



1、关于幸运的英语作文关于幸运的英语作文Joozone Note: On Luck(好运气论缘分英语作文摘要):我认为运气就在我们 手中。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。有了知识就有好运。下面欣赏此文吧:On Luck(好运气)Nowadayamanypeople believe in luck. They believe it in love, in tests, promotions, etc. I thi nk of luck in many respects. It does not e alone.Luck and opport un ity go hand in hand with h

2、ard work and kno wledge.I wan once assig ned to work deep in the moun tai n. Being from a poorfamily, frie ndless and hav ing no in flue ntialrelative to rely on, I cursedmy luck and let myself drift aimlessly and idled my time away un til oneday I realizcd that I could better myself by work ing bar

3、d at my less onsand excel in academic studies. Un satisfied with my surro undin gs,I couldnot sleep at ni ght. Liste ning to the sound of water rush ing dow n the mountain, I feltI must keep going on just like the water. So I used to get up and read early in themorning whe n it was still dark and qu

4、iet.While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up in mystudy, reading. FromHard work is reward ing. When the college entrance cxam In atl on came,I took it withouthesitati on. Asa result, I disti nguishedmyself in thetest. New I am at college, majori ng in my favorite subject, En ghsh.I thi n

5、k luck is no where to be found but in my own han ds. With heldwork we can be more kno wledgeable and with kno wledge es good luck.论缘作文地带提供翻译:现在,许多人在恋爱、考试或晋升等问题上信缘听命。我认为缘是多方面的, 而不是孤立的。缘或机遇与勤奋和知识紧密相连。我曾经被分在深山工作,由于家境贫寒,无亲无故,无势可仗,便自认倒霉, 随波逐流,直到有一天,我意识到可以通过学业出众来提高自我。对环境的不满使我夜不能寐。听着山间哗哗的流水,我决定要像流水那样奔流不息。凌

6、晨,周 围一片漆黑、寂静,我就起来看书,当别人在睡梦中时,我已在书房读书了。功夫不负有心人。高考来临了,我毫不犹豫地报考,并以优异的成绩考取了 英语专业我认为运气就在我们手中。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。有了知识就 有好运。关于幸运的英语作文一件幸运的事英语作文In rece nt yearshave experie need many times to the exam,but mostimportant,or that time go to school mathematics petition fierce degree, one canparticipate in the peti

7、ti onare the mathematical master school.Just en ter the exam in atio n room,my heart was jumpi ng with fear of tension,exam for the school to lose paper a hair dow n,l was un able to hold on eself back witha few questi on s,they encoun tered took mea long time stillcould not solve wasover,all of a s

8、udden,my mind wentbla nk,palm full of sweat,forehead also n ervously to raise my head and lookaround,see somestudents screwed brows andbrooding,and somelow head in the“ imperfect ions ” in writi ng,all of a sudde n,lthi nkof a word theteacher said: ” you are not problems,others may not. ” I secretly

9、 told myself,must becalm,to their usual level of play out of worked pretty well,my heart gradually calm enough,i n the rest of the time,I slowly restored to the normalstate,the start problem ismuch ,due to the frontof the nervous,too much delay,I haven t had time tocheck,time to.A few days later,dow

10、n,l m lucky a sigh,goo d suspension!最近几年,我经历过很多次考试,但最为紧张的,还是那次去外校参加的数学 竞赛.因为是竞赛,激烈程度可想而知.来参加竞赛的可都是各校的数学高手.刚进考场,我的心便紧张地直跳,生怕考砸了给学校丢脸.卷子一发下来,我 便迫不及待地做起题来.才做了几道题,就遇到难题了 .我花了很长时间还没解出 来.这下子可完了,顿时,我脑子里一片空白,手心里全是汗,额头上也紧张地冒出 汗来.我抬起头,环顾四周,看到有的同学拧着眉头冥思苦想,有的低着头在“沙 沙”地奋笔疾书,突然,我想起老师说过的一句话:“你不会的题,别人也可能不 会.”我暗暗地告诫

11、自己,一定要镇静,把自己平时的水平发挥出来就可以了.这一招还挺管用,我的心渐渐平静下来.果然,在剩下的时间里,我慢慢地恢复到平 时的状态,做起题来也顺手多了 .尽管如此,由于前面的紧张,耽误时间过多,我还 没来得及检查,时间就到了.几天后,成绩下来了,我幸运入围了 .长长地出了一口气,好悬呀!关于幸运的英语作文一件幸运的事英语作文A Letter to a Friend Dear Zhang Wei I m glad to know that you are ing to my cityduring the summer vacation. However I m afraid there s

12、 somebad news. I mplanning to take part in an internationalconferenceto be held in ano ther city duri ngthe time of your visit. All the top scie ntists in my fieldwill show up at the conferen ce. More importa ntly I m lucky eno ugh to have beenselected to give a speech on behalf of my research team

13、at the Conference. I reallycan t miss it. I understandthat it ll be your first time to this city and I myour only friend here. I ve asked myroommate to meet you at the airporta nd you can stay in my room. He is a very niceperson and he will show you around the city.Hopeyou two will get on well and h

14、ave anice holiday Yours Li Ming。给亲爱的一个朋友张伟我很高兴知道你要来我的城市在夏天的假期。不过恐怕有一些坏消息。我计划参加一个国际会议在另一个城市举行在你访问的时间。 所有的顶尖科学家在这个领域将会在会议上出现。更重要的是我很幸运有发表演讲在会议上代表我的研究团队。我真的不能错过它。我知道这将是你第一次到这 个城市,我是你唯一的朋友在这里。我问我的室友在见到你你可以呆在我的房间。 他是一个非常好的人,他会带你参观这个城市。希望你们两个相处得很好和有假 期你的李明。关于幸运的英语作文幸运数字 Lucky NumbersThe lucky-number has b

15、ee increasinglypopular in daily life of modernsociality. For example, the number eight meansbig moneywhich people like most,while the nu mber four means death.Some people believe lucky nu mbers so deeply that they will afford a teleph onewith nu mbers without four and others which is bad in their mind. They argue that thelucky-number really can bring good luck, and, at least, no evide nee testifies they cannot.As far as I am concern ed, there is no such relatio


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