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1、牛津译林版预备课程知识点及习题-Lesson-6-StarterLesson 6 Have nice food 一、重点词汇I.birthday 2.party聚会3 .tomorrow 明天4 .buy 买 5.supermarket 超市6 .drink 饮料 7.sure 确信 8.think考虑,想,认为9.noodle 面条10.want想要ll.cook 煮 12.try 试 13.fruit水果14.juice 橘汁 15.way 为什么16.get 到达 17.very 很 18.table桌子19.tomato 西红柿 20.potato 土豆21.kitchen 厨房 22

2、.give 给23 .beautiful漂亮的24 .then 然后 e 来26.next 其次27.interesting有趣的 28.story 故事 29.sheep 绵阳30 .bread 面包31 .chicken 鸡肉,鸡32.often 经常35 .healthy 正餐 34.dinner 有时36 .sometimes 健康的 二、重要短语举行一个生日晚会1.have a birthdayparty.给某人买2.buy sb sth/ buy sth forsb1.1 'm sure 我确信4 .cook sth for sb为某人做饭5 .a glass of/a c

3、up of.一杯6 .get to school 到达学校7 .in the kitchen在厨房里8 .give sb sth/ give sth to sb给某人某物9 .come in 进来10 .many candies许多糖果11 .tell interesting stories讲有趣的故事12 .play games 玩游戏13 .have a good time/ have fun 玩 的开心14 .many sheep 许多绵羊15 . havebreakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 / 正餐 :16 .drink drinks/

4、soup喝饮料 / 汤17 .have a try 试一试三、重要句型1. let sb do sth让某人做某事,后面的动词用原形。让我放学后和朋友们一起玩游戏吧。Let me play games with friends after school.需要做某need to do sth 需要某物;2.need sth事我需要一些故事书。I need some storybooks.我需要读一些故事书。I need to read some storybooks.3. want / would like sth想要某物;want/wouldlike to do sth想要做某事她想要一些冰淇

5、淋。She wants/would like some icecream.她想要买一些冰淇淋。She wants/would like to buy some ice cream.4. try to do sth= try sb's best to do sth 努力做某事我努力煮面条。I try to cook noodles./ I try my best to cook noodles.5. why not + 动词原形为什么不呢?(表建议或提要求)为什么不和我们一起回家呢?Why not go home with us?6. give sb sth/give sth to sb

6、给某人某物一本新故事书。Jed 我给I give Jed a new storybook./ I give a new storybook to Jed.7. buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb为某人买某物我爸爸为我买了一个风筝。My father buys me a bike. / My father buys a bike for me.8. What do/dose sb have for breakfas/lunch/supper/dinner? 某人.吃什么?你午餐吃什么? / Lily 晚餐吃什么?What do you have for lunch?What d

7、oesLily have for supper?9.Sb have/hasforbreakfas/ lunch/supper/dinner 吃 Mia 早餐吃鸡蛋和牛奶。Mia has eggs and milk for breakfast. 我的父母午餐吃鱼和米饭。My parents have fish lunch.四、 Grammar Points (某人and rice for语法点 )1. some 与 any : some/any + 可数名词复数 / 不可数名词。区别:肯定句中用some ,疑问否定用any ,若是建议、请求与邀请,疑问句中用some.我的妈妈需要一些水。My m

8、other needs some water.My mother doesn't need any water.桌子上有一些书。There are some books on the desk.Are there any books on the desk?你能给我一些苹果吗?Can you give me some apples?你想要一些橙汁吗?Would you like some orange juice?2. 名词的单复数1. 可数名词的复数一般情况下,直接在末 尾加s.cake cakessong songsnoodle noodles book books2. 以 o 结

9、尾的可数名词,有生命的加es,无生命的加s .tomato tomatoes potato potatoesphotos photo radiosradio heroes hero pianopianos es.x, s, sh, ch3.以结尾的可数名词,加glasses glass watches watchbox boxes dish classesdishes class4.以y结尾,y前面是辅音字母的可数名 词,变y为i ,再加es.city cities countrycountriescandy -candies story -stories 5.特殊形式: man men wo

