形式, so much “大多”后跟不可数名词。【例】( 1)The students have so much homework to do every day. 学生们每天都有太多的家庭作业要做。( 2) The woman had so much sweet food that she became very fat. 那妇女甜食吃得太多,结果变得很胖。( 3) He said he had so many boo

20、ks to read. 他说他有太多的书要读。( 4) Her mother always has so many things to do. 她母亲总有太多的事要做。4.and do some shopping.我要买东西。do some shopping 表示“购物”, do+v.-ing 形式可以构成很多短语。【例】( 1) He often does some reading in the evening. 他经常晚上看点书。( 2) She often helps her mother do some washing.她常帮妈妈洗衣服。( 3) Do you do some clea

21、ning on Sunday?星期天你打扫卫生吗?5.He started telling me about他告诉我有关。start, begin 都表示“开始”,后可跟不定式或动名词作宾语。但主语不是指人而是 指物时,谓语是进行时态时,宾语是感觉或心理活动时,最好用不定式。【例】( 1) When Edison was twelve, he began/started selling newspapers on trains.当爱迪生十二岁时,他就在火车上卖报。( 2) I m starting to cook the dinner.我在开始做饭。( 3) The ice began to

22、melt.冰开始融化。( 4) She started to wonder why a girl was not the same as a man. 她开始想要搞清女子与男子为什么不一样。(5)I started to listen to the other students discuss social problems andsoon I began to take part.我开始听其他学生讨论社会问题,但很快我便开始加入。6 In the past twelve months they ve had three major concerts and made a hit CD 在过去

23、的十二个月里他们举行了三次大型演唱会,出了一盘火暴的CD。for/in the past/last twelve months/years/days/etc. 常与现在完成时态连用。 【例】( 1) For thepast few days he has been ill.几天来他一直生病。( 2) She has been ill for the last three days.6 / 7这三个星期他在生病。( 3) In the past three years we have learned two thousand English words. 三年来我们学了二千个英语单词。7.but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.但我们真希望有一天会有一首轰动的。hope to do sth. “希望做某事”,不能说 hope sb. to do sth.。 some day 指“(将来)某一天”。【例】( 1) We hope to see you again soon.我希望很快见到你。( 2) She hopes to visit Wuhu some day.她希望有一天能访问芜湖。8.We are leaving in an hour.我们一小时后动身。 本句是进行时态表示将来,表示即将发生的动


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