10、man -women foot feettooth -teeth child -childrenfish fishsheep sheep deer deer6. 不可数名词没有复数形式,通常看做单数, 不能与 a/an 连用, 也不能在后面加s,但可以通过容器或计量单位来表示。a box of milk a glass of water apiece of bread a cup of tea a bowlof riceExercise :1. There are many _ ( 土豆 ) , _(西红柿)and (橙子)on the table.2. I have some _(鱼),_

11、(蔬菜)和 _ (米饭)for lunch.3. I see some _ (猴子)and _(熊猫)at thezoo.4. Many _ (孩子)like todrink (果汁).5. How often do you eat (水 果).6. I am good at cooking(面条).7. Millie get a lot of(玩具熊)from her friends on heron thea day.(脚), two(脸).birthday8. There are some_ table.9. We have nine _ 10. A man has two (男人)ha

12、ve twoLesson 6 检测题一、词汇和短语A. 根据句意或中文提示完成单词1 、 There will be a (生日) party forme.2 、 My mother wants to buy some (食物)3 、 Do you like eating a(蛋糕).4 、 I go to the (超市)every day.5 、 What (饮料)do youwant?our school is very big.(认为)We、6.7、Many children likeorange (橘汁).8、Do you have some (水果) like applesever

13、y day.9、She can cook (面条)with you.10 、 It's good for us to have some (牛奶)every day.B. 用所给词的适当形式填空1 .He (want) to have a cupof tea.1 .It's Lucy's birthday tomorrow.I want ( buy ) her a birthdaycake.3 .Look at ( they ) .They arevery happytoday.4 .Would you like to go and play football on t

14、hefootball field with( I )after school.5 .This is easy.Do you want to have a ( try ) .6 .Tea and orange juice are different( drink )7 .Do you like ( cook )?1.1 think the oldman(need) help.9 .Why not (get ) some ice cream?and apples many are10 .There(orange ) 二、单项选择1. ()would you like a glassof juice

15、?A.to have B.to has C.have D.has2. Happy birthday to you !.A.I'm very happy B.You're welcomeC.That's OK D.Thanks a lot.3. do you want to goshopping? After school.A.How B.What C.when D.where4. Have a tryyou willsucceed (成功).ourA.and B.or C.so D.but5. Everyone in our class likes school ver

16、y.A.much B.many C.some D.any6. any men in the room.A.Is there B.have C.Are there D.Has7. Lilyany CDs?Yes ,A.Does,has B.Do,has C.Does,have D.Do, have8. Is this your ball,Nick?D.it is.C.here is s 'B.it A.this is9. Whodog in my class?Many students .A.have,has B.has.hasC.has,haveD.have,have10. MissW

17、ang isEnglishTeacher.is a good teacher.A.our,Her B.my,He C.a,SheD.an,She11. The ball is not.It's.A.mine,his B.me,hisC.my,.him D.his, him12. in the box? Thereare 12 pencils in it.A.What B.What's C.Are thereanypencils D.Are pencils13. Are Tom's pensthe desk? yes,are.A.on,it B.on,they C.in,

18、weD.on,we14. They areteddybears.are brown.A.us,Their B.our theirsC.our,theyD.us,they15. I have a cat,whatyou? I have a cat too.A.of B.do C.about D.on16. 一What's your sister like? She is.A.a teacher B.tall and slimC.wearing a red coat D.riding a bike17. Here some books foryou,Jim.Thanks.A.a B.are

19、 C.am D.have18. This is ruler.Itisn't.A.my,your B.my,yoursC.my,youD.he,hers19. There are girls in theclassroom.,but there aren't boys in it.A.some,any B.some,some C.any,some D.any,any20. is the bike? It'sgrey. A.What colour B.What C.Whose D.How21. is it? It's Lily's.A.What C.What B.WhosecolourD.Wheret know a dog,but I don'22.Iknow (知道)name.D.its.itss,its '


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